Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void rptYearlyExpenses_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            if (e.Item.DataItem is CostType)
                CostType    type    = (CostType)e.Item.DataItem;
                SailExpense expense = Module.ExpenseGetByDate(ActiveCruise, _yearDate);

                if (expense.Id < 0)
                    IList costs = Module.ExpenseServiceGet(ActiveCruise, _yearDate, _yearDate, null, type);
                    if (costs.Count > 0)
                        ExpenseService cost = costs[0] as ExpenseService;
                        if (cost != null)
                            TextBox     txtCost  = (TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("txtCost");
                            HiddenField hiddenId = (HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("hiddenId");
                            hiddenId.Value = cost.Id.ToString();
                            txtCost.Text   = cost.Cost.ToString("#,0.#");
                        IList lastCosts = Module.ExpenseServiceGet(ActiveCruise, _yearDate.AddYears(-1), _yearDate.AddYears(-1), null,
                        if (lastCosts.Count > 0)
                            ExpenseService cost = lastCosts[0] as ExpenseService;
                            if (cost != null)
                                TextBox txtCost = (TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("txtCost");
                                Literal litName = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("litName");
                                litName.Text = litName.Text + " (chưa lưu)";
                                txtCost.Text = cost.Cost.ToString("#,0.#");
        protected void rptBalance_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Header)

            #region -- Lấy control --

            Literal litIncome     = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("litIncome");
            Literal litReceivable = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("litReceivable");
            Literal litExpense    = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("litExpense");
            Literal litPayable    = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("litPayable");
            Literal litBalance    = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("litBalance");


            #region -- Footer --

            if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Footer)
                litIncome.Text     = _income.ToString("#,0.#");
                litReceivable.Text = _income.ToString("#,0.#");
                litExpense.Text    = _outcome.ToString("#,0.#");
                litPayable.Text    = _payable.ToString("#,0.#");
                litBalance.Text    = (_income - _outcome).ToString("#,0.#");


            Literal litDate = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("litDate");

            if (e.Item.DataItem is SailExpense)
                SailExpense expense = (SailExpense)e.Item.DataItem;
                litDate.Text = expense.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

                #region -- Income --

                IList  bookings   = Module.BookingGetByStartDate(expense.Date, ActiveCruise, true);
                double income     = 0;
                double receivable = 0;
                foreach (Booking booking in bookings)
                    if (UseVNDExpense)
                        if (booking.IsPaid)
                            if (booking.CurrencyRate > 0)
                                income += booking.PaidBase + booking.Paid * booking.CurrencyRate;
                                income += booking.PaidBase + booking.Paid * _currentRate.Rate;
                            if (booking.CurrencyRate > 0)
                                income += booking.Value;
                                income += booking.Value;
                        income += booking.Value;

                    receivable += booking.TotalReceivable;

                litIncome.Text     = income.ToString("#,0.#");
                litReceivable.Text = receivable.ToString("#,0.#");


                double outcome = 0;

                if (ActiveCruise != null)
                    outcome = GetOutcome(expense, bookings);
                    foreach (SailsTrip cruise in Module.TripGetAll(true, UserIdentity))
                        SailExpense ex = Module.ExpenseGetByDate(cruise, expense.Date);
                        outcome += GetOutcome(ex, bookings);

                litExpense.Text = outcome.ToString("#,0.#");

                litBalance.Text = (income - outcome).ToString("#,0.#");
                _income        += income;
                _outcome       += outcome;
                _receivable    += receivable;
            else if (e.Item.DataItem is int)
                int      month    = (int)e.Item.DataItem;
                int      year     = Convert.ToInt32(txtYear.Text);
                DateTime dateFrom = new DateTime(year, month, 1);
                DateTime dateTo   = dateFrom.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);

                litDate.Text = string.Format("{0:00}/{1:0000}", month, year);

                double income;
                double receivable;
                Module.IncomeSum(dateFrom, dateTo, out income, out receivable);

                litIncome.Text     = income.ToString("#,0.#");
                litReceivable.Text = receivable.ToString("#,0.#");

                double outcome;
                double payable;
                Module.OutcomeSum(dateFrom, dateTo, out outcome, out payable);

                litExpense.Text = outcome.ToString("#,0.#");
                litPayable.Text = payable.ToString("#,0.#");

                litBalance.Text = (income - outcome).ToString("#,0.#");

                _income     += income;
                _outcome    += outcome;
                _receivable += receivable;
                _payable    += payable;
        private double GetOutcome(SailExpense expense, IList bookings)
            double outcome = 0;

