public static void InitializeSapModel(ref SapObject mySAPObject, ref cSapModel mySapModel, string units) { long ret = 0; //TO DO: Grab open Instance if already open!!! //Create SAP2000 Object mySAPObject = new SAP2000v20.SapObject(); // get enum from Units eUnits Units = (eUnits)Enum.Parse(typeof(eUnits), units); //Start Application mySAPObject.ApplicationStart(Units, true); //Create SapModel object mySapModel = mySAPObject.SapModel; //initialize the model ret = mySapModel.InitializeNewModel(Units); //create new blank model ret = mySapModel.File.NewBlank(); //SET UP ... SET UP ... SET UP ... SET UP DefineMaterials(ref mySapModel); }
public void ShellStructure() { // Launch SAP2000v20 and Open a blank model SapObject mySapObject = null; cSapModel mySapModel = null; SAPConnection.Initialize.InitializeSapModel(ref mySapObject, ref mySapModel, "kip_ft_F"); //Open and Run the sample file OpenAndRunDynamoDefinition(@".\Sample_1c_ShellStructure.dyn"); // Test Logic is here ---> string failreport = string.Empty; // Check dropdown Shell Types var ShellType = (Int64)GetPreviewValue("e0c739ee-8e95-4531-95b8-d5bb71501b6c"); if (ShellType != 1) { failreport = string.Format(failreport + "{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, "The node called '" + "Shell Types Dropdown" + "' returns wrong value !"); } // Check Node ShellProp.Define if (IsNodeInErrorOrWarningState("c0f21c61-375a-42b8-a1f4-d94a43f1272b")) { failreport = string.Format(failreport + "{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, "The node called '" + "ShellProp.Define" + "' failed or threw a warning."); } // Check Node Shell.FromSurface if (IsNodeInErrorOrWarningState("0c217e34-2531-4450-a066-f839b64b1a1e")) { failreport = string.Format(failreport + "{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, "The node called '" + "Shell.FromSurface" + "' failed or threw a warning."); } // Check Node StructuralModel.Collector if (IsNodeInErrorOrWarningState("a6bc0f86-a159-4f79-934d-238323b65de8")) { failreport = string.Format(failreport + "{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, "The node called '" + "StructuralModel.Collector" + "' failed or threw a warning."); } // Check Node Bake to SAP if (IsNodeInErrorOrWarningState("d86c67da-ff87-4c04-8976-c7a00a640518")) { failreport = string.Format(failreport + "{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, "The node called '" + "Bake.toSAP" + "' failed or threw a warning."); } // Set SAP instances to null; mySapObject.ApplicationExit(false); mySapObject = null; mySapModel = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(failreport)) { Assert.Fail(failreport); } //if we got here, nothing failed. Assert.Pass(); }
public static void Release(ref SapObject SAP, ref cSapModel Model) { GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); if (SAP != null) { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(SAP); } if (Model != null) { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(Model); } }
public static void GrabOpenSAP(ref cSapModel mySapModel, ref string ModelUnits, string DynInputUnits = "kip_ft_F") { Process[] SapInstances = Process.GetProcessesByName("SAP2000"); // if (SapInstances.LongLength >= 1) { SapObject Obj; object getObj = ROTHelper.GetActiveObject("SAP2000v20.SapObject"); if (getObj == null) { Obj = new SapObject(); getObj = ROTHelper.GetActiveObject("SAP2000v20.SapObject"); } if (getObj != null) { Obj = (SapObject)getObj; mySapModel = Obj.SapModel; // get enum from Units & Set to model if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DynInputUnits)) { eUnits Units = (eUnits)Enum.Parse(typeof(eUnits), DynInputUnits); try { int ret = mySapModel.SetPresentUnits(Units); } catch (Exception ex) { string message = ex.Message; } } ModelUnits = mySapModel.GetPresentUnits().ToString(); } //SET UP ... SET UP ... SET UP ... SET UP try { DefineMaterials(ref mySapModel); } catch { } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CSiApiSeed"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="sapObject">The sap object.</param> /// <param name="sapModel">The sap model.</param> public CSiApiBaseSeed(SapObject sapObject, cSapModel sapModel) { SapObject = sapObject; SapModel = sapModel; }
