Exemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a logarithmically scaled and proportionate array of spectrum data from the AudioListener.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="spectrumSize">The size of the returned array.</param>
    /// <param name="sampleSize">The size of sample to take from the AudioListener. Must be a power of two. Will only be used in WebGL if no samples have been taken yet.</param>
    /// <param name="windowUsed">The FFTWindow to use when sampling. Unused in WebGL.</param>
    /// <param name="channelUsed">The audio channel to use when sampling. Unused in WebGL.</param>
    /// <returns>A logarithmically scaled and proportionate array of spectrum data from the AudioListener.</returns>
    public static float[] GetLogarithmicSpectrumData(int spectrumSize, int sampleSize, FFTWindow windowUsed = FFTWindow.BlackmanHarris, int channelUsed = 0)
        sampleSize = SSWebInteract.SetFFTSize(sampleSize); //set the WebGL sampleSize if not already done, otherwise get the current sample size.
        float[] spectrum = new float[spectrumSize];

        channelUsed = Mathf.Clamp(channelUsed, 0, 1);

        float[] samples = new float[Mathf.ClosestPowerOfTwo(sampleSize)];

        SSWebInteract.GetSpectrumData(samples); //get the spectrum data from the JS lib
        AudioListener.GetSpectrumData(samples, channelUsed, windowUsed);

        float highestLogSampleFreq = Mathf.Log(spectrum.Length + 1, 2); //gets the highest possible logged frequency, used to calculate which sample of the spectrum to use for a bar

        float logSampleFreqMultiplier = sampleSize / highestLogSampleFreq;

        for (int i = 0; i < spectrum.Length; i++)                                                                             //for each float in the output
            float trueSampleIndex = (highestLogSampleFreq - Mathf.Log(spectrum.Length + 1 - i, 2)) * logSampleFreqMultiplier; //gets the index equiv of the logified frequency

            //the true sample is usually a decimal, so we need to lerp between the floor and ceiling of it.

            int sampleIndexFloor = Mathf.FloorToInt(trueSampleIndex);
            sampleIndexFloor = Mathf.Clamp(sampleIndexFloor, 0, samples.Length - 2);                                                        //just keeping it within the spectrum array's range

            float value = Mathf.SmoothStep(spectrum[sampleIndexFloor], spectrum[sampleIndexFloor + 1], trueSampleIndex - sampleIndexFloor); //smoothly interpolate between the two samples using the true index's decimal.

            value = value * (Mathf.Log(trueSampleIndex + 1) + 1); //different due to how the WebAudioAPI outputs spectrum data.
            value = value * (trueSampleIndex + 1);                //multiply value by its position to make it proportionate
            value = Mathf.Sqrt(value);                            //compress the amplitude values by sqrt(x)
            spectrum[i] = value;
Exemplo n.º 2
    void Update()
        if (sourceType == SourceType.AudioSource && !audioSource.isPlaying)
            return;                                                                 //Freeze bars as they are if the audio source is not playing.
        if (isEnabled)
            //sampleChannel = Mathf.Clamp(sampleChannel, 0, 1); //force the channel to be valid

            if (sourceType != SourceType.Custom)
                if (sourceType == SourceType.AudioListener)
                    SSWebInteract.GetSpectrumData(spectrum);                            //get the spectrum data from the JS lib
                    AudioListener.GetSpectrumData(spectrum, sampleChannel, windowUsed); //get the spectrum data
                    audioSource.GetSpectrumData(spectrum, sampleChannel, windowUsed); //get the spectrum data

#if UNITY_EDITOR    //allows for editing curve while in play mode, disabled in build for optimisation
            float spectrumLength = bars.Length * (1 + barXSpacing);
            float midPoint       = spectrumLength / 2;

            float   curveAngleRads = 0, curveRadius = 0, halfwayAngleR = 0, halfwayAngleD = 0;
            Vector3 curveCentreVector = Vector3.zero;
            if (barCurveAngle > 0)
                curveAngleRads = (barCurveAngle / 360) * (2 * Mathf.PI);
                curveRadius    = spectrumLength / curveAngleRads;

                halfwayAngleR     = curveAngleRads / 2;
                halfwayAngleD     = barCurveAngle / 2;
                curveCentreVector = new Vector3(0, 0, -curveRadius);
                if (barCurveAngle == 360)
                    curveCentreVector = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            float freqLim = frequencyLimitHigh * 0.76f; //AnalyserNode.getFloatFrequencyData doesn't fill the array, for some reason
            float freqLim = frequencyLimitHigh;

            for (int i = 0; i < bars.Length; i++)
                Transform bar = bars [i];

                float value;
                float trueSampleIndex;

