Exemplo n.º 1
        public ulong ReadMemory(ulong address, byte[] memory, ulong size, out SbError error)
            ReadMemoryResponse response = null;

            if (connection.InvokeRpc(() =>
                response = client.ReadMemory(
                    new ReadMemoryRequest
                    Process = grpcSbProcess,
                    Address = address,
                    Size = size
                error = errorFactory.Create(response.Error);
                var responseArray = response.Memory.ToByteArray();
                int startingIndex = 0;
                if (responseArray.Length > memory.Length)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Error: buffer is not large enough for the output.");
                    startingIndex = responseArray.Length - memory.Length;
                response.Memory.ToByteArray().CopyTo(memory, startingIndex);
            var grpcError = new GrpcSbError
                Success = false,
                Error   = "Rpc error while calling ReadMemory."

            error = errorFactory.Create(grpcError);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public SbWatchpoint WatchAddress(long address, ulong size, bool read, bool write,
                                         out SbError error)
            WatchAddressResponse response = null;

            error = null;
            if (connection.InvokeRpc(() =>
                response = client.WatchAddress(
                    new WatchAddressRequest
                    Target = grpcSbTarget,
                    Address = address,
                    Size = size,
                    Read = read,
                    Write = write
                error = errorFactory.Create(response.Error);
                if (response.Watchpoint != null && response.Watchpoint.Id != 0)
                    return(watchpointFactory.Create(connection, response.Watchpoint));
            var grpcError = new GrpcSbError
                Success = false,
                Error   = "Rpc error while calling WatchAddress."

            error = errorFactory.Create(grpcError);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public ulong WriteMemory(ulong address, byte[] buffer, ulong size, out SbError error)
            WriteMemoryResponse response = null;

            if (connection.InvokeRpc(() =>
                response = client.WriteMemory(
                    new WriteMemoryRequest
                    Process = grpcSbProcess,
                    Address = address,
                    Buffer = ByteString.CopyFrom(buffer, 0, (int)size),
                    Size = size
                error = errorFactory.Create(response.Error);
            var grpcError = new GrpcSbError
                Success = false,
                Error   = "Rpc error while calling WriteMemory."

            error = errorFactory.Create(grpcError);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public SbProcess AttachToProcessWithID(SbListener listener, ulong pid, out SbError error)
            var request = new AttachToProcessWithIDRequest()
                Target   = grpcSbTarget,
                Listener = new GrpcSbListener()
                    Id = listener.GetId()
                Pid = pid,
            AttachToProcessWithIDResponse response = null;

            if (connection.InvokeRpc(() =>
                response = client.AttachToProcessWithID(request);
                error = errorFactory.Create(response.Error);
                if (response.Process == null)
                return(processFactory.Create(connection, response.Process));
            var grpcError = new GrpcSbError
                Success = false,
                Error   = "Rpc error while calling AttachToProcessWithId."

            error = errorFactory.Create(grpcError);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public bool Assign(string expression, out string error)
            if (IsReadOnly)
                error = string.Format(
                    "Attempted to assign a value to a read only variable with name '{0}'.",


            string cast = "";

            if (_remoteValue.TypeIsPointerType() ||
                cast = $"({_remoteValue.GetTypeInfo().GetCanonicalType().GetName()})";

            expression = _remoteValueFormat.FormatExpressionForAssignment(_remoteValue, expression);
            // Avoid using parentheses to enclose registers because they can prevent assignments
            // involving initialization lists from succeeding.
            if (_remoteValue.GetValueType() != DebuggerApi.ValueType.Register)
                expression = $"({expression})";

            RemoteValue tempValue = _remoteValue.CreateValueFromExpression(
                DisplayName, $"{_remoteValue.GetVariableAssignExpression()} = {cast}{expression}");

