Exemplo n.º 1
        void MultithreadedPrediction()
            var dataPath     = GetDataPath(SentimentDataPath);
            var testDataPath = GetDataPath(SentimentTestPath);

            using (var env = new LocalEnvironment(seed: 1, conc: 1))
                // Pipeline
                var loader = TextLoader.ReadFile(env, MakeSentimentTextLoaderArgs(), new MultiFileSource(dataPath));

                var trans = TextTransform.Create(env, MakeSentimentTextTransformArgs(), loader);

                // Train
                var trainer = new LinearClassificationTrainer(env, new LinearClassificationTrainer.Arguments
                    NumThreads = 1

                var cached     = new CacheDataView(env, trans, prefetch: null);
                var trainRoles = new RoleMappedData(cached, label: "Label", feature: "Features");
                var predictor  = trainer.Train(new Runtime.TrainContext(trainRoles));

                var scoreRoles = new RoleMappedData(trans, label: "Label", feature: "Features");
                IDataScorerTransform scorer = ScoreUtils.GetScorer(predictor, scoreRoles, env, trainRoles.Schema);

                // Create prediction engine and test predictions.
                var model = env.CreatePredictionEngine <SentimentData, SentimentPrediction>(scorer);

                // Take a couple examples out of the test data and run predictions on top.
                var testLoader = TextLoader.ReadFile(env, MakeSentimentTextLoaderArgs(), new MultiFileSource(GetDataPath(SentimentTestPath)));
                var testData   = testLoader.AsEnumerable <SentimentData>(env, false);

                Parallel.ForEach(testData, (input) =>
                    lock (model)
                        var prediction = model.Predict(input);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Evaluation()
            var dataPath     = GetDataPath(SentimentDataPath);
            var testDataPath = GetDataPath(SentimentTestPath);

            using (var env = new TlcEnvironment(seed: 1, conc: 1))
                // Pipeline
                var loader = new TextLoader(env, MakeSentimentTextLoaderArgs(), new MultiFileSource(dataPath));

                var trans = TextTransform.Create(env, MakeSentimentTextTransformArgs(), loader);

                // Train
                var trainer = new LinearClassificationTrainer(env, new LinearClassificationTrainer.Arguments
                    NumThreads = 1

                var cached     = new CacheDataView(env, trans, prefetch: null);
                var trainRoles = new RoleMappedData(cached, label: "Label", feature: "Features");
                var predictor  = trainer.Train(new Runtime.TrainContext(trainRoles));
                var scoreRoles = new RoleMappedData(trans, label: "Label", feature: "Features");
                IDataScorerTransform scorer = ScoreUtils.GetScorer(predictor, scoreRoles, env, trainRoles.Schema);

                // Create prediction engine and test predictions.
                var model = env.CreatePredictionEngine <SentimentData, SentimentPrediction>(scorer);

                // Take a couple examples out of the test data and run predictions on top.
                var testLoader = new TextLoader(env, MakeSentimentTextLoaderArgs(), new MultiFileSource(GetDataPath(SentimentTestPath)));
                var testData   = testLoader.AsEnumerable <SentimentData>(env, false);

                var dataEval = new RoleMappedData(scorer, label: "Label", feature: "Features", opt: true);

                var evaluator = new BinaryClassifierMamlEvaluator(env, new BinaryClassifierMamlEvaluator.Arguments()
                var metricsDict = evaluator.Evaluate(dataEval);

                var metrics = BinaryClassificationMetrics.FromMetrics(env, metricsDict["OverallMetrics"], metricsDict["ConfusionMatrix"])[0];
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a data scorer from the 'LoadName{settings}' string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="env">The host environment to use.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The settings string.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The data to score.</param>
        /// <param name="predictor">The predictor to score.</param>
        /// <param name="trainSchema">The training data schema from which the scorer can optionally extract
        /// additional information, e.g., label names. If this is <c>null</c>, no information will be
        /// extracted.</param>
        /// <returns>The scored data.</returns>
        public static IDataScorerTransform CreateScorer(this IHostEnvironment env, string settings,
                                                        RoleMappedData data, Predictor predictor, RoleMappedSchema trainSchema = null)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            env.CheckValue(data, nameof(data));
            env.CheckValue(predictor, nameof(predictor));

            Type factoryType   = typeof(IComponentFactory <IDataView, ISchemaBoundMapper, RoleMappedSchema, IDataScorerTransform>);
            Type signatureType = typeof(SignatureDataScorer);

            ICommandLineComponentFactory scorerFactorySettings = CmdParser.CreateComponentFactory(

            var bindable = ScoreUtils.GetSchemaBindableMapper(env, predictor.Pred, scorerFactorySettings: scorerFactorySettings);
            var mapper   = bindable.Bind(env, data.Schema);

            return(CreateCore <IDataScorerTransform>(env, factoryType, signatureType, settings, data.Data, mapper, trainSchema));
        public void SimpleTrainAndPredict()
            var dataPath     = GetDataPath(SentimentDataPath);
            var testDataPath = GetDataPath(SentimentTestPath);

            using (var env = new TlcEnvironment(seed: 1, conc: 1))
                // Pipeline
                var loader = TextLoader.ReadFile(env, MakeSentimentTextLoaderArgs(), new MultiFileSource(dataPath));

                var trans = TextTransform.Create(env, MakeSentimentTextTransformArgs(), loader);

