Exemplo n.º 1
    // Use this for initialization
    public void OnClickStartGame()
        PlayerStatus.ResourcesCount    = 100;
        PlayerStatus.GoldCount         = 100;
        PlayerStatus.ShipPos           = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        PlayerStatus.ShipHealthMax     = 100;
        PlayerStatus.ShipHealthCurrent = 100;
        PlayerStatus.AmmoCount         = 20;

        QuestsStatus.testQuestStatus = -1;

        IslandStats.IslandLocations = GetComponent <IslandGeneration>().generateIslands();


        PlayerStatus.Ship = new Ship(
            "FTL",                                                                                                 // name
            "Your trusty old sloop. She may not be much, but she served you well during your time as a merchant.", // description
            1000,                                                                                                  // value
            Ship.ShipClass.SLOOP,                                                                                  // ship class
            100,                                                                                                   // base hull health
            10,                                                                                                    // base/necessary crew health/count
            50                                                                                                     // base sail health

        //for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        //    PlayerStatus.Inventory.AddItem(new CrewWeapon(
        //                                    "Sword",                        // name
        //                                    "A four-foot long steel blade with a leather-bound hilt. A well made sword, but nothing to brag about.", // description
        //                                    50,                             // value
        //                                    CrewWeapon.WeaponMaterial.STEEL,// weapon material
        //                                    100,                            // current condition
        //                                    100,                            // maximum condition
        //                                    2));                            // damage
        //for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        //    PlayerStatus.Inventory.AddItem(new ShipWeapon(
        //                                    "Basic Cannon",   // name
        //                                    "The old and reliable 20mm naval gun, a common weapon used by merchant, pirate, and naval vessels alike.", // description
        //                                    50,                             // value
        //                                    ShipWeapon.WeaponType.CANNON,   // weapon type
        //                                    Ammunition.AmmoType.CANNONBALL, // ammo type
        //                                    2,                              // cooldown
        //                                    10));                           // damage
        //PlayerStatus.Inventory.AddItem(new Consumable(
        //                                    "Health Potion",                // name
        //                                    "A blood-red potion, used to magically heal an individual's wounds.", // description
        //                                    5,                              // value
        //                                    Consumable.Effect.HEAL,         // effect
        //                                    10),                            // magnitude
        //                                    4);                             // quantity
        //PlayerStatus.Inventory.AddItem(new Ammunition(
        //                                    "Explosive Rounds",             // name
        //                                    "Filled to the brim with brimstone, these cannonballs violently explode on impact, greviously wounding enemy crew.", // description
        //                                    1,                             // value
        //                                    Ammunition.AmmoType.CANNONBALL, // weapon material
        //                                    1,                              // hull damage multiplier
        //                                    3,                              // crew damage multiplier
        //                                    1),                             // sail damage multiplier
        //                                    100);                           // quantity
Exemplo n.º 2
    public static void ReturnToMap(int goldReward, int resourcesReward, Vector3 returnPos) //if returnPos is the same location the ship was in before, pass in PlayerStatus.ShipPos
        PlayerStatus.GoldCount      += goldReward;
        PlayerStatus.ResourcesCount += resourcesReward;
        PlayerStatus.ShipPos         = returnPos;

Exemplo n.º 3
    public void Load()
        if (File.Exists(Application.dataPath + "/saves/SaveData.dat"))
            BinaryFormatter bf   = new BinaryFormatter();
            FileStream      file = File.Open(Application.dataPath + "/saves/SaveData.dat", FileMode.Open);

            data = (Savedata)bf.Deserialize(file);



Exemplo n.º 4
 public void LoadWorldMap()
 private void ConcludeTutorial()
Exemplo n.º 6
 public virtual void SetSailOnClick(MainPanelButton caller)