            SbError sbError = tempValue.GetError();

            error = sbError.Fail() ? sbError.GetCString() : null;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public bool ApplyPlaceholderProperties(SbModule destModule,
                                               PlaceholderModuleProperties properties, RemoteTarget lldbTarget)
            long      slide         = properties.Slide;
            SbAddress headerAddress = destModule.GetObjectFileHeaderAddress();

            if (headerAddress != null)
                // For libraries this will generally equal 0, for executables it will equal
                // |placeholderBaseLoadAddress|.
                ulong fileBaseAddress = headerAddress.GetFileAddress();
                slide -= (long)fileBaseAddress;

            SbError error = lldbTarget.SetModuleLoadAddress(destModule, slide);

            if (error.Fail())
                    $"Failed to set load address on destination module: {error.GetCString()}.");

            if (!destModule.SetPlatformFileSpec(properties.PlatformFileSpec))
                Trace.WriteLine("Failed to set file spec on the destination module.");

Exemplo n.º 7
        internal static GrpcSbError CreateError(SbError error) =>
        error != null ? new GrpcSbError
            Success = error.Success(),
            Code    = error.GetError(),
            Error   = error.GetCString() ?? ""

              : null;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public SbProcess AttachToProcessWithID(SbListener listener, ulong pid, out SbError error)
            var process = new SbProcessStub(this, listener, pid);

            error = _targetAttachErrorString == null
                        ? new SbErrorStub(true)
                        : new SbErrorStub(false, _targetAttachErrorString);
Exemplo n.º 9
        string RunShellCommand(string command, SbPlatform platform)
            SbPlatformShellCommand shellCommand = _lldbPlatformShellCommandFactory.Create(command);
            SbError error = platform.Run(shellCommand);

            if (error.Fail())

Exemplo n.º 10
 public RemoteValueFake(string name, string value)
     this.name        = name;
     this.value       = value;
     valueType        = DebuggerApi.ValueType.Invalid;
     valueFormat      = ValueFormat.Default;
     children         = new List <RemoteValue>();
     expressionValues = new Dictionary <string, Queue <RemoteValue> >();
     valuesForAddress = new Dictionary <ulong, RemoteValue>();
     sbError          = new SbErrorStub(true);
     addressOf        = null;
     dereference      = null;
     clone            = this;
        public override Task <SetModuleLoadAddressResponse> SetModuleLoadAddress(
            SetModuleLoadAddressRequest request, ServerCallContext context)
            RemoteTarget target    = GrpcLookupUtils.GetTarget(request.Target, _targetStore);
            SbModule     module    = _moduleStore.GetObject(request.Module.Id);
            SbError      error     = target.SetModuleLoadAddress(module, request.SectionsOffset);
            var          grpcError =
                new GrpcSbError {
                Success = error.Success(), Error = error.GetCString()

            return(Task.FromResult(new SetModuleLoadAddressResponse {
                Error = grpcError
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void SetUp()
            mockTarget   = Substitute.For <SbTarget>();
            remoteTarget = new RemoteTargetFactory(new RemoteBreakpointFactory())
            mockAddress      = Substitute.For <SbAddress>();
            mockProcess      = Substitute.For <SbProcess>();
            mockMemoryRegion = Substitute.For <SbMemoryRegionInfo>();
            mockError        = Substitute.For <SbError>();
            mockBreakpoint   = Substitute.For <SbBreakpoint>();
            remoteBreakpoint = new RemoteBreakpointFactory().Create(mockBreakpoint);
            mockFunction     = Substitute.For <SbFunction>();

Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an error string if the _remoteValue's error is in fail state and null otherwise.
        /// </summary>
        string GetErrorString()
            SbError error = _remoteValue.GetError();

            if (!error.Fail())

            // TODO: Determine why we are suppressing error strings for REGISTER
            // ValueTypes.  Add comments if needed or remove otherwise.
            string errorString = _remoteValue.GetValueType() == DebuggerApi.ValueType.Register
                ? "unavailable"
                : error.GetCString();

