public static void BatchDeleteItems(SPList splTask, SPQuery query,SPWeb web) { // Set up the variables to be used. StringBuilder methodBuilder = new StringBuilder(); string batch = string.Empty; string batchFormat = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "<Batch onError=\"Return\">{0}</Batch>"; string methodFormat = "<Method ID=\"{0}\">" + "<SetList Scope=\"Request\">{1}</SetList>" + "<SetVar Name=\"ID\">{2}</SetVar>" + "<SetVar Name=\"Cmd\">Delete</SetVar>" + "</Method>"; // Get the list containing the items to update. //PList list = WorkFlowUtil.GetWorkflowList(listName); // Query to get the unprocessed items. SPListItemCollection unprocessedItems = splTask.GetItems(query); // Build the CAML delete commands. foreach (SPListItem item in unprocessedItems) { methodBuilder.AppendFormat(methodFormat, "1", item.ParentList.ID, item.ID.ToString()); } // Put the pieces together. batch = string.Format(batchFormat, methodBuilder.ToString()); // Process the batch of commands. string batchReturn = web.ProcessBatchData(batch.ToString()); }
public void Insert(SPList mediaList, MediaAsset asset, out int id, out string contentTypeId) { var item = mediaList.Items.Add(); item["ContentTypeId"] = GetContentTypeId(mediaList, asset.MediaType.ToString()); item["Title"] = asset.Title; item[new Guid(MediaAssetsColumns.TempLocation)] = asset.TempLocation; item[new Guid(MediaAssetsColumns.Format)] = asset.Format; item[new Guid(MediaAssetsColumns.ProcStatus)] = Enum.GetName(typeof(ProcessingStatus), asset.Status); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(asset.Location)) { item[new Guid(MediaAssetsColumns.Location)] = asset.Location; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(asset.Thumbnail)) { item[new Guid(MediaAssetsColumns.Thumbnail)] = asset.Thumbnail; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(asset.Poster)) { item[new Guid(MediaAssetsColumns.Poster)] = asset.Poster; } if ((asset.MediaType == MediaType.Audio || asset.MediaType == MediaType.Video) && asset.Duration != TimeSpan.MinValue) { item[new Guid(MediaAssetsColumns.Length)] = asset.Duration.TotalSeconds; } item.Update(); id = item.ID; contentTypeId = item.ContentTypeId.ToString(); }
private SPListItem EnsureListItem(SPList list, ListItemDefinition listItemModel) { // TODO, lazy to query // BIG TODO, don't tell me, I know that var currentItem = list.Items .OfType<SPListItem>() .FirstOrDefault(i => i.Title == listItemModel.Title); InvokeOnModelEvent(this, new ModelEventArgs { CurrentModelNode = null, Model = null, EventType = ModelEventType.OnProvisioning, Object = currentItem, ObjectType = typeof(SPListItem), ObjectDefinition = listItemModel, ModelHost = list }); if (currentItem == null) { var newItem = list.AddItem(); newItem["Title"] = listItemModel.Title; InvokeOnModelEvent(this, new ModelEventArgs { CurrentModelNode = null, Model = null, EventType = ModelEventType.OnProvisioned, Object = newItem, ObjectType = typeof(SPListItem), ObjectDefinition = listItemModel, ModelHost = list }); newItem.Update(); return newItem; } else { currentItem["Title"] = listItemModel.Title; InvokeOnModelEvent(this, new ModelEventArgs { CurrentModelNode = null, Model = null, EventType = ModelEventType.OnProvisioned, Object = currentItem, ObjectType = typeof(SPListItem), ObjectDefinition = listItemModel, ModelHost = list }); currentItem.Update(); return currentItem; } }
public MoveListItemCommand(SPListItem copyItem, SPList targetList, List<string> siteColumnGroups, SPWeb web) : base(web) { _CopyItem = copyItem; _SiteColumnGroups = siteColumnGroups; _List = targetList; }
/// <summary> /// Sets the lookup to a list. /// </summary> /// <param name="fieldCollection">The field collection.</param> /// <param name="fieldId">The field identifier of the lookup field.</param> /// <param name="lookupList">The lookup list.</param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException"> /// fieldCollection /// or /// fieldId /// or /// lookupList /// </exception> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Unable to find the lookup field.;fieldId</exception> public void SetLookupToList(SPFieldCollection fieldCollection, Guid fieldId, SPList lookupList) { if (fieldCollection == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("fieldCollection"); } if (fieldId == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("fieldId"); } if (lookupList == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("lookupList"); } this.logger.Info("Start method 'SetLookupToList' for field id: '{0}'", fieldId); // Get the field. SPFieldLookup lookupField = this.fieldLocator.GetFieldById(fieldCollection, fieldId) as SPFieldLookup; if (lookupField == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find the lookup field.", "fieldId"); } // Configure the lookup field. this.SetLookupToList(lookupField, lookupList); this.logger.Info("End method 'SetLookupToList'."); }
internal override void CreateField(SPList list) { if (!list.Fields.ContainsFieldWithStaticName(InternalName)) { list.Fields.Add(InternalName, SPFieldType.Currency, Required); } var field = (SPFieldCurrency) list.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName(InternalName); field.Description = Description; field.MinimumValue = MinimumValue; field.MaximumValue = MaximumValue; field.DisplayFormat = DisplayFormat; field.DefaultValue = DefaultValue; field.CurrencyLocaleId = CurrencyLocaleId; if (EnforceUniqueValues) { field.Indexed = true; field.EnforceUniqueValues = true; } field.ValidationFormula = ValidationFormula; field.ValidationMessage = ValidationMessage; field.Title = Name; field.AllowDeletion = true; field.Update(); }
internal SPListItemCollection GetListItemCollection(SPList spList, string keyOne, string valueOne, string keyTwo, string valueTwo,string keyThree, string valueThree) { // Return list item collection based on the lookup field SPField spFieldOne = spList.Fields[keyOne]; SPField spFieldTwo = spList.Fields[keyTwo]; SPField spFieldThree = spList.Fields[keyThree]; var query = new SPQuery { Query = @"<Where> <And> <And> <Eq> <FieldRef Name=" + spFieldOne.InternalName + @" /> <Value Type=" + spFieldOne.Type.ToString() + @">" + valueOne + @"</Value> </Eq> <Eq> <FieldRef Name=" + spFieldTwo.InternalName + @" /> <Value Type=" + spFieldTwo.Type.ToString() + @">" + valueTwo + @"</Value> </Eq> </And> <Eq> <FieldRef Name=" + spFieldThree.InternalName + @" /> <Value Type=" + spFieldThree.Type.ToString() + @">" + valueThree + @"</Value> </Eq> </And> </Where>" }; return spList.GetItems(query); }
public static void AddEventReceivers(SPList list, Type t, string eventData, params SPEventReceiverType[] eventTypes ) { try { string assambly = t.Assembly.FullName; string className = t.FullName; foreach (SPEventReceiverType et in eventTypes) { SPEventReceiverDefinition ef = list.EventReceivers.Add(); ef.Assembly = assambly ; ef.Class = className ; ef.Type = et ; ef.Data = eventData; ef.Update(); } //list.Update(); } catch { throw; } }
internal override void CreateField(SPList list) { if (!list.Fields.ContainsFieldWithStaticName(InternalName)) { list.Fields.Add(InternalName, SPFieldType.Choice, Required); } var field = (SPFieldChoice) list.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName(InternalName); field.Description = Description; field.Choices.Clear(); foreach (var choice in this.Choices) { field.Choices.Add(choice); } field.EditFormat = this.EditFormat; field.FillInChoice = this.FillInChoice; field.DefaultValue = this.DefaultValue; if (EnforceUniqueValues) { field.Indexed = true; field.EnforceUniqueValues = true; } field.ValidationFormula = ValidationFormula; field.ValidationMessage = ValidationMessage; field.Title = Name; field.AllowDeletion = true; field.Update(); }
internal override void CreateField(SPList list) { if (!list.Fields.ContainsFieldWithStaticName(InternalName)) { list.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(string.Format("<Field Type=\"UserMulti\" DisplayName=\"{0}\" List=\"UserInfo\" ShowField=\"ImnName\" Required=\"{1}\" UserSelectionMode=\"{2}\" UserSelectionScope=\"{3}\" Mult=\"TRUE\" Sortable=\"FALSE\" />", InternalName, Required.ToString().ToUpperInvariant(), SelectionMode, SelectionGroup), false, SPAddFieldOptions.Default); } var field = (SPFieldUser) list.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName(InternalName); field.Description = Description; field.SelectionMode = SelectionMode; field.AllowMultipleValues = AllowMultipleValues; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ShowField)) field.LookupField = ShowField; else field.LookupField = "ImnName"; if (SelectionGroup > 0) { field.SelectionGroup = SelectionGroup; } if (EnforceUniqueValues) { field.Indexed = true; field.EnforceUniqueValues = true; } field.Title = Name; field.AllowDeletion = true; field.Update(); }
// Executes the expression tree that is passed to it. internal static object Execute(SPList list, Expression expression, bool isEnumerable) { // The expression must represent a query over the data source. if (!IsQueryOverDataSource(expression)) throw new InvalidProgramException("No query over the data source was specified."); var caml = (new CamlTranslator()).Translate(null, expression); var query = new SPQuery(); var viewFieldsXml = caml.Element(Tags.ViewFields); var rowLimitXml = caml.Element(Tags.RowLimit); var queryXml = caml.Elements() .Where(n => n.Name != Tags.ViewFields && n.Name != Tags.RowLimit) .ToList(); query.Query = (new XElement(Tags.Query, queryXml)).Value; if (viewFieldsXml != null) { query.ViewFields = viewFieldsXml.Value; query.ViewFieldsOnly = true; } if (rowLimitXml != null) { query.RowLimit = (int)rowLimitXml.Value; } return list.GetItems(query); }
private void AssertSPListHost(SPList targetList, SPGroup securityGroup, SecurityRoleLinkDefinition securityRoleLinkModel) { var web = targetList.ParentWeb; var role = web.RoleDefinitions[securityRoleLinkModel.SecurityRoleName]; // check if roleAssignment has current role TraceUtils.WithScope(traceScope => { traceScope.WriteLine(string.Format("Validate model:[{0}] securableObject:[{1}]", securityRoleLinkModel, targetList)); traceScope.WithTraceIndent(trace => { // asserting it exists traceScope.WriteLine(string.Format("Validating existance...")); var roleAssignment = targetList .RoleAssignments .OfType<SPRoleAssignment>() .FirstOrDefault(r => r.Member.ID == securityGroup.ID); Assert.IsNotNull(roleAssignment); traceScope.WriteLine(string.Format("Validating role presence...")); roleAssignment.RoleDefinitionBindings.Contains(role); traceScope.WriteLine(string.Format("Role [{0}] exists!", securityRoleLinkModel.SecurityRoleName)); }); }); }
public static void CheckandAddEntry(SPList configurationList, Guid ProjectGuid, Project Project_Svc) { try { // Checking whether the project id is already available. var query = new SPQuery { Query = @"<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='" + ProjectUIDFieldName + "' /><Value Type='Text'>" + ProjectGuid.ToString() + "</Value></Eq></Where>" }; var ProjectItemCollection = configurationList.GetItems(query); if (ProjectItemCollection.Count == 0) { configurationList.ParentWeb.Site.RootWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true; SPListItem item = configurationList.Items.Add(); //first project name item["Title"] = Project_Svc.GetProjectNameFromProjectUid(ProjectGuid, DataStoreEnum.WorkingStore); item[GroupFieldName] = DefaultGroupValue; item[ProjectUIDFieldName] = ProjectGuid.ToString(); item.Update(); configurationList.ParentWeb.Site.RootWeb.Update(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog("Error at adding configuration item to the list due to " + ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error); } }