public void SpaceStructure() { // Launch SAP2000v20 and Open a blank model SapObject mySapObject = null; cSapModel mySapModel = null; SAPConnection.Initialize.InitializeSapModel(ref mySapObject, ref mySapModel, "kip_ft_F"); //Open and Run the sample file OpenAndRunDynamoDefinition(@".\Sample_1a_SpaceStructure.dyn"); // Test Logic is here ---> string failreport = string.Empty; // Check dropdown Material Types var material = (string)GetPreviewValue("89e9e6aa-5ea9-4641-8bee-743b2173ada1"); if (material != "A992Fy50") { failreport = string.Format(failreport + "{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, "The node called '" + "Materials Dropdown" + "' returns wrong value !"); } //Assert.Fail("The node called '" + "Materials Dropdown" + "' returns wrong value !"); // Check dropdown Section Catalog Types var sectionCatalog = (string)GetPreviewValue("579cbea6-5b14-4023-bfef-44fde2eff3ee"); if (sectionCatalog != "AISC14") { failreport = string.Format(failreport + "{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, "The node called '" + "Section Catalog Dropdown" + "' returns wrong value !"); } //Assert.Fail("The node called '" + "Section Catalog Dropdown" + "' returns wrong result !"); // Check Section Name read from SAP var sectionName = (string)GetPreviewValue("ba2e32bc-89b3-4566-9555-de98e9e98c2b"); if (sectionName != "HSS5.563X.375") { failreport = string.Format(failreport + "{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, "The node called '" + "Section Name" + "' returns wrong value !"); } //Assert.Fail("The node called '" + "Section Name" + "' returns wrong value !"); // Check dropdown Units var units = (string)GetPreviewValue("aa80e305-bb4a-418b-87f4-022dd0268680"); if (units == "kip_ft_F") { failreport = string.Format(failreport + "{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, "The node called '" + "Units" + "' returns wrong value !"); } //Assert.Fail("The node called '" + "Units" + "' returns wrong value !"); // Check Node Frame.FromLine if (IsNodeInErrorOrWarningState("73b79339-e8d9-4841-ac63-12d45e184b2f")) { failreport = string.Format(failreport + "{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, "The node called '" + "Frame.FromLine" + "' failed or threw a warning."); //Assert.Fail("The node called '" + "Frame.FromLine" + "' failed or threw a warning."); } // Check Node Bake to SAP if (IsNodeInErrorOrWarningState("d86c67da-ff87-4c04-8976-c7a00a640518")) { failreport = string.Format(failreport + "{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, "The node called '" + "Bake.toSAP" + "' failed or threw a warning."); //Assert.Fail("The node called '" + "Bake.toSAP" + "' failed or threw a warning."); } // Set SAP instances to null; mySapObject.ApplicationExit(false); mySapObject = null; mySapModel = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(failreport)) { Assert.Fail(failreport); } //if we got here, nothing failed. Assert.Pass(); }
public void SpaceStructurewLoads() { // Launch SAP2000v20 and Open a blank model SapObject mySapObject = null; cSapModel mySapModel = null; SAPConnection.Initialize.InitializeSapModel(ref mySapObject, ref mySapModel, "kip_ft_F"); //Open and Run the sample file OpenAndRunDynamoDefinition(@".\Sample_1b_SpaceStructure_withLoads.dyn"); // Test Logic is here ---> string failreport = string.Empty; // Check dropdown Load Pattern Types var loadPatternType = (string)GetPreviewValue("c7adc7d3-fff5-49bc-b5ee-586546d3f1ba"); if (loadPatternType != "LTYPE_DEAD") { failreport = string.Format(failreport + "{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, "The node called '" + "LoadPatternTypes Dropdown" + "' returns wrong value !"); } // Check Node SetLoadPattern if (IsNodeInErrorOrWarningState("89e67ebd-f8a6-4bec-a92e-1dfee2046852")) { failreport = string.Format(failreport + "{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, "The node called '" + "LoadPattern.SetLoadPattern" + "' failed or threw a warning."); } // Check dropdown Load Type var loadType = (string)GetPreviewValue("7a68135c-0101-482d-a0a9-d1dd96cb00cd"); if (loadType != "Force") { failreport = string.Format(failreport + "{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, "The node called '" + "Load Type Dropdown" + "' returns wrong value !"); } // Check dropdown Load Direction var loadDirection = (Int64)GetPreviewValue("4abab34c-9147-4227-8c87-b6950b2fdcae"); if (loadDirection != 6) { failreport = string.Format(failreport + "{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, "The node called '" + "Load Direction Dropdown" + "' returns wrong value !"); } // Check Node Load.DistributedLoad if (IsNodeInErrorOrWarningState("c9d48de5-889c-4bf1-bfe8-462b8b0bc63d")) { failreport = string.Format(failreport + "{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, "The node called '" + "Load.DistributedLoad" + "' failed or threw a