public ActionResult Index(SalesVM salesVM)
     salesVM.Customers = _customerManager.GetAll();
     salesVM.Products  = _productManager.GetAll();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <ActionResult <IEnumerable <SalesVM> > > GetSales()
            List <SalesVM> salesVM = new List <SalesVM>();
            var            sales   = await _context.Sales
                                     .Include(sale => sale.Product)
                                     .Include(sale => sale.SalesPerson)
                                     .Include(sale => sale.Customer)

            foreach (Sales sale in sales)
                SalesVM saleVM = new SalesVM
                    Id              = sale.Id,
                    ProductName     = sale.Product.Name,
                    SalesPersonName = $"{sale.SalesPerson.FirstName} {sale.SalesPerson.LastName}",
                    CustomerName    = $"{sale.Customer.FirstName} {sale.Customer.LastName}",
                    SalesDate       = sale.SalesDate


Exemplo n.º 3
        public IActionResult Index()
            SalesVM salesVM = new SalesVM();

            salesVM.Category  = categoryService.GetActive();
            salesVM.Customers = customerService.GetActive();
            salesVM.Orders    = orderService.GetActive();
            salesVM.Product   = productService.GetActive();
            salesVM.AppUser   = appUserService.GetActive();

Exemplo n.º 4
        public IActionResult Sum(SalesVM model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                decimal getCost = (from c in _context.SalesMgmt
                                   where (c.PurchaseDate.Date >= model.Start.Date && c.PurchaseDate.Date <= model.End.Date)
                                   select c.Cost).Sum();

                ViewBag.Cost = getCost;

Exemplo n.º 5
        public ActionResult YeniSatis(SalesVM p1)
            TBLSATISLAR sat = new TBLSATISLAR()
                KATEGORI = p1.CategoryID,
                URUN     = p1.ProductID,
                MUSTERI  = p1.CustomerID,
                FIYAT    = p1.price,
                ADET     = (byte)p1.ProductPiece,

            var urun = service.productRepository.Find((int)sat.URUN);

            urun.STOK = Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToInt32(urun.STOK) - Convert.ToInt32(sat.ADET));

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Urun"));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public async Task <IActionResult> SalesHistory(long id)
                SalesVM vm     = new SalesVM();
                User    seller = await db.Users.FindAsync(id);

                List <Sale> salesList = await db.SalesHistory.ToListAsync();

                salesList   = salesList.Where(item => item.FarmerID == seller.ID).ToList();
                vm.SaleList = salesList;
                vm.SaleList = vm.SaleList.OrderByDescending(p => p.Date).ToList();
                vm.farmerID = seller.ID;
            catch (Exception e)
Exemplo n.º 7
        public ActionResult MonthlySalesByDate()
            int year        = Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy"));
            int month       = Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Today.ToString("MM"));
            int daysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month);
            var days        = Enumerable.Range(1, daysInMonth);
            var query       = db.Sales.Where(x => x.Date.Year == year && x.Date.Month == month).OrderBy(x => x.Date).Select(g => new
                Day   = g.Date.Day,
                Total = g.GrandTotal
            var model = new SalesVM
                Date = new DateTime(year, month, 1),
                Days = days.GroupJoin(query, d => d, q => q.Day, (d, q) => new DayTotalVM
                    Day   = d,
                    Total = q.Sum(x => x.Total)

Exemplo n.º 8
        public List <DayTotalVM> MonthlySalesByDate_forCharts(int yr, int mnt)
            int year        = yr;
            int month       = mnt;
            int daysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month);
            var days        = Enumerable.Range(1, daysInMonth);
            var query       = db.Sales.Where(x => x.Date.Year == year && x.Date.Month == month).Select(g => new
                Day   = g.Date.Day,
                Total = g.GrandTotal
            SalesVM model = new SalesVM
                Date = new DateTime(year, month, 1),
                Days = days.GroupJoin(query, d => d, q => q.Day, (d, q) => new DayTotalVM
                    Day   = d,
                    Total = q.Sum(x => x.Total)

Exemplo n.º 9
        public ActionResult MonthlySalesByDate(string _year, string _month)
            //assign incoming values to the variables
            int year = 0, month = 0;