internal SPView Apply(SPList list) { SPView view; try { view = list.Views[Name]; } catch (Exception ex) { var viewFields = new StringCollection(); foreach (var viewField in ViewFields) { viewFields.Add(GetInternalFieldName(list, viewField)); } var camlQuery = TransformCamlQuery(list, Query); view = list.Views.Add(Name, viewFields, camlQuery, RowLimit, true, MakeViewDefault); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserControlPath)) { var web = list.ParentWeb; WebPartHelper.HideDefaultWebPartOnView(web, view); var containerWebPart = WebPartHelper.GetContainerWebPart(web); containerWebPart.Title = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} - Custom View", Name); containerWebPart.UserControlPath = UserControlPath; WebPartHelper.AddWebPartToViewPage(web, view, containerWebPart); } } return view; }
private static void Import_Firma(Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb web, SPList list) { list.Items.Cast<SPListItem>() .Where(i => i["colTypRekordu"].ToString() == "Firma") .ToList() .ForEach(item => { string nazwaSkrocona = item["colNazwaSkrocona"] != null ? item["colNazwaSkrocona"].ToString() : string.Empty; string nazwa = item["colNazwa"] != null ? item["colNazwa"].ToString() : string.Empty; int klientId = tabKlienci.Get_KlientByNazwaSkrocona(web, nazwaSkrocona); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nazwa) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nazwaSkrocona) && klientId > 0) { int firmaId = tabKlienci.Get_FirmaByNazwa(web, nazwaSkrocona, nazwa); if (firmaId == 0) { firmaId = tabKlienci.AddNew_Firma_Klient(web, item, klientId); item["selKlient"] = firmaId; item.SystemUpdate(); } } }); }
public void VerifyModifyTaskList(SPList taskList, string contentType) { SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { using (SPSite site = new SPSite(workflowProperties.Item.Web.Site.ID)) { using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb()) { SPList task = web.Lists[workflowProperties.TaskListId]; if (taskList.ContentTypesEnabled != true) { workflowProperties.TaskList.ContentTypesEnabled = true; } foreach (SPContentType cp in web.ContentTypes) { if (cp.Name.Equals(contentType)) { SPContentType cp1 = task.ContentTypes.Add(cp); task.Update(); ContentTypeID = cp1.Id.ToString(); break; } } } } }); }
private static void Create_Column(SPList list, string targetColumn) { SPFieldText f = (SPFieldText)list.Fields.CreateNewField(SPFieldType.Text.ToString(), targetColumn); list.Fields.Add(f); list.Update(); }
private static void Import_OsobaFizyczna(Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb web, SPList list) { list.Items.Cast<SPListItem>() .Where(i => i["colTypRekordu"].ToString() == "Osoba fizyczna") .ToList() .ForEach(item => { string nazwaSkrocona = item["colNazwaSkrocona"] != null ? item["colNazwaSkrocona"].ToString() : string.Empty; string pesel = item["colPESEL"] != null ? item["colPESEL"].ToString() : string.Empty; int klientId = tabKlienci.Get_KlientByNazwaSkrocona(web, nazwaSkrocona); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pesel) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nazwaSkrocona) && klientId > 0) { int osobaId = tabKlienci.Get_OsobaFizycznaByPesel(web, nazwaSkrocona, pesel); if (osobaId == 0) { osobaId = tabKlienci.AddNew_OsobaFizyczna_Klient(web, item, klientId); item["selKlient"] = osobaId; item.SystemUpdate(); } } }); }
protected void EnsureRequestParamsParsed() { workflowName = Request.Params["WorkflowName"]; string strListID = Request.QueryString["List"]; string strCTID = Request.QueryString["ctype"]; if (strListID != null) list = Web.Lists[new Guid(strListID)]; if (strCTID != null) { requestQueryString = "ctype=" + strCTID; if (list != null) { requestQueryString += "&List=" + strListID; contentType = list.ContentTypes[new SPContentTypeId(strCTID)]; } else { contentType = Web.ContentTypes[new SPContentTypeId(strCTID)]; useContentTypeTemplate = true; } } else requestQueryString = "List=" + strListID; }
/// <summary> /// Generates a SPQuery filter for Taxonomy Term /// </summary> /// <param name="list">The list over which the query will be done</param> /// <param name="taxonomyFieldInternalName">The name of the site column associated with the term set</param> /// <param name="terms">List of terms for why we want to match in an OR fashion</param> /// <param name="includeDescendants">Whether the Term's child terms should be query hits as well</param> /// <returns>The SPQuery filter</returns> public string TermFilter(SPList list, string taxonomyFieldInternalName, IList<Term> terms, bool includeDescendants) { string values = string.Empty; foreach (var term in terms) { try { values += this.GetAllWssIdByTerm(list, term, includeDescendants); } catch (ArgumentException) { // ignore the not-found labels } } // Filter over the taxonomy field with the proper SID lookup id to the taxonomy hidden list if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(values)) { var query = string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "<In><FieldRef Name='{0}' LookupId='TRUE'/><Values>{1}</Values></In>", taxonomyFieldInternalName, values); return query; } return string.Empty; }
public static void AddXsltViewWebPart(SPWeb web, SPList list, string pageUrl, string webPartName, string zoneID, int zoneIndex, bool isHidden, string viewTitle) { using (SPLimitedWebPartManager webPartManager = web.GetLimitedWebPartManager( pageUrl, System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared)) { bool isExists = false; foreach (System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart wp in webPartManager.WebParts) { if (wp.Title.Equals(webPartName)) { isExists = true; break; } else { isExists = false; } } if (!isExists) { XsltListViewWebPart webPart = new XsltListViewWebPart(); webPart.ListId = list.ID; webPart.Title = webPartName; webPart.ChromeType = System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PartChromeType.TitleAndBorder; SPView view = list.Views[viewTitle]; webPart.ViewGuid = view.ID.ToString(); webPart.XmlDefinition = view.GetViewXml(); webPartManager.AddWebPart(webPart, zoneID, zoneIndex); } } }
//string sTitle, string sAssignedTo)//sTitle, sAssignedTo /// <summary> /// 检测list里是否存在重复的task记录 /// </summary> /// <param name="splCompletedTasks"></param> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool isUnique(SPList splCompletedTasks,string id) { SPQuery query = new SPQuery(); query.Query = string.Format(@" <Where> <Eq> <FieldRef Name='TaskID' /> <Value Type='Text'>{0}</Value> </Eq> </Where>", id); // query.Query = string.Format(@" <Where> // <And> // <Eq> // <FieldRef Name='AssignedTo' /> // <Value Type='User'>{0}</Value> // </Eq> // <Contains> // <FieldRef Name='Title' /> // <Value Type='Text'>{1}</Value> // </Contains> // </And> // </Where>",sAssignedTo,sTitle); int iCount = splCompletedTasks.GetItems(query).Count; if (iCount > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } }
private static void CleanList(SPList list) { if (list == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("list"); SPQuery spQuery = CreateGetAllItemsQuery(); int batchNumber = 1; while (true) { // get ids of items to be deleted SPListItemCollection items = list.GetItems(spQuery); if (items.Count <= 0) break; string batchDeleteXmlCommand = GetBatchDeleteXmlCommand(list, items); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); RunDeleteBatch(list, batchDeleteXmlCommand); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Processed batch #{0} of {1} items in {2} second(s)", batchNumber, BatchSize, stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0)); batchNumber++; } }
private static SPListItemCollection GetCostsFromMonth(SPList costs, SPListItemCollection delegationsForSelectedMonth) { StringBuilder delegationIDBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (SPListItem delegationItem in delegationsForSelectedMonth) { delegationIDBuilder.AppendFormat("<Value Type='Lookup'>{0}</Value>", delegationItem["ID"]); } string costsForSelectedDelagationsQueryString = string.Format( "<Where>" + "<In>" + "<FieldRef Name='{0}' LookupId='TRUE'/>" + "<Values>" + "{1}" + "</Values>" + "</In>" + "</Where>", DelegationsFields.Delegation.Name, delegationIDBuilder); SPQuery costsForSelectedDelegationsQuery = new SPQuery(); costsForSelectedDelegationsQuery.Query = costsForSelectedDelagationsQueryString; SPListItemCollection monthlyCosts = costs.GetItems(costsForSelectedDelegationsQuery); return monthlyCosts; }
public static string GenerateValidImageName(string fileName, SPList pictureLibrary) { //Check if new image name validates int i = 0; string temp = fileName; string extention = Path.GetExtension(fileName); SPQuery query = new SPQuery(pictureLibrary.DefaultView); SPListItemCollection imageCollection; do { i++; query.ViewFields = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='LinkFilename' /><Value Type='Computed'>" + fileName + "</Value></Eq></Where>"; imageCollection = pictureLibrary.GetItems(query); if (imageCollection.Count > 0) { fileName = temp; string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + " " + i; fileName = fileNameWithoutExtension + extention; } else { break; } } while (imageCollection.Count > 0); return fileName; }
internal override void CreateField(SPList list) { if (!list.Fields.ContainsFieldWithStaticName(InternalName)) { list.Fields.Add(InternalName, SPFieldType.Note, Required); } else { var oldField = list.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName(InternalName); if (!oldField.Type.Equals(SPFieldType.Note)) { oldField.Type = SPFieldType.Note; oldField.Update(); } } var field = (SPFieldMultiLineText) list.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName(InternalName); field.Description = this.Description; field.NumberOfLines = this.NumberOfLines; field.RichText = this.RichText; if (this.RichText) { field.RichTextMode = this.RichTextMode; } field.AppendOnly = this.AppendOnly; field.Title = this.Name; field.AllowDeletion = true; field.Update(); }
private DataTable setColumnsToDisplayName(DataTable dat, SPList list) { foreach (DataColumn dc in dat.Columns) { dc.ColumnName = list.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName(dc.ColumnName).Id.ToString(); } foreach (DataColumn dc in dat.Columns) { string colName = list.Fields[new Guid(dc.ColumnName)].Title; if (dat.Columns.Contains(colName)) { int i = 1; while (dat.Columns.Contains(colName + "_" + i.ToString())) { i++; } colName = colName + "_" + i.ToString(); } dc.ColumnName = colName; } return dat; }
internal override void CreateField(SPList list) { if (!list.Fields.ContainsFieldWithStaticName(InternalName)) { list.Fields.Add(InternalName, SPFieldType.Text, Required); } var field = (SPFieldText)list.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName(InternalName); field.Description = Description; field.MaxLength = MaxLength; field.DefaultValue = DefaultValue; if (EnforceUniqueValues) { field.Indexed = true; field.EnforceUniqueValues = true; } field.Title = Name; //field.ShowInDisplayForm = ShowInDisplayForm; //field.ShowInEditForm = ShowInEditForm; //field.ShowInNewForm = ShowInNewForm; field.ValidationFormula = ValidationFormula; field.ValidationMessage = ValidationMessage; field.AllowDeletion = true; field.Update(); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the Feedback. /// </summary> internal void AddFeedback(SPList feedbackList, string userID, Feedback feedbackInfo) { try { SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { //Adds the new Feedback to the current folder. SPFolder currentFolder = feedbackList.Folders[feedbackList.Folders.Count - 1].Folder; ; SPListItem newItem = feedbackList.Items.Add(currentFolder.ServerRelativeUrl, SPFileSystemObjectType.File, null); newItem["Title"] = userID + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM-dd-yyyy"); newItem["Rating"] = feedbackInfo.Rating; newItem["Reason for Rating"] = feedbackInfo.Reason; newItem["Additional Information"] = feedbackInfo.AdditionalInformation; newItem["Type of Feedback"] = feedbackInfo.TypeofFeedback; newItem["Page Level Comment"] = feedbackInfo.Comment; if(feedbackInfo.TypeofFeedback.ToString() == GENERALFEEDBACK) newItem["Page Name"] = string.Empty; else newItem["Page Name"] = feedbackInfo.PageName; if(feedbackInfo.FileAttached != null) { newItem.Attachments.Add(feedbackInfo.FileName, feedbackInfo.FileAttached); } newItem.Update(); }); } catch(Exception) { throw; } }