            #region -- Cộng tổng từng service --

            foreach (ExpenseService service in expense.Services)
                    if (service.Type.IsMonthly || service.Type.IsYearly)
                outcome += service.Cost;


            if (PeriodExpenseAvg)
                #region -- Chi phí theo nam/thang --

                // Nếu có chạy hoặc là tháng chưa kết thúc
                if (bookings.Count > 0 &&
                    expense.Date.Month + expense.Date.Year * 12 >= DateTime.Today.Month + DateTime.Today.Year * 12)
                    // Tính chi phí tháng
                    DateTime dateMonth = new DateTime(expense.Date.Year, expense.Date.Month, 1);
                    int      runcount;
                    // Nếu là tháng chưa kết thúc
                    if (dateMonth.AddMonths(1) > DateTime.Today)
                        runcount = dateMonth.AddMonths(1).Subtract(dateMonth).Days;
                        //runcount = Module.RunningDayCount(ActiveCruise, expense.Date.Year, expense.Date.Month);
                    if (!_monthExpense.ContainsKey(dateMonth))
                        //SailExpense monthExpense = Module.ExpenseGetByDate(ActiveCruise, dateMonth);
                        //if (monthExpense.Id < 0)
                        //    Module.SaveOrUpdate(monthExpense);
                        //double total = Module.CopyMonthlyCost(monthExpense);
                        //_monthExpense.Add(dateMonth, total/runcount);
                    outcome += _monthExpense[dateMonth];

                // Nếu có chạy hoặc năm chưa kết thúc
                if (bookings.Count > 0 && expense.Date.Year >= DateTime.Today.Year)
                    // Tính chi phí năm
                    DateTime dateYear = new DateTime(expense.Date.Year, 1, 1);
                    int      runcount;
                    // Nếu là năm chưa kết thúc
                    if (dateYear.AddYears(1) > DateTime.Today)
                        runcount = dateYear.AddYears(1).Subtract(dateYear).Days;
                        //runcount = Module.RunningDayCount(ActiveCruise, expense.Date.Year, 0);
                    if (!_yearExpense.ContainsKey(dateYear))
                        //SailExpense yearExpense = Module.ExpenseGetByDate(ActiveCruise, dateYear);
                        //if (yearExpense.Id < 0)
                        //    Module.SaveOrUpdate(yearExpense);
                        //double total = Module.CopyYearlyCost(yearExpense);
                        //_yearExpense.Add(dateYear, total/runcount);

                    outcome += _yearExpense[dateYear];

        /// <summary>
        /// Tính toán chi phí cho repeater item lưu thông tin expense
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private SailExpense ExpenseCalculate(RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            #region -- Thông tin chung của expense --

            SailExpense expense = (SailExpense)e.Item.DataItem;
            // Khi tính chi phí thì chỉ tính theo khách đã check-in
            ICriterion criterion = Expression.And(Expression.Eq("StartDate", expense.Date.Date),
                                                  Expression.Eq("Status", StatusType.Approved));
            // Bỏ deleted và cả transfer
            criterion = Expression.And(Expression.Eq("Deleted", false), criterion);
            criterion = Expression.And(Expression.Eq("IsTransferred", false), criterion);

            // Nếu là trang báo cáo chi phí từng tàu thì chỉ lấy theo tàu đó
            if (ActiveCruise != null)
                criterion = Expression.And(criterion, Expression.Eq("Cruise", ActiveCruise));

            IList bookings =
                Module.BookingGetByCriterion(criterion, null, 0, 0);

            int adult = 0;
            int child = 0;
            //int baby = 0;
            foreach (Booking booking in bookings)
                adult += booking.Adult;
                child += booking.Child;
            _pax += adult + child;


            if (ActiveCruise != null)
                GetCurrentCruiseTable(expense.Date, ActiveCruise);

            _currentTotal = 0; // Tổng cho ngày hiện tại

            // Chi phí tháng/năm chỉ được tính vào chi phí ngày nếu cho phép tính trung bình
            if (PeriodExpenseAvg)
                #region -- Chi phí tháng --

                // Nếu là tính chi phí cho một tàu thì chia chi phí bình thường
                if (expense.Cruise != null)
                    // Nếu có chạy hoặc là tháng chưa kết thúc
                    if (bookings.Count > 0 ||
                        expense.Date.Month + expense.Date.Year * 12 >= DateTime.Today.Month + DateTime.Today.Year * 12)
                        // Tính chi phí tháng
                        Literal litMonth = e.Item.FindControl("litMonth") as Literal;
                        if (litMonth != null)
                            DateTime dateMonth = new DateTime(expense.Date.Year, expense.Date.Month, 1);
                            if (!_monthExpense.ContainsKey(dateMonth))
                                int runcount; // Số ngày tàu chạy trong tháng, chỉ phục vụ việc tính chi phí trung bình
                                // Không cần tính lại trong mỗi lần lặp
                                // Nếu là tháng chưa kết thúc
                                if (dateMonth.AddMonths(1) > DateTime.Today)
                                    runcount = dateMonth.AddMonths(1).Subtract(dateMonth).Days;
                                    runcount = Module.RunningDayCount(expense.Cruise, expense.Date.Year,