                // Train
                var trainer = new LinearClassificationTrainer(env, new LinearClassificationTrainer.Arguments
                    NumThreads = 1

                var cached     = new CacheDataView(env, trans, prefetch: null);
                var trainRoles = new RoleMappedData(cached, label: "Label", feature: "Features");
                var predictor  = trainer.Train(new Runtime.TrainContext(trainRoles));

                var scoreRoles = new RoleMappedData(trans, label: "Label", feature: "Features");
                IDataScorerTransform scorer = ScoreUtils.GetScorer(predictor, scoreRoles, env, trainRoles.Schema);

                // Create prediction engine and test predictions.
                var model = env.CreatePredictionEngine <SentimentData, SentimentPrediction>(scorer);

                // Take a couple examples out of the test data and run predictions on top.
                var testLoader = TextLoader.ReadFile(env, MakeSentimentTextLoaderArgs(), new MultiFileSource(GetDataPath(SentimentTestPath)));
                var testData   = testLoader.AsEnumerable <SentimentData>(env, false);
                foreach (var input in testData.Take(5))
                    var prediction = model.Predict(input);
                    // Verify that predictions match and scores are separated from zero.
                    Assert.Equal(input.Sentiment, prediction.Sentiment);
                    Assert.True(input.Sentiment && prediction.Score > 1 || !input.Sentiment && prediction.Score < -1);
        private static IDataTransform Create(IHostEnvironment env, Arguments args, ITrainer trainer, IDataView input, IComponentFactory <IPredictor, ISchemaBindableMapper> mapperFactory)
            Contracts.AssertValue(env, nameof(env));
            env.AssertValue(args, nameof(args));
            env.AssertValue(trainer, nameof(trainer));
            env.AssertValue(input, nameof(input));

            var host = env.Register("TrainAndScoreTransform");

            using (var ch = host.Start("Train"))
                ch.Trace("Constructing trainer");
                var    customCols = TrainUtils.CheckAndGenerateCustomColumns(env, args.CustomColumn);
                string feat;
                string group;
                var    data      = CreateDataFromArgs(ch, input, args, out feat, out group);
                var    predictor = TrainUtils.Train(host, ch, data, trainer, null,
                                                    args.Calibrator, args.MaxCalibrationExamples, null);

                return(ScoreUtils.GetScorer(args.Scorer, predictor, input, feat, group, customCols, env, data.Schema, mapperFactory));
        internal FieldAwareFactorizationMachinePredictionTransformer(IHostEnvironment host, ModelLoadContext ctx)
            : base(Contracts.CheckRef(host, nameof(host)).Register(nameof(FieldAwareFactorizationMachinePredictionTransformer)), ctx)
            // *** Binary format ***
            // <base info>
            // ids of strings: feature columns.
            // float: scorer threshold
            // id of string: scorer threshold column

            // count of feature columns. FAFM uses more than one.
            int featCount = Model.FieldCount;

            var featureColumns     = new string[featCount];
            var featureColumnTypes = new DataViewType[featCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < featCount; i++)
                featureColumns[i] = ctx.LoadString();
                if (!TrainSchema.TryGetColumnIndex(featureColumns[i], out int col))
                    throw Host.ExceptSchemaMismatch(nameof(FeatureColumns), "feature", featureColumns[i]);
                featureColumnTypes[i] = TrainSchema[col].Type;
            FeatureColumns     = featureColumns;
            FeatureColumnTypes = featureColumnTypes;

            _threshold       = ctx.Reader.ReadSingle();
            _thresholdColumn = ctx.LoadString();

            BindableMapper = ScoreUtils.GetSchemaBindableMapper(Host, Model);

            var schema = GetSchema();
            var args   = new BinaryClassifierScorer.Arguments {
                Threshold = _threshold, ThresholdColumn = _thresholdColumn

            Scorer = new BinaryClassifierScorer(Host, args, new EmptyDataView(Host, TrainSchema), BindableMapper.Bind(Host, schema), schema);
Exemplo n.º 7
        void Metacomponents()
            var dataPath = GetDataPath(IrisDataPath);

            using (var env = new TlcEnvironment())
                var loader  = new TextLoader(env, MakeIrisTextLoaderArgs(), new MultiFileSource(dataPath));
                var term    = new TermTransform(env, loader, "Label");
                var concat  = new ConcatTransform(env, term, "Features", "SepalLength", "SepalWidth", "PetalLength", "PetalWidth");
                var trainer = new Ova(env, new Ova.Arguments
                    PredictorType = new SimpleComponentFactory <ITrainer <IPredictorProducing <float> > >
                        (e) => new FastTreeBinaryClassificationTrainer(e, new FastTreeBinaryClassificationTrainer.Arguments())

                IDataView trainData  = trainer.Info.WantCaching ? (IDataView) new CacheDataView(env, concat, prefetch: null) : concat;
                var       trainRoles = new RoleMappedData(trainData, label: "Label", feature: "Features");

