Exemplo n.º 1
 public static IList<IFieldElement> GetDisposableFieldsThatHaveNotBeenDisposed(ScopeResolveResult resolveResult, ISourceFile scope, IClassElement iClassElement, out IIfStatement parentIfDisposing)
     parentIfDisposing = null;
       IList<IFieldElement> disposableFields = new List<IFieldElement>();
       foreach (IElement child in iClassElement.AllChildren)
     if (child.FirstFile == null)
     // fix for partial classes
     if (child.FirstFile.Name != scope.Name)
     IFieldElement iBaseVariable = child as IFieldElement;
     if (iBaseVariable != null)
       if (CanAnalyseAsDisposable(iBaseVariable) &&
     iBaseVariable.Is("System.IDisposable") && !IsDisposed(resolveResult, iClassElement, iBaseVariable))
       if (parentIfDisposing == null)
     IMethodElement iMethodElement = child as IMethodElement;
     if (iMethodElement != null && iMethodElement.Name == STR_Dispose && iMethodElement.Parameters.Count == 1)
       string paramName = iMethodElement.Parameters[0].Name;
       foreach (IElement potentialStatement in iMethodElement.AllChildren)
         IIfStatement iIfStatement = potentialStatement as IIfStatement;
         if (iIfStatement != null)
           IExpression condition = iIfStatement.Condition;
           if (condition != null && (condition.Name == paramName || (condition is ILogicalOperationExpression && (condition as ILogicalOperationExpression).LeftSide.Name == paramName)))
             // We have found the "if (disposing)" block of code!
             parentIfDisposing = iIfStatement;
       return disposableFields;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static bool PassedIntoDifferentDisposeMethod(ScopeResolveResult resolveResult, IElement parent, IElement reference)
            if (parent == null || reference == null)
            return false;

              if (parent.ElementType != LanguageElementType.MethodCall && parent.ElementType != LanguageElementType.MethodCallExpression)
            return false;

              IWithArguments withArguments = parent as IWithArguments;
              if (withArguments == null)
            return false;

              int argumentIndex = withArguments.Args.IndexOf(reference as IExpression);
              if (argumentIndex < 0)
            return false;

              IWithParameters declaration = GetDeclaration(resolveResult, parent);
              if (declaration == null)
            return false;

              if (declaration.Parameters.Count < argumentIndex)
            return false;

              IParameterElement param = declaration.Parameters[argumentIndex];
              if (param == null)
            return false;

              IElementCollection references = param.FindAllReferences(param.ParentMethod);
              foreach (IElement paramReference in references)
            IElement referenceParent = paramReference.Parent;
            IWithSource referenceParentWithSource = referenceParent as IWithSource;
            if (referenceParentWithSource == null)

            if (referenceParentWithSource.Source == paramReference)
              if (referenceParent.Name == STR_Dispose)
            return true;
              return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
 private static IWithParameters GetDeclaration(ScopeResolveResult resolveResult, IElement parent)
     IWithParameters declaration = null;
       if (resolveResult != null)
     ReferenceDeclarationMapping mapping = resolveResult.GetReferenceDeclarationMapping();
     if (mapping != null)
       declaration = mapping[parent] as IWithParameters;
       if (declaration == null)
     declaration = parent.GetDeclaration(false) as IWithParameters;
     declaration = parent.GetDeclaration(false) as IWithParameters;
       return declaration;
Exemplo n.º 4
 private static bool IsDisposed(ScopeResolveResult resolveResult, IClassElement scope, IFieldElement field)
     if (scope == null || field == null)
     return false;
       IElementCollection references = field.FindAllReferences(scope);
       foreach (IElement reference in references)
     IElement parent = reference.Parent;
     if (parent != null)
       IWithSource withSource = parent as IWithSource;
       if (withSource != null)
     if (withSource.Source == reference)
       if (parent.Name == STR_Dispose)
         IMethodElement parentMethod = reference.ParentMethod;
         if (parentMethod != null && parentMethod.Name == STR_Dispose)
           return true;
       // B188310
       if (IsAddedToControls(parent))
     return true;
       if (ComponentsInstancePassedIntoConstructor(resolveResult, parent))
     return true;
       if (PassedIntoDifferentDisposeMethod(resolveResult, parent, reference))
     return true;
       return false;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static bool ComponentsInstancePassedIntoConstructor(ScopeResolveResult resolveResult, IElement parent)
            IAssignmentStatement assignment = parent as IAssignmentStatement;
              if (assignment == null)
            return false;

              IObjectCreationExpression objectCreationExp = assignment.Expression as IObjectCreationExpression;
              if (objectCreationExp == null)
            return false;

              if (objectCreationExp.Arguments.Count != 1)
            return false;

              IElementReferenceExpression referenceExp = objectCreationExp.Arguments[0] as IElementReferenceExpression;
              if (referenceExp == null)
            return false;

              if (referenceExp.Name != "components")
            return false;

              if (resolveResult != null)
            ReferenceDeclarationMapping mapping = resolveResult.GetReferenceDeclarationMapping();
            if (mapping != null)
              IHasType declaration = mapping[referenceExp] as IHasType;
              if (declaration != null && declaration.Type != null)
            IElement typeDeclaration = mapping[declaration.Type];
            if (typeDeclaration != null)
              return typeDeclaration.FullName == "System.ComponentModel.IContainer";

              // NOTE: true by default, assuming that components is the corrent reference...
              return true;