                                SailExpense monthExpense = Module.ExpenseGetByDate(expense.Cruise, dateMonth);
                                if (monthExpense.Id < 0)
                                double total = Module.CopyMonthlyCost(monthExpense);
                                _monthExpense.Add(dateMonth, total / runcount);

                            litMonth.Text  = _monthExpense[dateMonth].ToString("#,0.#");
                            _month        += _monthExpense[dateMonth];
                            _currentTotal += _monthExpense[dateMonth];
                else // Nếu là tính chi phí tổng hợp thì tính cho tất cả các tàu rồi cộng lại
                    IList  cruises  = Module.CruiseGetAll();
                    double monthAll = 0; // tổng chi phí tháng trung bình
                    foreach (Cruise cruise in cruises)
                        DateTime dateMonth = new DateTime(expense.Date.Year, expense.Date.Month, 1);
                        // Nếu chưa có bảng chi phí cho tàu hiện tại
                        if (!_monthExpenseCruise.ContainsKey(cruise))
                            _monthExpenseCruise.Add(cruise, new Dictionary <DateTime, double>());
                            // Tạo một từ điển trắng để lưu dữ liệu

                        // Nếu chưa có chi phí của tàu hiện tại trong tháng hiện tại
                        if (!_monthExpenseCruise[cruise].ContainsKey(dateMonth))
                            int runcount;
                            // Nếu là tháng chưa kết thúc
                            if (dateMonth.AddMonths(1) > DateTime.Today)
                                runcount = dateMonth.AddMonths(1).Subtract(dateMonth).Days;
                                runcount = Module.RunningDayCount(cruise, expense.Date.Year, expense.Date.Month);

                            SailExpense monthExpense = Module.ExpenseGetByDate(cruise, dateMonth);
                            if (monthExpense.Id < 0)
                            double total = Module.CopyMonthlyCost(monthExpense);
                            _monthExpenseCruise[cruise].Add(dateMonth, total / runcount);

                        bool isRun = false;
                        if (dateMonth.AddMonths(1) <= DateTime.Today)
                            foreach (Booking booking in bookings)
                                if (booking.Cruise == cruise)
                                    isRun = true;
                            isRun = true; // Nếu là tháng chưa kết thúc thì mặc định là mọi ngày tàu đều chạy

                        if (isRun)
                            monthAll += _monthExpenseCruise[cruise][dateMonth];
                            // cộng thêm chi phí cho tàu này, ngày này khi tàu có chạy

                    _month += monthAll;

                    Literal litMonth = e.Item.FindControl("litMonth") as Literal;
                    if (litMonth != null)
                        litMonth.Text = monthAll.ToString("#,0.#");


                #region -- Chi phí năm --

                if (expense.Cruise != null)
                    // Nếu có chạy hoặc năm chưa kết thúc
                    if (bookings.Count > 0 || expense.Date.Year >= DateTime.Today.Year)
                        // Tính chi phí năm
                        Literal litYear = e.Item.FindControl("litYear") as Literal;
                        if (litYear != null)
                            DateTime dateYear = new DateTime(expense.Date.Year, 1, 1);
                            int      runcount;
                            // Nếu là năm chưa kết thúc
                            if (dateYear.AddYears(1) > DateTime.Today)
                                runcount = dateYear.AddYears(1).Subtract(dateYear).Days;
                                runcount = Module.RunningDayCount(expense.Cruise, expense.Date.Year, 0);
                            if (!_yearExpense.ContainsKey(dateYear))
                                SailExpense yearExpense = Module.ExpenseGetByDate(expense.Cruise, dateYear);
                                if (yearExpense.Id < 0)
                                double total = Module.CopyYearlyCost(yearExpense);
                                _yearExpense.Add(dateYear, total / runcount);

                            litYear.Text   = _yearExpense[dateYear].ToString("#,0.#");
                            _year         += _yearExpense[dateYear];
                            _currentTotal += _yearExpense[dateYear];
                    IList  cruises = Module.CruiseGetAll();
                    double yearAll = 0; // tổng chi phí tháng trung bình
                    foreach (Cruise cruise in cruises)
                        DateTime dateYear = new DateTime(expense.Date.Year, 1, 1);

                        // Nếu chưa có bảng chi phí cho tàu hiện tại
                        if (!_yearExpenseCruise.ContainsKey(cruise))
                            _yearExpenseCruise.Add(cruise, new Dictionary <DateTime, double>());
                            // Tạo một từ điển trắng để lưu dữ liệu