                // Auto-normalization.
                NormalizeTransform.CreateIfNeeded(env, ref trainRoles, trainer);
                var predictor = trainer.Train(new Runtime.TrainContext(trainRoles));

                var scoreRoles = new RoleMappedData(concat, label: "Label", feature: "Features");
                IDataScorerTransform scorer = ScoreUtils.GetScorer(predictor, scoreRoles, env, trainRoles.Schema);

                var keyToValue = new KeyToValueTransform(env, scorer, "PredictedLabel");
                var model      = env.CreatePredictionEngine <IrisData, IrisPrediction>(keyToValue);

                var testLoader = new TextLoader(env, MakeIrisTextLoaderArgs(), new MultiFileSource(dataPath));
                var testData   = testLoader.AsEnumerable <IrisData>(env, false);
                foreach (var input in testData.Take(20))
                    var prediction = model.Predict(input);
                    Assert.True(prediction.PredictedLabel == input.Label);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static Output Score(IHostEnvironment env, Input input)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            var host = env.Register("ScoreModel");

            host.CheckValue(input, nameof(input));
            EntryPointUtils.CheckInputArgs(host, input);

            IPredictor     predictor;
            var            inputData = input.Data;
            RoleMappedData data;

            input.PredictorModel.PrepareData(host, inputData, out data, out predictor);

            IDataView scoredPipe;

            using (var ch = host.Start("Creating scoring pipeline"))
                ch.Trace("Creating pipeline");
                var bindable = ScoreUtils.GetSchemaBindableMapper(host, predictor, scorerSettings: null);

                var mapper = bindable.Bind(host, data.Schema);
                var scorer = ScoreUtils.GetScorerComponent(mapper);
                scorer.SubComponentSettings = string.Format("suffix={{{0}}}", input.Suffix);
                scoredPipe = scorer.CreateInstance(host, data.Data, mapper, input.PredictorModel.GetTrainingSchema(host));

                (new Output
                ScoredData = scoredPipe,
                ScoringTransform = new TransformModel(host, scoredPipe, inputData)
Exemplo n.º 9
    void Start()
        leaderboardMesh = GetComponent <tk2dTextMesh>();

        string[] leaderboard = ScoreUtils.getLeaderboard();

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        for (int i = 1; i <= leaderboard.Length; i++)
            string position = i.ToString();
            position = position.PadRight(18 - position.Length, ' ');
            string[] userData   = leaderboard[i - 1].Split('_');
            string   playerName = userData[0];
            playerName = playerName.PadRight(19, ' ');
            string playerScore = userData[1];

            sb.Append(position + playerName + playerScore + "\n");

        leaderboardMesh.text = sb.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 10
        void DecomposableTrainAndPredict()
            var dataPath = GetDataPath(IrisDataPath);

            using (var env = new TlcEnvironment())
                var loader  = TextLoader.ReadFile(env, MakeIrisTextLoaderArgs(), new MultiFileSource(dataPath));
                var term    = TermTransform.Create(env, loader, "Label");
                var concat  = new ConcatTransform(env, "Features", "SepalLength", "SepalWidth", "PetalLength", "PetalWidth").Transform(term);
                var trainer = new SdcaMultiClassTrainer(env, new SdcaMultiClassTrainer.Arguments {
                    MaxIterations = 100, Shuffle = true, NumThreads = 1

                IDataView trainData  = trainer.Info.WantCaching ? (IDataView) new CacheDataView(env, concat, prefetch: null) : concat;
                var       trainRoles = new RoleMappedData(trainData, label: "Label", feature: "Features");

                // Auto-normalization.
                NormalizeTransform.CreateIfNeeded(env, ref trainRoles, trainer);
                var predictor = trainer.Train(new Runtime.TrainContext(trainRoles));

                var scoreRoles = new RoleMappedData(concat, label: "Label", feature: "Features");
                IDataScorerTransform scorer = ScoreUtils.GetScorer(predictor, scoreRoles, env, trainRoles.Schema);

                // Cut out term transform from pipeline.
                var newScorer  = ApplyTransformUtils.ApplyAllTransformsToData(env, scorer, loader, term);
                var keyToValue = new KeyToValueTransform(env, "PredictedLabel").Transform(newScorer);
                var model      = env.CreatePredictionEngine <IrisDataNoLabel, IrisPrediction>(keyToValue);

                var testLoader = TextLoader.ReadFile(env, MakeIrisTextLoaderArgs(), new MultiFileSource(dataPath));
                var testData   = testLoader.AsEnumerable <IrisDataNoLabel>(env, false);
                foreach (var input in testData.Take(20))
                    var prediction = model.Predict(input);
                    Assert.True(prediction.PredictedLabel == "Iris-setosa");
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void TestXGBoostMultiClassification()
            var methodName   = string.Format("{0}", System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
            var dataFilePath = FileHelper.GetTestFile("iris.txt");

            var outData  = FileHelper.GetOutputFile("outData1.txt", methodName);
            var outData2 = FileHelper.GetOutputFile("outData2.txt", methodName);

            var env    = EnvHelper.NewTestEnvironment();
            var loader = env.CreateLoader("Text{col=Label:R4:0 col=Features:R4:1-4 header=+}",
                                          new MultiFileSource(dataFilePath));

            var            roles   = env.CreateExamples(loader, "Features", "Label");
            var            trainer = EnvHelper.CreateTrainer <XGBoostMulticlassTrainer>(env, "exgbmc{iter=10}");
            IDataTransform pred    = null;

            using (var ch = env.Start("Train"))
                var model = trainer.Train(new TrainContext(roles));
                pred = ScoreUtils.GetScorer(model, roles, env, roles.Schema);

            var outputDataFilePath = FileHelper.GetOutputFile("outputDataFilePath.txt", methodName);