            //check if year is null
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_year) && _month != null)
                year  = DateTime.Now.Date.Year;
                month = Convert.ToInt32(_month.Trim());
                year  = Convert.ToInt32(_year.Trim());
                month = Convert.ToInt32(_month.Trim());
            //calculate ttal number of days in a particular month for a that year
            int daysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month);
            var days        = Enumerable.Range(1, daysInMonth);
            var query       = db.Sales.Where(x => x.Date.Year == year && x.Date.Month == month).OrderBy(x => x.Date.Day).Select(g => new
                Day   = g.Date.Day,
                Total = g.GrandTotal
            var model = new SalesVM
                Date = new DateTime(year, month, 1),
                Days = days.GroupJoin(query, d => d, q => q.Day, (d, q) => new DayTotalVM
                    Day   = d,
                    Total = q.Sum(x => x.Total)

 public async Task <WrapperSalesListVM> AddSales([FromBody] SalesVM sales)
     return(await _serviceWrapper.SalesService.AddSalesAsync(sales));
Exemplo n.º 11
        // Invoice
        // Income
        // Recievable
        // Sales
        // Stock
        // StockOut
        // Transaction
        public async Task <WrapperSalesListVM> AddSalesAsync(SalesVM salesVM)
            // Invoice
            Invoice invoiceToAdd = new Invoice();

            invoiceToAdd = _utilService.Mapper.Map <SalesVM, Invoice>(salesVM);

            // Setting Up Invoice Id
            salesVM.InvoiceId = invoiceToAdd.Id;
            foreach (var item in salesVM.ItemList)
                item.InvoiceId = invoiceToAdd.Id;

            // Income
            Income incomeToAdd = new Income();

            incomeToAdd = this._utilService.Mapper.Map <SalesVM, Income>(salesVM);

            // Recievable
            Recievable recievableToAdd = new Recievable();

            recievableToAdd = _utilService.Mapper.Map <SalesVM, Recievable>(salesVM);

            // Sales
            List <Sales> listOfSalesToAdd = new List <Sales>();

            listOfSalesToAdd = _utilService.Mapper.Map <List <SalesItemVM>, List <Sales> >(salesVM.ItemList);

            // Stock
            Stock stockToAdd = new Stock();
            IEnumerable <Stock> stockList = await _repositoryWrapper.Stock.FindByConditionAsync(x => x.FactoryId == salesVM.FactoryId);

            for (int i = 0; i < salesVM.ItemList.Count; i++)
                Stock existingStock = stockList.ToList().Where(x => x.ItemId == salesVM.ItemList[i].Item.Id && x.ItemStatusId == salesVM.ItemList[i].ItemStatus.Id).FirstOrDefault();

                if (existingStock == null)
                    var getDatalistVM2 = new GetDataListVM()
                        FactoryId  = salesVM.FactoryId,
                        PageNumber = 1,
                        PageSize   = 10
                    WrapperSalesListVM dataToReturn = await GetAllSalesAsync(getDatalistVM2);

                    dataToReturn.HasMessage = true;
                    dataToReturn.Message    = "Stock Is Empty";
                    // _utilService.Log("Stock Is Empty. Not Enough Stock available");
                    // throw new StockEmptyException();
                    if (existingStock.Quantity >= salesVM.ItemList[i].Quantity)
                        existingStock.Quantity -= salesVM.ItemList[i].Quantity;
                        _utilService.Log("Stock Is Empty");
                        return(new WrapperSalesListVM());

            // StockOut
            List <StockOut> stockOutsToAdd = new List <StockOut>();

            stockOutsToAdd = _utilService.Mapper.Map <List <SalesItemVM>, List <StockOut> >(salesVM.ItemList);

            // Transaction
            TblTransaction transactionRecieved = new TblTransaction();

            transactionRecieved                 = _utilService.Mapper.Map <SalesVM, TblTransaction>(salesVM);
            transactionRecieved.Amount          = salesVM.PaidAmount;
            transactionRecieved.PaymentStatus   = PAYMENT_STATUS.CASH_RECIEVED.ToString();
            transactionRecieved.TransactionType = TRANSACTION_TYPE.CREDIT.ToString();

            //TblTransaction transactionRecievable = new TblTransaction();
            //transactionRecievable = _utilService.Mapper.Map<SalesVM, TblTransaction>(salesVM);
            //transactionRecievable.Amount = salesVM.DueAmount;
            //transactionRecievable.PaymentStatus = PAYMENT_STATUS.CASH_RECIEVABLE.ToString();
            //transactionRecievable.TransactionType = TRANSACTION_TYPE.NOT_YET_EXECUTED.ToString();
            //transactionRecievable.TransactionId = transactionRecieved.TransactionId;