                        // Nếu chưa có chi phí của tàu hiện tại trong năm hiện tại
                        if (!_yearExpenseCruise[cruise].ContainsKey(dateYear))
                            int runcount;
                            // Nếu là năm chưa kết thúc
                            if (dateYear.AddYears(1) > DateTime.Today)
                                runcount = dateYear.AddYears(1).Subtract(dateYear).Days;
                                runcount = Module.RunningDayCount(cruise, expense.Date.Year, 0);

                            SailExpense yearExpense = Module.ExpenseGetByDate(cruise, dateYear);
                            if (yearExpense.Id < 0)
                            double total = Module.CopyYearlyCost(yearExpense);

                            _yearExpenseCruise[cruise].Add(dateYear, total / runcount);

                        bool isRun = false;
                        if (dateYear.AddYears(1) <= DateTime.Today)
                            foreach (Booking booking in bookings)
                                if (booking.Cruise == cruise)
                                    isRun = true;
                            isRun = true; // Nếu là năm chưa kết thúc thì mặc định là mọi ngày tàu đều chạy

                        if (isRun)
                            yearAll += _yearExpenseCruise[cruise][dateYear];
                            // cộng thêm chi phí cho tàu này, ngày này khi tàu có chạy

                    _year += yearAll;

                    Literal litYear = e.Item.FindControl("litYear") as Literal;
                    if (litYear != null)
                        litYear.Text = yearAll.ToString("#,0.#");


            if (_cruiseTable == null && ActiveCruise != null)
                throw new Exception("Hai phong cruise price table is out of valid");

            // Lấy về bảng giá đã tính
            _currentCostMap = expense.Calculate(AllCostTypes, GetCurrentTable, GetCurrentDailyTable, GetCurrentCruiseTable,
                                                bookings, Module, PartnershipManager);
        protected void GetDataSource()
                // Ngày bắt đầu và ngày két thúc
                DateTime from;
                DateTime to;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFrom.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtTo.Text))
                    from = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-DateTime.Today.Day + 1);
                    to   = from.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);
                    from = DateTime.ParseExact(txtFrom.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    to   = DateTime.ParseExact(txtTo.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                txtFrom.Text = from.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                txtTo.Text   = to.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                if (to.Subtract(from).Days > 100)
                    throw new Exception("Kỳ hạn hiển thị quá dài, có thể gây quá tải hệ thống");

                IList list = Module.ExpenseGetByDate(ActiveCruise, from, to);

                // Bổ sung các ngày còn thiếu
                if (from <= to && (list.Count == 0 || list.Count < to.Subtract(from).Days + 1))
                    IDictionary <DateTime, SailExpense> dic = new Dictionary <DateTime, SailExpense>();
                    foreach (SailExpense expense in list)
                        if (!dic.ContainsKey(expense.Date))
                            dic.Add(expense.Date, expense);
                    DateTime current;
                    current = from; // Bắt đầu từ ngày đầu tiên
                    while (current <= to)
                        if (!dic.ContainsKey(current))
                            SailExpense expense = new SailExpense();
                            expense.Date   = current;
                            expense.Cruise = ActiveCruise;
                        current = current.AddDays(1);

                    //Cuối cùng refresh lại danh sách là xong
                    list = Module.ExpenseGetByDate(ActiveCruise, from, to);
                rptBookingList.DataSource = list;
            catch (Exception ex)
                while (ex.InnerException != null)
                    ex = ex.InnerException;
        protected virtual void rptBookingList_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            Control ctrl = e.Item.FindControl("plhPeriodExpense");

            if (ctrl != null)
                ctrl.Visible = PeriodExpenseAvg;

            if (e.Item.DataItem is SailExpense)
                #region -- Tính toán chi phí & hiển thị --

                SailExpense expense = ExpenseCalculate(e);

                Plus(_currentCostMap); // Cộng bảng chi phí

                #region -- Show info --
                Repeater rptServices = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("rptServices");
                rptServices.DataSource = AllCostTypes;

                Literal litTotal = e.Item.FindControl("litTotal") as Literal;
                if (litTotal != null)
                    litTotal.Text = _currentTotal.ToString("#,0.#");

                HyperLink hplDate = e.Item.FindControl("hplDate") as HyperLink;
                if (hplDate != null)
                    hplDate.Text = expense.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");




            #region -- Header --
            if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Header)
                Repeater rptServices = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("rptServices");
                rptServices.DataSource = AllCostTypes;

            #region -- Footer --
            if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Footer)
                Repeater rptServices = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("rptServices");
                rptServices.DataSource = AllCostTypes;

                double total = 0;
                foreach (CostType type in AllCostTypes)
                    total += _grandTotal[type];

                total += _month;
                total += _year;

