Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// End the trace by setting it no longer alive (and make the next cycle void) ending the trace at a given location.
 /// The trace is stored at the tracejournal as:
 /// * trace
 /// * casualty (via the perishQuietly method)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="perishlocation">The location where the current trace is ended.</param>
 public void perish(Scientrace.Location perish_location)
     this.endloc = perish_location;
     Scientrace.TraceJournal tj = TraceJournal.Instance;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void addObjectRevenues()
     Scientrace.TraceJournal tj = Scientrace.TraceJournal.Instance;
     foreach (PhysicalObject3d o3d in tj.registeredPerformanceObjects)
         this.objectRevenues.Add(o3d, o3d.getRevenue());
        public string spotSVGForWavelength(Scientrace.Vector location, double radius, double wavelength, double opacity)
            Scientrace.TraceJournal tj = TraceJournal.Instance;
<circle cx='" + location.x + "' cy='" + location.y + "' r='" + radius + "' style='" +
                   "fill:" + tj.wavelengthToRGB(wavelength) + ";fill-opacity:" + opacity + @";stroke:none'>
<title>" + wavelength + @"nm</title>
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void setTraceJournalProperties(XElement xconfig)
            Scientrace.TraceJournal tj = Scientrace.TraceJournal.Instance;
            long   ticks     = (DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - DateTime.Parse("01/01/1970 00:00:00").Ticks) / 10000000;
            string timestamp = ticks.ToString();

            tj.config_id = this.X.getXString(xconfig.Attribute("ConfigID"), "g" + timestamp);
            Scientrace.Trace.support_polarisation = this.X.getXBool(xconfig, "PolarisationSupport",     //default language UK English, but also check US English for def. val.
                                                                    this.X.getXBool(xconfig, "PolarizationSupport", true));

            if (this.X.hasAttribute(xconfig, "ConfigDescription"))
                //Console.WriteLine("Config_ID: "+this.X.getXString(xconfig.Attribute("ConfigID")));
                tj.config_description = this.X.getXString(xconfig.Attribute("ConfigDescription"));
            if (this.X.hasAttribute(xconfig, "TimeStamp"))
                tj.timestamp = this.X.getXString(xconfig.Attribute("TimeStamp"));
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// End the trace by setting it no longer alive and thereby making the next cycle void.
 /// The trace is stored at the tracejournal as:
 /// * casualty
 /// To also store the trace as a recorded trace, use the "perish(perish_location)" method.
 /// </summary>
 public void perishQuietly()
     this.alive = false;
     Scientrace.TraceJournal tj = TraceJournal.Instance;
     tj.recordCasualty(new Spot(this.endloc, this.currentObject, this.intensity, this.intensityFraction(), this));
 public TraceJournalExportable(TraceJournal aTraceJournal)
     this.tj = aTraceJournal;