Exemplo n.º 1
        // Init is called on startup.
        public override void Init()
            _initWindowWidth  = Width;
            _initWindowHeight = Height;

            _initCanvasWidth  = Width / 100f;
            _initCanvasHeight = Height / 100f;

            _canvasHeight = _initCanvasHeight;
            _canvasWidth  = _initCanvasWidth;

            _aspectRatio = Width / (float)Height;

            // Set the clear color for the back buffer to white (100% intensity in all color channels R, G, B, A).
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);

            // Create the robot model
            _scene = CreateScene();

            // Wrap a SceneRenderer around the model.
            _sceneRenderer = new SceneRenderer(_scene);
            _scenePicker   = new ScenePicker(_scene);

            var projComp = _scene.Children[0].GetComponent <ProjectionComponent>();

            AddResizeDelegate(delegate { projComp.Resize(Width, Height); });

            _gui = CreateGui();
            // Create the interaction handler
            _sih         = new SceneInteractionHandler(_gui);
            _guiRenderer = new SceneRenderer(_gui);
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Init is called on startup.
        public override void Init()
            _initWindowWidth  = Width;
            _initWindowHeight = Height;
            if (_canvasRenderMode == CanvasRenderMode.Screen)
                _initCanvasWidth  = Width / 100f;
                _initCanvasHeight = Height / 100f;
                _initCanvasWidth  = 16;
                _initCanvasHeight = 9;
            _canvasHeight = _initCanvasHeight;
            _canvasWidth  = _initCanvasWidth;

            var fontLato = AssetStorage.Get <Font>("Lato-Black.ttf");

            _fontMap1 = new FontMap(fontLato, 8);
            _fontMap  = new FontMap(fontLato, 24);

            // Set the clear color for the back buffer to white (100% intensity in all color channels R, G, B, A).
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);

            _bltDestinationTex = new Texture(AssetStorage.Get <ImageData>("townmusicians.jpg"));
            var bltScrTex = new Texture(AssetStorage.Get <ImageData>("censored_79_16.png"));

            _bltDestinationTex.Blt(180, 225, bltScrTex);

            _btnCanvas = new GUIButton
                Name = "Canvas_Button"
            _btnCanvas.OnMouseUp    += OnBtnCanvasUp;
            _btnCanvas.OnMouseDown  += OnBtnCanvasDown;
            _btnCanvas.OnMouseEnter += OnBtnCanvasEnter;
            _btnCanvas.OnMouseExit  += OnBtnCanvasExit;
            _btnCanvas.OnMouseOver  += OnMouseOverBtnCanvas;

            _btnCat = new GUIButton
                Name = "Cat_Button"
            _btnCat.OnMouseUp    += OnBtnCatUp;
            _btnCat.OnMouseDown  += OnBtnCatDown;
            _btnCat.OnMouseEnter += OnBtnCatEnter;
            _btnCat.OnMouseExit  += OnBtnCatExit;
            _btnCat.OnMouseOver  += OnMouseOverBtnCat;

            // Set the scene by creating a scene graph
            _scene = CreateNineSliceScene();

            // Create the interaction handler
            _sih = new SceneInteractionHandler(_scene);

            // Wrap a SceneRenderer around the model.
            _sceneRenderer = new SceneRendererForward(_scene);
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Init is called on startup.
        public override void Init()
            _gui = CreateGui();

            // Create the interaction handler
            _sih = new SceneInteractionHandler(_gui);

            // Set the clear color for the backbuffer to white (100% intensity in all color channels R, G, B, A).
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);

            // Load the rocket model
            _rocketScene = AssetStorage.Get <SceneContainer>("FUSEERocket.fus");

            // Wrap a SceneRenderer around the model.
            _sceneRenderer = new SceneRendererForward(_rocketScene);
            _guiRenderer   = new SceneRendererForward(_gui);
Exemplo n.º 4
        // Init is called on startup.
        public override void Init()
            _gui = CreateGui();

            // Create the interaction handler
            _sih = new SceneInteractionHandler(_gui);

            // Set the clear color for the backbuffer to white (100% intensity in all color channels R, G, B, A).
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);

