public override IEnumerable <Clue> DoProcess(ExecutionContext context, WebhookDataCommand command)
                if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.GetFlag("Feature.Webhooks.Log.Posts", false))

                var configurationDataStore = context.ApplicationContext.Container.Resolve <IConfigurationRepository>();
                if (command.WebhookDefinition.ProviderDefinitionId != null)
                    var providerDefinition = context.Organization.Providers.GetProviderDefinition(context, command.WebhookDefinition.ProviderDefinitionId.Value);
                    var jobDataCheck       = context.ApplicationContext.Container.ResolveAll <IProvider>().FirstOrDefault(providerInstance => providerDefinition != null && providerInstance.Id == providerDefinition.ProviderId);
                    var configStoreData    = configurationDataStore.GetConfigurationById(context, command.WebhookDefinition.ProviderDefinitionId.Value);

                    // If you have stopped the provider then don't process the webhooks
                    if (providerDefinition?.WebHooks != null)
                        if (providerDefinition.WebHooks == false || providerDefinition.IsEnabled == false)
                            return(new List <Clue>());

                    if (jobDataCheck != null)
                        var crawlJobData = new SalesforceCrawlJobData();

                        var clues = new List <Clue>();

                        IAgentJobProcessorArguments jobArgs = new QueuedJob(new AgentJob(Guid.NewGuid(), AgentJobPriority.Normal, "CluedIn" + SalesforceConstants.ProviderName, ProcessingRestriction.Any, null, null))
                            TaskScheduler = TaskScheduler.Default,

                        var processorState = new AgentJobProcessorState <SalesforceCrawlJobData>(jobArgs, AppContext)
                            JobData = crawlJobData,
                            Status  = new AgentJobStatus {
                                Statistics = new AgentJobStatusStatistics()

                        throw new NotImplementedException($"TODO: Implement this to populate '{clues.GetType()}' with '{processorState}'");
            catch (Exception exception)
                using (context.Log.BeginScope(new { command.HttpHeaders, command.HttpQueryString, command.HttpPostData, command.WebhookDefinitionId }))
                    context.Log.LogError(exception, "Could not process web hook message");

            return(new List <Clue>());
Exemplo n.º 2
        public SalesforceClient(ILogger <SalesforceClient> log, SalesforceCrawlJobData salesforceCrawlJobData) // TODO: pass on any extra dependencies
            if (salesforceCrawlJobData == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(salesforceCrawlJobData));

            //if (client == null)
            //    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(client));

            _jobData = salesforceCrawlJobData;

            _log = log ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(log));
            //salesforceClient = client ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(client));

            AuthenticationClient auth = Auth().Result;

            token            = auth.AccessToken;
            salesforceClient = new ForceClient(auth.InstanceUrl, auth.AccessToken, auth.ApiVersion);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override async Task <CrawlJobData> GetCrawlJobData(
            ProviderUpdateContext context,
            IDictionary <string, object> configuration,
            Guid organizationId,
            Guid userId,
            Guid providerDefinitionId)
            if (configuration == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configuration));

            #region oldauth
            //var salesforceproviderid = id;
            //var tokenstore = context.organization.datastores.getdatastore<token>();

            //if (tokenstore == null)
            //    return null;

            //var configurationdatastore = context.applicationcontext.container.resolve<iconfigurationrepository>();
            //var accounts =, account => account.providerid == salesforceproviderid && account.organizationid == organizationid && account.userid == userid && account.configurationid == providerdefinitionid).tolist();
            //if (!accounts.any())
            //    accounts.foreach (t => t.context = context.applicationcontext)
            //        ;

            //    // todo: i should not be able to have more than one provider per user per organization
            //    accounts =,
            //        account =>
            //            account.providerid == salesforceproviderid && account.organizationid == organizationid &&
            //            account.userid == userid && account.configurationid == null).tolist();

            //    if (accounts.count() == 1)
            //    {
            //        if (accounts.first().configurationid == null)
            //        {
            //            accounts.first().configurationid = providerdefinitionid;
            //            tokenstore.update(context, accounts.first());
            //        }
            //    }

            ////add authetnication for all accounts here
            //var agenttoken = => new extendedagenttoken() { accesstoken = i.accesstoken, refreshtoken = i.refreshtoken, expiresin = i.expiresin, data =, accountid = i.accountid }).firstordefault();
            //if (agenttoken == null)
            //    return null;

            //if (!configuration.containskey("accounts"))
            //    configuration.add("accounts", agenttoken);

            //if (!configuration.containskey("baseuri"))
            //    configuration.add("baseuri", "");