            EnvHelper.SavePredictions(env, pred, outputDataFilePath);

            var outModelFilePath = FileHelper.GetOutputFile("outModelFilePath.zip", methodName);

            EnvHelper.SaveModel(env, pred, outModelFilePath);

            var d1 = File.ReadAllText(outputDataFilePath);

            Assert.IsTrue(d1.Length > 0);
        public static IDataTransform Create(IHostEnvironment env, Arguments args, IDataView input)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            env.CheckUserArg(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args.InputModelFile), nameof(args.InputModelFile), "The input model file is required.");

            IPredictor       predictor;
            RoleMappedSchema trainSchema = null;

            using (var file = env.OpenInputFile(args.InputModelFile))
                using (var strm = file.OpenReadStream())
                    using (var rep = RepositoryReader.Open(strm, env))
                        ModelLoadContext.LoadModel <IPredictor, SignatureLoadModel>(env, out predictor, rep, ModelFileUtils.DirPredictor);
                        trainSchema = ModelFileUtils.LoadRoleMappedSchemaOrNull(env, rep);

            string feat = TrainUtils.MatchNameOrDefaultOrNull(env, input.Schema,
                                                              nameof(args.FeatureColumn), args.FeatureColumn, DefaultColumnNames.Features);
            string group = TrainUtils.MatchNameOrDefaultOrNull(env, input.Schema,
                                                               nameof(args.GroupColumn), args.GroupColumn, DefaultColumnNames.GroupId);
            var customCols = TrainUtils.CheckAndGenerateCustomColumns(env, args.CustomColumn);

            return(ScoreUtils.GetScorer(args.Scorer, predictor, input, feat, group, customCols, env, trainSchema));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public FieldAwareFactorizationMachinePredictionTransformer(IHostEnvironment host, FieldAwareFactorizationMachinePredictor model, Schema trainSchema,
                                                                   string[] featureColumns, float threshold = 0f, string thresholdColumn = DefaultColumnNames.Score)
            : base(Contracts.CheckRef(host, nameof(host)).Register(nameof(FieldAwareFactorizationMachinePredictionTransformer)), model, trainSchema)
            Host.CheckNonEmpty(thresholdColumn, nameof(thresholdColumn));
            _threshold       = threshold;
            _thresholdColumn = thresholdColumn;

            Host.CheckValue(featureColumns, nameof(featureColumns));
            int featCount = featureColumns.Length;

            Host.Check(featCount >= 0, "Empty features column.");

            FeatureColumns     = featureColumns;
            FeatureColumnTypes = new ColumnType[featCount];

            int i = 0;

            foreach (var feat in featureColumns)
                if (!trainSchema.TryGetColumnIndex(feat, out int col))
                    throw Host.ExceptSchemaMismatch(nameof(featureColumns), RoleMappedSchema.ColumnRole.Feature.Value, feat);
                FeatureColumnTypes[i++] = trainSchema.GetColumnType(col);

            BindableMapper = ScoreUtils.GetSchemaBindableMapper(Host, model);

            var schema = GetSchema();
            var args   = new BinaryClassifierScorer.Arguments {
                Threshold = _threshold, ThresholdColumn = _thresholdColumn

            Scorer = new BinaryClassifierScorer(Host, args, new EmptyDataView(Host, trainSchema), BindableMapper.Bind(Host, schema), schema);
Exemplo n.º 14
        protected ScorerWrapper <TModel> MakeScorerBasic(TModel predictor, RoleMappedData data)
            var scorer = ScoreUtils.GetScorer(predictor, data, _env, data.Schema);

            return((TTransformer)(new ScorerWrapper <TModel>(_env, scorer, predictor, data.Schema.Feature.Name)));
Exemplo n.º 15
        void CrossValidation()
            var dataPath     = GetDataPath(SentimentDataPath);
            var testDataPath = GetDataPath(SentimentTestPath);

            int numFolds = 5;

            using (var env = new TlcEnvironment(seed: 1, conc: 1))
                // Pipeline.
                var loader = new TextLoader(env, MakeSentimentTextLoaderArgs(), new MultiFileSource(dataPath));

                var       text  = TextTransform.Create(env, MakeSentimentTextTransformArgs(false), loader);
                IDataView trans = new GenerateNumberTransform(env, text, "StratificationColumn");
                // Train.
                var trainer = new LinearClassificationTrainer(env, new LinearClassificationTrainer.Arguments
                    NumThreads           = 1,
                    ConvergenceTolerance = 1f