Exemplo n.º 14
        public void SetUp()
            var taskContext = new JoinableTaskContext();

            mockBreakpointManager = Substitute.For <IBreakpointManager>();
            mockBreakpointRequest = Substitute.For <IDebugBreakpointRequest2>();
            mockProgram           = Substitute.For <IDebugProgram2>();
            mockResolution        = Substitute.For <IDebugBreakpointResolution2>();
            mockResolutionFactory = Substitute.For <DebugWatchpointResolution.Factory>();
            mockResolutionFactory.Create(TEST_ADDRESS_STR, mockProgram).Returns(mockResolution);
            mockTarget = Substitute.For <RemoteTarget>();
            SbError error;

            mockError = Substitute.For <SbError>();
            mockTarget.WatchAddress(TEST_ADDRESS, WATCH_SIZE, false, true, out error).Returns(x =>
                x[4] = mockError;
            mockMarshal = Substitute.For <Marshal>();
            mockMarshal.GetStringFromIntPtr(Arg.Any <IntPtr>()).Returns(TEST_ADDRESS_STR);
            mockLldbWatchpoint = Substitute.For <SbWatchpoint>();
            requestInfo        = new BP_REQUEST_INFO();
            requestInfo.bpLocation.unionmember4 = (IntPtr)4;
            mockBreakpointRequest.GetRequestInfo(Arg.Any <enum_BPREQI_FIELDS>(),
                                                 Arg.Any <BP_REQUEST_INFO[]>()).Returns(x =>
                enum_BPREQI_FIELDS fields = (enum_BPREQI_FIELDS)x[0];
                BP_REQUEST_INFO[] breakpointRequestInfo = (BP_REQUEST_INFO[])x[1];
                if (breakpointRequestInfo == null || breakpointRequestInfo.Length == 0)
                return(BuildBreakpointRequestInfo(fields, out breakpointRequestInfo[0]));

            watchpointFactory = new DebugWatchpoint.Factory(taskContext, mockResolutionFactory,
                                                            new BreakpointErrorEnumFactory(), new BoundBreakpointEnumFactory());
            watchpoint = watchpointFactory.Create(mockBreakpointManager, mockBreakpointRequest,
                                                  mockTarget, mockProgram, mockMarshal);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void BindWatchpointFailed()
            SbError error;
            SbError mockError = Substitute.For <SbError>();

            mockTarget.WatchAddress(TEST_ADDRESS, WATCH_SIZE, false, true, out error).Returns(
                x =>
                x[4] = mockError;

            var result = watchpoint.Bind();
            IDebugErrorBreakpoint2 watchpointError = GetWatchpointError();

                Arg.Any <DebugBreakpointError>());
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, watchpointError);
            Assert.AreEqual(VSConstants.S_FALSE, result);
Exemplo n.º 16
        internal CachedValue(RemoteValue remoteProxy, RemoteValue addressOf, SbType typeInfo,
                             string expressionPath, bool hasExpressionPath, uint numChildren, string summary,
                             string typeName, string value, ValueType valueType, bool isPointerType,
                             ValueFormat valueFormat, ulong byteSize)
            this.remoteProxy       = remoteProxy;
            this.addressOf         = addressOf;
            this.typeInfo          = typeInfo;
            this.expressionPath    = expressionPath;
            this.hasExpressionPath = hasExpressionPath;
            this.numChildren       = numChildren;
            this.summary           = summary;
            this.typeName          = typeName;
            this.value             = value;
            this.valueType         = valueType;
            this.isPointerType     = isPointerType;
            this.valueFormat       = valueFormat;
            this.byteSize          = byteSize;

