Exemplo n.º 1
        public HttpResponseMessage postSearchSpring(ScanSendSearchView model)
                var result = sendSvc.SearchSpringData(model);

                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, result));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.ToString()));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ScanSendView SearchSpringData(ScanSendSearchView model)
            using (var ctx = new ConXContext())
                //define model view
                ScanSendView view = new ModelViews.ScanSendView()
                    pageIndex   = model.pageIndex - 1,
                    itemPerPage = model.itemPerPage,
                    totalItem   = 0,

                    datas = new List <ModelViews.SpringDataView>()

                string ventity       = model.entity;
                string vwc_code      = model.wc_code;
                string vreq_date     = model.req_date;
                string vmc_code      = model.mc_code;
                int    vmps_back_day = 0;

                if (vreq_date == "")
                    //pd_jit_schedule_ctl jit = ctx.jit_schedule_ctl.SqlQuery("select MAX(MPS_BACK_DAY) MPS_BACK_DAY  , max(PD_ENTITY) PD_ENTITY , max(SEQ_NO) SEQ_NO , max(PDGRP_CODE) PDGRP_CODE , max(WC_CODE) WC_CODE from PD_JIT_SCHEDULE_CTL where pd_entity = :param1 and wc_code = :param2", new OracleParameter("param1", ventity), new OracleParameter("param2", vwc_code)).SingleOrDefault();

                    //if(jit == null)
                    //    vmps_back_day = 0;
                    //    vmps_back_day = jit.MPS_BACK_DAY;

                    //mps_mast mps = ctx.mps_mast.SqlQuery("select max(REQ_DATE) REQ_DATE , max(ENTITY) ENTITY , max(BUILD_NO) BUILD_NO from MPS_MAST where entity = :param1 and req_date <= (SYSDATE + :p_mps_back_day)", new OracleParameter("param1", ventity), new OracleParameter("p_mps_back_day", vmps_back_day)).SingleOrDefault();
                    //vreq_date = mps.REQ_DATE.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

                    string sqlj = "select max(mps_back_day) from pd_jit_schedule_ctl where  pd_entity = :param1 and wc_code = :param2";

                    int jit = ctx.Database.SqlQuery <int>(sqlj, new OracleParameter("param1", ventity), new OracleParameter("param2", vwc_code)).SingleOrDefault();

                    if (jit == 0)
                        vmps_back_day = 0;
                        vmps_back_day = jit;

                    string sqlr = "select max(req_date) from mps_mast where entity = :param1 and req_date <= (SYSDATE + :p_mps_back_day)";

                    DateTime mps = ctx.Database.SqlQuery <DateTime>(sqlr, new OracleParameter("param1", ventity), new OracleParameter("p_mps_back_day", vmps_back_day)).SingleOrDefault();
                    vreq_date = mps.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