            //var client = new forceclient(accounts.first().data, agenttoken.accesstoken, "v26.0");
            //    // todo: make async : yourkit shows that it takes up quite a lot of cycles.
            //    const string qry = "select id, name from account";
            //    var results = client.queryasync<account>(qry).result;

            //    //authentication failed
            //    if (results == null)
            //    {
            //        var newtoken = await this.refreshtoken(agenttoken.refreshtoken);

            //        if (configuration.containskey("accounts"))
            //            configuration["accounts"] = new extendedagenttoken() { accesstoken = newtoken.accesstoken, expiresin = null, refreshtoken = agenttoken.refreshtoken, accountid = agenttoken.accountid, data = };

            //        var token = accounts.first();

            //        token.accesstoken = newtoken.accesstoken;
            //        token.refreshtoken = agenttoken.refreshtoken;
            //        token.accesstokencreationdate = datetimeoffset.utcnow;
            // =;
            //        token.accountid = agenttoken.accountid;

            //        tokenstore.update(context, token);

            //        results = await client.queryasync<account>(qry);

            //        var providerdefinition = context.organization.providers.getproviderdefinition(context, providerdefinitionid);

            //        if (providerdefinition != null)
            //        {
            //            configurationdatastore.updateconfiguration(context,, configuration);

            //        }
            //        else
            //            throw new notfoundexception("provider definition was not found: " + providerdefinitionid);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        context.organization.providers.clearproviderdefinitionauthenticationerror(context, providerdefinitionid);
            //    }
            //catch (exception)
            //    if (agenttoken.refreshtoken == null)
            //    {
            //        return new crawljobdata() { errors = new dictionary<string, string>() { { "error", "please contact cluedin support in the top menu to help you authenticate with salesforce." } } };
            //    }

            //    var newtoken = this.refreshtoken(agenttoken.refreshtoken).result;

            //    if (configuration.containskey("accounts"))
            //        configuration["accounts"] = new extendedagenttoken() { accesstoken = newtoken.accesstoken, expiresin = null, refreshtoken = agenttoken.refreshtoken, accountid = agenttoken.accountid, data = };

            //    var token = accounts.first();

            //    token.accesstoken = newtoken.accesstoken;
            //    token.refreshtoken = agenttoken.refreshtoken;
            //    token.accesstokencreationdate = datetimeoffset.utcnow;
            // =;
            //    token.accountid = agenttoken.accountid;

            //    try
            //    {
            //        if (newtoken.accesstoken == null)
            //        {
            //            context.organization.providers.setproviderdefinitionauthenticationerror(context, providerdefinitionid, "failed to refresh the access token for salesforce");
            //            return new crawljobdata() { errors = new dictionary<string, string>() { { "error", "please contact cluedin support in the top menu to help you setup with salesforce." } } };
            //        }

            //        client = new forceclient(, newtoken.accesstoken, "v26.0");

            //        // todo: make async : yourkit shows that it takes up quite a lot of cycles.

            //        const string qry = "select id, name from account";
            //        var results = await client.queryasync<account>(qry);
            //    }
            //    catch (forceexception ex)
            //    {

            //        context.organization.providers.setproviderdefinitionauthenticationerror(context, providerdefinitionid, ex);

            //    }
            //    catch (exception ex)
            //    {
            //        context.organization.providers.setproviderdefinitionauthenticationerror(context, providerdefinitionid, ex);
            //    }

            var jobData = new SalesforceCrawlJobData();
            if (configuration.ContainsKey(SalesforceConstants.KeyName.ApiKey))
                jobData.ApiKey = configuration[SalesforceConstants.KeyName.ApiKey].ToString();

            if (configuration.ContainsKey(SalesforceConstants.KeyName.GrantType))
                jobData.GrantType = configuration[SalesforceConstants.KeyName.GrantType].ToString();

            if (configuration.ContainsKey(SalesforceConstants.KeyName.ClientId))
                jobData.ClientId = configuration[SalesforceConstants.KeyName.ClientId].ToString();

            if (configuration.ContainsKey(SalesforceConstants.KeyName.ClientSecret))
                jobData.ClientSecret = configuration[SalesforceConstants.KeyName.ClientSecret].ToString();

            if (configuration.ContainsKey(SalesforceConstants.KeyName.UserName))
                jobData.UserName = configuration[SalesforceConstants.KeyName.UserName].ToString();

            if (configuration.ContainsKey(SalesforceConstants.KeyName.Password))
                jobData.Password = configuration[SalesforceConstants.KeyName.Password].ToString();

            //if (!jobData.IsAuthenticated)
            //    return null;

            return(await Task.FromResult(jobData));