Exemplo n.º 1
        // GET: Sales
        public ActionResult Index(DateTime?salesBeginDate = null, DateTime?salesEndDate = null)
            var salesList = _db.Sales.ToList();

            if (salesBeginDate != null && salesEndDate != null)
                salesList = (from p in salesList where p.Sales_Date > salesBeginDate && p.Sales_Date < salesEndDate select p).ToList();

            List <SalesDetailView> salesDetailList = new List <SalesDetailView>();

            foreach (Sale sold in salesList)
                SalesDetailView salesDetail = new SalesDetailView();
                salesDetail.Product     = sold.Product1;
                salesDetail.Customer    = sold.Customer1;
                salesDetail.Salesperson = sold.Salesperson1;
                salesDetail.Sales_Date  = sold.Sales_Date;

                //Check for discount on this product for the date of sale
                var discount = (from p in _db.Discounts where p.Product == sold.Product where p.Begin_Date <sold.Sales_Date && p.End_Date> sold.Sales_Date select p).FirstOrDefault();
                if (discount != null)
                    decimal actualSalePrice = sold.Product1.Sale_Price * (1 - discount.Discount_Percentage) ?? 0;
                    salesDetail.Sale_Price = actualSalePrice;
                    salesDetail.Comission  = actualSalePrice * sold.Product1.Comission ?? 0;
                    salesDetail.Sale_Price = sold.Product1.Sale_Price ?? 0;
                    salesDetail.Comission  = sold.Product1.Sale_Price * sold.Product1.Comission ?? 0;

            //return View(_db.Sales.ToList());
Exemplo n.º 2
        // GET: Report
        public ActionResult Index(string quarterNames = null)
            ReportQuarter reportInfo = new ReportQuarter();

            reportInfo.id           = 1;
            reportInfo.quarterNames = new List <string>();
            reportInfo.reportData   = new List <CommissionReport>();

            DateTime beginDate = new DateTime();
            DateTime endDate   = new DateTime();

            if (quarterNames == null)
                // Default to current quarter
                var currentDate = DateTime.Now;
                if (currentDate.Month < 4)
                    beginDate = new DateTime(currentDate.Year, 1, 1);
                    endDate   = new DateTime(currentDate.Year, 3, 31);
                else if (currentDate.Month < 7)
                    beginDate = new DateTime(currentDate.Year, 4, 1);
                    endDate   = new DateTime(currentDate.Year, 6, 30);
                else if (currentDate.Month < 10)
                    beginDate = new DateTime(currentDate.Year, 6, 1);
                    endDate   = new DateTime(currentDate.Year, 9, 30);
                    beginDate = new DateTime(currentDate.Year, 10, 1);
                    endDate   = new DateTime(currentDate.Year, 12, 31);
                // Get dates for selected quarter
                int quarter = Int16.Parse(quarterNames.Substring(1, 2));
                int year    = Int16.Parse(quarterNames.Substring(2, 5));
                switch (quarter)
                case 1:
                    beginDate = new DateTime(year, 1, 1);
                    endDate   = new DateTime(year, 3, 31);

                case 2:
                    beginDate = new DateTime(year, 4, 1);
                    endDate   = new DateTime(year, 6, 30);

                case 3:
                    beginDate = new DateTime(year, 7, 1);
                    endDate   = new DateTime(year, 9, 30);

                case 4:
                    beginDate = new DateTime(year, 10, 1);
                    endDate   = new DateTime(year, 12, 31);

            List <CommissionReport> reportData = new List <CommissionReport>();
            var activeSalespeople = (from p in _db.Sales where p.Sales_Date >= beginDate && p.Sales_Date <= endDate select p.Salesperson).Distinct().ToList();

            foreach (int agentId in activeSalespeople)
                CommissionReport salespersonReport = new CommissionReport();

                Salesperson salesAgent = (from p in _db.Salespersons where p.Id == agentId select p).FirstOrDefault();
                salespersonReport.Name = salesAgent.First_Name + " " + salesAgent.Last_Name;
                List <Sale> agentSales = (from p in _db.Sales where p.Sales_Date >= beginDate && p.Sales_Date <= endDate && p.Salesperson == agentId select p).ToList();
                salespersonReport.bikesSold = agentSales.Count;

                List <SalesDetailView> agentSalesDetail = new List <SalesDetailView>();
                foreach (Sale sold in agentSales)
                    SalesDetailView salesDetail = new SalesDetailView();
                    //Check for discount on this product for the date of sale
                    var discount = (from p in _db.Discounts where p.Product == sold.Product where p.Begin_Date <sold.Sales_Date && p.End_Date> sold.Sales_Date select p).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (discount != null)
                        decimal actualSalePrice = sold.Product1.Sale_Price * (1 - discount.Discount_Percentage) ?? 0;
                        salesDetail.Sale_Price = actualSalePrice;
                        salesDetail.Comission  = actualSalePrice * sold.Product1.Comission ?? 0;
                        salesDetail.Sale_Price = sold.Product1.Sale_Price ?? 0;
                        salesDetail.Comission  = sold.Product1.Sale_Price * sold.Product1.Comission ?? 0;
                salespersonReport.totalSales      = agentSalesDetail.Sum(x => x.Sale_Price);
                salespersonReport.totalComissions = agentSalesDetail.Sum(x => x.Comission);

            reportInfo.reportData = reportData;