                Literal litMonth = e.Item.FindControl("litMonth") as Literal;
                if (litMonth != null)
                    litMonth.Text = _month.ToString("#,0.#");

                Literal litYear = e.Item.FindControl("litYear") as Literal;
                if (litYear != null)
                    litYear.Text = _year.ToString("#,0.#");

                Literal litTotal = e.Item.FindControl("litTotal") as Literal;
                if (litTotal != null)
                    litTotal.Text = total.ToString("#,0.#");
Exemplo n.º 7
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Request.QueryString["sheetId"] != null)
                _currentSheet = Module.AnswerSheetGetById(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["sheetId"]));
                _currentSheet = new AnswerSheet();

            if (!IsPostBack)
                rptGroups.DataSource = Module.QuestionGroupGetAll();

                //ddlCruises.DataSource = Module.CruiseGetAll();
                //ddlCruises.DataTextField = "Name";
                //ddlCruises.DataValueField = "Id";

                ddlNationalities.DataSource     = Module.NationalityGetAll();
                ddlNationalities.DataTextField  = "Name";
                ddlNationalities.DataValueField = "Id";
                ddlNationalities.Items.Insert(0, "-- Not available --");

                if (Request.QueryString["startdate"] != null)
                    DateTime date = DateTime.FromOADate(Convert.ToDouble(Request.QueryString["startdate"]));
                    txtStartDate.Text = date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

                    ddlBookings.DataSource     = Module.BookingGetByStartDate(date, null, false);
                    ddlBookings.DataTextField  = "BookingIdOS";
                    ddlBookings.DataValueField = "Id";
                else if (Request.QueryString["bookingid"] != null)
                    Booking booking = Module.BookingGetById(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["bookingid"]));
                    ddlBookings.DataSource     = Module.BookingGetByStartDate(booking.StartDate, null, false);
                    ddlBookings.DataTextField  = "BookingIdOS";
                    ddlBookings.DataValueField = "Id";
                    ddlBookings.SelectedValue = booking.Id.ToString();

                    //ddlCruises.SelectedValue = booking.Cruise.Id.ToString();
                    _currentSheet.Booking = booking;

                    txtStartDate.Text = booking.StartDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

                if (_currentSheet.Booking != null)
                    Booking     booking = _currentSheet.Booking;
                    SailExpense expense = Module.ExpenseGetByDate(booking.Trip, booking.StartDate);
                    txtGuide.Visible  = false;
                    txtDriver.Visible = false;

                    foreach (ExpenseService sv in expense.Services)
                        if (sv.Type.Id == SailsModule.GUIDE_COST)
                            if (sv.Supplier != null)
                        if (sv.Type.Id == 19)
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sv.Name))
                                if (sv.Supplier != null)
                    ddlGuide.Items.Insert(0, "-- Not specified --");
                    ddlDrivers.Items.Insert(0, "-- Not specified --");
                    ddlGuide.Visible   = false;
                    ddlDrivers.Visible = false;

                ddlBookings.Items.Insert(0, "-- Not available --");

                if (_currentSheet.Id > 0)
                    if (_currentSheet.Booking != null)
                        ddlBookings.SelectedValue = _currentSheet.Booking.Id.ToString();
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_currentSheet.Guide))
                            ddlGuide.SelectedValue = _currentSheet.Guide;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_currentSheet.Driver))
                            ddlDrivers.SelectedValue = _currentSheet.Driver;
                        txtGuide.Text  = _currentSheet.Guide;
                        txtDriver.Text = _currentSheet.Driver;

                    if (_currentSheet.Nationality != null)
                        ddlNationalities.SelectedValue = _currentSheet.Nationality.Id.ToString();
                    //ddlCruises.SelectedValue = _currentSheet.Cruise.Id.ToString();
                    if (_currentSheet.Date.HasValue)
                        txtStartDate.Text = _currentSheet.Date.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                    txtName.Text       = _currentSheet.Name;
                    txtEmail.Text      = _currentSheet.Email;
                    txtAddress.Text    = _currentSheet.Address;
                    txtRoomNumber.Text = _currentSheet.RoomNumber;
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected void rptMonthlyExpenses_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            if (e.Item.DataItem is CostType)
                CostType type = (CostType)e.Item.DataItem;
                #region -- Xét group --
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type.GroupName) && _header.ToLower() != type.GroupName.ToLower())
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_header))
                        e.Item.FindControl("plhGroupFooter").Visible = true;
                        TextBox txtFooter = e.Item.FindControl("txtFooter") as TextBox;
                        if (txtFooter != null)
                            txtFooter.Text = _footer.ToString("#,0.#");