            // Load the rocket model
            _rocketScene = AssetStorage.Get <SceneContainer>("RocketFus.fus");

            // Wrap a SceneRenderer around the model.
            _sceneRenderer = new SceneRendererForward(_rocketScene);
            _guiRenderer   = new SceneRendererForward(_gui);

            rocketTransform = _rocketScene.Children[0].GetTransform();

            FusToWpfEvents?.Invoke(this, new StartupInfoEvent(VSync));
Exemplo n.º 5
        // Init is called on startup.
        public override void Init()
            _gui = CreateGui();
            Resize(new ResizeEventArgs(Width, Height));
            // Create the interaction handler
            _sih = new SceneInteractionHandler(_gui);

            // Set the clear color for the backbuffer to white (100% intensity in all color channels R, G, B, A).
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);

            // Load the rocket model
            _rocketScene = AssetStorage.Get <SceneContainer>("FUSEERocket.fus");

            //Add resize delegate
            var projComp = _rocketScene.Children[0].GetComponent <ProjectionComponent>();

            AddResizeDelegate(delegate { projComp.Resize(Width, Height); });

            // Wrap a SceneRenderer around the model.
            _sceneRenderer = new SceneRenderer(_rocketScene);
            _guiRenderer   = new SceneRenderer(_gui);
Exemplo n.º 6
        // Init is called on startup.
        public override void Init()
            _initCanvasWidth  = Width / 100f;
            _initCanvasHeight = Height / 100f;

            _canvasHeight = _initCanvasHeight;
            _canvasWidth  = _initCanvasWidth;

            // Set the clear color for the back buffer to white (100% intensity in all color channels R, G, B, A).
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);

            // Create the robot model
            _scene = CreateScene();

            // Wrap a SceneRenderer around the model.
            _sceneRenderer = new SceneRendererForward(_scene);
            _scenePicker   = new ScenePicker(_scene);

            _gui = CreateGui();
            // Create the interaction handler
            _sih         = new SceneInteractionHandler(_gui);
            _guiRenderer = new SceneRendererForward(_gui);
Exemplo n.º 7
        // Init is called on startup.
        public override void Init()
            if (_canvasRenderMode == CanvasRenderMode.Screen)
                UserInterfaceHelper.CanvasWidthInit  = Width / 100f;
                UserInterfaceHelper.CanvasHeightInit = Height / 100f;
                UserInterfaceHelper.CanvasHeightInit = 16;
                UserInterfaceHelper.CanvasWidthInit  = 9;

            _canvasHeight = UserInterfaceHelper.CanvasHeightInit;
            _canvasWidth  = UserInterfaceHelper.CanvasWidthInit;

            _uiInput = new List <UserInterfaceInput>();

            _initWidth  = Width;
            _initHeight = Height;

            //_scene = BuildScene();
            _scene = AssetStorage.Get <SceneContainer>("Monkey.fus");

            var monkey = _scene.Children[0].GetComponent <Mesh>();

            // Check if rnd was injected (render tests inject a seeded random)
            if (rnd == null)
                rnd = new Random();

            var numberOfTriangles = monkey.Triangles.Length / 3;

            //Create dummy positions on model
            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfAnnotations; i++)
                int triangleNumber = rnd.Next(1, numberOfTriangles);
                int triIndex       = (triangleNumber - 1) * 3;

                float3 triVert0 = monkey.Vertices[monkey.Triangles[triIndex]];
                float3 triVert1 = monkey.Vertices[monkey.Triangles[triIndex + 1]];
                float3 triVert2 = monkey.Vertices[monkey.Triangles[triIndex + 2]];

                float3 middle = (triVert0 + triVert1 + triVert2) / 3;

                float2 circleCanvasPos      = new(middle.x, middle.y);
                float2 circleCanvasPosCache = new(0, 0);

                float prob = (float)rnd.NextDouble();
                prob = (float)System.Math.Round(prob, 3);
                string dummyClass = UserInterfaceHelper.DummySegmentationClasses[rnd.Next(0, UserInterfaceHelper.DummySegmentationClasses.Count - 1)];