private void EnsureVersioningControl(SPList list) { var temp = list.ParentWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates; try { list.ParentWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true; list.EnableVersioning = true; list.EnableModeration = true; //enable minor versions for documents list.EnableMinorVersions = true; //set maximum limits for major/minor versions list.MajorVersionLimit = 5; list.MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit = 5; list.Update(); } catch { } finally { list.ParentWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = temp; } }
/// <summary> /// Adds the remove PFE data sync events. /// </summary> /// <param name="operation">The operation.</param> /// <param name="dataElement">The data element.</param> private void AddRemovePFEDataSyncEvents(string operation, ref XElement dataElement) { const string assembly = "WorkEnginePPM, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9f4da00116c38ec5"; var classDict = new Dictionary <EPMLiveLists, string> { { EPMLiveLists.Departments, "DepartmentSyncEvent" }, { EPMLiveLists.Holidays, "HolidaySyncEvent" }, { EPMLiveLists.Roles, "RoleSyncEvent" }, { EPMLiveLists.WorkHours, "WorkScheduleSyncEvent" }, { EPMLiveLists.HolidaySchedules, "HolidayScheduleSyncEvent" }, }; using (SPSite spSite = new SPSite(Web.Site.ID)) { spSite.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true; using (SPWeb spWeb = spSite.OpenWeb(Web.ID)) { spWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true; foreach (var keyValuePair in classDict) { KeyValuePair <EPMLiveLists, string> listEventInfo = keyValuePair; IEnumerable <Guid> listIds = spWeb.Lists.Cast <SPList>() .Where(spList => (int)spList.BaseTemplate == (int)listEventInfo.Key) .Select(spList => spList.ID); foreach (Guid listId in listIds) { var spEventReceiverTypes = new[] { SPEventReceiverType.ItemAdding, SPEventReceiverType.ItemUpdating, SPEventReceiverType.ItemDeleting, SPEventReceiverType.ItemAdded }; AddEventReceiverElement(operation, string.Format("WorkEnginePPM.Events.DataSync.{0}", listEventInfo.Value), assembly, spEventReceiverTypes, listId, ref dataElement); ConfigureExtIdField(listId, spWeb); } } SPList timeOffList = spWeb.Lists.TryGetList("Time Off"); if (timeOffList != null) { var spEventReceiverTypes = new[] { SPEventReceiverType.ItemAdded, SPEventReceiverType.ItemUpdated, SPEventReceiverType.ItemDeleting }; Guid listId = timeOffList.ID; AddEventReceiverElement(operation, "WorkEnginePPM.Events.DataSync.TimeOffSyncEvent", assembly, spEventReceiverTypes, listId, ref dataElement); ConfigureExtIdField(listId, spWeb); } SPList personalItemsList = spWeb.Lists.TryGetList("Non Work"); if (personalItemsList != null) { var spEventReceiverTypes = new[] { SPEventReceiverType.ItemAdded, SPEventReceiverType.ItemAdding, SPEventReceiverType.ItemUpdating, SPEventReceiverType.ItemDeleting }; Guid listId = personalItemsList.ID; AddEventReceiverElement(operation, "WorkEnginePPM.Events.DataSync.PersonalItemsEvent", assembly, spEventReceiverTypes, listId, ref dataElement); ConfigureExtIdField(listId, spWeb); } SPList rolesList = spWeb.Lists.TryGetList("Roles"); if (rolesList != null) { bool fieldAdded = false; if (!rolesList.Fields.ContainsFieldWithInternalName("RoleId")) { var roleIdField = (SPFieldText)rolesList.Fields.CreateNewField(SPFieldType.Text.ToString(), "RoleId"); roleIdField.Hidden = true; rolesList.Fields.Add(roleIdField); fieldAdded = true; } if (!rolesList.Fields.ContainsFieldWithInternalName("CCRName")) { var ccrNameField = (SPFieldText)rolesList.Fields.CreateNewField(SPFieldType.Text.ToString(), "CCRName"); rolesList.Fields.Add(ccrNameField); fieldAdded = true; } if (fieldAdded) { rolesList.Update(); SPField roleIdField = rolesList.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName("RoleId"); roleIdField.Title = "Role ID"; roleIdField.Update(); SPField ccrNameField = rolesList.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName("CCRName"); ccrNameField.Title = "Display Name"; ccrNameField.Update(); } } spWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false; } spSite.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false; } }
private void RefreshBoundData() { //if (SelectedNodePath != "") // { // SelectedRecordsType.Text = SelectedNodePath.Replace("Records Types/", "").Replace("/", " / "); WBRecordsType recordsType = null; WBTerm functionalArea = null; WBTerm subjectTag = null; /* * switch (SelectedView) * { * case VIEW_BY_RECORDS_TYPE: * { * recordsType = recordsTypesTaxonomy.GetSelectedRecordsType(SelectedNodePath); * // SelectedRecordsTypeDescription.Text = recordsType.Description; * break; * } * * case VIEW_BY_FUNCTION_THEN_TYPE: * { * string[] parts = SelectedNodePath.Split('/'); * if (parts.Length < 3) return; * * string functionPath = parts[0]; * List<String> partsList = new List<String>(parts); * partsList.RemoveAt(0); * string recordsTypePath = String.Join("/", partsList.ToArray()); * * Term functionalAreaTerm = functionalAreaTaxonomy.GetSelectedTermByPath(functionPath); * if (functionalAreaTerm != null) * { * functionalArea = new WBTerm(functionalAreaTaxonomy, functionalAreaTerm); * } * * recordsType = recordsTypesTaxonomy.GetSelectedRecordsType(recordsTypePath); * // SelectedRecordsTypeDescription.Text = recordsType.Description; * break; * } * * case VIEW_BY_SUBJECT: * { * Term subjectTagsTerm = subjectTagsTaxonomy.GetSelectedTermByPath(SelectedNodePath); * if (subjectTagsTerm != null) * { * subjectTag = new WBTerm(subjectTagsTaxonomy, subjectTagsTerm); * SelectedRecordsTypeDescription.Text = subjectTag.Description; * } * * if (subjectTag == null) * { * WBLogging.Debug("Did not find subject with path: " + SelectedNodePath); * return; * } * break; * } * * * default: return; * * } */ WBTeam team = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(webPart.FilterByOwningTeam)) { team = teamsTaxonomy.GetSelectedTeam(webPart.FilterByOwningTeam); } if (team == null) { team = WBTeam.GetFromTeamSite(teamsTaxonomy, SPContext.Current.Web); } if (team == null) { WBUtils.shouldThrowError("There was no team configured - so we'll jus stop"); return; } WBFarm farm = WBFarm.Local; using (SPSite site = new SPSite(farm.ProtectedRecordsLibraryUrl)) { using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb()) { WBQuery query = new WBQuery(); if (recordsType != null) { WBQueryClause recordsTypeClause = new WBQueryClause(WBColumn.RecordsType, WBQueryClause.Comparators.Equals, recordsType); recordsTypeClause.UseDescendants = true; query.AddClause(recordsTypeClause); } if (functionalArea != null) { WBQueryClause functionalAreaClause = new WBQueryClause(WBColumn.FunctionalArea, WBQueryClause.Comparators.Equals, functionalArea); functionalAreaClause.UseDescendants = true; query.AddClause(functionalAreaClause); } if (subjectTag != null) { WBQueryClause subjectTagClause = new WBQueryClause(WBColumn.SubjectTags, WBQueryClause.Comparators.Equals, subjectTag); subjectTagClause.UseDescendants = false; query.AddClause(subjectTagClause); } if (team != null) { query.AddEqualsFilter(WBColumn.OwningTeam, team); } //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(webPart.FilterByProtectiveZone)) // { // query.AddEqualsFilter(WBColumn.ProtectiveZone, webPart.FilterByProtectiveZone); //} query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.Name); query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.Title); query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.TitleOrName); // query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.FileSize); query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.FileTypeIcon); // query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.FileType); // query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.DisplayFileSize); query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.EncodedAbsoluteURL); // query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.FunctionalArea); // query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.OwningTeam); query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.ReferenceDate); query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.DeclaredRecord); query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.SeriesTag); // query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.ProtectiveZone); if (SelectedView != VIEW_BY_SUBJECT) { query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.SubjectTags); } else { query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.RecordsType); } if (sortColumn == null) { sortColumn = WBColumn.DeclaredRecord; ascending = false; } if (sortColumn != null) { query.OrderBy(sortColumn, ascending); } SPList recordsLibrary = web.GetList(farm.ProtectedRecordsLibraryUrl); //"Documents"]; //farm.RecordsCenterRecordsLibraryName]; DataTable dataTable = recordsLibrary.WBxGetDataTable(site, query); ShowResults.DataSource = dataTable; ShowResults.Columns.Clear(); ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.DynamicIconTemplateField(WBColumn.FileTypeIcon, WBColumn.EncodedAbsoluteURL)); ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.HyperLinkField(WBColumn.TitleOrName, WBColumn.EncodedAbsoluteURL, sortColumn, ascending)); // ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.BoundField(WBColumn.FileType, sortColumn, ascending)); // ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.BoundField(WBColumn.DisplayFileSize, sortColumn, ascending)); // ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.BoundField(WBColumn.FunctionalArea, sortColumn, ascending)); ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.BoundField(WBColumn.ReferenceDate, sortColumn, ascending)); // ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.BoundField(WBColumn.ReferenceID, sortColumn, ascending)); //ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.BoundField(WBColumn.SeriesTag, sortColumn, ascending)); // ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.BoundField(WBColumn.OwningTeam, sortColumn, ascending)); // ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.BoundField(WBColumn.ProtectiveZone, sortColumn, ascending)); /* * if (SelectedView != VIEW_BY_SUBJECT) * { * ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.BoundField(WBColumn.SubjectTags, sortColumn, ascending)); * } * else * { * ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.BoundField(WBColumn.RecordsType, sortColumn, ascending)); * } */ ShowResults.DataBind(); } } /* * } * else * { * WBUtils.logMessage("SelectedNodePath was empty"); * } */ }