                    _header = type.GroupName;
                    e.Item.FindControl("plhGroupHeader").Visible = true;
                    Literal litHeader = e.Item.FindControl("litHeader") as Literal;
                    if (litHeader != null)
                        litHeader.Text = _header;
                    _footer = 0;

                SailExpense expense = Module.ExpenseGetByDate(ActiveCruise, _date);

                #region -- Tính và hiển thị --
                if (expense.Id < 0)
                    IList costs = Module.ExpenseServiceGet(ActiveCruise, _date, _date, null, type);
                    if (costs.Count > 0)
                        ExpenseService cost = costs[0] as ExpenseService;
                        if (cost != null)
                            TextBox     txtCost   = (TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("txtCost");
                            TextBox     txtDetail = (TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("txtDetail");
                            HiddenField hiddenId  = (HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("hiddenId");
                            hiddenId.Value = cost.Id.ToString();
                            txtCost.Text   = cost.Cost.ToString("#,0.#");
                            _total        += cost.Cost;
                            _footer       += cost.Cost;
                            txtDetail.Text = cost.Name;
                        IList lastCosts = Module.ExpenseServiceGet(ActiveCruise, _date.AddMonths(-1), _date.AddMonths(-1), null, type);
                        if (lastCosts.Count > 0)
                            ExpenseService cost = lastCosts[0] as ExpenseService;
                            if (cost != null)
                                TextBox txtCost   = (TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("txtCost");
                                TextBox txtDetail = (TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("txtDetail");
                                Literal litName   = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("litName");
                                litName.Text   = string.Format("{0} ({1})", litName.Text, Resources.textUnsaved);
                                txtCost.Text   = cost.Cost.ToString("#,0.#");
                                _total        += cost.Cost;
                                _footer       += cost.Cost;
                                txtDetail.Text = cost.Name;
            else if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Footer)
                TextBox txtFooter = e.Item.FindControl("txtFooter") as TextBox;
                if (txtFooter != null)
                    txtFooter.Text = _footer.ToString("#,0.#");
                TextBox txtTotal = e.Item.FindControl("txtTotal") as TextBox;
                if (txtTotal != null)
                    txtTotal.Text = _total.ToString("#,0.#");
        public static void Export(IList list, int count, IList expenseList, DateTime _date, string bookingFormat, HttpResponse Response, string templatePath, SailsTrip trip, SailsAdminBasePage page)
            SailsModule module = page.Module;
            // Bắt đầu thao tác export

            ExcelFile excelFile = new ExcelFile();


            // Số lệnh điều tua = số lượng group
            int numberOfGroup = -1;

            foreach (Booking booking in list)
                if (booking.Group > numberOfGroup)
                    numberOfGroup = booking.Group;

            foreach (ExpenseService service in expenseList)
                if (service.Group > numberOfGroup)
                    numberOfGroup = service.Group;

            if (numberOfGroup <= 0)
                numberOfGroup = 1; // Tối thiểu là 1 group

            #region -- sheet 0: Lệnh điều tour --
            for (int ii = 0; ii <= numberOfGroup; ii++)
                // Mở sheet 0
                ExcelWorksheet originSheet = excelFile.Worksheets[0];

                int numberOfBooking = 0;
                foreach (Booking booking in list)
                    if (booking.Group == ii)

                if (numberOfBooking == 0 && ii == 0)

                ExcelWorksheet sheet = excelFile.Worksheets.AddCopy("LenhDieuTour" + ii, originSheet);

                #region -- Thông tin chung --

                if (expenseList != null)
                    // Các thông tin chèn thêm
                    foreach (ExpenseService service in expenseList)
                        if (service.Group != ii)

                        switch (service.Type.Id)
                        case SailsModule.GUIDE_COST:
                            if (service.Type.IsCustomType || service.Supplier == null)
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(service.Name) && service.Supplier != null)
                                    sheet.Cells["C3"].Value = service.Supplier.Name;
                                    sheet.Cells["C3"].Value = service.Name;
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(service.Name) && service.Supplier != null)
                                    sheet.Cells["F3"].Value = service.Supplier.Phone;
                                    sheet.Cells["F3"].Value = service.Phone;
                                sheet.Cells["C3"].Value = service.Supplier.Name;
                                sheet.Cells["f3"].Value = service.Supplier.Phone;

                        case SailsModule.TRANSPORT:
                            if (service.Type.IsCustomType || service.Supplier == null)
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(service.Name) && service.Supplier != null)
                                    sheet.Cells["C4"].Value = service.Supplier.Name;
                                    sheet.Cells["C4"].Value = service.Name;
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(service.Name) && service.Supplier != null)
                                    sheet.Cells["F4"].Value = service.Supplier.Phone;
                                    sheet.Cells["F4"].Value = service.Phone;
                                sheet.Cells["C4"].Value = service.Supplier.Name;
                                sheet.Cells["f4"].Value = service.Supplier.Phone;

