Exemplo n.º 1
        private void Query(HttpContext context)
            int    page      = int.Parse(context.Request["page"]);
            int    pagesize  = int.Parse(context.Request["rows"]);
            string mo_id     = context.Request["mo_id"];
            string prd_dep   = context.Request["prd_dep"];
            string prd_cdesc = context.Request["prd_cdesc"];
            string now_date  = context.Request["now_date"];
            //mo_id = "102";
            bool    is_val = false;
            SQLHelp sh     = new SQLHelp();
            int     frist  = pagesize * (page - 1);
            //string strfaca = "select top " + pagesize + " * from student where " + code + " id not in( select top " + frist + " id from student ) ";
            string strSql = "";

            strSql = "Select arrange_id,now_date, prd_dep, prd_mo, prd_item, urgent_status, arrange_machine, arrange_date, arrange_seq, order_qty" +
                     ", order_date, req_time, req_qty, cpl_qty, wait_cpl_qty, prd_cpl_qty, dep_rep_date" +
                     " From product_arrange Where arrange_seq>0 ";
            if (prd_dep != "" && prd_dep != null)
                strSql += " And prd_dep='" + prd_dep + "'";
                is_val  = true;
            if (now_date != "" && now_date != null)
                strSql += " And now_date='" + now_date + "'";
                is_val  = true;
            if (mo_id != "" && mo_id != null)
                strSql += " And prd_mo='" + mo_id + "'";
                is_val  = true;
            if (is_val == false)
                strSql += " And prd_dep=''";
            //strSql += " And arrange_id Not In(select top " + frist + " arrange_id from product_arrange )";
            strSql += " Order By arrange_seq";
            string    tablename = "prd_arrange";
            DataSet   ds        = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataSet(strSql, tablename);
            DataTable dt        = ds.Tables[0];

            int count = dt.Rows.Count;
            //DataTable dt = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql);
            string strJson = Dataset2Json(ds, count);//DataSet数据转化为Json数据

            //string strJson = DataTableJson(dt);//DataSet数据转化为Json数据
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void Query(HttpContext context)
            string tb_type    = context.Request["tb_type"];
            string arrange_id = "";
            //string prd_dep = context.Request["prd_dep"];
            //string prd_mo = context.Request["prd_mo"];
            //string prd_item = context.Request["prd_item"];
            //string now_date = context.Request["now_date"];
            string upd_type = "0";
            HttpRequest request = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request;

            Uri    Project_Id = request.UrlReferrer;
            string a1         = Project_Id.Query.ToString();

            string[] urlPara = getUrlPara(a1);
            //prd_dep = urlPara[0];
            //prd_mo = urlPara[1];
            //prd_item = urlPara[2];
            //now_date = urlPara[3];
            arrange_id = urlPara[2];
            bool is_val = false;
            //SQLHelp sh = new SQLHelp();
            string strSql    = "";
            string msg       = "";
            string tablename = "";

            if (tb_type == "hrm01")
                //strSql = "Select a.hrm1wid,a.hrm1name,c.hrc5name,b.hrc4name" +
                //    " From dgsql1.dghr.dbo.hrm01 a" +
                //    " Inner Join dgsql1.dghr.dbo.hrc04 b On a.hrm1stat2=b.hrc4class" +
                //    " Left Join dgsql1.dghr.dbo.hrc05 c On a.hrm1job=c.hrc5job" +
                //    " Where a.hrm1state='1'";
                //if (prd_dep != "" && prd_dep != null)
                //    strSql += " And b.wip_dep='" + prd_dep + "'";
                //    is_val = true;

                //if (is_val == false)
                //    strSql += " And a.hrm1stat2=''";
                //strSql += " Order By a.hrm1job,a.hrm1wid";
                //tablename = "hrm01";
                if (tb_type == "prd01")
                    strSql = "Select b.worker_id,c.hrm1name,b.work_type_id,d.work_type_desc" +
                             " From dgcf_pad.dbo.product_arrange a" +
                             " Inner Join dgcf_pad.dbo.product_arrange_worker b On a.arrange_id=b.arrange_id" +
                             " Left Join dgsql1.dghr.dbo.hrm01 c On b.worker_id COLLATE chinese_taiwan_stroke_CI_AS=c.hrm1wid" +
                             " Left Join dgcf_pad.dbo.work_type d On b.work_type_id=d.work_type_id " +
                             " Where a.arrange_id='" + arrange_id + "'";

                    tablename = "prd01";
                    upd_type = "1";
                    string worker_id    = context.Request["worker_id"];
                    string work_type_id = context.Request["work_type_id"].Trim();
                    if (tb_type == "upd_prd01")
                        BasePage bp      = new BasePage();
                        string   user_id = "admin";// bp.getUserName();
                        string   crtim   = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:SS");
                        worker_id = worker_id.Trim().PadLeft(10, '0');
                        if (chkWorker(arrange_id, worker_id, work_type_id) == 0)
                            strSql = "Insert Into dgcf_pad.dbo.product_arrange_worker (arrange_id,worker_id,work_type_id,crusr)" +
                                     " Values (" + "'" + arrange_id + "','" + worker_id + "','" + work_type_id + "','" + user_id + "')";// + "','" + crtim,crtim
                        string result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql);
                        if (result == "")
                            msg = "添加工號成功!";
                            msg = "添加工號失敗!";
                        if (tb_type == "delete_prd01")
                            strSql = "Delete From dgcf_pad.dbo.product_arrange_worker Where arrange_id='" + arrange_id + "' And worker_id='" + worker_id + "' And work_type_id='" + work_type_id + "'";
                            string result = sh.ExecuteSqlUpdate(strSql);
                            if (result == "")
                                msg = "刪除工號成功!";
                                msg = "刪除工號失敗!";
            if (upd_type == "0")
                DataSet   ds = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataSet(strSql, tablename);
                DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

                int count = dt.Rows.Count;
                //DataTable dt = sh.ExecuteSqlReturnDataTable(strSql);
                string strJson = Dataset2Json(ds, count); //DataSet数据转化为Json数据
                                                          //string strJson = DataTableJson(dt);//DataSet数据转化为Json数据