                UserInterfaceHelper.AnnotationKind annotationKind = (UserInterfaceHelper.AnnotationKind)rnd.Next(0, Enum.GetNames(typeof(UserInterfaceHelper.AnnotationKind)).Length);

                UserInterfaceInput input = new(annotationKind, middle, new float2(0.65f, 0.65f), dummyClass, prob)
                    Identifier           = i,
                    CircleCanvasPos      = circleCanvasPos,
                    CircleCanvasPosCache = circleCanvasPosCache


            _gui = CreateGui();

            // Create the interaction handler
            _sih = new SceneInteractionHandler(_gui);

            //Create a scene picker for performing visibility tests
            _scenePicker = new ScenePicker(_scene);

            // Set the clear color for the back buffer to white (100% intensity in all color channels R, G, B, A).
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1);

            // Wrap a SceneRenderer around the model.
            _sceneRenderer = new SceneRendererForward(_scene);
            _guiRenderer   = new SceneRendererForward(_gui);
Exemplo n.º 8
        // Init is called on startup.
        public override void Init()
            _initCanvasWidth  = Width / 100f;
            _initCanvasHeight = Height / 100f;

            _canvasHeight = _initCanvasHeight;
            _canvasWidth  = _initCanvasWidth;

            // Initial "Zoom" value (it's rather the distance in view direction, not the camera's focal distance/opening angle)
            _zoom = 400;

            _angleRoll        = 0;
            _angleRollInit    = 0;
            _twoTouchRepeated = false;
            _offset           = float2.Zero;
            _offsetInit       = float2.Zero;

            // Set the clear color for the back buffer to white (100% intensity in all color channels R, G, B, A).
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);

            // Load the standard model
            _scene = AssetStorage.Get <SceneContainer>(ModelFile);

            _gui = CreateGui();
            // Create the interaction handler
            _sih = new SceneInteractionHandler(_gui);

            // Register the input devices that are not already given.
            _gamePad = GetDevice <GamePadDevice>(0);

            AABBCalculator aabbc = new AABBCalculator(_scene);
            var            bbox  = aabbc.GetBox();

            if (bbox != null)
                // If the model origin is more than one third away from its bounding box,
                // recenter it to the bounding box. Do this check individually per dimension.
                // This way, small deviations will keep the model's original center, while big deviations
                // will make the model rotate around its geometric center.
                float3 bbCenter = bbox.Value.Center;
                float3 bbSize   = bbox.Value.Size;
                float3 center   = float3.Zero;
                if (System.Math.Abs(bbCenter.x) > bbSize.x * 0.3)
                    center.x = bbCenter.x;
                if (System.Math.Abs(bbCenter.y) > bbSize.y * 0.3)
                    center.y = bbCenter.y;
                if (System.Math.Abs(bbCenter.z) > bbSize.z * 0.3)
                    center.z = bbCenter.z;
                _sceneCenter = float4x4.CreateTranslation(-center);

                // Adjust the model size
                float maxScale = System.Math.Max(bbSize.x, System.Math.Max(bbSize.y, bbSize.z));
                if (maxScale != 0)
                    _sceneScale = float4x4.CreateScale(200.0f / maxScale);
                    _sceneScale = float4x4.Identity;

            // Wrap a SceneRenderer around the model.
            _sceneRenderer = new SceneRendererForward(_scene);
            _guiRenderer   = new SceneRendererForward(_gui);
Exemplo n.º 9
        // Init is called on startup.
        public override void Init()
            _camTransform = new Transform()
                Scale       = float3.One,
                Translation = float3.Zero

            _gui = CreateGui();

            // Create the interaction handler
            _sih = new SceneInteractionHandler(_gui);

            // Set the clear color for the backbuffer to white (100% intensity in all color channels R, G, B, A).
            _campComp.BackgroundColor = _backgroundColorDay = _backgroundColor = new float4(0.8f, 0.9f, 1, 1);
            _backgroundColorNight     = new float4(0, 0, 0.05f, 1);