public List <OrderCaseData> GetListsOld() { SPDataSource ds = new SPDataSource(); ds.DataSourceMode = SPDataSourceMode.List; ds.UseInternalName = true; ds.Scope = SPViewScope.Recursive; ds.IncludeHidden = true; string queryString; //queryString = "<View><ViewFields><FieldRef Name='ID'/><FieldRef Name='Title'/><FieldRef Name='PermMask'/></ViewFields><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='ID' /><Value Type='Counter'>5</Value></Eq></Where></Query></View>"; //queryString = "<View><ViewFields><FieldRef Name='ID'/><FieldRef Name='Title'/><FieldRef Name='PermMask'/></View>"; queryString = "<View></View>"; ds.SelectCommand = queryString; Parameter dbParam_ListId = new Parameter("ListID"); dbParam_ListId.DefaultValue = "DF806E7E-0073-4202-99E3-C4A269E2FA5D"; ds.SelectParameters.Add(dbParam_ListId); SPDataSourceView dsw; List <OrderCaseData> dt = new List <OrderCaseData>(); dsw = ds.GetView(); SPList xlist = dsw.List; SPViewCollection colViews = xlist.Views; foreach (SPView vView in colViews) { } /* * SPListItem newFolder = xlist.Items.Add(xlist.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl, SPFileSystemObjectType.Folder, null); * if (newFolder != null) * { * newFolder["Title"] = "Min Nye Folder"; * newFolder.Update(); * } */ System.Web.UI.DataSourceSelectArguments args = new System.Web.UI.DataSourceSelectArguments(); SPDataSourceViewResultItem[] arrResult = (SPDataSourceViewResultItem[])dsw.Select(args); foreach (SPDataSourceViewResultItem Result in arrResult) { SPListItem oListItem = (SPListItem)Result.ResultItem; //SPField myField = xitem.Fields[new Guid("{FE7E79DD-DD68-438e-A960-E3686025D44B}")]; OrderCaseData r = new OrderCaseData(); foreach (SPField ofield in oListItem.Fields) { string tekst; try { tekst = ">" + ofield.Title + "< >" + ofield.InternalName + "<>" + oListItem[ofield.Id] + "<"; } catch { //OK } switch (ofield.InternalName) { case "ID": r.ID = (int)oListItem[ofield.Id]; break; case "Title": r.Title = (string)oListItem[ofield.Id]; break; } } dt.Add(r); } return(dt); }
private folder AddFolder(SPList list) { return(AddFolder(list.RootFolder, list.RoleAssignments, true)); }
private static string GetInternalFieldName(SPList list, string fieldName) { return(list.Fields[fieldName].InternalName); }
private void iInstallListsWorkflows(SPList list, XmlNode ndList, int ParentMessageId, bool added) { var ndWorkflows = ndList.SelectSingleNode("Workflows"); if (ndWorkflows != null) { if (bVerifyOnly) { ParentMessageId = addMessage(0, "Checking Workflows", string.Empty, ParentMessageId); } else { ParentMessageId = addMessage(0, "Updating Workflows", string.Empty, ParentMessageId); } var ndParent = ndList.ParentNode; foreach (XmlNode ndWorkflow in ndWorkflows.SelectNodes("Workflow")) { var sName = ApplicationInstallerHelpers.getAttribute(ndWorkflow, "Name"); var sDisplayName = ApplicationInstallerHelpers.getAttribute(ndWorkflow, "DisplayName"); if (sDisplayName == string.Empty) { sDisplayName = sName; } if (sName != string.Empty) { try { var sTaskList = ApplicationInstallerHelpers.getAttribute(ndWorkflow, "TaskList"); if (sTaskList == string.Empty) { sTaskList = "Workflow Tasks"; } var sHistoryList = ApplicationInstallerHelpers.getAttribute(ndWorkflow, "HistoryList"); if (sHistoryList == string.Empty) { sHistoryList = "Workflow History"; } var bOverwrite = false; bool.TryParse(ApplicationInstallerHelpers.getAttribute(ndWorkflow, "Overwrite"), out bOverwrite); var oTaskList = oWeb.Lists.TryGetList(sTaskList); var oHistoryList = oWeb.Lists.TryGetList(sHistoryList); if (oTaskList != null || (IsListInstalledWithApplication(sTaskList) && bVerifyOnly)) { if (oHistoryList != null || (IsListInstalledWithApplication(sHistoryList) && bVerifyOnly)) { if (bVerifyOnly) { var found = false; if (list != null) { foreach (SPWorkflowAssociation association in list.WorkflowAssociations) { if (association.BaseTemplate.Name == sName) { found = true; break; } } } if (found && !bOverwrite) { addMessage(ErrorLevels.Error, sName, "Workflow found and cannot overwrite", ParentMessageId); } else if (found) { addMessage(ErrorLevels.Upgrade, sName, "Workflow found and will upgrade", ParentMessageId); } else { addMessage(ErrorLevels.NoError, sName, string.Empty, ParentMessageId); } } else { SPWorkflowAssociation association = null; var found = false; foreach (SPWorkflowAssociation oassociation in list.WorkflowAssociations) { if (oassociation.BaseTemplate.Name == sName) { association = oassociation; found = true; break; } } if (found && bOverwrite) { found = false; list.WorkflowAssociations.Remove(association); iInstallListsWorkflowsInstall(list, sName, sDisplayName, oTaskList, oHistoryList, ndWorkflow); addMessage(ErrorLevels.Upgrade, sName, "Workflow found and was upgraded", ParentMessageId); } else if (found) { addMessage(ErrorLevels.Error, sName, "Workflow found and could not overwrite", ParentMessageId); } else { iInstallListsWorkflowsInstall(list, sName, sDisplayName, oTaskList, oHistoryList, ndWorkflow); addMessage(ErrorLevels.NoError, sName, string.Empty, ParentMessageId); } } } else { addMessage(ErrorLevels.Error, sName, "Workflow history list (" + sHistoryList + ") does not exist", ParentMessageId); } } else { addMessage(ErrorLevels.Error, sName, "Workflow task list (" + sTaskList + ") does not exist", ParentMessageId); } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); addMessage(ErrorLevels.Error, sName, "Error: " + ex.Message, ParentMessageId); } } } } }
private void iInstallListsWorkflowsInstall(SPList oList, string sName, string sDisplayName, SPList oTaskList, SPList oHistoryList, XmlNode ndWorkflow) { SPWorkflowAssociation assocation = null; var bAllowManual = false; bool.TryParse(ApplicationInstallerHelpers.getAttribute(ndWorkflow, "AllowManual"), out bAllowManual); var bStartOnCreate = false; bool.TryParse(ApplicationInstallerHelpers.getAttribute(ndWorkflow, "StartOnCreate"), out bStartOnCreate); var bStartOnChange = false; bool.TryParse(ApplicationInstallerHelpers.getAttribute(ndWorkflow, "StartOnChange"), out bStartOnChange); foreach (SPWorkflowTemplate template in oWeb.WorkflowTemplates) { if (template.Name == sName) { assocation = SPWorkflowAssociation.CreateListAssociation(template, sDisplayName, oTaskList, oHistoryList); break; } } if (assocation != null) { assocation.AllowManual = bAllowManual; assocation.AutoStartChange = bStartOnChange; assocation.AutoStartCreate = bStartOnCreate; oList.WorkflowAssociations.Add(assocation); } }
private void iInstallListsItems(SPList list, XmlNode ndList, int ParentMessageId, bool added) { var ndItems = ndList.SelectSingleNode("Items"); if (ndItems != null) { if (bVerifyOnly) { ParentMessageId = addMessage(0, "Checking Items", string.Empty, ParentMessageId); } else { ParentMessageId = addMessage(0, "Installing Items", string.Empty, ParentMessageId); } foreach (XmlNode ndItem in ndItems.SelectNodes("Item")) { oWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true; var sTitle = string.Empty; try { sTitle = ndItem.SelectSingleNode("Field[@Name='Title']").InnerText; } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } if (sTitle == string.Empty) { try { sTitle = ndItem.FirstChild.InnerText; } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } if (sTitle != string.Empty) { if (bVerifyOnly) { addMessage(0, sTitle, string.Empty, ParentMessageId); } else { try { var li = list.Items.Add(); foreach (XmlNode ndField in ndItem.SelectNodes("Field")) { li[ndField.Attributes["Name"].Value] = ndField.InnerText; } li.Update(); addMessage(0, sTitle, string.Empty, ParentMessageId); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); addMessage(ErrorLevels.Error, sTitle, "Error: " + ex.Message, ParentMessageId); } } } } } }
public TableRow CreateEditableTableRow(SPSite site, SPWeb web, SPList library, int index, String details, List <String> refreshedDocumentsDetailsList) { TableRow row = new TableRow(); row.ID = MakeControlID(index, "row"); row.CssClass = "wbf-edit-action-row"; //WBLogging.Debug("Just starting with details: " + details); string[] parts = details.Split('|'); string zone = parts[0]; string recordID = parts[1]; //WBLogging.Debug("Here"); SPListItem recordItem = WBFWebPartsUtils.GetRecord(site, web, library, zone, recordID); if (recordItem == null) { return(row); } // OK so we're actually going to refresh the details with the values from the record: details = String.Format("{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}", zone, recordID, "Ignore", recordItem.Name.WBxTrim().Replace(";", "-").Replace("|", "-") ); refreshedDocumentsDetailsList.Add(details); String displayName = recordItem.WBxGetAsString(WBColumn.Title); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(displayName)) { displayName = recordItem.WBxGetAsString(WBColumn.Name); } string extension = Path.GetExtension(recordItem.Name).Replace(".", "").ToUpper(); //WBLogging.Debug("And Here"); Image image = new Image(); image.ImageUrl = WBUtils.DocumentIcon16(recordItem.Name); image.Width = Unit.Pixel(16); image.Height = Unit.Pixel(16); row.WBxAddInTableCell(image); Label label = new Label(); label.Text = recordItem.WBxGetAsString(WBColumn.Title); row.WBxAddInTableCell(label); label = new Label(); label.Text = recordItem.WBxGetAsString(WBColumn.Name); row.WBxAddInTableCell(label); Label extensionLabel = new Label(); extensionLabel.Text = extension; row.WBxAddInTableCell(extensionLabel); //WBLogging.Debug("As far as Here"); Button upButton = (Button)row.WBxAddWithIDInTableCell(new Button(), MakeControlID(index, "UpButton")); upButton.Text = "/\\"; upButton.CommandName = "Up"; upButton.CommandArgument = index.ToString(); upButton.Command += new CommandEventHandler(upButton_OnClick); Button downButton = (Button)row.WBxAddWithIDInTableCell(new Button(), MakeControlID(index, "DownButton")); downButton.Text = "\\/"; downButton.CommandName = "Down"; downButton.CommandArgument = index.ToString(); downButton.Command += new CommandEventHandler(downButton_OnClick); Button replaceButton = (Button)row.WBxAddWithIDInTableCell(new Button(), MakeControlID(index, "ReplaceButton")); replaceButton.Text = "Replace"; replaceButton.OnClientClick = "WorkBoxFramework_pickADocument(" + index + "); return false;"; Button removeButton = (Button)row.WBxAddWithIDInTableCell(new Button(), MakeControlID(index, "RemoveButton")); removeButton.Text = "Remove"; removeButton.OnClientClick = "WBF_DeleteRow(" + index + ",\"" + recordItem.Name + "\"); return false;"; HiddenField documentDetails = (HiddenField)row.WBxAddWithIDInTableCell(new HiddenField(), MakeControlID(index, "DocumentDetails")); //WBLogging.Debug("Really Here"); if (!IsPostBack) { documentDetails.Value = details; } return(row); }
