Exemplo n.º 1
 private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //shows the data for the School table which matches the searched for School name
     if (comboBox1.Text == "School Name")
         SchoolDBAccess sdba = new SchoolDBAccess(db);
         string         name = searchBox.Text;
     //shows the data for the School table which matches the searched for School Location
     else if (comboBox1.Text == "Location")
         SchoolDBAccess sdba     = new SchoolDBAccess(db);
         string         location = searchBox.Text;
     //Shows all the data for the School table when the 'View' button is clicked
     else if (comboBox1.Text == "Show All")
         SchoolDBAccess sdba = new SchoolDBAccess(db);
     //If there's a problem. Display an error message and return to the main menu
         new MainApp(db).Show();
Exemplo n.º 2
        //When the user changes the selected combobox index
        private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Clear the data in the second combobox
            //Switch the selected table
            switch (comboBox1.Text)
            //If the selected table is this value: populate the second combobox with these values
            case "Bookings": comboBox2.Items.Add("Name"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Paid"); InnerJoinDBAccess booking = new InnerJoinDBAccess(db); createTableToShowBookings(booking.GetAllBooking()); break;

            case "Bus": comboBox2.Items.Add("Driver"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Route"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Time"); BusDBAccess BusdbAcess = new BusDBAccess(db); createTableToShowBus(BusdbAcess.getAllBus()); break;

            case "Cancellation": comboBox2.Items.Add("Reason"); CancellationDBAccess cdba = new CancellationDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowCancellation(cdba.getAllCancellation()); break;

            case "Children": comboBox2.Items.Add("Child Name"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Age"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Medical Problems"); ChildrenDBAccess chdba = new ChildrenDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowChildren(chdba.GetAllChildren()); break; break;

            case "Parent": comboBox2.Items.Add("Parent Name"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Parent Phone"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Parent Email"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Parent Address"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Parent Occupation"); ParentDBAccess pdba = new ParentDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowParent(pdba.SelectAllParents()); break;

            case "Schools": comboBox2.Items.Add("School Name"); comboBox2.Items.Add("School Location"); comboBox2.Items.Add("School Number"); SchoolDBAccess sdba = new SchoolDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowSchools(sdba.getAllSchools()); break;

            case "Staff": comboBox2.Items.Add("Staff Name"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Staff Voluntary"); StaffDBAccess stdba = new StaffDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowStaff(stdba.getAllStaff()); break;

            case "Parent & Child": comboBox2.Items.Add("Parent Name"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Child Name"); InnerJoinDBAccess injdba = new InnerJoinDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowChildAndParent(injdba.GetChildAndParent()); break;
Exemplo n.º 3
        //The constrcutor has the database and selected table passed in
        public SearchForm(Database db, string WhichTable)
            this.db = db;
            //Assign which table is being selected
            Table = WhichTable;
            //Makes border disappear and the form curved
            this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
            Region = System.Drawing.Region.FromHrgn(CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, Width, Height, 20, 20));
            //Fill the combo boxes
            comboBox1.Text = Table;

            //Check the selected table
            switch (Table)
            //If it's this table. Fill the grid with data from the chosen database table
            case "Parent & Child": InnerJoinDBAccess parentChild = new InnerJoinDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowChildAndParent(parentChild.GetChildAndParent()); break;

            case "Bookings": InnerJoinDBAccess booking = new InnerJoinDBAccess(db); createTableToShowBookings(booking.GetAllBooking()); break;

            case "Bus": BusDBAccess BusdbAcess = new BusDBAccess(db); createTableToShowBus(BusdbAcess.getAllBus()); break;

            case "Cancellation": CancellationDBAccess cdba = new CancellationDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowCancellation(cdba.getAllCancellation()); break;

            case "Children": ChildrenDBAccess chdba = new ChildrenDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowChildren(chdba.GetAllChildren()); break;

            case "Parent": ParentDBAccess pdba = new ParentDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowParent(pdba.SelectAllParents()); break;

            case "Schools": SchoolDBAccess sdba = new SchoolDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowSchools(sdba.getAllSchools()); break;

            case "Staff": StaffDBAccess stdba = new StaffDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowStaff(stdba.getAllStaff()); break;
Exemplo n.º 4
        //When the label is clicked, the table will update to show all the data for schools
        private void label1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SchoolDBAccess sdba = new SchoolDBAccess(db);
