Exemplo n.º 1
        public void SetStyle(ScintillaText c)
            c.SetStyleFore(0, 0x00808080);   // whitespace
            c.SetStyleFore(1, 0x00007F00);   // code comments
            c.SetStyleFore(2, 0x000000FF);   // numeric constants
            c.SetStyleFore(3, 0x00000080);   // " style string literals
            c.SetStyleFore(4, 0x00000080);   // ' style string literals
            c.SetStyleFore(5, 0x00800000);   // keyword
            c.SetStyleFore(6, 0x007F0000);   // ''' strings
            c.SetStyleFore(7, 0x007F0000);   // """ strings
            c.SetStyleFore(8, 0x00007F7F);   // class declaration name
            c.SetStyleFore(9, 0x00007F7F);   // function declarations
            c.SetStyleFore(10, 0x007F007F);  // operators
            c.SetStyleFore(11, 0x00000000);  // identifiers
            c.SetStyleBold(5, true);
            c.SetStyleBold(10, true);
            c.SetStyleItalic(1, true);

            c.Lexer = Lexer.Python;

                          "def lambda class return yield try raise except pass for while if else elif break continue " +
                          "global as import finally exec del print in is assert from and not or None"
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void SetStyle(ScintillaText c)
            c.SetStyleFore(1, 0x00888888);      // comments
            c.SetStyleFore(2, 0x00888888);      // line comments
            c.SetStyleFore(3, 0x0);             // doc comments (?)
            c.SetStyleFore(4, 0x00FF00FF);      // numeric constants
            c.SetStyleFore(5, 0x00FF0000);      // kewords
            c.SetStyleBold(5, true);
            c.SetStyleFore(6, 0x00FF8888);      // string literal
            c.SetStyleFore(7, 0);
            c.SetStyleFore(10, 0x00008800);
            c.SetStyleItalic(2, true);
            c.SetStyleBold(10, true);

            c.SetKeyWords(0, "if else do while switch case " +            // flow control
                          "void int uint string char byte bool object " + // intrinsic types
                          "decimal enum float double sbyte short long ushort ulong " +
                          "using namespace as " +                         // namespace stuff
                          "ref out params " +
                          "interface class struct public delegate event " +
                          "public private protected internal " +
                          "sealed unsafe abstract base this virtual override static const " + // classes
                          "extern new true false sizeof typeof " +                            // misc
                          "stackalloc is foreach " +
                          "return break continue goto default " +
                          "try catch throw finally " +
                          "checked unchecked " +
                          "implicit explicit operator " +
                          "add remove set get " +
                          "null value "


            c.Lexer = Scintilla.Lexer.Cpp;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void SetStyle(ScintillaText c)
            c.SetStyleFore(0, 0x00808080);   // whitespace
            c.SetStyleFore(1, 0x00007F00);   // code comments
            c.SetStyleItalic(1, true);
            c.SetStyleFont(1, "Comic Sans MS");
            c.SetStyleFore(2, 0x00008800);   // numeric constants
            c.SetStyleFont(2, "Verdana");
            c.SetStyleFore(3, 0x00000080);   // " style string literals
            c.SetStyleFont(3, "Courier New");
            c.SetStyleFore(4, 0x00000080);   // ' style string literals
            c.SetStyleFont(4, "Courier New");
            c.SetStyleFore(5, 0x00800000);   // keyword
            c.SetStyleFont(5, "Verdana");
            c.SetStyleBold(5, true);
            c.SetStyleFore(6, 0x007F0000);   // ''' strings
            c.SetStyleFont(6, "Courier New");
            c.SetStyleFore(7, 0x007F0000);   // """ strings
            c.SetStyleFont(7, "Courier New");
            c.SetStyleFore(8, 0x00007F7F);   // class declaration name
            c.SetStyleFont(8, "Verdana");
            c.SetStyleFore(9, 0x00007F7F);   // function declarations
            c.SetStyleFont(9, "Verdana");
            c.SetStyleFore(10, 0x007F007F);  // operators
            c.SetStyleFont(10, "Verdana");
            c.SetStyleBold(10, true);
            c.SetStyleFore(11, 0x00000000);  // identifiers
            c.SetStyleFont(11, "Verdana");

            c.Lexer = Lexer.Python;

                          "def lambda class return yield try raise except pass for while if else elif break continue " +
                          "global as import finally exec del print in is assert from and not or None True False"

            c.SetMarginWidth(0, 10);
            c.SetMarginType(0, Margin.Symbol);
            c.SetMarginSensitivity(0, true);
            c.SetMarginMask(0, MarginMask.MaskFolders);

            c.Fold = true;
#if false
            c.set_Property("fold", "1");

            MarkNum[] marknum = new MarkNum[] {
                MarkNum.FolderOpen, MarkNum.Folder, MarkNum.FolderSub,
                MarkNum.FolderTail, MarkNum.FolderEnd,
                MarkNum.FolderOpenMid, MarkNum.FolderMidTail

            Mark[][] styles = new Mark[][] {
                new Mark[] { Mark.Minus, Mark.Plus, Mark.Empty, Mark.Empty, Mark.Empty, Mark.Empty, Mark.Empty },
                new Mark[] { Mark.CircleMinus, Mark.CirclePlus, Mark.VLine, Mark.LCornerCurve, Mark.CirclePlusConnected, Mark.CircleMinusConnected, Mark.TCornerCurve },
                new Mark[] { Mark.BoxMinus, Mark.BoxPlus, Mark.VLine, Mark.LCorner, Mark.BoxPlusConnected, Mark.BoxMinusConnected, Mark.TCorner }

            for (int i = 0; i < marknum.Length; i++)
                c.MarkerDefine((int)marknum[i], (int)(styles[2][i]));