public static string QueueItemMessageXml(string data, SPWeb oWeb) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(data); int templateid = int.Parse(doc.FirstChild.Attributes["TemplateID"].Value); bool hideFromUser = false; bool doNotEmail = false; bool unMarkRead = true; bool forceNewEntry = false; string listName = ""; string listId = ""; string itemid = ""; string webid = ""; string sExternalColumn = ""; try { listName = doc.FirstChild.Attributes["ListName"].Value; } catch { } try { listId = doc.FirstChild.Attributes["ListID"].Value; } catch { } try { itemid = doc.FirstChild.Attributes["ItemID"].Value; } catch { } try { webid = doc.FirstChild.Attributes["WebID"].Value; } catch { } try { hideFromUser = bool.Parse(doc.FirstChild.Attributes["HideFromUser"].Value); } catch { } try { doNotEmail = bool.Parse(doc.FirstChild.Attributes["DoNotEmail"].Value); } catch { } try { unMarkRead = bool.Parse(doc.FirstChild.Attributes["UnMarkRead"].Value); } catch { } try { forceNewEntry = bool.Parse(doc.FirstChild.Attributes["ForceNewEntry"].Value); } catch { } Hashtable hshParams = new Hashtable(); XmlNode nd = doc.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode("Params"); foreach (XmlNode ndParam in nd.SelectNodes("Param")) { hshParams.Add(ndParam.Attributes["Name"].Value, ndParam.InnerText); } ArrayList ArrNew = new ArrayList(); ArrayList ArrDel = new ArrayList(); try { ArrNew = new ArrayList(doc.FirstChild.Attributes["NewUsers"].Value.Split(',')); } catch { } try { ArrDel = new ArrayList(doc.FirstChild.Attributes["RemoveUsers"].Value.Split(',')); } catch { } try { sExternalColumn = doc.FirstChild.Attributes["ExternalColumn"].Value; } catch { } if (sExternalColumn != "") { DataTable dtResources = API.APITeam.GetResourcePool("<Get><Columns>" + sExternalColumn + "</Columns></Get>", oWeb); ArrayList ArrNewTemp = new ArrayList(); foreach (string s in ArrNew) { DataRow[] dr = dtResources.Select(sExternalColumn + " ='" + s + "'"); if (dr.Length > 0) { ArrNewTemp.Add(dr[0]["SPID"].ToString()); } } ArrNew = ArrNewTemp; } string ret = Response.Failure(30010, "Error: No Item Id specificied"); if (itemid != "" && (listId != "" || listName != "")) { SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { SPList oList = null; try { using (SPSite site = new SPSite(oWeb.Site.ID)) { if (webid != "") { using (SPWeb tWeb = site.OpenWeb(new Guid(webid))) { if (listId != "") { oList = tWeb.Lists[new Guid(listId)]; } else { oList = tWeb.Lists.TryGetList(listName); } if (oList != null) { SPListItem li = oList.GetItemById(int.Parse(itemid)); API.APIEmail.QueueItemMessage(templateid, hideFromUser, hshParams, (string[])ArrNew.ToArray(typeof(string)), (string[])ArrDel.ToArray(typeof(string)), doNotEmail, unMarkRead, li, oWeb.CurrentUser, forceNewEntry); ret = Response.Success("Success"); } } } else { using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(oWeb.ID)) { if (listId != "") { oList = web.Lists[new Guid(listId)]; } else { oList = web.Lists.TryGetList(listName); } if (oList != null) { SPListItem li = oList.GetItemById(int.Parse(itemid)); API.APIEmail.QueueItemMessage(templateid, hideFromUser, hshParams, (string[])ArrNew.ToArray(typeof(string)), (string[])ArrDel.ToArray(typeof(string)), doNotEmail, unMarkRead, li, oWeb.CurrentUser, forceNewEntry); ret = Response.Success("Success"); } } } } } catch { } }); return(ret); } else { API.APIEmail.QueueItemMessage(templateid, hideFromUser, hshParams, (string[])ArrNew.ToArray(typeof(string)), (string[])ArrDel.ToArray(typeof(string)), doNotEmail, unMarkRead, oWeb, oWeb.CurrentUser, forceNewEntry); return(Response.Success("Success")); } return(Response.Failure(30010, "Error: No Item Id specificied")); }
protected void OnSubmit(object sender, EventArgs e) { // ModifiedBySolvion // bhi - 09.01.2012 // Reset message labels //lblMessage.Text = lblAnswerMessage.Text = lblEmailMessage.Text = lblPasswordMessage.Text = lblQuestionMessage.Text = ""; // EndModifiedBySolvion bool _showRoles = (new MembershipSettings(SPContext.Current.Web)).EnableRoles; // check to see if username already in use MembershipUser user = Utils.BaseMembershipProvider().GetUser(txtEmail.Text, false); if (user == null) { try { // get site reference string provider = Utils.GetMembershipProvider(this.Site); // create FBA database user MembershipCreateStatus createStatus; if (Utils.BaseMembershipProvider().RequiresQuestionAndAnswer) { user = Utils.BaseMembershipProvider().CreateUser(txtEmail.Text, txtPassword.Text, txtEmail.Text, txtQuestion.Text, txtAnswer.Text, isActive.Checked, null, out createStatus); } else { user = Utils.BaseMembershipProvider().CreateUser(txtEmail.Text, txtPassword.Text, txtEmail.Text, null, null, isActive.Checked, null, out createStatus); } if (createStatus != MembershipCreateStatus.Success) { SetErrorMessage(createStatus); return; } if (user == null) { lblEmailMessage.Text = LocalizedString.GetGlobalString("FBAPackWebPages", "UnknownError"); return; } bool groupAdded = false; if (_showRoles) { for (int i = 0; i < rolesList.Items.Count; i++) { if (rolesList.Items[i].Selected) { Utils.BaseRoleProvider().AddUsersToRoles(new string[] { user.UserName }, new string[] { rolesList.Items[i].Value }); } } // add user to SharePoint whether a role was selected or not AddUserToSite(Utils.EncodeUsername(user.UserName), user.Email, txtFullName.Text); } else { // add user to each group that was selected for (int i = 0; i < groupList.Items.Count; i++) { if (groupList.Items[i].Selected) { // add user to group SPGroup group = this.Web.SiteGroups[groupList.Items[i].Value]; group.AddUser( Utils.EncodeUsername(user.UserName), user.Email, txtFullName.Text, ""); // update group.Update(); groupAdded = true; } } // if no group selected, add to site with no permissions if (!groupAdded) { AddUserToSite(Utils.EncodeUsername(user.UserName), user.Email, txtFullName.Text); } } SPSite site = SPContext.Current.Site; SPWeb web = site.RootWeb; SPList list = web.SiteUserInfoList; SPUser SPuser = web.AllUsers.GetByEmail(txtEmail.Text); SPListItem userItem = null; try { userItem = list.GetItemById(SPuser.ID); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.LogError(ex); } if (userItem != null) { userItem["CMIT Location"] = txtCMITLocation.Text; userItem["CMITTitle"] = txtTitle.Text; userItem["Telephone Number"] = txtTelephoneNumber.Text; userItem["Date of provisioning"] = txtDatofProvisionaing.SelectedDate; userItem.Update(); } // Email User if ((emailUser.Checked == true)) { if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtEmailSubject.Text)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtEmailBody.Text))) { var emailBody = txtEmailBody.Text + Environment.NewLine + "Use your email as user name :" + txtEmail.Text + " and password as :" + txtPassword.Text + Environment.NewLine + "We recommand you to change your password when you login for first time."; Email.SendEmail(this.Web, user.Email, txtEmailSubject.Text, emailBody); } } SPUtility.Redirect("FBA/Management/UsersDisp.aspx", SPRedirectFlags.RelativeToLayoutsPage | SPRedirectFlags.UseSource, this.Context); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.LogError(ex, true); } } else { lblEmailMessage.Text = LocalizedString.GetGlobalString("FBAPackWebPages", "DuplicateUserName");; } }
/* * protected void ViewSelector_OnSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) * { * SelectedViewTitle.Text = "Browse " + webPart.RecordsLibraryView; // ViewSelector.SelectedValue; * // SelectedView = ViewSelector.SelectedValue; * * SelectedNodePath = ""; * * RefreshBrowsableTreeView(); * RefreshBoundData(); * * } * * protected void FilterByProtectiveZone_OnSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) * { * ProtectiveZoneFilter = FilterByProtectiveZone.SelectedValue; * * RefreshBoundData(); * } */ private void RefreshBoundData() { if (SelectedNodePath != "") { SelectedRecordsType.Text = SelectedNodePath.Replace("Records Types/", "").Replace("/", " / "); WBRecordsType recordsType = null; WBTerm functionalArea = null; WBTerm subjectTag = null; switch (SelectedView) { case VIEW_BY_RECORDS_TYPE: { recordsType = recordsTypesTaxonomy.GetSelectedRecordsType(SelectedNodePath); SelectedRecordsTypeDescription.Text = recordsType.Description; break; } case VIEW_BY_FUNCTION_THEN_TYPE: { string[] parts = SelectedNodePath.Split('/'); if (parts.Length < 3) { break; } string functionPath = parts[0]; List <String> partsList = new List <String>(parts); partsList.RemoveAt(0); string recordsTypePath = String.Join("/", partsList.ToArray()); Term functionalAreaTerm = functionalAreaTaxonomy.GetSelectedTermByPath(functionPath); if (functionalAreaTerm != null) { functionalArea = new WBTerm(functionalAreaTaxonomy, functionalAreaTerm); } recordsType = recordsTypesTaxonomy.GetSelectedRecordsType(recordsTypePath); SelectedRecordsTypeDescription.Text = recordsType.Description; break; } case VIEW_BY_SUBJECT: { Term subjectTagsTerm = subjectTagsTaxonomy.GetSelectedTermByPath(SelectedNodePath); if (subjectTagsTerm != null) { subjectTag = new WBTerm(subjectTagsTaxonomy, subjectTagsTerm); SelectedRecordsTypeDescription.Text = subjectTag.Description; } if (subjectTag == null) { WBLogging.Generic.Verbose("Did not find subject with path: " + SelectedNodePath); return; } break; } default: return; } String recordsLibraryURL = WBFWebPartsUtils.GetRecordsLibraryURL(SPContext.Current.Site); using (SPSite site = new SPSite(recordsLibraryURL)) { using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb()) { WBQuery query = new WBQuery(); if (recordsType == null && functionalArea == null) { query.LogicallyCannotHaveResults = true; } else { if (SelectedView == VIEW_BY_FUNCTION_THEN_TYPE) { query.FilterByFolderPath = WBUtils.PrepareFilenameForPublicWeb(SelectedNodePath); } else { if (recordsType != null) { WBQueryClause recordsTypeClause = new WBQueryClause(WBColumn.RecordsType, WBQueryClause.Comparators.Equals, recordsType); recordsTypeClause.UseDescendants = true; query.AddClause(recordsTypeClause); } if (functionalArea != null) { WBQueryClause functionalAreaClause = new WBQueryClause(WBColumn.FunctionalArea, WBQueryClause.Comparators.Equals, functionalArea); functionalAreaClause.UseDescendants = true; query.AddClause(functionalAreaClause); } } //query.AddClause(new WBQueryClause(WBColumn.ContentType, WBQueryClause.Comparators.Equals, WorkBox.WORK_BOX_RECORD_CONTENT_TYPE)); if (subjectTag != null) { WBQueryClause subjectTagClause = new WBQueryClause(WBColumn.SubjectTags, WBQueryClause.Comparators.Equals, subjectTag); subjectTagClause.UseDescendants = false; query.AddClause(subjectTagClause); } string protectiveZoneFilter = "Public"; // Request.QueryString["ProtectiveZone"]; if (protectiveZoneFilter != null && protectiveZoneFilter != "") { query.AddEqualsFilter(WBColumn.ProtectiveZone, protectiveZoneFilter); } } query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.Name); query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.Title); query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.FileSize); query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.FileTypeIcon); query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.FileType); query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.TitleOrName); query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.DisplayFileSize); query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.EncodedAbsoluteURL); //query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.FunctionalArea); //query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.OwningTeam); query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.ReferenceDate); query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.DeclaredRecord); //query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.ReferenceID); //query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.SeriesTag); //query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.ProtectiveZone); if (SelectedView != VIEW_BY_SUBJECT) { query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.SubjectTags); } else { query.AddViewColumn(WBColumn.RecordsType); } if (sortColumn != null) { query.OrderBy(sortColumn, ascending); } SPList recordsLibrary = web.GetList(recordsLibraryURL); //"Documents"]; //farm.RecordsCenterRecordsLibraryName]; DataTable dataTable = recordsLibrary.WBxGetDataTable(site, query); ShowResults.DataSource = dataTable; ShowResults.Columns.Clear(); ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.DynamicIconTemplateField(WBColumn.FileTypeIcon, WBColumn.EncodedAbsoluteURL)); ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.HyperLinkField(WBColumn.TitleOrName, WBColumn.EncodedAbsoluteURL, sortColumn, ascending)); // ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.HyperLinkField(WBColumn.Name, WBColumn.EncodedAbsoluteURL, sortColumn, ascending)); //ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.BoundField(WBColumn.FunctionalArea, sortColumn, ascending)); //ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.BoundField(WBColumn.OwningTeam, sortColumn, ascending)); ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.BoundField(WBColumn.FileType, sortColumn, ascending)); ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.BoundField(WBColumn.DisplayFileSize, sortColumn, ascending)); ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.BoundField(WBColumn.ReferenceDate, sortColumn, ascending)); //ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.BoundField(WBColumn.DeclaredRecord, sortColumn, ascending)); //ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.BoundField(WBColumn.ReferenceID, sortColumn, ascending)); //ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.BoundField(WBColumn.SeriesTag, sortColumn, ascending)); //ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.BoundField(WBColumn.ProtectiveZone, sortColumn, ascending)); /* * if (SelectedView != VIEW_BY_SUBJECT) * { * ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.BoundField(WBColumn.SubjectTags, sortColumn, ascending)); * } * else * { * ShowResults.Columns.Add(WBUtils.BoundField(WBColumn.RecordsType, sortColumn, ascending)); * } */ ShowResults.DataBind(); } } } else { WBUtils.logMessage("SelectedNodePath was empty"); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the specified command. /// </summary> /// <param name="command">The command.