            // Load the rocket model
            _rocketScene = AssetStorage.Get <SceneContainer>("sponza.fus");
            //_rocketScene = AssetStorage.Get<SceneContainer>("sponza_wo_textures.fus");
            //_rocketScene = AssetStorage.Get<Scene>("shadowTest.fus");

            //Add lights to the scene
            _sun = new Light()
                Type = LightType.Parallel, Color = new float4(0.99f, 0.9f, 0.8f, 1), Active = true, Strength = 1f, IsCastingShadows = true, Bias = 0.0f
            var redLight = new Light()
                Type = LightType.Point, Color = new float4(1, 0, 0, 1), MaxDistance = 150, Active = true, IsCastingShadows = false, Bias = 0.015f
            var blueLight = new Light()
                Type = LightType.Spot, Color = new float4(0, 0, 1, 1), MaxDistance = 900, Active = true, OuterConeAngle = 25, InnerConeAngle = 5, IsCastingShadows = true, Bias = 0.000040f
            var greenLight = new Light()
                Type = LightType.Point, Color = new float4(0, 1, 0, 1), MaxDistance = 600, Active = true, IsCastingShadows = true, Bias = 0f

            _sunTransform = new Transform()
                Translation = new float3(0, 2000, 0), Rotation = new float3(M.DegreesToRadians(90), 0, 0), Scale = new float3(500, 500, 500)

            var aLotOfLights = new ChildList
                new SceneNode()
                    Name       = "sun",
                    Components = new List <SceneComponent>()
                    //Children = new ChildList()
                    //    new SceneNode()
                    //    {
                    //        s = new List<Scene>()
                    //        {
                    //            new Transform
                    //            {
                    //                Scale = float3.One/2f
                    //            },
                    //            new Cube()
                    //        }
                    //    }
                new SceneNode()
                    Name       = "blueLight",
                    Components = new List <SceneComponent>()
                        new Transform()
                            Translation = new float3(-600, 180, 180), Rotation = new float3(M.DegreesToRadians(180), 0, 0)
                new SceneNode()
                    Name       = "redLight1",
                    Components = new List <SceneComponent>()
                        new Transform()
                            Translation = new float3(-600, 180, 180)
                new SceneNode()
                    Name       = "redLight2",
                    Components = new List <SceneComponent>()
                        new Transform()
                            Translation = new float3(-600, 180, -140)
                new SceneNode()
                    Name       = "redLight3",
                    Components = new List <SceneComponent>()
                        new Transform()
                            Translation = new float3(500, 180, 180)
                new SceneNode()
                    Name       = "redLight4",
                    Components = new List <SceneComponent>()
                        new Transform()
                            Translation = new float3(500, 180, -140)
                new SceneNode()
                    Name       = "greenLight",
                    Components = new List <SceneComponent>()
                        new Transform()
                            Translation = new float3(0, 100, 150)

            _rocketScene.Children.Add(new SceneNode()
                Name     = "Light",
                Children = aLotOfLights

                new SceneNode()
                Name       = "Cam",
                Components = new List <SceneComponent>()

            // Wrap a SceneRenderer around the scene.
            _sceneRenderer = new SceneRendererDeferred(_rocketScene);

            // Wrap a SceneRenderer around the GUI.
            _guiRenderer = new SceneRendererForward(_gui);
Exemplo n.º 10
        // Init is called on startup.
        public override void Init()
            VSync = false;

            _mainCam.Viewport        = new float4(0, 0, 100, 100);
            _mainCam.BackgroundColor = new float4(0f, 0f, 0f, 1);
            _mainCam.Layer           = -1;

            _sndCam.Viewport        = new float4(60, 60, 40, 40);
            _sndCam.BackgroundColor = new float4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1);
            _sndCam.Layer           = 10;

            _guiCam.ClearColor       = false;
            _guiCam.ClearDepth       = false;
            _guiCam.FrustumCullingOn = false;

            _mainCamTransform = _guiCamTransform = new Transform()
                Rotation    = float3.Zero,
                Translation = new float3(0, 1, -30),
                Scale       = new float3(1, 1, 1)

