Exemplo n.º 1
    public void didTapQuadrant(SarcophagusQuadrant quadrant)
        Debug.Log("User did tap Quadrant:" + quadrant.type);

        // If nothing is selected, nothing happens,
        // or we want to move a jar to its own location
        if (this.selectedJar == null ||
            this.selectedJar.type == quadrant.currentJar)
            Debug.Log("No Jar selected");

        // If tapping a spot take by another jar, we show error
        if (quadrant.currentJar != JarType.none)
            Debug.Log("Quadrant is already occupied by another jar");
            gameObject.GetComponent <PlayMakerFSM>().SendEvent("error");

        if (!this.isMovementValid(this.selectedJar.currentQuadrant, quadrant))
            Debug.Log("Jar cannot move to that quadrant");

        // Else we slide the jar to the new positon
        Debug.Log("Sliding Jar:" + this.selectedJar.type + " to quadrant:" + quadrant.type);
        Vector3 qPosition = quadrant.gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().bounds.center;

        qPosition.z = this.selectedJar.gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().bounds.center.z;
        iTween.MoveTo(this.selectedJar.gameObject, iTween.Hash("position", qPosition, "time", 0.75, "easeType", "linear", "oncomplete", "OnMoveComplete", "oncompletetarget", gameObject));
        gameObject.GetComponent <PlayMakerFSM>().SendEvent("play sound");

        // Assign jar to the quadrant it moved to
        quadrant.currentJar = this.selectedJar.type;
        // Assign to the jar the new quadrant it occupies
        this.selectedJar.currentQuadrant.currentJar = JarType.none;
        this.selectedJar.currentQuadrant            = quadrant;
        // Deselect current jar
        this.selectedJar = null;
Exemplo n.º 2
    // Public methods

    public void didTapJar(SarcophagusJar jar)
        // Reset if tapping the same jar twice
        this.selectedJar = (this.selectedJar == jar) ? null : jar;
        Debug.Log("Jar selected:" + this.selectedJar);