</param> /// <param name="keyValues">The key values.</param> /// <param name="output">The output.</param> /// <returns></returns> public override int Execute(string command, System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary keyValues, out string output) { output = string.Empty; Logger.Verbose = true; string url = Params["url"].Value; bool force = false; // Params["force"].UserTypedIn; string scope = Params["scope"].Value.ToLowerInvariant(); bool haltOnError = Params["haltonerror"].UserTypedIn; switch (scope) { case "file": using (SPSite site = new SPSite(url)) using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb()) { SPFile file = web.GetFile(url); if (file == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("File '{0}' not found.", url), url); } Common.Pages.ReGhostFile.Reghost(site, web, file, force, haltOnError); } break; case "list": using (SPSite site = new SPSite(url)) using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb()) { SPList list = Utilities.GetListFromViewUrl(web, url); Common.Pages.ReGhostFile.ReghostFilesInList(site, web, list, force, haltOnError); } break; case "web": bool recurseWebs = Params["recursewebs"].UserTypedIn; using (SPSite site = new SPSite(url)) using (SPWeb web = site.AllWebs[Utilities.GetServerRelUrlFromFullUrl(url)]) { Common.Pages.ReGhostFile.ReghostFilesInWeb(site, web, recurseWebs, force, haltOnError); } break; case "site": using (SPSite site = new SPSite(url)) { Common.Pages.ReGhostFile.ReghostFilesInSite(site, force, haltOnError); } break; case "webapplication": SPWebApplication webApp = SPWebApplication.Lookup(new Uri(url)); Logger.Write("Progress: Analyzing files in web application '{0}'.", url); foreach (SPSite site in webApp.Sites) { try { Common.Pages.ReGhostFile.ReghostFilesInSite(site, force, haltOnError); } finally { site.Dispose(); } } break; } return((int)ErrorCodes.NoError); }
private void GetItemNav(string lstName) { if (ItemID == 0) { itemNav.InnerHtml = "无法获取当前项目数据"; } else { try { SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() //模拟管理员权限执行,让匿名用户也可以查看此Web部件 { string siteUrl = SPContext.Current.Site.Url; using (SPSite mySite = new SPSite(siteUrl)) { using (SPWeb myWeb = SPContext.Current.Web) { SPList mylist = myWeb.Lists.TryGetList(lstName); if (mylist != null) { string queryStr = ""; SPListItem currentItem = mylist.GetItemById(ItemID); if (currentItem != null) { string flag = "0"; if (currentItem["Flag"] != null) { flag = currentItem["Flag"].ToString();; } string isOnly = webpartObj.OnlyAudit;//是否只显示待审记录 string showYear = webpartObj.ByYear; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(showYear)) { showYear = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); } if (isOnly == "是") //只显示未审 { if (flag != "1") //当前未审 { queryStr += "<Where><And><Eq><FieldRef Name='Year'/><Value Type='Text'>" + showYear + "</Value></Eq><Eq><FieldRef Name='Flag'/><Value Type='Number'>0</Value></Eq></And></Where>"; } else//当前已审,不参与导航 { itemNav.Visible = false; return; } } else { queryStr += "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Year'/><Value Type='Text'>" + showYear + "</Value></Eq></Where>"; } string myurl = mylist.DefaultDisplayFormUrl + "?ID="; SPQuery qry = new SPQuery(); SPFieldCollection fields = mylist.Fields; queryStr += GenQuery(fields); if (queryStr == null) { itemNav.InnerHtml = "设置项中的某个字段名设置错误"; } else { qry.Query = queryStr; SPListItemCollection myItems = mylist.GetItems(qry);//获取sharepoint列表集合 if (myItems.Count > 0) { List <SPListItem> listItems = myItems.Cast <SPListItem>().ToList(); //将SharePoint列表数据集合转化为普通列表集合 SPListItem myItem = listItems.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == ItemID); //查询指定ID的列表项 int index = listItems.IndexOf(myItem); //获取指定列表项的索引 int rCount = myItems.Count; //获取列表的计数 if (rCount >= 2) //多余两条显示导航 { if (index == 0) { //itemindex = myItems[rCount - 1]["ID"].ToString() + ";" + myItems[rCount - 1]["Title"].ToString() + ";" + myItems[i+1]["ID"].ToString() + ";" + myItems[i+1]["Title"].ToString(); itemNav.InnerHtml = "<ul><li>当前已是第一条</li><li> 共计 <b>" + rCount + "</b> 条</li><li>▽下一条:<a href='" + myurl + myItems[index + 1]["ID"].ToString() + "'>" + GetSubString(myItems[index + 1]["Title"].ToString(), 50) + "</a></li></ul>"; } else if (index == rCount - 1) { //itemindex = myItems[i - 1]["ID"].ToString() + ";" + myItems[i - 1]["Title"].ToString() + ";" + myItems[0]["ID"].ToString() + ";" + myItems[0]["Title"].ToString(); itemNav.InnerHtml = "<ul><li>△上一条:<a href='" + myurl + myItems[index - 1]["ID"].ToString() + "'>" + GetSubString(myItems[index - 1]["Title"].ToString(), 50) + "</a></li><li> 共计 <b>" + rCount + "</b> 条</li><li>当前已是最后一条</li></ul>"; } else { //itemindex = myItems[i - 1]["ID"].ToString() + ";" + myItems[i-1]["Title"].ToString()+";"+ myItems[i + 1]["ID"].ToString() + ";" + myItems[i+1]["Title"].ToString(); itemNav.InnerHtml = "<ul><li>△上一条:<a href='" + myurl + myItems[index - 1]["ID"].ToString() + "'>" + GetSubString(myItems[index - 1]["Title"].ToString(), 50) + "</a></li><li> 当前第 <b>" + (index + 1).ToString() + "</b> 条,共计 <b>" + rCount + "</b> 条</li><li>▽下一条:<a href='" + myurl + myItems[index + 1]["ID"].ToString() + "'>" + GetSubString(myItems[index + 1]["Title"].ToString(), 50) + "</a></li></ul>"; } } else { itemNav.Visible = false;//不够两条,无须导航 } } else { itemNav.Visible = false;//没有数据 } } } } else { itemNav.Visible = false;//列表不存在 } } } }); } catch (System.Exception ex) { itemNav.InnerHtml = ex.ToString(); } } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { try { using (SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Web.Url)) { using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb()) { SPList list = web.Lists.TryGetList(ListName); if (list != null) { SPListItem NewItem = list.Items.Add(); { #region Save to SP web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true; NewItem["ClientID"] = cid; NewItem["_x0627__x0644__x0625__x0633__x06"] = txtArabicFullName.Text; NewItem["EIDCardNumber"] = txtIDNumber.Text; NewItem["Phone"] = txtPhone.Text; NewItem["_x0646__x0648__x0639__x0020__x06"] = ddlAidType.SelectedItem.Text; NewItem["_x062a__x0641__x0627__x0635__x06"] = txtAidRequestDetails.Text; NewItem["_x062a__x0627__x0631__x064a__x06"] = dtcDueDate.SelectedDate; NewItem["_x0642__x064a__x0645__x0629__x00"] = txtRequiredAmount.Text; NewItem["NewColumn1"] = ddlAidRequestStatus.SelectedItem.Text; NewItem["_x0645__x062f__x0629__x0020__x06"] = txtResidencyYears.Text; NewItem["_x062a__x0648__x0635__x064a__x06"] = txtPanelOpinion.Text; NewItem["_x0645__x0628__x0644__x063a__x00"] = txtApprovedAmount.Text; //================================== New Fields ============================================ NewItem["Nationality"] = txtNationality.Text; NewItem["MaritalStatus"] = txtMaritalStatus.Text; NewItem["Age"] = txtAge.Text; NewItem["FamilySize"] = txtFamilySize.Text; NewItem["Job"] = txtJob.Text; NewItem["HomeAddress"] = txtHomeAddress.Text; NewItem["HomePhone"] = txtHomePhone.Text; NewItem["NoOfStudyingSons"] = txtNoOfStudyingSons.Text; NewItem["Income"] = txtIncome.Text; NewItem["HouseType"] = ddlHouseType.SelectedItem.Text; NewItem["Rent"] = txtRent.Text; NewItem["Bills"] = txtBills.Text; NewItem["Banks"] = txtBanks.Text; NewItem["LivingExpenses"] = txtLivingExpenses.Text; NewItem["EduExpenses"] = txtEduExpenses.Text; NewItem["OtherExpenses"] = txtOtherExpenses.Text; NewItem["IsPreviousZayedAid"] = ddlIsPreviousZayedAid.SelectedItem.Text; NewItem["PreviousZayedAidYear"] = txtPreviousZayedAidYear.Text; NewItem["PreviousZayedAidAmount"] = txtPreviousZayedAidAmount.Text; NewItem["IsPreviousOtherOrgAid"] = ddlIsPreviousOtherOrgAid.SelectedItem.Text; NewItem["OtherOrgAidName"] = txtOtherOrgAidName.Text; NewItem["OtherOrgAidAmount"] = txtOtherOrgAidAmount.Text; NewItem["ChequeOrgName"] = txtChequeOrgName.Text; //============================= Medical Aid Request Fields ============================================ NewItem["IllnessDesc"] = txtIllnessDesc.Text; NewItem["Hospital"] = txtHospital.Text; NewItem["MedCost"] = txtMedCost.Text; //=============================================================================================== if (FileUpload1.HasFile) { NewItem.Attachments.Add(FileUpload1.FileName, FileUpload1.FileBytes); } NewItem.Update();// means "Update Changes" , used for both Insert and Update. If ID is empty , it Inserts , otherwise if ID has value , it Updates web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false; #endregion Save to SP if (NewItem.ID != 0) { lblSuccess.Visible = true; lblSuccess.Text = "تم تسجيل الطلب بنجاح. "; lblSuccess.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#d0ffc6"); if (ddlAidRequestStatus.SelectedItem.Text.Trim() == "للعرض على المستشار الطبي") { string Request_Details_URL = SPContext.Current.Web.Url + "/Lists/" + ListName + "/Item/displayifs.aspx?ID=" + NewItem.ID.ToString(); string Request_Number = NewItem.ID.ToString(); string Med_Email = get_Med_Email(); Send_Email_To_Medical_Consultant(Request_Details_URL, Request_Number, Med_Email); } Prepare_Printing(NewItem.ID.ToString()); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { lblSuccess.Visible = true; lblSuccess.Text = "حدث الخطأ التالى اثناء محاولة إضافة الطلب : " + ex.Message; lblSuccess.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#ffbfbf"); } }); }