                var metrics = new List <BinaryClassificationMetrics>();
                for (int fold = 0; fold < numFolds; fold++)
                    IDataView trainPipe = new RangeFilter(env, new RangeFilter.Arguments()
                        Column     = "StratificationColumn",
                        Min        = (Double)fold / numFolds,
                        Max        = (Double)(fold + 1) / numFolds,
                        Complement = true
                    }, trans);
                    trainPipe = new OpaqueDataView(trainPipe);
                    var trainData = new RoleMappedData(trainPipe, label: "Label", feature: "Features");
                    // Auto-normalization.
                    NormalizeTransform.CreateIfNeeded(env, ref trainData, trainer);
                    var preCachedData = trainData;
                    // Auto-caching.
                    if (trainer.Info.WantCaching)
                        var prefetch  = trainData.Schema.GetColumnRoles().Select(kc => kc.Value.Index).ToArray();
                        var cacheView = new CacheDataView(env, trainData.Data, prefetch);
                        // Because the prefetching worked, we know that these are valid columns.
                        trainData = new RoleMappedData(cacheView, trainData.Schema.GetColumnRoleNames());

                    var       predictor = trainer.Train(new Runtime.TrainContext(trainData));
                    IDataView testPipe  = new RangeFilter(env, new RangeFilter.Arguments()
                        Column     = "StratificationColumn",
                        Min        = (Double)fold / numFolds,
                        Max        = (Double)(fold + 1) / numFolds,
                        Complement = false
                    }, trans);
                    testPipe = new OpaqueDataView(testPipe);
                    var pipe = ApplyTransformUtils.ApplyAllTransformsToData(env, preCachedData.Data, testPipe, trainPipe);

                    var testRoles = new RoleMappedData(pipe, trainData.Schema.GetColumnRoleNames());

                    IDataScorerTransform scorer = ScoreUtils.GetScorer(predictor, testRoles, env, testRoles.Schema);

                    BinaryClassifierMamlEvaluator eval = new BinaryClassifierMamlEvaluator(env, new BinaryClassifierMamlEvaluator.Arguments()
                    var dataEval    = new RoleMappedData(scorer, testRoles.Schema.GetColumnRoleNames(), opt: true);
                    var dict        = eval.Evaluate(dataEval);
                    var foldMetrics = BinaryClassificationMetrics.FromMetrics(env, dict["OverallMetrics"], dict["ConfusionMatrix"]);
        private static IDataScorerTransform _TrainSentiment()
            bool normalize = true;

            var args = new TextLoader.Arguments()
                Separator = "tab",
                HasHeader = true,
                Column    = new[]
                    new TextLoader.Column("Label", DataKind.BL, 0),
                    new TextLoader.Column("SentimentText", DataKind.Text, 1)

            var args2 = new TextFeaturizingEstimator.Arguments()
                Column = new TextFeaturizingEstimator.Column
                    Name   = "Features",
                    Source = new[] { "SentimentText" }
                KeepDiacritics       = false,
                KeepPunctuations     = false,
                TextCase             = TextNormalizingEstimator.CaseNormalizationMode.Lower,
                OutputTokens         = true,
                StopWordsRemover     = new PredefinedStopWordsRemoverFactory(),
                VectorNormalizer     = normalize ? TextFeaturizingEstimator.TextNormKind.L2 : TextFeaturizingEstimator.TextNormKind.None,
                CharFeatureExtractor = new NgramExtractingTransformer.NgramExtractorArguments()
                    NgramLength = 3, AllLengths = false
                WordFeatureExtractor = new NgramExtractingTransformer.NgramExtractorArguments()
                    NgramLength = 2, AllLengths = true

            var trainFilename = FileHelper.GetTestFile("wikipedia-detox-250-line-data.tsv");

            using (var env = EnvHelper.NewTestEnvironment(seed: 1, conc: 1))
                // Pipeline
                var loader = TextLoader.ReadFile(env, args, new MultiFileSource(trainFilename));

                var trans = TextFeaturizingEstimator.Create(env, args2, loader);

                // Train
                var trainer = new SdcaBinaryTrainer(env, new SdcaBinaryTrainer.Arguments
                    NumThreads    = 1,
                    LabelColumn   = "Label",
                    FeatureColumn = "Features"

                var cached    = new CacheDataView(env, trans, prefetch: null);
                var predictor = trainer.Train(cached);

                var trainRoles = new RoleMappedData(cached, label: "Label", feature: "Features");
                var scoreRoles = new RoleMappedData(trans, label: "Label", feature: "Features");
                return(ScoreUtils.GetScorer(predictor.Model, scoreRoles, env, trainRoles.Schema));
Exemplo n.º 17
        private void Run(IChannel ch)
            ILegacyDataLoader loader  = null;
            IPredictor        rawPred = null;
            IDataView         view;
            RoleMappedSchema  trainSchema = null;

            if (_model == null && _predictiveModel == null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ImplOptions.InputModelFile))
                    loader      = CreateLoader();
                    rawPred     = null;
                    trainSchema = null;
                    Host.CheckUserArg(ImplOptions.LoadPredictor != true, nameof(ImplOptions.LoadPredictor),
                                      "Cannot be set to true unless " + nameof(ImplOptions.InputModelFile) + " is also specified.");
                    LoadModelObjects(ch, _loadPredictor, out rawPred, true, out trainSchema, out loader);

                view = loader;
            else if (_model != null)
                view = _model.Apply(Host, new EmptyDataView(Host, _model.InputSchema));
                view        = _predictiveModel.TransformModel.Apply(Host, new EmptyDataView(Host, _predictiveModel.TransformModel.InputSchema));
                rawPred     = _predictiveModel.Predictor;
                trainSchema = _predictiveModel.GetTrainingSchema(Host);