            DateTime firstSale   = (from p in _db.Sales orderby p.Sales_Date ascending select p.Sales_Date).First();
            DateTime currentYear = DateTime.Now;

            for (var i = firstSale.Year; i <= currentYear.Year; i++)
                int startMonth = 1;
                if (i == firstSale.Year)
                    startMonth = firstSale.Month;
                int endMonth = 12;
                if (i == currentYear.Year)
                    endMonth = currentYear.Month;
                for (var j = startMonth; j <= endMonth; j = j + 3)
                    string quarterAvailable;
                    if (j < 4)
                        quarterAvailable = "Q1 " + i;
                    else if (j < 7)
                        quarterAvailable = "Q2 " + i;
                    else if (j < 10)
                        quarterAvailable = "Q3 " + i;
                        quarterAvailable = "Q4 " + i;
            //ViewBag.Quarters = new SelectList(reportInfo.quarterNames, "Value", "Text");

Exemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult Index()
            Dashboard homeDashboard = new Dashboard();

            homeDashboard.salesThisMonth = new List <CommissionReport>();
            homeDashboard.hotBike        = new List <BikeSummary>();

            DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime beginDate   = new DateTime(currentDate.Year, currentDate.Month, 1);
            DateTime endDate     = beginDate.AddMonths(1);

            // Dashboard get current Discounts (Sales)
            homeDashboard.currentDiscounts = (from p in _db.Discounts where beginDate < currentDate && currentDate < endDate select p).ToList();

            // Dashboard get sales summary for the current month
            var activeSalespeople = (from p in _db.Sales where p.Sales_Date >= beginDate && p.Sales_Date <= endDate select p.Salesperson).Distinct().ToList();

            foreach (int agentId in activeSalespeople)
                CommissionReport salespersonReport = new CommissionReport();

                Salesperson salesAgent = (from p in _db.Salespersons where p.Id == agentId select p).FirstOrDefault();
                salespersonReport.Name = salesAgent.First_Name + " " + salesAgent.Last_Name;
                List <Sale> agentSales = (from p in _db.Sales where p.Sales_Date >= beginDate && p.Sales_Date <= endDate && p.Salesperson == agentId select p).ToList();
                salespersonReport.bikesSold = agentSales.Count;

                List <SalesDetailView> agentSalesDetail = new List <SalesDetailView>();
                foreach (Sale sold in agentSales)
                    SalesDetailView salesDetail = new SalesDetailView();
                    //Check for discount on this product for the date of sale
                    var discount = (from p in _db.Discounts where p.Product == sold.Product where p.Begin_Date <sold.Sales_Date && p.End_Date> sold.Sales_Date select p).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (discount != null)
                        decimal actualSalePrice = sold.Product1.Sale_Price * (1 - discount.Discount_Percentage) ?? 0;
                        salesDetail.Sale_Price = actualSalePrice;
                        salesDetail.Comission  = actualSalePrice * sold.Product1.Comission ?? 0;
                        salesDetail.Sale_Price = sold.Product1.Sale_Price ?? 0;
                        salesDetail.Comission  = sold.Product1.Sale_Price * sold.Product1.Comission ?? 0;
                salespersonReport.totalSales      = agentSalesDetail.Sum(x => x.Sale_Price);
                salespersonReport.totalComissions = agentSalesDetail.Sum(x => x.Comission);

            homeDashboard.salesThisMonth = homeDashboard.salesThisMonth.OrderByDescending(x => x.totalSales).ToList();

            // Dashboard get bikes popular for last 3 months
            DateTime popularStartDate = currentDate.AddMonths(-3);

            var bikesSold = (from p in _db.Sales where p.Sales_Date > popularStartDate && p.Sales_Date <= currentDate select p.Product1.Name).Distinct().ToList();

            foreach (string bikeName in bikesSold)
                BikeSummary bikeTrend = new BikeSummary();
                bikeTrend.bikeName  = bikeName;
                bikeTrend.bikesSold = (from p in _db.Sales where p.Sales_Date > popularStartDate && p.Sales_Date <= currentDate && p.Product1.Name == bikeName select p).ToList().Count();
            homeDashboard.hotBike = homeDashboard.hotBike.OrderByDescending(x => x.bikesSold).ToList();

 public CustomWebViewClient(SalesDetailView activity)
     myActivity = activity;