/// <summary> /// 上传附件 /// </summary> /// <param name="web">The web.</param> /// <param name="docLibName">Name of the document library.</param> /// <param name="fUpload">The fupload.</param> /// <param name="viewStateName">Name of the view state.</param> /// <param name="gv">The GridView.</param> /// <param name="type">The type.</param> private void AddWorkFile(SPWeb web, string docLibName, FileUpload fUpload, String viewStateName, GridView gv, int type) { try { SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { using (SPSite elevatedsiteColl = new SPSite(MySite.ID)) { using (SPWeb elevatedSite = elevatedsiteColl.OpenWeb(MyWeb.ID)) { string urlStr = elevatedSite.Url; elevatedSite.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true; SPList list = elevatedSite.Lists.TryGetList(docLibName); //如果没有文档库,生成文档库 if (list == null) { list = ProjectDll.DAL.ProjectFileDAL.CreateList(docLibName); urlStr = urlStr + "\\" + docLibName; } var docLib = (SPDocumentLibrary)list; if (fUpload.HasFile) { //数据库 //判断是否存在 if (JudgeSize(fUpload.PostedFile.ContentLength))//判断文件大小是否超出限制 { ProjectDll.DAL.Common.ShowMessage(this.Page, this.GetType(), "超出上传文档大小限制!"); } else { string fname = type.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + DateTime.Now.Year + ddlSubjectC.SelectedValue.PadLeft(4, '0') + "-" + ProjectDll.BLL.User.GetAccount() + "-" + Path.GetFileName(fUpload.PostedFile.FileName); Stream stm = fUpload.PostedFile.InputStream; int iLength = (int)stm.Length; if (iLength > 0) { SPFolder rootFolder = docLib.RootFolder; Byte[] filecontent = new byte[iLength]; stm.Read(filecontent, 0, iLength); try { SPFile f; //如果在文档库中有,删除文档库中同名文档后,上传文档 bool isDocHave = false; isDocHave = ProjectDll.DAL.ProjectFileDAL.JudgeIsExistInDocLib(docLib, fname, type); proj_ProjectFile isDBHave = ProjectDll.DAL.ProjectFileDAL.JudgeIsExistInDb(fname, currentUserId); //判断文档库 if (isDocHave) { ProjectDll.DAL.Common.ShowMessage(this.Page, this.GetType(), "请注意,该文件已存在,上传后自动覆盖已有文件!"); DelList(fname, type.ToString()); f = rootFolder.Files.Add(fname, filecontent, true); } else { f = rootFolder.Files.Add(fname, filecontent, true); } urlStr += "\\" + fname; ////判断数据库 //if (isDBHave) //{ // //如果数据库中有,更新数据库 //} //else //{ // //如果没有插入数据库 // //数据库 //} } catch (Exception ex) { ProjectDll.DAL.Common.Alert(ex.ToString()); } finally { stm.Close(); } } } } elevatedSite.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false; } } }); } catch (Exception ex) { ProjectDll.DAL.Common.Alert(ex.ToString()); // DAL.Common.ShowMessage(this.Page, this.GetType(), "出错了,请报告给管理员!"); } finally { } //BindGridView((DataTable)ViewState[viewStateName], gv); }
protected void SyncFieldRecursive(SPWeb webTo, string sListName) { try { sResults += sLeftPadding + "Website: " + webTo.Name + "<br>"; SPList oToList = null; try { oToList = webTo.Lists[sListName] as SPList; } catch { if (chkCreateNewList.Checked) { webTo.Lists.Add(sListName, oFromList.Description, oFromList.BaseTemplate); webTo.Update(); oToList = webTo.Lists[sListName] as SPList; } } if (oToList != null) { string sFldName = ""; // Select the checkboxes from the GridView control for (int i = 0; i < GvFields.Rows.Count; i++) { GridViewRow row = GvFields.Rows[i]; bool isSyncChecked = ((CheckBox)row.FindControl("chkSync")).Checked; if (isSyncChecked) { bool isSealChecked = ((CheckBox)row.FindControl("chkSeal")).Checked; sFldName = GvFields.DataKeys[i]["InternalName"].ToString(); fldFromField = oFromList.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName(sFldName); SPField fldToTest = null; try { fldToTest = oToList.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName(sFldName); if (fldFromField.Type == fldToTest.Type) { Boolean bIsUpdatable; if (!fldToTest.Sealed) { bIsUpdatable = true; } else if (fldToTest.Sealed & fldToTest.Type.ToString() != "User") { fldToTest.Sealed = false; bIsUpdatable = true; } else { bIsUpdatable = false; } if (bIsUpdatable) { fldToTest.SchemaXml = fldFromField.SchemaXml.Replace(oFromList.ID.ToString(), oToList.ID.ToString()); fldToTest.DefaultValue = fldFromField.DefaultValue; if (fldFromField.Type == SPFieldType.Lookup) { string sTopListId = getFieldSchemaAttribValue(fldFromField.SchemaXml, "List"); string sSubListId = ""; try { sSubListId = webTo.Lists[oFromWeb.Lists[new Guid(sTopListId)].Title].ID.ToString(); } catch { } fldToTest.SchemaXml = fldFromField.SchemaXml.Replace(sTopListId, "{" + sSubListId + "}"); } fldToTest.Update(); if (fldToTest.Type.ToString() != "User" && fldToTest.InternalName != "Title") { fldToTest.Sealed = isSealChecked; } } else { sResults += sLeftPadding + " Failed: the field " + sFldName + " of type '" + fldToTest.Type.ToString() + "' already exists in list " + oToList.Title + "<br>"; } } else { sResults += sLeftPadding + " - Failed: the field '" + sFldName + "' already exists in list " + oToList.Title + ".<br>"; sResults += sLeftPadding + " This field is of a different type (" + fldToTest.Type.ToString() + ") than <br>"; sResults += sLeftPadding + " the field being copied, which is of type " + fldFromField.Type.ToString() + ".<br>"; } } catch (Exception exc) { if ((fldToTest == null || fldToTest.InternalName != "Title") & exc.GetType().FullName == "System.ArgumentException") { oToList.Fields.Add(fldFromField); //webTo.Update(); SPField fldNewField = oToList.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName(sFldName); fldNewField.SchemaXml = fldFromField.SchemaXml.Replace(oFromList.ID.ToString(), oToList.ID.ToString()); if (fldFromField.Type == SPFieldType.Lookup) { string sTopListId = getFieldSchemaAttribValue(fldFromField.SchemaXml, "List"); string sSubListId = ""; try { sSubListId = webTo.Lists[oFromWeb.Lists[new Guid(sTopListId)].Title].ID.ToString(); } catch {} fldNewField.SchemaXml = fldFromField.SchemaXml.Replace(sTopListId, "{" + sSubListId + "}"); } //fldNewField.Update(); fldNewField.Sealed = isSealChecked; webTo.Update(); //sResults += sLeftPadding + " - field " + sFldName + " added to list " + oToList.Title + "\r"; } } } } } } catch (Exception exc) { sResults += sLeftPadding + " - Error: " + exc.Message; } sLeftPadding += " "; foreach (SPWeb w in webTo.Webs) { try { SyncFieldRecursive(w, sListName); } catch { } w.Close(); w.Dispose(); } sLeftPadding = sLeftPadding.Substring(1, sLeftPadding.Length - 3); }
/// <summary> /// Redistribuye (prorratea) los costos definidos al envio /// para cada ítem pedido asociado /// </summary> /// <param name="itemEnvio"></param> private void RedistribuirCostosEnvio(SPListItem itemEnvio) { SPList listaParametros = itemEnvio.Web.Lists[LISTA_PARAMETROS]; SPList listaFacturas = itemEnvio.Web.Lists[LISTA_FACTURAS]; SPList listaAlmacen = itemEnvio.Web.Lists[LISTA_ALMACEN]; SPList listaItemsPedidos = itemEnvio.Web.Lists[LISTA_ITEMS_PEDIDOS]; bool prorrateoConArancel = true; #region Obtener el tipo de prorrateo SPQuery consultaParam = new SPQuery(); consultaParam.Query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Title' />" + "<Value Type='Text'>" + PARAMETRO_TITULO + "</Value></Eq></Where>"; SPListItemCollection itemsParametros = listaParametros.GetItems(consultaParam); if (itemsParametros.Count != 0 && itemsParametros[0]["Valor parámetro"].ToString() == PARAMETRO_VALOR) { prorrateoConArancel = false; } #endregion #region Distribuir (prorratear) costos double totalEnvio = 0; double costoFletes = 0; double costoAranceles = 0; double costoAduana = 0; double costoTransportador = 0; double costoOtros = 0; totalEnvio = this.ObtenerTotalDelEnvio(itemEnvio); if (itemEnvio["Costo fletes"] != null) { costoFletes = double.Parse(itemEnvio["Costo fletes"].ToString()); } if (itemEnvio["Costo aranceles"] != null) { costoAranceles = double.Parse(itemEnvio["Costo aranceles"].ToString()); } if (itemEnvio["Costo aduana"] != null) { costoAduana = double.Parse(itemEnvio["Costo aduana"].ToString()); } if (itemEnvio["Costo transportador"] != null) { costoTransportador = double.Parse(itemEnvio["Costo transportador"].ToString()); } if (itemEnvio["Costo otros"] != null) { costoOtros = double.Parse(itemEnvio["Costo otros"].ToString()); } SPFieldLookupValueCollection almacenesAsociados = (SPFieldLookupValueCollection)itemEnvio["Almacenes asociados"]; foreach (SPFieldLookupValue almacenAsociado in almacenesAsociados) { SPListItem elAlmacen = listaAlmacen.GetItemByIdSelectedFields(almacenAsociado.LookupId, "Facturas_x0020_asociadas"); SPFieldLookupValueCollection facturasAsociadas = (SPFieldLookupValueCollection)elAlmacen["Facturas asociadas"]; foreach (SPFieldLookupValue facturaAsociada in facturasAsociadas) { SPListItem laFactura = listaFacturas.GetItemByIdSelectedFields(facturaAsociada.LookupId, "_x00cd_tems_x0020_asociados"); SPFieldLookupValueCollection itemsAsociados = (SPFieldLookupValueCollection)laFactura["Ítems asociados"]; foreach (SPFieldLookupValue itemAsociado in itemsAsociados) { SPListItem itemPedido = listaItemsPedidos.GetItemByIdSelectedFields( itemAsociado.LookupId, "Costo_x0020_fletes", "Costo_x0020_aranceles", "Costo_x0020_aduana", "Costo_x0020_transportador", "Costo_x0020_otros", "Precio_x0020_extendido", "Item_x0020_asociado"); double precioItem = double.Parse(SubcadenaDespues(itemPedido["Precio extendido"]).Replace('.', ',')); double porcentajeArancel = this.ObtenerPorcentajeArancel(itemPedido); if (prorrateoConArancel) {//TODO Prorrateo con aranceles, verificar el calculo itemPedido["Costo fletes"] = this.AplicarProrrateoConArancelFletes(precioItem, totalEnvio, costoFletes); itemPedido["Costo aranceles"] = this.AplicarProrrateoConArancelAranceles(precioItem, totalEnvio, costoFletes, porcentajeArancel); itemPedido["Costo aduana"] = this.AplicarProrrateoConArancelAduana(precioItem, totalEnvio, costoAduana, costoFletes); itemPedido["Costo transportador"] = this.AplicarProrrateoConArancelTransp(precioItem, totalEnvio, costoTransportador, costoFletes); itemPedido["Costo otros"] = this.AplicarProrrateoConArancelOtros(precioItem, totalEnvio, costoOtros, costoFletes); } else {//Prorrateo sin aranceles itemPedido["Costo fletes"] = this.AplicarProrrateoSinArancel(precioItem, totalEnvio, costoFletes); itemPedido["Costo aranceles"] = this.AplicarProrrateoSinArancel(precioItem, totalEnvio, costoAranceles); itemPedido["Costo aduana"] = this.AplicarProrrateoSinArancel(precioItem, totalEnvio, costoAduana); itemPedido["Costo transportador"] = this.AplicarProrrateoSinArancel(precioItem, totalEnvio, costoTransportador); itemPedido["Costo otros"] = this.AplicarProrrateoSinArancel(precioItem, totalEnvio, costoOtros); } using (DisabledItemEventsScope scope = new DisabledItemEventsScope()) { try { itemPedido.Web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true; itemPedido.Update(); } finally { itemPedido.Web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false; } } } } } #endregion }
public static RoleAssociation AddRole(this SPList list, string name) { return(new RoleAssociation(list.ParentWeb, list.RoleAssignments, name)); }
private string renderSecondLevelLink(SPList aList, SPListItem aItem, string aLevel, string aLang, string selected) { string returnString = string.Empty; string currentNavClass = string.Empty; //Ensure that this is a second level link by checking number of dots in Level value. Must be 1 string level = aItem["Level"].ToString(); List <char> list = level.ToList <char>(); int numberOfDots = list.Count <char>(c => c == '.'); if (numberOfDots == 1) { string urlLink = string.Empty; string title = string.Empty; title = Convert.ToString(aItem["Title"]); urlLink = Convert.ToString(aItem["UrlLink"]); if (selected == urlLink) { currentNavClass = " class=\"nav-current\""; } else { currentNavClass = string.Empty; } returnString = "<ul>" + "<li><a href=\"" + urlLink + "\"" + currentNavClass + ">" + title + "</a>"; //Check if this level has any sub levels List <SPListItem> thirdLevelCollItem = (from SPListItem li in aList.Items where Convert.ToString(li["Level"]).StartsWith(level) orderby li["SortOrder"] select li).ToList <SPListItem>(); // render the second level heading if (thirdLevelCollItem.Count > 1) { // start our child UL returnString += "<ul>"; // render any children foreach (SPItem item in thirdLevelCollItem) { string thirdLevel = item["Level"].ToString(); List <char> thirdList = thirdLevel.ToList <char>(); numberOfDots = thirdList.Count <char>(c => c == '.'); urlLink = Convert.ToString(item["UrlLink"]); if (urlLink.ToLower().Contains(selected.ToLower())) { currentNavClass = " class=\"nav-current\""; } else { currentNavClass = string.Empty; } if (numberOfDots == 2) { title = Convert.ToString(item["Title"]); returnString += "<li><a href=\"" + urlLink + "\"" + currentNavClass + ">" + title + "</a></li>"; } } // close off the list returnString += "</ul>"; } // close off the heading returnString += "</li></ul>"; } return(returnString); }