            // Create the ONNX context for storing global information
            var assembly    = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            var versionInfo = System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(assembly.Location);
            var ctx         = new OnnxContextImpl(Host, _name, ProducerName, versionInfo.FileVersion,
                                                  ModelVersion, _domain, ImplOptions.OnnxVersion);

            // Get the transform chain.
            IDataView source;
            IDataView end;
            LinkedList <ITransformCanSaveOnnx> transforms;

            GetPipe(ctx, ch, view, out source, out end, out transforms);
            Host.Assert(transforms.Count == 0 || transforms.Last.Value == end);

            // If we have a predictor, try to get the scorer for it.
            if (rawPred != null)
                RoleMappedData data;
                if (trainSchema != null)
                    data = new RoleMappedData(end, trainSchema.GetColumnRoleNames());
                    // We had a predictor, but no roles stored in the model. Just suppose
                    // default column names are OK, if present.
                    data = new RoleMappedData(end, DefaultColumnNames.Label,
                                              DefaultColumnNames.Features, DefaultColumnNames.GroupId, DefaultColumnNames.Weight, DefaultColumnNames.Name, opt: true);

                var scorePipe = ScoreUtils.GetScorer(rawPred, data, Host, trainSchema);
                var scoreOnnx = scorePipe as ITransformCanSaveOnnx;
                if (scoreOnnx?.CanSaveOnnx(ctx) == true)
                    Host.Assert(scorePipe.Source == end);
                    end = scorePipe;

                    if (rawPred.PredictionKind == PredictionKind.BinaryClassification || rawPred.PredictionKind == PredictionKind.MulticlassClassification)
                        // Check if the PredictedLabel Column is a KeyDataViewType and has KeyValue Annotations.
                        // If it does, add a KeyToValueMappingTransformer, to enable NimbusML to get the values back
                        // when using an ONNX model, as described in https://github.com/dotnet/machinelearning/pull/4841
                        var predictedLabelColumn = scorePipe.Schema.GetColumnOrNull(DefaultColumnNames.PredictedLabel);
                        if (predictedLabelColumn.HasValue && HasKeyValues(predictedLabelColumn.Value))
                            var outputData = new KeyToValueMappingTransformer(Host, DefaultColumnNames.PredictedLabel).Transform(scorePipe);
                            end = outputData;
                            transforms.AddLast(outputData as ITransformCanSaveOnnx);
                    Contracts.CheckUserArg(_loadPredictor != true,
                                           nameof(Arguments.LoadPredictor), "We were explicitly told to load the predictor but we do not know how to save it as ONNX.");
                    ch.Warning("We do not know how to save the predictor as ONNX. Ignoring.");
                Contracts.CheckUserArg(_loadPredictor != true,
                                       nameof(Arguments.LoadPredictor), "We were explicitly told to load the predictor but one was not present.");

            // Convert back to values the KeyDataViewType "pass-through" columns
            // (i.e those that remained untouched by the model). This is done to enable NimbusML to get these values
            // as described in https://github.com/dotnet/machinelearning/pull/4841

            var passThroughColumnNames = GetPassThroughKeyDataViewTypeColumnsNames(source, end);

            foreach (var name in passThroughColumnNames)
                var outputData = new KeyToValueMappingTransformer(Host, name).Transform(end);
                end = outputData;
                transforms.AddLast(end as ITransformCanSaveOnnx);

            var model = ConvertTransformListToOnnxModel(ctx, ch, source, end, transforms, _inputsToDrop, _outputsToDrop);

            using (var file = Host.CreateOutputFile(_outputModelPath))
                using (var stream = file.CreateWriteStream())

            if (_outputJsonModelPath != null)
                using (var file = Host.CreateOutputFile(_outputJsonModelPath))
                    using (var stream = file.CreateWriteStream())
                        using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream))
                            var parsedJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(model.ToString());
                            writer.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parsedJson, Formatting.Indented));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ImplOptions.OutputModelFile))
                Contracts.Assert(loader != null);

                ch.Trace("Saving the data pipe");
                // Should probably include "end"?
                SaveLoader(loader, ImplOptions.OutputModelFile);
Exemplo n.º 18
        private void Run(IChannel ch)
            IDataLoader      loader  = null;
            IPredictor       rawPred = null;
            IDataView        view;
            RoleMappedSchema trainSchema = null;

            if (_model == null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Args.InputModelFile))
                    loader      = CreateLoader();
                    rawPred     = null;
                    trainSchema = null;
                    Host.CheckUserArg(Args.LoadPredictor != true, nameof(Args.LoadPredictor),
                                      "Cannot be set to true unless " + nameof(Args.InputModelFile) + " is also specifified.");
                    LoadModelObjects(ch, _loadPredictor, out rawPred, true, out trainSchema, out loader);

                view = loader;
                view = _model.Apply(Host, new EmptyDataView(Host, _model.InputSchema));

            // Get the transform chain.
            IDataView source;
            IDataView end;
            LinkedList <ITransformCanSaveOnnx> transforms;