            // These values are prefeteched by remoteProxy.
            error = remoteProxy.GetError();
            name  = remoteProxy.GetName();
Exemplo n.º 17
 public SbProcess AttachToProcessWithID(SbListener listener, ulong pid, out SbError error) =>
 _sbTarget.AttachToProcessWithID(listener, pid, out error);
Exemplo n.º 18
 public SbWatchpoint WatchAddress(long address, ulong size, bool read, bool write,
                                  out SbError error) => _sbTarget.WatchAddress(address, size,
                                                                               read, write,
                                                                               out error);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public List <InstructionInfo> ReadInstructionInfos(SbAddress address, uint count,
                                                           string flavor)
            SbProcess process      = _sbTarget.GetProcess();
            var       instructions = new List <InstructionInfo>();

            while (instructions.Count < count)
                SbMemoryRegionInfo memoryRegion = null;
                SbError            error        = process.GetMemoryRegionInfo(address.GetLoadAddress(_sbTarget),
                                                                              out memoryRegion);

                if (error.Fail())
                    Trace.WriteLine("Unable to retrieve memory region info.");
                    return(new List <InstructionInfo>());

                // If the address we are given is not mapped we should not try to disassemble it.
                if (!memoryRegion.IsMapped())
                    uint instructionsLeft = count - (uint)instructions.Count;

                    ulong nextAddress = AddUnmappedInstructions(address, instructionsLeft,
                                                                memoryRegion, instructions);

                    address = _sbTarget.ResolveLoadAddress(nextAddress);

                    // Continue in case we still need more instructions

                List <SbInstruction> sbInstructions =
                    _sbTarget.ReadInstructions(address, count - (uint)instructions.Count, flavor);
                foreach (SbInstruction sbInstruction in sbInstructions)
                    SbAddress sbAddress = sbInstruction.GetAddress();
                    if (sbAddress == null)
                        // It should never happen that we cannot get an address for an instruction
                        Trace.WriteLine("Unable to retrieve address.");
                        return(new List <InstructionInfo>());

                    ulong instructionAddress = sbAddress.GetLoadAddress(_sbTarget);

                    SbSymbol symbol = sbAddress.GetSymbol();

                    string symbolName = null;
                    // Only set symbolName if it is the start of a function
                    SbAddress startAddress = symbol?.GetStartAddress();
                    if (startAddress != null &&
                        startAddress.GetLoadAddress(_sbTarget) == instructionAddress)
                        symbolName = symbol.GetName();

                    SbLineEntry   lineEntry     = sbAddress.GetLineEntry();
                    LineEntryInfo lineEntryInfo = null;
                    if (lineEntry != null)
                        lineEntryInfo = new LineEntryInfo {
                            FileName  = lineEntry.GetFileName(),
                            Directory = lineEntry.GetDirectory(),
                            Line      = lineEntry.GetLine(),
                            Column    = lineEntry.GetColumn(),

                    // Create a new instruction and fill in the values
                    var instruction = new InstructionInfo {
                        Address    = instructionAddress,
                        Operands   = sbInstruction.GetOperands(_sbTarget),
                        Comment    = sbInstruction.GetComment(_sbTarget),
                        Mnemonic   = sbInstruction.GetMnemonic(_sbTarget),
                        SymbolName = symbolName,
                        LineEntry  = lineEntryInfo,

                // If we haven't managed to retrieve all the instructions we wanted, add
                // an invalid instruction and keep going from the next address.
                if (instructions.Count < count)
                    ulong nextAddress =
                        AddInvalidInstruction(address, sbInstructions, instructions);

                    // Set the address to the next address after the invalid instruction
                    address = _sbTarget.ResolveLoadAddress(nextAddress);
Exemplo n.º 20
 public SbWatchpoint WatchAddress(long address, ulong size, bool read, bool write,
                                  out SbError error)
     throw new NotImplementedTestDoubleException();
Exemplo n.º 21
        public int SetNextStatement(IDebugStackFrame2 stackFrame, IDebugCodeContext2 codeContext)
            int result = CanSetNextStatement(stackFrame, codeContext);

            if (result != VSConstants.S_OK)

            uint   line;
            string filePath;