                //GET SAMPLES
                if (useLogarithmicFrequency)

                    //trueSampleIndex = highFrequencyTrim * (highestLogFreq - Mathf.Log(barAmount + 1 - i, 2)) * logFreqMultiplier; //old version

                    trueSampleIndex = Mathf.Lerp(frequencyLimitLow, freqLim, (highestLogFreq - Mathf.Log(barAmount + 1 - i, 2)) / highestLogFreq) * frequencyScaleFactor;

                    //'logarithmic frequencies' just means we want to bias to the lower frequencies.
                    //by doing log2(max(i)) - log2(max(i) - i), we get a flipped log graph
                    //(make a graph of log2(64)-log2(64-x) to see what I mean)
                    //this isn't finished though, because that graph doesn't actually map the bar index (x) to the spectrum index (y).
                    //then we divide by highestLogFreq to make the graph to map 0-barAmount on the x axis to 0-1 in the y axis.
                    //we then use this to Lerp between frequency limits, and then an index is calculated.
                    //also 1 gets added to barAmount pretty much everywhere, because without it, the log hits (barAmount-1,max(freq))
                    //trueSampleIndex = i * linearSampleStretch; //don't like this anymore

                    trueSampleIndex = Mathf.Lerp(frequencyLimitLow, freqLim, ((float)i) / barAmount) * frequencyScaleFactor;
                    //sooooo this one's gotten fancier...
                    //firstly a lerp is used between frequency limits to get the 'desired frequency', then it's divided by the outputSampleRate (/2, who knows why) to get its location in the array, then multiplied by numSamples to get an index instead of a fraction.

                //the true sample is usually a decimal, so we need to lerp between the floor and ceiling of it.

                int sampleIndexFloor = Mathf.FloorToInt(trueSampleIndex);
                sampleIndexFloor = Mathf.Clamp(sampleIndexFloor, 0, spectrum.Length - 2);                                                 //just keeping it within the spectrum array's range

                value = Mathf.SmoothStep(spectrum[sampleIndexFloor], spectrum[sampleIndexFloor + 1], trueSampleIndex - sampleIndexFloor); //smoothly interpolate between the two samples using the true index's decimal.

                //MANIPULATE & APPLY SAMPLES
                if (multiplyByFrequency) //multiplies the amplitude by the true sample index
                    value = value * (Mathf.Log(trueSampleIndex + 1) + 1);  //different due to how the WebAudioAPI outputs spectrum data.
                    value = value * (trueSampleIndex + 1);

                value = Mathf.Sqrt(value); //compress the amplitude values by sqrt(x)

                //Scale by curve
                value = barYScaling.Evaluate(Mathf.Clamp01(value));

                //Vector3 oldScale = bar.localScale;
                float oldYScale = oldYScales[i], newYScale;
                if (value * barYScale > oldYScale)
                    newYScale = Mathf.Lerp(oldYScale, Mathf.Max(value * barYScale, barMinYScale), attackDamp);
                    newYScale = Mathf.Lerp(oldYScale, Mathf.Max(value * barYScale, barMinYScale), decayDamp);

                bar.localScale = new Vector3(barXScale, newYScale, 1);

                oldYScales[i] = newYScale;

                //set colour
                if (useColorGradient && materialColourCanBeUsed)
                    float newColorVal = colorValueCurve.Evaluate(value);
                    float oldColorVal = oldColorValues[i];

                    if (newColorVal > oldColorVal)
                        if (colorAttackDamp != 1)
                            newColorVal = Mathf.Lerp(oldColorVal, newColorVal, colorAttackDamp);
                        if (colorDecayDamp != 1)
                            newColorVal = Mathf.Lerp(oldColorVal, newColorVal, colorDecayDamp);

                    barMaterials[i].SetFloat(materialValId, newColorVal);

                    oldColorValues[i] = newColorVal;

                //realtime modifications for Editor only
                if (barCurveAngle > 0)
                    float position      = ((float)i / bars.Length);
                    float thisBarAngleR = (position * curveAngleRads) - halfwayAngleR;
                    float thisBarAngleD = (position * barCurveAngle) - halfwayAngleD;
                    bar.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(barXRotation, thisBarAngleD, 0);
                    bar.localPosition = new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(thisBarAngleR) * curveRadius, 0, Mathf.Cos(thisBarAngleR) * curveRadius) + curveCentreVector;
                    bar.localPosition = new Vector3(i * (1 + barXSpacing) - midPoint, 0, 0);
        else           //switched off
            foreach (Transform bar in bars)
                bar.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(bar.localScale, new Vector3(1, barMinYScale, 1), decayDamp);
        if ((Time.unscaledTime - lastMicRestartTime) > micRestartWait)