                //query data

                //sql += " select c.ENTITY , c.REQ_DATE  , b.SPRING_TYPE as SPRINGTYPE_CODE, c.PDSIZE_CODE , c.PDSIZE_DESC  , sum(1) as PLAN_QTY , 0 as INACT_QTY , 0 as QP_QTY , 0 as ACT_QTY";
                //sql += " from MPS_DET a ,PDMODEL_MAST b ,MPS_DET_WC c";
                //sql += " where a.entity =  :p_entity";
                //sql += " and trunc(a.req_date) = to_date(:p_req_date,'dd/mm/yyyy')";
                //sql += " and c.wc_code =  :p_wc_code";
                //sql += " and a.pddsgn_code = b.pdmodel_code";
                //sql += " and a.entity = c.entity";
                //sql += " and a.req_date = c.req_date";
                //sql += " and a.pcs_no = c.pcs_no";
                //sql += " and c.mps_st <> 'OCL'";
                //sql += " group by c.entity , c.req_date   ,b.spring_type, c.pdsize_code , c.pdsize_desc";
                //sql += " UNION";
                //sql += " select c.ENTITY , c.REQ_DATE , b.SPRING_TYPE as SPRINGTYPE_CODE, c.PDSIZE_CODE , c.PDSIZE_DESC , 0 as PLAN_QTY , sum(1) as INACT_QTY ,0 as QP_QTY ,0 as ACT_QTY";
                //sql += " from MPS_DET a, PDMODEL_MAST b, MPS_DET_WC c";
                //sql += " where trunc(a.req_date) = to_date(:p_req_date,'dd/mm/yyyy')";
                //sql += " and a.entity = :p_entity";
                //sql += " and c.wc_code =  :p_wc_code";
                //sql += " and a.pddsgn_code = b.pdmodel_code";
                //sql += " and a.entity = c.entity";
                //sql += " and a.req_date = c.req_date";
                //sql += " and a.pcs_no = c.pcs_no";
                //sql += " and c.mps_st <> 'OCL'";
                //sql += " and c.pcs_no  in (select PCS_NO from MPS_DET_IN_PROCESS where req_date = to_date(:p_req_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') and entity = :p_entity and mps_st = 'Y' and wc_code = :p_wc_code)";
                //sql += " group by c.entity , c.req_date , b.spring_type , c.pdsize_code , c.pdsize_desc";
                //sql += " UNION";
                //sql += " select c.ENTITY , c.REQ_DATE , b.SPRING_TYPE as SPRINGTYPE_CODE , c.PDSIZE_CODE , c.PDSIZE_DESC ,0 as PLAN_QTY  ,0 as INACT_QTY  ,sum(1) as QP_QTY ,0 as ACT_QTY";
                //sql += " FROM MPS_DET a,PDMODEL_MAST b,MPS_DET_WC c";
                //sql += " where trunc(a.req_date) = to_date(:p_req_date,'dd/mm/yyyy')";
                //sql += " and a.entity = :p_entity";
                //sql += " and a.pddsgn_code = b.pdmodel_code";
                //sql += " and a.entity = c.entity";
                //sql += " and a.req_date = c.req_date";
                //sql += " and a.pcs_no = c.pcs_no";
                //sql += " and c.mps_st = 'Y'";
                //sql += " and c.wc_code = (select  WC_PREV from PD_WCCTL_SEQ where pd_entity = :p_entity  and wc_code = :p_wc_code)";
                //sql += " group by  c.entity , c.req_date , b.spring_type , c.pdsize_code , c.pdsize_desc";
                //sql += " UNION";
                //sql += " select c.ENTITY , c.REQ_DATE , b.SPRING_TYPE as SPRINGTYPE_CODE , c.PDSIZE_CODE , c.PDSIZE_DESC , 0 as PLAN_QTY  ,0 as INACT_QTY ,0 as QP_QTY ,sum(1) as  ACT_QTY";
                //sql += " from MPS_DET a,PDMODEL_MAST b,MPS_DET_WC c";
                //sql += " where trunc(a.req_date) = to_date(:p_req_date,'dd/mm/yyyy')";
                //sql += " and a.entity = :p_entity";
                //sql += " and a.pddsgn_code = b.pdmodel_code";
                //sql += " and a.entity = c.entity";
                //sql += " and a.req_date = c.req_date";
                //sql += " and a.pcs_no = c.pcs_no";
                //sql += " and c.mps_st = 'Y'";
                //sql += " and c.wc_code = :p_wc_code";
                //sql += " group by  c.entity , c.req_date , b.spring_type,c.pdsize_code , c.pdsize_desc";
                //sql += " )T group by entity , req_date , springtype_code , pdsize_code , pdsize_desc";
                //sql += " order by entity , req_date , springtype_code , pdsize_code";