                        case SailsModule.HOTEL:
                            if (service.Supplier != null)
                                sheet.Cells["C7"].Value = service.Supplier.Name;
                                sheet.Cells["C7"].Value = service.Name;

                sheet.Cells["D1"].Value = _date;

                // Tính tổng pax
                int adult = 0;
                int child = 0;
                int baby  = 0;

                int pAdult = 0;
                int pChild = 0;
                int pBaby  = 0;

                foreach (Booking booking in list)
                    if (booking.StartDate == _date && booking.Group == ii)
                        adult += booking.Adult;
                        child += booking.Child;
                        baby  += booking.Baby;
                    else if (booking.Group == ii)
                        pAdult += booking.Adult;
                        pChild += booking.Child;
                        pBaby  += booking.Baby;

                int pax = adult + child + pAdult + pChild;

                sheet.Cells["C5"].Value  = page.UserIdentity.FullName;
                sheet.Cells["C6"].Value  = pax;
                sheet.Cells["C12"].Value = adult;
                sheet.Cells["D12"].Value = child;
                sheet.Cells["E12"].Value = baby;

                sheet.Cells["C18"].Value = pAdult;
                sheet.Cells["D18"].Value = pChild;
                sheet.Cells["E18"].Value = pBaby;


                #region -- Sao chép các dòng --

                // Sao chép dòng đầu theo số lượng booking
                // Dòng đầu tiên là dòng 11
                const int firstrow = 10;

                // Đếm số book trong ngày
                int curr = 0;
                foreach (Booking booking in list)
                    if (booking.StartDate == _date && booking.Group == ii)
                        curr += 1;

                sheet.Rows[16].InsertCopy(count - curr - 1, sheet.Rows[firstrow]);
                if (curr > 0)
                    sheet.Rows[firstrow].InsertCopy(curr - 1, sheet.Rows[firstrow]);
                int firstProw = 16 + curr;


                #region -- Thông tin từng booking --

                // Ghi vào file excel theo từng dòng
                int crow  = firstrow;
                int cProw = firstProw - 1;
                foreach (Booking booking in list)
                    if (booking.Group != ii)
                    sheet.Cells["D2"].Value = string.Format("{0}{1:ddMMyy}-{2:00}", booking.Trip.TripCode, booking.StartDate, booking.Group);
                    int current;
                    int index;
                    if (booking.StartDate != _date)
                        // Dòng previous hiện tại
                        current = cProw;
                        // Index = cột previous hiện tại - previous đầu tiên
                        index = cProw - firstProw + 2;
                        current = crow;
                        index   = crow - firstrow + 1;
                    sheet.Cells[current, 0].Value = index; // Cột index
                    string name = booking.CustomerName.Replace("<br/>", "\n");
                    if (name.Length > 0)
                        name = name.Remove(name.Length - 1);
                    sheet.Cells[current, 1].Value = name;                   // Cột name
                    sheet.Cells[current, 2].Value = booking.Adult;          // Cột adult
                    sheet.Cells[current, 3].Value = booking.Child;          // Cột child
                    sheet.Cells[current, 4].Value = booking.Baby;           // Cột baby
                    sheet.Cells[current, 5].Value = booking.Trip.TripCode;  // Cột trip code
                    sheet.Cells[current, 6].Value = booking.PickupAddress;  // Cột pickup address
                    sheet.Cells[current, 7].Value = booking.SpecialRequest; // Cột special request

                    sheet.Cells[current, 9].Style.Borders.SetBorders(MultipleBorders.Outside, System.Drawing.Color.Black, LineStyle.Thin);

                    if (booking.Agency != null)
                        sheet.Cells[current, 8].Value = booking.Agency.Name; // Cột agency

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(booking.AgencyCode))
                            sheet.Cells[current, 9].Value = booking.AgencyCode;
                            // Chỉ hiển thị nếu có agency (cột TA COde)
                            if (booking.CustomBookingId > 0)
                                sheet.Cells[current, 9].Value = string.Format(bookingFormat, booking.CustomBookingId);
                                sheet.Cells[current, 9].Value = string.Format(bookingFormat, booking.Id);
                        sheet.Cells[current, 8].Value = SailsModule.NOAGENCY; // Hiển thị oriental nếu ko có agency

                        if (booking.CustomBookingId > 0)
                            sheet.Cells[current, 9].Value = string.Format(bookingFormat, booking.CustomBookingId);
                            sheet.Cells[current, 9].Value = string.Format(bookingFormat, booking.Id);

                    if (booking.PickupTime != null)
                        sheet.Cells[current, 10].Value = booking.PickupTime.Value.ToString("HH:mm");

                    if (booking.SeeoffTime != null)
                        sheet.Cells[current, 11].Value = booking.SeeoffTime.Value.ToString("HH:mm");

                    if (trip.Name.ToLower() != "airport transfer")

                    if (trip.Name.ToLower() != "airport transfer")