            GetPipe(ch, view, out source, out end, out transforms);
            Host.Assert(transforms.Count == 0 || transforms.Last.Value == end);

            var assembly    = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            var versionInfo = System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(assembly.Location);

            var ctx = new OnnxContextImpl(Host, _name, ProducerName, versionInfo.FileVersion,
                                          ModelVersion, _domain);

            // If we have a predictor, try to get the scorer for it.
            if (rawPred != null)
                RoleMappedData data;
                if (trainSchema != null)
                    data = RoleMappedData.Create(end, trainSchema.GetColumnRoleNames());
                    // We had a predictor, but no roles stored in the model. Just suppose
                    // default column names are OK, if present.
                    data = TrainUtils.CreateExamplesOpt(end, DefaultColumnNames.Label,
                                                        DefaultColumnNames.Features, DefaultColumnNames.GroupId, DefaultColumnNames.Weight, DefaultColumnNames.Name);

                var scorePipe = ScoreUtils.GetScorer(rawPred, data, Host, trainSchema);
                var scoreOnnx = scorePipe as ITransformCanSaveOnnx;
                if (scoreOnnx?.CanSaveOnnx == true)
                    Host.Assert(scorePipe.Source == end);
                    end = scorePipe;
                    Contracts.CheckUserArg(_loadPredictor != true,
                                           nameof(Arguments.LoadPredictor), "We were explicitly told to load the predictor but we do not know how to save it as ONNX.");
                    ch.Warning("We do not know how to save the predictor as ONNX. Ignoring.");
                Contracts.CheckUserArg(_loadPredictor != true,
                                       nameof(Arguments.LoadPredictor), "We were explicitly told to load the predictor but one was not present.");

            HashSet <string> inputColumns = new HashSet <string>();

            //Create graph inputs.
            for (int i = 0; i < source.Schema.ColumnCount; i++)
                string colName = source.Schema.GetColumnName(i);
                if (_inputsToDrop.Contains(colName))

                ctx.AddInputVariable(source.Schema.GetColumnType(i), colName);

            //Create graph nodes, outputs and intermediate values.
            foreach (var trans in transforms)

            //Add graph outputs.
            for (int i = 0; i < end.Schema.ColumnCount; ++i)
                if (end.Schema.IsHidden(i))

                var idataviewColumnName = end.Schema.GetColumnName(i);;
                if (_outputsToDrop.Contains(idataviewColumnName) || _inputsToDrop.Contains(idataviewColumnName))

                var variableName = ctx.TryGetVariableName(idataviewColumnName);
                if (variableName != null)
                    ctx.AddOutputVariable(end.Schema.GetColumnType(i), variableName);

            var model = ctx.MakeModel();

            if (_outputModelPath != null)
                using (var file = Host.CreateOutputFile(_outputModelPath))
                    using (var stream = file.CreateWriteStream())

            if (_outputJsonModelPath != null)
                using (var file = Host.CreateOutputFile(_outputJsonModelPath))
                    using (var stream = file.CreateWriteStream())
                        using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream))
                            var parsedJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(model.ToString());
                            writer.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parsedJson, Formatting.Indented));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Args.OutputModelFile))
                Contracts.Assert(loader != null);

                ch.Trace("Saving the data pipe");
                // Should probably include "end"?
                SaveLoader(loader, Args.OutputModelFile);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a scorer to compute the predictions of a trainer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="predictor">predictor</param>
 /// <param name="data">data</param>
 /// <param name="env">host</param>
 /// <param name="trainSchema">training schema</param>
 /// <returns>scorer</returns>
 public IDataScorerTransform GetScorer(IPredictor predictor, RoleMappedData data, IHostEnvironment env, RoleMappedSchema trainSchema = null)
     return(ScoreUtils.GetScorer(predictor, data, env, trainSchema));
Exemplo n.º 20
 void Start()
Exemplo n.º 21
        private void Run(IChannel ch)
            IDataLoader      loader;
            IPredictor       rawPred;
            RoleMappedSchema trainSchema;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Args.InputModelFile))
                loader      = CreateLoader();
                rawPred     = null;
                trainSchema = null;
                Host.CheckUserArg(Args.LoadPredictor != true, nameof(Args.LoadPredictor),
                                  "Cannot be set to true unless " + nameof(Args.InputModelFile) + " is also specifified.");
                LoadModelObjects(ch, _loadPredictor, out rawPred, true, out trainSchema, out loader);

            // Get the transform chain.
            IDataView source;
            IDataView end;
            LinkedList <ITransformCanSavePfa> transforms;

            GetPipe(ch, loader, out source, out end, out transforms);
            Host.Assert(transforms.Count == 0 || transforms.Last.Value == end);