                sql += " select c.ENTITY , c.REQ_DATE  , b.SPRING_TYPE as SPRINGTYPE_CODE, c.PDSIZE_CODE , c.PDSIZE_DESC  , sum(1) as PLAN_QTY , 0 as INACT_QTY , 0 as QP_QTY , 0 as ACT_QTY";
                sql += " from PDMODEL_MAST b ,MPS_DET_WC c";
                sql += " where c.entity =  :p_entity";
                sql += " and c.req_date = to_date(:p_req_date,'dd/mm/yyyy')";
                sql += " and c.wc_code =  :p_wc_code";
                sql += " and c.pddsgn_code = b.pdmodel_code";
                //sql += " and a.entity = c.entity";
                //sql += " and a.req_date = c.req_date";
                //sql += " and a.pcs_no = c.pcs_no";
                sql += " and c.mps_st <> 'OCL'";
                sql += " group by c.entity , c.req_date   ,b.spring_type, c.pdsize_code , c.pdsize_desc";
                sql += " UNION";
                sql += " select c.ENTITY , c.REQ_DATE , b.SPRING_TYPE as SPRINGTYPE_CODE, c.PDSIZE_CODE , c.PDSIZE_DESC , 0 as PLAN_QTY , sum(1) as INACT_QTY ,0 as QP_QTY ,0 as ACT_QTY";
                sql += " from PDMODEL_MAST b, MPS_DET_WC c";
                sql += " where c.req_date = to_date(:p_req_date,'dd/mm/yyyy')";
                sql += " and c.entity = :p_entity";
                sql += " and c.wc_code =  :p_wc_code";
                sql += " and c.pddsgn_code = b.pdmodel_code";
                //sql += " and a.entity = c.entity";
                //sql += " and a.req_date = c.req_date";
                //sql += " and a.pcs_no = c.pcs_no";
                sql += " and c.mps_st <> 'OCL'";
                sql += " and c.pcs_no  in (select PCS_NO from MPS_DET_IN_PROCESS where req_date = to_date(:p_req_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') and entity = :p_entity and mps_st = 'Y' and wc_code = :p_wc_code)";
                sql += " group by c.entity , c.req_date , b.spring_type , c.pdsize_code , c.pdsize_desc";
                sql += " UNION";
                sql += " select c.ENTITY , c.REQ_DATE , b.SPRING_TYPE as SPRINGTYPE_CODE , c.PDSIZE_CODE , c.PDSIZE_DESC ,0 as PLAN_QTY  ,0 as INACT_QTY  ,sum(1) as QP_QTY ,0 as ACT_QTY";
                sql += " FROM PDMODEL_MAST b,MPS_DET_WC c";
                sql += " where c.req_date = to_date(:p_req_date,'dd/mm/yyyy')";
                sql += " and c.entity = :p_entity";
                sql += " and c.pddsgn_code = b.pdmodel_code";
                //sql += " and a.entity = c.entity";
                //sql += " and a.req_date = c.req_date";
                //sql += " and a.pcs_no = c.pcs_no";
                sql += " and c.mps_st = 'Y'";
                sql += " and c.wc_code = (select  WC_PREV from PD_WCCTL_SEQ where pd_entity = :p_entity  and wc_code = :p_wc_code)";
                sql += " group by  c.entity , c.req_date , b.spring_type , c.pdsize_code , c.pdsize_desc";
                sql += " UNION";
                sql += " select c.ENTITY , c.REQ_DATE , b.SPRING_TYPE as SPRINGTYPE_CODE , c.PDSIZE_CODE , c.PDSIZE_DESC , 0 as PLAN_QTY  ,0 as INACT_QTY ,0 as QP_QTY ,sum(1) as  ACT_QTY";
                sql += " from PDMODEL_MAST b,MPS_DET_WC c";
                sql += " where c.req_date = to_date(:p_req_date,'dd/mm/yyyy')";
                sql += " and c.entity = :p_entity";
                sql += " and c.pddsgn_code = b.pdmodel_code";
                //sql += " and a.entity = c.entity";
                //sql += " and a.req_date = c.req_date";
                //sql += " and a.pcs_no = c.pcs_no";
                sql += " and c.mps_st = 'Y'";
                sql += " and c.wc_code = :p_wc_code";
                sql += " group by  c.entity , c.req_date , b.spring_type,c.pdsize_code , c.pdsize_desc";
                sql += " )T group by entity , req_date , springtype_code , pdsize_code , pdsize_desc";
                sql += " order by entity , req_date , springtype_code , pdsize_code";

                List <SpringDataView> spring = ctx.Database.SqlQuery <SpringDataView>(sql, new OracleParameter("p_entity", ventity), new OracleParameter("p_req_date", vreq_date), new OracleParameter("p_wc_code", vwc_code)).ToList();

                //List<SpringDataView> spring = ctx.Database.SqlQuery<SpringDataView>("BEGIN TEST_PKG.GetSpringMpsSummList('B10' ,'PB1',to_date('07/02/2020','dd/mm/yyyy'),'IT'); END;").ToList();

                view.totalItem = spring.Count;
                spring         = spring.Skip(view.pageIndex * view.itemPerPage)

                int tot_plan_qty  = 0;
                int tot_inact_qty = 0;
                int tot_qp_qty    = 0;
                int tot_act_qty   = 0;
                int tot_diff_qty  = 0;

                ////prepare model to modelView
                foreach (var i in spring)
                    tot_plan_qty  += i.plan_qty;
                    tot_inact_qty += i.inact_qty;
                    tot_qp_qty    += i.qp_qty;
                    tot_act_qty   += i.act_qty;
                    tot_diff_qty  += (i.act_qty - i.plan_qty);

                    view.datas.Add(new ModelViews.SpringDataView()
                        //entity = i.entity,
                        req_date        = i.req_date,
                        pdsize_code     = i.pdsize_code,
                        pdsize_desc     = i.pdsize_desc,
                        springtype_code = i.springtype_code,
                        plan_qty        = i.plan_qty,
                        inact_qty       = i.inact_qty,
                        qp_qty          = i.qp_qty,
                        act_qty         = i.act_qty,
                        diff_qty        = i.act_qty - i.plan_qty

                view.req_date        = vreq_date;
                view.mc_code         = vmc_code;
                view.spring_grp      = vmc_code.Substring(0, 2);
                view.total_plan_qty  = tot_plan_qty;
                view.total_inact_qty = tot_inact_qty;
                view.total_qp_qty    = tot_qp_qty;
                view.total_act_qty   = tot_act_qty;
                view.total_diff_qty  = tot_diff_qty;

                //return data to contoller