            _gui = CreateGui();
            // Create the interaction handler
            _sih = new SceneInteractionHandler(_gui);

            _frustum = new WireframeCube();
            var frustumNode = new SceneNode()
                Name       = "Frustum",
                Components = new List <SceneComponent>()
                    new Transform(),
                    ShaderCodeBuilder.MakeShaderEffect(new float4(1, 1, 0, 1), float4.One, 0),

            var cam = new SceneNode()
                Name       = "MainCam",
                Components = new List <SceneComponent>()
                    ShaderCodeBuilder.MakeShaderEffect(new float4(1, 0, 0, 1), float4.One, 10),
                    new Cube(),
                Children = new ChildList()
                    new SceneNode()
                        Components = new List <SceneComponent>()
                            new Transform()
                                Scale       = new float3(0.5f, 0.5f, 1f),
                                Translation = new float3(0, 0, 1f)
                            new Cube()

            _sndCamTransform = new Transform()
                Rotation    = new float3(M.PiOver6, 0, 0),//float3.Zero,
                Translation = new float3(10, 40, -60),
                Scale       = float3.One

            var cam1 = new SceneNode()
                Name       = "SecondCam",
                Components = new List <SceneComponent>()

            _anlgeHorznd   = _sndCamTransform.Rotation.y;
            _angleVertSnd  = _sndCamTransform.Rotation.x;
            _anlgeHorzMain = _mainCamTransform.Rotation.y;
            _angleVertMain = _mainCamTransform.Rotation.x;

            // Load the rocket model
            _rocketScene = AssetStorage.Get <SceneContainer>("rnd.fus");
            //_rocketScene = Rocket.Build();

            _cubeOneTransform = _rocketScene.Children[0].GetComponent <Transform>();
            //_cubeOneTransform.Rotate(new float3(0, M.PiOver4, 0));


            // Wrap a SceneRenderer around the model.
            _sceneRenderer = new SceneRendererForward(_rocketScene);
            _guiRenderer   = new SceneRendererForward(_gui);

            _rotAxis  = float3.UnitY * float4x4.CreateRotationYZ(new float2(M.PiOver4, M.PiOver4));
            _rotPivot = _rocketScene.Children[1].GetComponent <Transform>().Translation;
Exemplo n.º 11
        // Init is called on startup.
        public override void Init()
            _gui = CreateGui();

            // Create the interaction handler
            _sih = new SceneInteractionHandler(_gui);

            // Initial "Zoom" value (it's rather the distance in view direction, not the camera's focal distance/opening angle)
            _zoom = 400;

            _angleRoll        = 0;
            _angleRollInit    = 0;
            _twoTouchRepeated = false;
            _offset           = float2.Zero;
            _offsetInit       = float2.Zero;

            // Set the clear color for the back buffer to white (100% intensity in all color channels R, G, B, A).
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);

            //----- DUMMY SCENE BELOW - use the fus file when the exporter is able to export bones again ---- //
            //_scene = AssetStorage.Get<SceneContainer>("BoneAnim.fus");

            _scene = new SceneContainer
                Children = new List <SceneNode>
                    new SceneNode
                        Components = new List <SceneComponent>
                            new Transform
                                Rotation    = float3.Zero,
                                Translation = new float3(0, 0, 0),
                                Scale       = float3.One
                            new Engine.Core.Scene.Bone()
                        Children = new ChildList()
                            new SceneNode
                                Components = new List <SceneComponent>
                                    new Transform
                                        Rotation    = float3.Zero,
                                        Translation = new float3(0, 0.5f, 0),
                                        Scale       = new float3(10, 100, 10)
                                    new Engine.Core.Scene.Bone(),
                                    new Weight(),
                                    ShaderCodeBuilder.MakeShaderEffect(albedoColor: new float4(1.0f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 1.0f)),
                                    new Cube()

            var mesh      = _scene.Children[0].Children[0].GetComponent <Cube>();
            var wm        = _scene.Children[0].Children[0].GetComponent <Weight>();
            var WeightMap = new List <VertexWeightList>();

            for (var i = 0; i < mesh.Vertices.Length; i++)
                WeightMap.Add(new VertexWeightList
                    VertexWeights = new List <VertexWeight>
                        new VertexWeight
                            JointIndex = 0,
                            Weight     = (mesh.Vertices[i].y > 0 ? 1: 0f)
                        new VertexWeight()
                            JointIndex = 1,
                            Weight     = (mesh.Vertices[i].y <= 0 ? 1f: 0f)
            wm.WeightMap = WeightMap;
            var weightMapFromScene = _scene.Children[0].Children[0].Components[1];

