void showingTimeAScore()
        guiTime = Time.time - startTime + pastTime;

        int hours   = (int)(guiTime / 3600);
        int minutes = (int)((guiTime % 3600) / 60);
        int seconds = (int)(guiTime % 60);

        //int fraction = (int)((guiTime * 10) % 10);

        textTime       = string.Format(" {0:00} : {1:00} : {2:00}", hours, minutes, seconds);
        timeText.text  = "Time:" + textTime;
        timeText1.text = "Time:" + textTime;
        if (guiTime < 1)
            guiTime = 1.0f;
        pointsEarnedAve = pointsEarned / guiTime * 60;
        if (pointsEarnedAve > pointsEarnedAveShow)
            pointsEarnedAveShow = pointsEarnedAve;
            var tt = Score.savedScores[5];
            Score.savedScores[5] = (int)pointsEarnedAveShow;
            Debug.Log(" " + SaveLoadRecords.savedScore[0] + " " + SaveLoadRecords.savedScore[1] + " " + SaveLoadRecords.savedScore[2] + " " + SaveLoadRecords.savedScore[3] + " " + SaveLoadRecords.savedScore[4] + " " + SaveLoadRecords.savedScore[5]);
        aveTextStr    = string.Format(" {0} ", (int)pointsEarnedAveShow);
        aveText.text  = "Ave Points:" + aveTextStr + "p/m";
        aveText1.text = "Ave Points" + aveTextStr + "p/m";
Exemplo n.º 2
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        int[] ttScore = SaveLoadRecords.savedScore;

        for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            string name    = "PFrame" + (i + 1);
            Text   txtTemp = GameObject.Find(name).GetComponent <Button>().GetComponentInChildren <Text>();
            txtTemp.text = string.Format("{0} p/m", (int)ttScore[i]);
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // load saved scores
        Score.savedScores = SaveLoadRecords.savedScore;

        // get plane and set color
        GameObject x = GameObject.Find("Plane");

        rend = x.GetComponent <Renderer>();
        rend.material.color = planeColor;
        GameObject y = GameObject.Find("AddLayer");

        rend                = y.GetComponent <Renderer>();
        addPlaneColor       = planeColor;
        addPlaneColor.a     = 0.9f;
        rend.material.color = addPlaneColor;

        // initiate rotation cubes
        countInUse = new int[numOfCols * numOfRows];
        rotateTag  = new int[numOfCols * numOfRows];
        cubeRotate = new GameObject[numOfCols * numOfRows];

        // load saved loadornot flag
        LoadOrNot.loadOr = LoadOrNotSave.loadOri;
        Debug.Log("This is loaded from saved data: " + LoadOrNot.loadOr);

        if (LoadOrNot.loadOr == true)
            Game.current = SaveLoad.savedGame;
            // initiate label of connenctions
            cubeType            = new int[numOfCols * numOfRows];
            cubeStat            = new int[numOfCols * numOfRows];
            conStat             = new byte[numOfCols * numOfRows, 4];
            cubeType            = Game.current.cubeType;
            cubeStat            = Game.current.cubeStat;
            pointsEarned        = Game.current.score;
            pastTime            = Game.current.pastTime;
            pointsEarnedAveShow = Game.current.aveScore;
            createBaseCubes(numOfCols, numOfRows, sizeCubes, intCubes, baseYHeight);
            createTopCubesFromGD(numOfCols, numOfRows, sizeCubes, intCubes, baseYHeight, topYHeight);
        else if (LoadOrNot.loadOr == false)
            // initiate label of connenctions
            cubeType = new int[numOfCols * numOfRows];
            cubeStat = new int[numOfCols * numOfRows];
            conStat  = new byte[numOfCols * numOfRows, 4];
            // create base cubes
            createBaseCubes(numOfCols, numOfRows, sizeCubes, intCubes, baseYHeight);
            // randomly generating small cubes
            createTopCubes(numOfCols, numOfRows, sizeCubes, intCubes, baseYHeight, topYHeight);

        // Iniation of the neighbour list
        neiList    = new int[numOfCols * numOfRows, 4];
        conNeiList = new int[numOfCols * numOfRows, 3];

        // Initiation of cube list
        cbList     = new ArrayList[numOfCols * numOfRows];
        cubeCalYet = new int[numOfCols * numOfRows];

        listNum    = 0;
        listClosed = new int[numOfCols * numOfRows];
        for (var i = 0; i < numOfCols * numOfRows; i++)
            conNeiList[i, 0] = 0;
            conNeiList[i, 1] = -1;
            conNeiList[i, 2] = -1;
        desCubeId = new ArrayList();
        calDone = false;
        desDone = false;
        // enable mouse
        mouIpForbid   = false;
        mouIpForPulse = mouIFPLength;
        // set create time
        sedBfCreateIt = sedBfCreate;
        // Set score
        scoreText.text  = "Points:   " + pointsEarned;
        scoreText1.text = "Points:   " + pointsEarned;
        // set time
        startTime = Time.time;

        // add the button listener
        myButton = GameObject.Find("Close").GetComponent <Button>();

        saveDone = new UnityEvent();
        saveDone.AddListener(() => { SceneManager.LoadScene(sceneChangeTo); Debug.Log("change scene to:" + sceneChangeTo); });

        // lift camera height
        Camera.main.enabled          = true;
        Camera.main.orthographic     = true;
        Camera.main.orthographicSize = 5.5f;