private HudMain() : base(ApiModuleTypes.HudMain, false, true)
                    if (_instance != null)
                        throw new Exception("Only one instance of HudMain can exist at any give time!");

                    _instance = this;
                    var members = GetApiData();

                    cursor = new HudCursor(members.Item1);
                    GetTextBoardDataFunc = members.Item2;
                    GetOrSetMemberFunc   = members.Item3;
                    UnregisterAction     = members.Item4;

                    PixelToWorldRef = new MatrixD[1];
                    root            = new HudClientRoot();
                    highDpiRoot     = new ScaledSpaceNode(root)
                        UpdateScaleFunc = () => ResScale

                    Action <List <HudUpdateAccessors>, byte> rootDelegate = root.GetUpdateAccessors,
                                                             safeAccessor = (List <HudUpdateAccessors> list, byte depth) =>
                        ExceptionHandler.Run(() => rootDelegate(list, depth));

                    // Register update delegate
                    GetOrSetMemberFunc(safeAccessor, (int)HudMainAccessors.GetUpdateAccessors);

                    root.CustomDrawAction  = HudMasterDraw;
                    root.CustomInputAction = HudMasterInput;
Exemplo n.º 2
            private HudMain() : base(false, true)
                if (instance == null)
                    instance = this;
                    throw new Exception("Only one instance of HudMain can exist at any given time.");

                _root        = new HudRoot();
                _highDpiRoot = new ScaledSpaceNode(_root)
                    UpdateScaleFunc = () => ResScale
                _cursor = new HudCursor(_root);