            // If we have a predictor, try to get the scorer for it.
            if (rawPred != null)
                RoleMappedData data;
                if (trainSchema != null)
                    data = new RoleMappedData(end, trainSchema.GetColumnRoleNames());
                    // We had a predictor, but no roles stored in the model. Just suppose
                    // default column names are OK, if present.
                    data = new RoleMappedData(end, DefaultColumnNames.Label,
                                              DefaultColumnNames.Features, DefaultColumnNames.GroupId, DefaultColumnNames.Weight, DefaultColumnNames.Name, opt: true);

                var scorePipe = ScoreUtils.GetScorer(rawPred, data, Host, trainSchema);
                var scorePfa  = scorePipe as ITransformCanSavePfa;
                if (scorePfa?.CanSavePfa == true)
                    Host.Assert(scorePipe.Source == end);
                    end = scorePipe;
                    Contracts.CheckUserArg(_loadPredictor != true,
                                           nameof(Arguments.LoadPredictor), "We were explicitly told to load the predictor but we do not know how to save it as PFA.");
                    ch.Warning("We do not know how to save the predictor as PFA. Ignoring.");
                Contracts.CheckUserArg(_loadPredictor != true,
                                       nameof(Arguments.LoadPredictor), "We were explicitly told to load the predictor but one was not present.");

            var ctx = new BoundPfaContext(Host, source.Schema, _inputsToDrop, allowSet: _allowSet);

            foreach (var trans in transforms)

            var toExport = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < end.Schema.ColumnCount; ++i)
                if (end.Schema.IsHidden(i))
                var name = end.Schema.GetColumnName(i);
                if (_outputsToDrop.Contains(name))
                if (!ctx.IsInput(name) || _keepInput)
            JObject pfaDoc = ctx.Finalize(end.Schema, toExport.ToArray());

            if (_name != null)
                pfaDoc["name"] = _name;

            if (_outputModelPath == null)
                ch.Info(MessageSensitivity.Schema, pfaDoc.ToString(_formatting));
                using (var file = Host.CreateOutputFile(_outputModelPath))
                    using (var stream = file.CreateWriteStream())
                        using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream))

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Args.OutputModelFile))
                ch.Trace("Saving the data pipe");
                // Should probably include "end"?
                SaveLoader(loader, Args.OutputModelFile);
Exemplo n.º 22
 public void setScore(int id, int score)
     score_texts[id].text = ScoreUtils.FixedScoreString(id, score);
     scores[id]           = score;
Exemplo n.º 23
        private void Run(IChannel ch)
            ILegacyDataLoader loader  = null;
            IPredictor        rawPred = null;
            IDataView         view;
            RoleMappedSchema  trainSchema = null;

            if (_model == null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ImplOptions.InputModelFile))
                    loader      = CreateLoader();
                    rawPred     = null;
                    trainSchema = null;
                    Host.CheckUserArg(ImplOptions.LoadPredictor != true, nameof(ImplOptions.LoadPredictor),
                                      "Cannot be set to true unless " + nameof(ImplOptions.InputModelFile) + " is also specifified.");
                    LoadModelObjects(ch, _loadPredictor, out rawPred, true, out trainSchema, out loader);

                view = loader;
                view = _model.Apply(Host, new EmptyDataView(Host, _model.InputSchema));

            // Create the ONNX context for storing global information
            var assembly    = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            var versionInfo = System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(assembly.Location);
            var ctx         = new OnnxContextImpl(Host, _name, ProducerName, versionInfo.FileVersion,
                                                  ModelVersion, _domain, ImplOptions.OnnxVersion);

            // Get the transform chain.
            IDataView source;
            IDataView end;
            LinkedList <ITransformCanSaveOnnx> transforms;

            GetPipe(ctx, ch, view, out source, out end, out transforms);
            Host.Assert(transforms.Count == 0 || transforms.Last.Value == end);

            // If we have a predictor, try to get the scorer for it.
            if (rawPred != null)
                RoleMappedData data;
                if (trainSchema != null)
                    data = new RoleMappedData(end, trainSchema.GetColumnRoleNames());
                    // We had a predictor, but no roles stored in the model. Just suppose
                    // default column names are OK, if present.
                    data = new RoleMappedData(end, DefaultColumnNames.Label,
                                              DefaultColumnNames.Features, DefaultColumnNames.GroupId, DefaultColumnNames.Weight, DefaultColumnNames.Name, opt: true);

                var scorePipe = ScoreUtils.GetScorer(rawPred, data, Host, trainSchema);
                var scoreOnnx = scorePipe as ITransformCanSaveOnnx;
                if (scoreOnnx?.CanSaveOnnx(ctx) == true)
                    Host.Assert(scorePipe.Source == end);
                    end = scorePipe;
                    Contracts.CheckUserArg(_loadPredictor != true,
                                           nameof(Arguments.LoadPredictor), "We were explicitly told to load the predictor but we do not know how to save it as ONNX.");
                    ch.Warning("We do not know how to save the predictor as ONNX. Ignoring.");
                Contracts.CheckUserArg(_loadPredictor != true,
                                       nameof(Arguments.LoadPredictor), "We were explicitly told to load the predictor but one was not present.");

            var model = ConvertTransformListToOnnxModel(ctx, ch, source, end, transforms, _inputsToDrop, _outputsToDrop);

            using (var file = Host.CreateOutputFile(_outputModelPath))
                using (var stream = file.CreateWriteStream())

            if (_outputJsonModelPath != null)
                using (var file = Host.CreateOutputFile(_outputJsonModelPath))
                    using (var stream = file.CreateWriteStream())
                        using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream))
                            var parsedJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(model.ToString());
                            writer.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parsedJson, Formatting.Indented));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ImplOptions.OutputModelFile))
                Contracts.Assert(loader != null);

                ch.Trace("Saving the data pipe");
                // Should probably include "end"?
                SaveLoader(loader, ImplOptions.OutputModelFile);