Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void CreateResearchProfileInternal(string employeeId)
            if (_service == null)
                throw new Exception("Service is null. You need to login first!");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(employeeId))
                throw new Exception("Invalid argument!");

            Salesforce.User user = GetUser(employeeId);

            Salesforce.Research_Profile__c profile = new Salesforce.Research_Profile__c
                Name    = user.FirstName + " " + user.LastName + " Research Profile",
                OwnerId = _userId,
                User__c = user.Id
            Salesforce.SaveResult[] results = _service.create(new Salesforce.sObject[] { profile });
            foreach (Salesforce.SaveResult result in results)
                if (!result.success)
                    throw new Exception("Cannot create ResearchProfile for employee id=" + employeeId + ", with error:\n" + result.errors.Select(it => it.statusCode + ":" + it.message).Aggregate((s1, s2) => s1 + "\n" + s2));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void CreateProfileActivity(string employeeId, string url, string code, string message, DateTime timestamp)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                throw new Exception("Invalid argument!");

            Salesforce.Research_Profile__c profile = GetOrCreateResearchProfile(employeeId);

            DateTime utc  = timestamp.ToUniversalTime();
            String   apex = "FeedItem post = new FeedItem(); \n" +
                            " post.Type = " + (url != null ? "'LinkPost'; \n post.LinkUrl = '" + EncodeString(url) + "'" : "'TextPost'") + "; \n" +
                            " post.ParentId = '" + profile.Id + "'; \n" +
                            " post.Title = '" + EncodeString(code) + "'; \n" +
                            " post.Body = '" + EncodeString(message) + "'; \n" +
                            " post.CreatedById = '" + profile.Owner.Id + "'; \n" +
                            " post.CreatedDate = Datetime.newInstanceGmt(" + utc.Year + "," + utc.Month + "," + utc.Day + "," + utc.Hour + "," + utc.Minute + "," + utc.Second + "); \n" +
                            " insert post;";