            #region LEGACY / REFERENCE CODE
            // Add a weightcomponent with weight matrices etc:
            // binding matrices is the start point of every transformation
            // as many entries as vertices are present in current model
            //var cube = _scene.Children[0].GetComponent<Mesh>();
            //var vertexCount = cube.Vertices.Length;

            //var bindingMatrices = new List<float4x4>();
            //for (var i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
            //    bindingMatrices.Add(float4x4.Identity);

            //_scene.Children.Insert(0, new SceneNode()
            //    Name = "BoneContainer1",
            //    Components = new List<SceneComponentContainer>()
            //    {
            //        new TransformComponent()
            //        {
            //            Translation = new float3(0, 2, 0),
            //            Scale = new float3(1, 1, 1)
            //        },

            //    },
            //    Children = new ChildList
            //    {
            //        new SceneNode()
            //        {
            //            Components = new List<SceneComponentContainer>
            //            {
            //                new TransformComponent
            //                {
            //                    Translation = new float3(0, -1f, 0),
            //                    Scale = new float3(1, 2, 1)
            //                },
            //                new BoneComponent(),
            //                new Cube()
            //            }
            //        },

            //        new SceneNode()
            //        {
            //            Name = "BoneContainer2",
            //            Components = new List<SceneComponentContainer>
            //            {
            //                new TransformComponent
            //                {
            //                    Translation = new float3(0, -2, 0),
            //                    Scale = new float3(1, 2, 1)
            //                },

            //            },

            //            Children = new ChildList
            //            {
            //                new SceneNode
            //                {
            //                Components = new List<SceneComponentContainer>()
            //                {
            //                    new TransformComponent()
            //                    {
            //                        Translation = new float3(0, -0.5f, 0),
            //                        Scale = new float3(1,1,1)
            //                    },
            //                    new BoneComponent(),
            //                    new Cube()
            //                }
            //                }
            //            }

            //        }
            //    }


            //_scene.Children[1].Components.Insert(1, new WeightComponent
            //    BindingMatrices = bindingMatrices,
            //    WeightMap = WeightMap
            //    // Joints are added automatically during scene conversion (ConvertSceneGraph)


            var aabbc = new AABBCalculator(_scene);
            var bbox  = aabbc.GetBox();
            if (bbox != null)
                // If the model origin is more than one third away from its bounding box,
                // recenter it to the bounding box. Do this check individually per dimension.
                // This way, small deviations will keep the model's original center, while big deviations
                // will make the model rotate around its geometric center.
                var bbCenter = bbox.Value.Center;
                var bbSize   = bbox.Value.Size;
                var center   = float3.Zero;
                if (System.Math.Abs(bbCenter.x) > bbSize.x * 0.3)
                    center.x = bbCenter.x;
                if (System.Math.Abs(bbCenter.y) > bbSize.y * 0.3)
                    center.y = bbCenter.y;
                if (System.Math.Abs(bbCenter.z) > bbSize.z * 0.3)
                    center.z = bbCenter.z;
                _sceneCenter = float4x4.CreateTranslation(-center);

                // Adjust the model size
                var maxScale = System.Math.Max(bbSize.x, System.Math.Max(bbSize.y, bbSize.z));
                if (maxScale != 0)
                    _sceneScale = float4x4.CreateScale(200.0f / maxScale);
                    _sceneScale = float4x4.Identity;

            // Wrap a SceneRenderer around the model.
            _sceneRenderer = new SceneRendererForward(_scene);
            _guiRenderer   = new SceneRendererForward(_gui);