warning."); } // Check Node Frame.SetLoad if (IsNodeInErrorOrWarningState("fc60d698-d938-4513-b808-0619c35b25b2")) { failreport = string.Format(failreport + "{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, "The node called '" + "Frame.SetLoad" + "' failed or threw a warning."); } // Check Node StructuralModel.Collector if (IsNodeInErrorOrWarningState("3bfbb3b1-47e0-4aa9-8920-e589ec0ffbc9")) { failreport = string.Format(failreport + "{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, "The node called '" + "StructuralModel.Collector" + "' failed or threw a warning."); } // Check Node Frame.DisplayLoads if (IsNodeInErrorOrWarningState("abee3b8e-52fe-44a4-9221-75b1d1a0bf5a")) { failreport = string.Format(failreport + "{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, "The node called '" + "Frame.DisplayLoads" + "' failed or threw a warning."); } // Check Node StructuralModel.Decompose if (IsNodeInErrorOrWarningState("e449b27f-1209-4dc1-a94a-dfef78e20a00")) { failreport = string.Format(failreport + "{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, "The node called '" + "StructuralModel.Decompose" + "' failed or threw a warning."); } // Set SAP instances to null; mySapObject.ApplicationExit(false); mySapObject = null; mySapModel = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(failreport)) { Assert.Fail(failreport); } //if we got here, nothing failed. Assert.Pass(); }
public void SAPCalculation(string inputPath, string loadingName, string outputPath, List <string> frameName) { loadingUID.Clear(); loadingValue.Clear(); loadingProp.Clear(); jointProp.Clear(); jtDisplacement.Clear(); bool temp_bool = true; mySapObject = new SapObject(); mySapModel = mySapObject.SapModel; mySapObject.ApplicationStart(eUnits.kip_ft_F, temp_bool, ""); ret = mySapModel.File.OpenFile(inputPath); ret = mySapModel.Analyze.RunAnalysis(); ret = mySapModel.Results.Setup.DeselectAllCasesAndCombosForOutput(); ret = mySapModel.Results.Setup.SetCaseSelectedForOutput(loadingName, true); wb = new XSSFWorkbook(); for (int i = 0; i < frameName.Count; i++) { ret = mySapModel.Results.FrameForce(frameName[i], eItemTypeElm.ObjectElm, ref num, ref obj, ref ObjSta, ref elm, ref ElmSta, ref LoadCase, ref StepType_test, ref StepNum_test, ref P, ref V2, ref V3, ref T, ref M2, ref M3); // I-End of frame var forceProp = Tuple.Create(frameName[i], loadingName, frameName[i]); loadingProp.Add(forceProp); // J-End of frame try { forceProp = Tuple.Create(frameName[i], loadingName, frameName[i + 1]); loadingProp.Add(forceProp); } catch // last frame { forceProp = Tuple.Create(frameName[i], loadingName, frameName[0]); loadingProp.Add(forceProp); } for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { string tempUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"); var forceValue = Tuple.Create(P[j], V2[j], V3[j], T[j], M2[j], M3[j]); loadingValue.Add(forceValue); loadingUID.Add(tempUID); // find maximum value if (Math.Abs(V2[j]) > MaxV) { MaxV = Math.Abs(V2[j]); indexV = (i + 1).ToString(); parameterV[0] = P[j]; parameterV[1] = V2[j]; parameterV[2] = M3[j]; stirrupUID = tempUID; } if (Math.Abs(M3[j]) > MaxM) { MaxM = Math.Abs(M3[j]); indexM = (i + 1).ToString(); parameterM[0] = P[j]; parameterM[1] = V2[j]; parameterM[2] = M3[j]; RCUID = tempUID; } } ret = mySapModel.Results.JointDispl(frameName[i], eItemTypeElm.ObjectElm, ref num, ref obj, ref elm, ref LoadCase, ref StepType_test, ref StepNum_test, ref U1, ref U2, ref U3, ref R1, ref R2, ref R3); var dispProp = Tuple.Create(frameName[i], loadingName); jointProp.Add(dispProp); var dispValue = Tuple.Create(U1[0], U2[0], U3[0], R1[0], R2[0], R3[0]); jtDisplacement.Add(dispValue); } List <Tuple <string, double, double, double> > outData = new List <Tuple <string, double, double, double> >(); outData.Add(Tuple.Create(indexV, parameterV[0], parameterV[1], parameterV[2])); outData.Add(Tuple.Create(indexM, parameterM[0], parameterM[1], parameterM[2])); input.CreateResultFile(wb, loadingProp, loadingValue, loadingName); input.CreateDisplacementFile(wb, jointProp, jtDisplacement, "JointDisplacement"); input.FileSaving(wb, outputPath); try { oExcuteSQL.DeleteDataBySectionUIDAndTimes($"STN_SiteData", sectionUID, 1); } catch { } oExcuteSQL.InsertSAPData($"STN_SiteData", loadingUID, sectionUID, loadingProp, 1, loadingValue); // close Sap2000 mySapObject.ApplicationExit(false); mySapModel = null; mySapObject = null; // validation foreach (var list in outData) { Console.WriteLine("frame {0}:\tP={1}\tV={2}\tM={3}", list.Item1, list.Item2, list.Item3, list.Item4); } }