Exemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Cycles through all GameObjects in the Scene which has the SaveLoadBehavior and
    /// serializes them if they are set to be savable.
    /// The serialized file is then sent to the AssetServer using the specified save name.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="saveName">Name under which the save file should be put under</param>
    /// <param name="callBack">Optional Callback which gets called after sending the data (only way to check for errors)</param>
    public void SaveCurrentScene(string saveName, AssetManager.DataSentToServerFunc callBack = null)
        if (_isSaving)
            // TODO: 'Real' error handling, so the caller knows that there's another save-process running
            Debug.Log("Can't Save while another Save-Process is ongoing");

        _isSaving = true;

        SaveLoadBehavior[] all = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <SaveLoadBehavior>();

        if (all.Length == 0)
            Debug.Log("There are no GameObjects designated to be saved in the scene!");

        SaveData     data     = null;
        SaveDataList dataList = new SaveDataList()
            DataList = new List <SaveData>()

        GameObject obj = null;

        foreach (SaveLoadBehavior component in all)
            if (!component.IsSavable)

            obj = component.gameObject;

            data = new SaveData()
                InstanceID  = obj.GetInstanceID(),
                Name        = obj.name,
                AssetBundle = component.AssetBundleName


        if (dataList.DataList.Count == 0)
            Debug.Log("There are no GameObjects designated to be saved in the scene!");
            string strToSave = JsonUtility.ToJson(dataList, false);

             * // COMPRESSION MUCH?
             * using (var output = new System.IO.MemoryStream())
             * {
             *  using (DeflateStream gzip = new DeflateStream(output, CompressionMode.Compress))
             *  {
             *      using (var writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(gzip, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII))
             *      {
             *          writer.Write(strToSave);
             *      }
             *  }
             *  byte[] yay = output.ToArray();
             *  string bay = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(yay);
             *  AssetManagement.Instance.AssetManager.SendDataToServer(output.ToString(), string.Format("Scene/{0}", saveName), callBack);
             * }
            AssetManagement.Instance.AssetManager.SendDataToServer(strToSave, string.Format("Scene/{0}", saveName), callBack);
        _isSaving = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
    IEnumerator FetchScene(UnityWebRequest request, string saveName, bool cacheScene)
        SaveDataList lst = null;

        _entitiesToLoad = 0;

        if (cacheScene && _sceneCache.ContainsKey(saveName))
            lst = _sceneCache[saveName];
            yield return(request.SendWebRequest());

            if (request.isHttpError || request.isNetworkError)
                _lastError = request.error;

                Debug.Log(string.Format("Couldn't fetch the Scene [{0}] due to: {1}", saveName, request.error));

                yield break;
                lst = JsonUtility.FromJson <SaveDataList>(request.downloadHandler.text);

        _entitiesToLoad = lst.DataList.Count;
        GameObject[] allObjects = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <GameObject>();

        if (_entitiesToLoad > 0)
            foreach (var entitiyData in lst.DataList)
                if (entitiyData.AssetBundle == "")
                    // Object was placed in the Editor. Search for the GameObject in current scene
                    foreach (var go in allObjects)
                        if (go.GetInstanceID() == entitiyData.InstanceID)
                            // Hurray! We found the GameObject matching our saved data!

                            // TODO: Find out if it is of interest to signal the AssetLoaded-Event here
                    // Asset is not in the current scene (not placed in the editor),  so we have to manually load it
                    // from the server - therefore, put it into a list for further use

                    if (!_entityCache.ContainsKey(entitiyData.AssetBundle))
                        _entityCache[entitiyData.AssetBundle] = new List <SaveData>();


            if (_entitiesToLoad > 0)
                foreach (var dispatchJob in _entityCache)
                    AssetManagement.Instance.AssetManager.RequestAsset(dispatchJob.Key, EntityFinishedLoading);