            codeContext.GetDocumentContext(out IDebugDocumentContext2 documentContext);
            if (documentContext != null)
                documentContext.GetName(enum_GETNAME_TYPE.GN_FILENAME, out filePath);
                var beginPosition = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
                var endPosition   = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
                documentContext.GetStatementRange(beginPosition, endPosition);
                line = beginPosition[0].dwLine + 1;
                Trace.WriteLine($"Settings next statement to {filePath} line {line}.");
                var process = _remoteThread.GetProcess();
                if (process == null)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Error: Failed to obtain process." +
                                    " Unable to set next statement");

                var target = process.GetTarget();
                if (target == null)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Error: Failed to obtain target." +
                                    " Unable to set next statement");

                var address = target.ResolveLoadAddress(codeContext.GetAddress());
                if (address == null)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Error: Failed to obtain address." +
                                    " Unable to set next statement");

                var lineEntry = address.GetLineEntry();
                if (lineEntry == null)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Error: Failed to obtain line entry." +
                                    " Unable to set next statement");

                filePath = Path.Combine(lineEntry.Directory, lineEntry.FileName);
                line     = lineEntry.Line;
                Trace.WriteLine($"Settings next statement to {address} at {filePath} line {line}");

            SbError error = _remoteThread.JumpToLine(filePath, line);

            if (error.Fail())

Exemplo n.º 22
 public ulong WriteMemory(ulong address, byte[] buffer, ulong size, out SbError error)
     throw new NotImplementedTestDoubleException();
Exemplo n.º 23
 public void SetError(SbError sbError)
     this.sbError = sbError;
Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a more detailed error message if attaching to the remote process failed.
        /// At the moment, we handle specially only the case when another tracer is attached.
        /// In that case, we detect and show which process is the tracer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lldbError">Error object from Lldb attach.</param>
        /// <param name="platform">Lldb platform, used to run shell commands.</param>
        /// <param name="processId">Process Id of the debuggee.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the error string.</returns>
        string GetLldbAttachErrorDetails(SbError lldbError, SbPlatform platform, uint processId)
            string lldbMessageWhenAlreadyTraced = "Operation not permitted";

            // Compute the fallback error message.
            string errorString = ErrorStrings.FailedToAttachToProcess(lldbError.GetCString());

            // If the error does not need special handling, just return the default message.
            if (platform == null || lldbError.GetCString() != lldbMessageWhenAlreadyTraced)

            // Let us detect if there is a debugger already attached and provide a better error
            // message there.
            string output = RunShellCommand($"cat /proc/{processId}/status", platform);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(output))

            Regex tracerRE    = new Regex("[\\r\\n]TracerPid:\\W*([0-9]+)[\\r\\n]");
            Regex parentRE    = new Regex("[\\r\\n]PPid:\\W*([0-9]+)[\\r\\n]");
            Regex firstLineRE = new Regex("^([^\\r\\n]*)([\\r\\n]|$)");

            // Find the line with tracer pid in the proc-status file.
            Match tracerMatch = tracerRE.Match(output);
            Match parentMatch = parentRE.Match(output);

            if (!tracerMatch.Success || !parentMatch.Success)
            string parentPid = parentMatch.Groups[1].Value;
            string tracerPid = tracerMatch.Groups[1].Value;

            // If there was no tracer, just show the default message.
            if (tracerPid == "0")

            // If the tracer is the parent process, then the debuggee is tracing itself.
            if (tracerPid == parentPid)

            // Try to find the tracer in the list of processes and report it in the error message.
            string commOutput = RunShellCommand($"cat /proc/{tracerPid}/comm", platform);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(output))

            // Get the first line as the process name.
            Match  commMatch  = firstLineRE.Match(commOutput);
            string tracerName = commMatch.Success ? commMatch.Groups[1].Value : "<unkown>";

            return(ErrorStrings.FailedToAttachToProcessOtherTracer(tracerName, tracerPid));