protected override Prosumer ProvidePrivateProfile([NotNull] ProviderParameterDto ppdto)
            //var relevantPotentials = _pvPotentials.Where(x => x.HouseGuid == houseComponent.HouseGuid);
            PvSystemEntry entry = (PvSystemEntry)ppdto.HouseComponent;

            if (_dbDto.Hausanschlusse == null)
                throw new FlaException("hausanschlüsse were not initalized");
            if (_dbDto.Hausanschlusse.Count == 0)
                throw new FlaException("not a single hausanschluss");

            Hausanschluss hausanschluss = _dbDto.Hausanschlusse.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Guid == entry.HausAnschlussGuid);

            if (hausanschluss == null)
                throw new FlaException("No hausanschluss found for guid: " + entry.HausAnschlussGuid);

            if (hausanschluss.ObjectID.ToLower().Contains("leuchte"))
                throw new FlaException("PV anlage an einer leuchte! " + hausanschluss.ObjectID + " - " + entry.Name);
            //TODO: change this to use pv system areas from the pvsystem entry
            Profile sumProf = Profile.MakeConstantProfile(0, ppdto.HouseComponent.Name, Profile.ProfileResolution.QuarterHour);

            if (Math.Abs(entry.PVAreas.Sum(x => x.Energy) - entry.EffectiveEnergyDemand) > 0.1)
                throw new FlaException("Sum of the pv areas did not match pv entry sum");
            foreach (var area in entry.PVAreas)
                var key          = MakeKeyFromPVArea(area);
                var keystr       = key.GetKey();
                var areaProfiles = _saveableEntries.LoadAllOrMatching("Name", keystr);
                if (areaProfiles.Count != 1)
                    throw new FlaException("Invalid count");

                var areaProfile = areaProfiles[0];
                areaProfile.EnergyOrPower = EnergyOrPower.Energy;
                areaProfile = areaProfile.ScaleToTargetSum(area.Energy, entry.Name, out var _);
                sumProf     = sumProf.Add(areaProfile, entry.Name);

            if (Math.Abs(Slice.PVCurtailToXPercent) < 0.00001)
                throw new FlaException("Found curtailment to 0");

            if (sumProf.EnergySum() < 0)
                throw new FlaException("Negative PV Power");

            if (Slice.PVCurtailToXPercent < 1)
                sumProf = sumProf.LimitPositiveToPercentageOfMax(Slice.PVCurtailToXPercent);

            var prosumer = new Prosumer(entry.HouseGuid, entry.Name,
                                        HouseComponentType.Photovoltaik, entry.SourceGuid, entry.FinalIsn, entry.HausAnschlussGuid, hausanschluss.ObjectID,
                                        hausanschluss.Trafokreis, Name, "PV Profile")
                Profile = sumProf

            if (Math.Abs(Slice.PVCurtailToXPercent - 1) < 0.01 && Math.Abs(sumProf.EnergySum() - entry.EffectiveEnergyDemand) > 0.1)
                throw new FlaException("PV Energy result is wrong");