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { string currentNavClass = string.Empty; string selectedNav = string.Empty; try { // setup the outer wrappers string htmlOutput = string.Empty; // figure out our language of the current label if (SPContext.Current.ListItem != null && PublishingPage.IsPublishingPage(SPContext.Current.ListItem)) { PublishingPage publishingPage = PublishingPage.GetPublishingPage(SPContext.Current.ListItem); string langWeb = string.Empty; if (publishingPage.PublishingWeb.Label != null) { langWeb = (publishingPage.PublishingWeb.Label.Title.Substring(0, 2).ToLower() == "en") ? "eng" : "fra"; } else { langWeb = "eng"; } currentNavClass = "class=\"nav-current\""; selectedNav = SPContext.Current.ListItemServerRelativeUrl; SPList WETLeftNavigation = null; List <SPListItem> firstLevelCollItem; try { WETLeftNavigation = SPContext.Current.Web.Lists["WETLeftNavigation"]; firstLevelCollItem = (from SPListItem li in WETLeftNavigation.Items where Convert.ToString(li["Level"]).IndexOf(".") == -1 orderby li["SortOrder"] select li).ToList <SPListItem>(); foreach (SPListItem oItem_1 in firstLevelCollItem) { //Ensure that this is a first level link by checking number of dots in Level value. Must be 0 string level = oItem_1["Level"].ToString(); List <char> list = level.ToList <char>(); int numberOfDots = list.Count <char>(c => c == '.'); if ((numberOfDots == 0)) { //renderfirstlevelLink htmlOutput += renderTopLevelLink(WETLeftNavigation, oItem_1, level, langWeb, selectedNav); } } } finally { } htmlOutput += "<br /><br /><br />"; writer.Write(htmlOutput); } else { //Nik20121026 - Handles the case where the site's template is a collaboration one; string langWeb = string.Empty; string cultISO = ""; if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString().ToLower().Contains("/eng/")) { cultISO = "en"; } else { cultISO = "fr"; } langWeb = (cultISO == "en") ? "eng" : "fra"; currentNavClass = "class=\"nav-current\""; selectedNav = SPContext.Current.ListItemServerRelativeUrl; SPList WETLeftNavigation = null; List <SPListItem> firstLevelCollItem; try { WETLeftNavigation = SPContext.Current.Web.Lists["WETLeftNavigation"]; firstLevelCollItem = (from SPListItem li in WETLeftNavigation.Items where Convert.ToString(li["Level"]).IndexOf(".") == -1 orderby li["SortOrder"] select li).ToList <SPListItem>(); foreach (SPListItem oItem_1 in firstLevelCollItem) { //Ensure that this is a first level link by checking number of dots in Level value. Must be 0 string level = oItem_1["Level"].ToString(); List <char> list = level.ToList <char>(); int numberOfDots = list.Count <char>(c => c == '.'); if ((numberOfDots == 0)) { //renderfirstlevelLink htmlOutput += renderTopLevelLink(WETLeftNavigation, oItem_1, level, langWeb, selectedNav); } } } finally { } writer.Write(htmlOutput); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.WriteLog(ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace); } }
public SPListEntity(SPList list) { _underlyingObject = list; }
static void Main(string[] args) { SPSite sitio = null; SPWeb web = null; string urlSitio; string nombreLista; int idInicio; try { #region Toma de datos Console.WriteLine("Este programa permite iniciar una determinada " + "lista con un valor ID definido."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Ingrese la URL del sitio: "); urlSitio = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Ingrese el nombre de la lista: "); nombreLista = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Ingrese el ID de inicio: "); idInicio = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); #endregion #region Consulta SP sitio = new SPSite(urlSitio); web = sitio.OpenWeb(); SPList lista = web.Lists[nombreLista]; SPListItemCollection itemsAntes = lista.Items; if (itemsAntes.Count == 0) { #region Crear items for (int i = 1; i < idInicio; i++) { SPListItem item = itemsAntes.Add(); item["Title"] = "Item " + i; item.Update(); } #endregion #region Eliminar items SPListItemCollection itemsDespues = lista.Items; StringBuilder batchString = new StringBuilder(); batchString.Append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><Batch>"); foreach (SPListItem item in itemsDespues) { batchString.Append("<Method>"); batchString.Append("<SetList Scope=\"Request\">" + Convert.ToString(item.ParentList.ID) + "</SetList>"); batchString.Append("<SetVar Name=\"ID\">" + Convert.ToString(item.ID) + "</SetVar>"); batchString.Append("<SetVar Name=\"Cmd\">Delete</SetVar>"); batchString.Append("</Method>"); } batchString.Append("</Batch>"); web.ProcessBatchData(batchString.ToString()); // Eliminar papelera sitio.RecycleBin.DeleteAll(); Console.WriteLine("Proceso completado exitosamente."); #endregion } else { Console.WriteLine("Este proceso solo puede ser aplicado " + "a una lista que no contenga items."); } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Se produjo un error vuelva a intentarlo."); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { if (web != null) { web.Dispose(); } if (sitio != null) { sitio.Dispose(); } } }
public SPListCacheDependency(SPList list, double interval) : this(list) { }
public static SPListChangeMonitor GetMonitor(SPList list) { return(GetMonitors <SPListChangeMonitor>(list.ParentWeb.Site.ID).FirstOrDefault(v => v.listId == list.ID) ?? new SPListChangeMonitor(list)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string listName = "Service Desk Status"; int licdtmp = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.LCID; using (SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.Url)) { using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb()) { try { int LCID = (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString().Contains("fra/") ? 1036 : 1033); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); SPList list = web.Lists.TryGetList(listName); Literal1.Text = sb.ToString(); /*TableRow headerRow = new TableRow(); * TableCell headerCell = new TableCell(); * * headerCell.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; * headerCell.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; * headerCell.Text = (LCID == 1036 ? "<h3>État du système</h3>" : " <h3> System Status</h3>"); * headerRow.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; * headerRow.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; * headerRow.Cells.Add(headerCell); * Table1.Rows.Add(headerRow); * Dont need to do this just changing the Title so Pascal doesnot have to modify it from GUI * */ string wptitle; string html; string Fieldname = (LCID == 1036 ? "Status-FR" : "Status"); if (LCID == 1036) { this.Title = "État du système"; wptitle = "État du système"; } else { this.Title = "System Status"; wptitle = "System Status"; } //SPList geturl = web.Lists.[listName]; String strUrlbase = web.Url + "/" + list.RootFolder.Url; int i = 0; //only write html if there is something to write html = ""; if (list.ItemCount > 0) { html = "<div id=\"SystemStatustitle\" class=\"SystemStatusTitleRow\" runat=\"server\"><h3 runat=\"server\" id=\"SystemStatush3\" class=\"background-accent margin-bottom-medium\" style=\"width:100% !important; vertical-align:middle;\">" + wptitle + "</h3></div>"; } //html = html + "<br /> <br />"; foreach (SPListItem item in list.Items) { if (i < 3) { String strUrl = strUrlbase + "/DispForm.aspx?ID=" + item.ID; String tableField = " " + "<a href=\"" + strUrl + "\"" + " class =\"taglink\" >" + item[Fieldname].ToString() + "</a> "; //SystemStatusGrid.InnerText = "<div> " + tableField + " </div>" ; html = html + "<div class=\"SystemStatusGrid\" id=\"SystemStatusGrid\" runat=\"server\" >"; html = html + tableField.ToString(); html = html + "</div>"; i++; } } Literal1.Text = html.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Literal1.Text = ex.ToString(); } } } }
private void buildColumns(SPWeb web) { try { dt.Columns.Add("Period"); dt.Columns.Add("Value"); dt.Columns.Add("Capacity"); dt.Columns.Add("ValueType"); dt.Columns.Add("Site Name"); dt.Columns.Add("Project"); SPList list = web.Lists["EPMLiveOutlineCodes"]; SPQuery query = new SPQuery(); query.Query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name=\"OutlineCodeType\"/><Value Type=\"Text\">Project</Value></Eq></Where>"; foreach (SPListItem li in list.GetItems(query)) { dt.Columns.Add(li["DisplayName"].ToString()); arrProjectOC.Add(li.Title); } query = new SPQuery(); query.Query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name=\"OutlineCodeType\"/><Value Type=\"Text\">Task</Value></Eq></Where>"; dt.Columns.Add("Task"); foreach (SPListItem li in list.GetItems(query)) { dt.Columns.Add(li["DisplayName"].ToString()); arrTaskOC.Add(li.Title); } dt.Columns.Add("Resource"); list = web.Lists[CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(web, "EPMLiveResourcePool")]; foreach (SPField f in list.Fields) { if (!f.Hidden && !f.ReadOnlyField && f.Type != SPFieldType.Attachments && f.InternalName != "Title" && f.InternalName != "SharePointAccount") { arrResOC.Add(f.InternalName); dt.Columns.Add(f.Title); dt.Columns.Add(f.Title + " Capacity"); buildResourceCap(list, f.InternalName); } } list = web.Lists["EPMLivePeriods"]; foreach (SPListItem li in list.Items) { //dt.Columns.Add(li.Title); PeriodItem pi = new PeriodItem(); = li.Title.Replace(" ", "_x0020_"); pi.start = li["StartDate"].ToString(); pi.finish = li["EndDate"].ToString(); pi.capacity = li["Capacity"].ToString(); arrPeriods.Add(pi); } } catch { } }
private void processData(SPWeb web, SPWeb resWeb) { if (CoreFunctions.getConfigSetting(web, "EPMLiveResourceURL").ToLower() != resWeb.ServerRelativeUrl.ToLower()) { return; } try { SPList list = web.Lists["EPMLiveTimePhased"]; SPQuery query = new SPQuery(); query.Query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='TimePhasedType'/><Value Type='Number'>1</Value></Eq></Where>"; foreach (SPListItem li in list.GetItems(query)) { object[] arrDtRow = new object[dt.Columns.Count]; string project = li.Title; string task = li["Task"].ToString(); string wbs = li["WBS"].ToString(); string resource = li["Resource"].ToString(); string valuetype = li["ValueType"].ToString(); arrDtRow[4] = web.Title; processProjectInfo(web, ref arrDtRow, project); processTaskInfo(web, ref arrDtRow, project, task, wbs); processResourceInfo(resWeb, ref arrDtRow, resource); arrDtRow[3] = valuetype; processPeriods(li, ref arrDtRow); dt.Rows.Add(arrDtRow); } } catch (Exception ex) { logError(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } try { if (Request["rollup"] != null && Request["rollup"].ToString() == "true") { foreach (SPWeb w in web.Webs) { try { processData(w, resWeb); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.WriteTrace(Area.EPMLiveCore, Categories.EPMLiveCore.Others, TraceSeverity.Medium, ex.ToString()); } finally { if (w != null) { w.Dispose(); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.WriteTrace(Area.EPMLiveCore, Categories.EPMLiveCore.Others, TraceSeverity.Medium, ex.ToString()); } }
private void buildResourceCap(SPList list, string field) { BuildResourceCap(list, field, lstResourceCap); }
public FieldDefinition <TParentDefinition> AsMultiLookupTo(SPList specificTargetList) { return(AsMultiLookupTo(specificTargetList, "Title")); }