                // Mở sheet 1
                originSheet = excelFile.Worksheets[1];
                ExcelWorksheet budget = excelFile.Worksheets.AddCopy("Budget" + ii, originSheet);

                budget.Cells["C3"].Value = sheet.Cells["C3"].Value;
                budget.Cells["C4"].Value = sheet.Cells["C4"].Value;
                budget.Cells["A1"].Value = sheet.Cells["D1"].Value;
                budget.Cells["C5"].Value = page.UserIdentity.FullName;
                budget.Cells["C6"].Value = sheet.Cells["C6"].Value;

                budget.Cells["A1"].Value = string.Format("{0}{1:ddMMyyyy}", trip.TripCode, _date);

                // Các chi phí xuất ra bao gồm chi phí theo ngày và chi phí theo khách
                ExpenseCalculator calculator = new ExpenseCalculator(module, true);
                SailExpense       expense    = module.ExpenseGetByDate(trip, _date);
                IList             expenses   = module.ExpenseServiceGet(trip, _date, _date, null, null, null, null, false, null, 0, "");

                CostingTable cost      = calculator.GetCurrentTable(_date, trip, TripOption.Option1);
                IList        costTypes = new ArrayList();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <CostType, double> entry in module.CostTypeGetAutoDailyBase())
                Dictionary <CostType, Costing> unitPrices = cost.GetCostMap(costTypes);

                const int first = 8;
                curr = first;

                foreach (ExpenseService entry in expenses)
                    if (entry.Group != ii)

                    if (entry.Type.IsPayNow)
                        if (entry.Type.IsDailyInput)// Nếu là chi phí nhập tay
                            if (entry.Cost == 0)
                            budget.Rows[curr].InsertCopy(1, budget.Rows[curr]);
                            budget.Cells[curr, 0].Value = curr - first + 1;
                            budget.Cells[curr, 1].Value = _date;
                            if (entry.Type.Name.ToLower().Contains("others"))
                                budget.Cells[curr, 2].Value = entry.Name;
                                budget.Cells[curr, 2].Value = entry.Type.Name;
                            budget.Cells[curr, 3].Value = entry.Cost; // chi phí dành cho cả đoàn
                            budget.Cells[curr, 4].Value = entry.Cost;
                        else if (!entry.Type.IsMonthly && !entry.Type.IsYearly)
                            double value = unitPrices[entry.Type].Adult * adult;

                            if (value > 0)
                                budget.Rows[curr].InsertCopy(1, budget.Rows[curr]);
                                budget.Cells[curr, 0].Value = curr - first + 1;
                                budget.Cells[curr, 1].Value = _date;
                                budget.Cells[curr, 2].Value = entry.Type.Name + " (adult)";
                                budget.Cells[curr, 3].Value = unitPrices[entry.Type].Adult; // giá adult
                                budget.Cells[curr, 4].Value = value;

                            value = unitPrices[entry.Type].Child * child;

                            if (value > 0)
                                budget.Rows[curr].InsertCopy(1, budget.Rows[curr]);
                                budget.Cells[curr, 0].Value = curr - first + 1;
                                budget.Cells[curr, 1].Value = _date;
                                budget.Cells[curr, 2].Value = entry.Type.Name + " (child)";
                                budget.Cells[curr, 3].Value = unitPrices[entry.Type].Child; // giá adult
                                budget.Cells[curr, 4].Value = value;

                            value = unitPrices[entry.Type].Baby * baby;

                            if (value > 0)
                                budget.Rows[curr].InsertCopy(1, budget.Rows[curr]);
                                budget.Cells[curr, 0].Value = curr - first + 1;
                                budget.Cells[curr, 1].Value = _date;
                                budget.Cells[curr, 2].Value = entry.Type.Name + " (baby)";
                                budget.Cells[curr, 3].Value = unitPrices[entry.Type].Baby; // giá adult
                                budget.Cells[curr, 4].Value = value;


            #region -- sheet 1:
            //if (excelFile.Worksheets.Count == 1)
            //    goto end;
            //ExcelWorksheet budget = excelFile.Worksheets[1];

            #region -- Trả dữ liệu về cho người dùng --

            Response.Buffer      = true;
            Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel";
                                  "attachment; filename=" + string.Format("Lenhdieutour{0:dd_MMM}.xls", _date));

            MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream();


            Response.OutputStream.Write(m.GetBuffer(), 0, m.GetBuffer().Length);