            Task <int> Invoice     = _repositoryWrapper.Invoice.SaveChangesAsync();
            Task <int> Income      = _repositoryWrapper.Income.SaveChangesAsync();
            Task <int> Recievable  = _repositoryWrapper.Recievable.SaveChangesAsync();
            Task <int> Sales       = _repositoryWrapper.Sales.SaveChangesAsync();
            Task <int> Stock       = _repositoryWrapper.Stock.SaveChangesAsync();
            Task <int> StockOut    = _repositoryWrapper.StockOut.SaveChangesAsync();
            Task <int> Transaction = _repositoryWrapper.Transaction.SaveChangesAsync();
            await Task.WhenAll(Invoice, Income, Recievable, Sales, Stock, StockOut, Transaction);

            var getDatalistVM = new GetDataListVM()
                FactoryId  = salesVM.FactoryId,
                PageNumber = 1,
                PageSize   = 10

            return(await GetAllSalesAsync(getDatalistVM));
Exemplo n.º 12
        // Invoice
        // Income
        // Recievable
        // Sales
        // Stock
        // StockOut
        // Transaction
        public async Task <WrapperSalesListVM> DeleteSalesAsync(SalesVM vm)
            Task <List <Invoice> > invoiceToDelete = _repositoryWrapper
                                                     .Where(x => x.Id == vm.InvoiceId && x.FactoryId == vm.FactoryId)
            Task <List <Income> > incomeToDelete = _repositoryWrapper
                                                   .Where(x => x.InvoiceId == vm.InvoiceId && x.FactoryId == vm.FactoryId)
            Task <List <Recievable> > recievableToDelete = _repositoryWrapper
                                                           .Where(x => x.InvoiceId == vm.InvoiceId && x.FactoryId == vm.FactoryId)
            Task <List <Sales> > salesToDelete = _repositoryWrapper
                                                 .Where(x => x.InvoiceId == vm.InvoiceId && x.FactoryId == vm.FactoryId)

            await Task.WhenAll(invoiceToDelete, incomeToDelete, recievableToDelete, salesToDelete);

            // Stock
            IEnumerable <Stock> stockList = await _repositoryWrapper
                x => x.FactoryId == vm.FactoryId);

            //&& salesToDelete
            //.FirstOrDefault(d => d.ItemId == x.ItemId) != null);

            for (int i = 0; i < salesToDelete.Result.Count(); i++)
                Sales sales         = salesToDelete.Result.ElementAt(i);
                Stock existingStock = stockList.Where(x => x.ItemId == sales.ItemId).FirstOrDefault();

                if (existingStock == null)
                    // _utilService.Log("Stock Is Empty. Not Enough Stock available");
                    // throw new StockEmptyException();
                    existingStock.Quantity += sales.Quantity;

            Task <List <StockOut> > stockOutToDelete = _repositoryWrapper
                                                       .Where(x => x.InvoiceId == vm.InvoiceId && x.FactoryId == vm.FactoryId)

            Task <List <TblTransaction> > transactionToDelete = _repositoryWrapper
                                                                .Where(x => x.InvoiceId == vm.InvoiceId && x.FactoryId == vm.FactoryId)


            Task <int> Invoice        = _repositoryWrapper.Invoice.SaveChangesAsync();
            Task <int> Income         = _repositoryWrapper.Income.SaveChangesAsync();
            Task <int> Recievable     = _repositoryWrapper.Recievable.SaveChangesAsync();
            Task <int> Sales          = _repositoryWrapper.Sales.SaveChangesAsync();
            Task <int> StockOut       = _repositoryWrapper.StockOut.SaveChangesAsync();
            Task <int> TblTransaction = _repositoryWrapper.Transaction.SaveChangesAsync();
            Task <int> Stock          = _repositoryWrapper.Stock.SaveChangesAsync();

            await Task.WhenAll(Invoice, Income, Recievable, Sales, StockOut, TblTransaction, Stock);

            var getDatalistVM = new GetDataListVM()
                FactoryId  = vm.FactoryId,
                PageNumber = 1,
                PageSize   = 10

            return(await GetAllSalesAsync(getDatalistVM));