Exemplo n.º 1
    public async void SciMouseDwellStarted(SciCode doc, int pos8, bool isDiag)
        var pi = Panels.Info;

        if (!pi.Visible)
            pi = null;
        if (isDiag && pi == null)

        if (pos8 <= 0)
            pi?.ZSetAboutInfo(); return;

        int pos16 = doc.Pos16(pos8);

        if (!CodeInfo.GetContextAndDocument(out var cd, pos16))
            pi?.ZSetAboutInfo(cd.metaEnd > 0); return;

        var context = new QuickInfoContext(cd.document, pos16, default);

        var provider = new CSharpSemanticQuickInfoProvider();
        //var r = await provider.GetQuickInfoAsync(context); //not async
        var r = await Task.Run(async() => await provider.GetQuickInfoAsync(context));

        if (r == null)
            pi?.ZSetAboutInfo(); return;

        //AOutput.Write(r.Span, r.RelatedSpans);

        var b = new StringBuilder("<body><div>");

        CiUtil.TagsToKindAndAccess(r.Tags, out var kind, out var access);
        if (kind != CiItemKind.None)
            if (access != default)
                b.AppendFormat("<img src='@a{0}' style='padding-top: 6px' />", (int)access);
            b.AppendFormat("<img src='@k{0}' style='padding-top: 2px' />", (int)kind);

        //bool hasDocComm = false;
        //QuickInfoSection descr = null;
        POINT excRange = default, retRange = default;
Exemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Called every 250 ms while editor is visible.
    /// </summary>
    public void Timer250msWhenVisibleAndWarm(SciCode doc)
        //We use SCLEX_NULL. If SCLEX_CONTANER, Scintilla sends too many notifications, particularly if folding used too.
        //To detect when need styling and folding we use 'opened' and 'modified' events and 250 ms timer.
        //When modified, we do styling for the modified line(s). It is faster but unreliable, eg does not update new/deleted identifiers.
        //The timer does styling and folding for all visible lines. It is slower but updates everything after modified, scrolled, resized, folded, etc.
        //When opened, we do styling for all visible lines; folding for all lines, because may need to restore saved contracted fold points.

        if (_cancelTS != null || (_modTimer?.IsRunning ?? false))
        if (doc != _doc || _update)
            if (doc != _doc)
                _DocChanged(doc, false);
                _update = false;
            Sci_GetStylingInfo(doc.SciPtr, 8 | 4, out var si);             //fast
            if (si.visibleFromLine < _visibleLines.Start.Value || si.visibleToLine > _visibleLines.End.Value)
                _StylingAndFolding(doc);                 //all visible
            else if (_diagCounter > 0 && --_diagCounter == 0)
                CodeInfo._diag.Indicators(doc.Pos16(si.visibleFrom), doc.Pos16(si.visibleTo));