Exemplo n.º 1
        public SPDocumentSetInstance AddDocumentSet(string name, object contentType, [DefaultParameterValue(null)] object properties, [DefaultParameterValue(true)] bool provisionDefaultContent)
            var contentTypeId = SPContentTypeId.Empty;

            if (contentType is SPContentTypeIdInstance)
                contentTypeId = (contentType as SPContentTypeIdInstance).ContentTypeId;
            else if (contentType is SPContentTypeInstance)
                contentTypeId = (contentType as SPContentTypeInstance).ContentType.Id;
            else if (contentType is string)
                contentTypeId = new SPContentTypeId(contentType as string);

            if (contentTypeId == SPContentTypeId.Empty)

            var htProperties = SPHelper.GetFieldValuesHashtableFromPropertyObject(properties);

            var docSet = DocumentSet.Create(m_folder, name, contentTypeId, htProperties, provisionDefaultContent);

            return(new SPDocumentSetInstance(Engine.Object.InstancePrototype, null, null, docSet));
        public void SetFieldValues(object fieldValues)
            var ht = SPHelper.GetFieldValuesHashtableFromPropertyObject(fieldValues);

            foreach (var key in ht.Keys)
                var fieldName = TypeConverter.ToString(key);
                if (m_listItem.Fields.ContainsField(fieldName))
                    m_listItem[fieldName] = ht[key];
        public SPFileInstance Add(params object[] args)
            var urlOfFile                 = TypeConverter.ToString(args.GetValue <object>(0));
            var file                      = args.GetValue <Base64EncodedByteArrayInstance>(1);
            var properties                = args.GetValue <object>(2);
            var createdBy                 = args.GetValue <object>(3);
            var modifiedBy                = args.GetValue <object>(4);
            var timeCreated               = args.GetValue <object>(5);
            var timeLastModified          = args.GetValue <object>(6);
            var checkInComment            = args.GetValue <object>(7);
            var overwrite                 = args.GetValue <object>(8);
            var requireWebFilePermissions = args.GetValue <object>(9);

            if (urlOfFile.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "Error", "File Url must be specified as the first parameter.");

            if (file == null)
                throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "Error", "File Url must be specified as the first parameter.");

            Hashtable htProperties = null;

            if (properties is HashtableInstance)
                htProperties = (properties as HashtableInstance).Hashtable;
            else if (properties != null && properties != Null.Value && properties != Undefined.Value)
                htProperties = SPHelper.GetFieldValuesHashtableFromPropertyObject(properties);

            var uCreatedBy = SPBaristaContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser;

            if (createdBy is SPUserInstance)
                uCreatedBy = (createdBy as SPUserInstance).User;

            var uModifiedBy = SPBaristaContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser;

            if (modifiedBy is SPUserInstance)
                uModifiedBy = (modifiedBy as SPUserInstance).User;

            var dtTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (timeCreated is DateInstance)
                dtTimeCreated = (timeCreated as DateInstance).Value;
            else if (timeCreated != null && timeCreated != Null.Value && timeCreated != Undefined.Value)
                dtTimeCreated = new DateInstance(this.Engine.Object.InstancePrototype, DateInstance.Parse(TypeConverter.ToString(timeCreated))).Value;

            var dtTimeLastModified = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (timeLastModified is DateInstance)
                dtTimeLastModified = (timeLastModified as DateInstance).Value;
            else if (timeLastModified != null && timeLastModified != Null.Value && timeLastModified != Undefined.Value)
                dtTimeLastModified = new DateInstance(this.Engine.Object.InstancePrototype, DateInstance.Parse(TypeConverter.ToString(timeLastModified))).Value;

            string strCheckInComment = null;

            if (checkInComment != null && checkInComment != Null.Value && checkInComment != Undefined.Value)
                strCheckInComment = TypeConverter.ToString(checkInComment);

            var bOverwrite = false;

            if (overwrite != null && overwrite != Null.Value && overwrite != Undefined.Value)
                bOverwrite = TypeConverter.ToBoolean(overwrite);

            var bRequireWebFilePermissions = false;

            if (requireWebFilePermissions != null && requireWebFilePermissions != Null.Value && requireWebFilePermissions != Undefined.Value)
                bRequireWebFilePermissions = TypeConverter.ToBoolean(requireWebFilePermissions);

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(file.Data))
                var result = m_fileCollection.Add(urlOfFile, ms, htProperties, uCreatedBy, uModifiedBy, dtTimeCreated, dtTimeLastModified, strCheckInComment, bOverwrite, bRequireWebFilePermissions);
                return(result == null
                    ? null
                    : new SPFileInstance(this.Engine.Object.InstancePrototype, result));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public SPDocumentSetInstance CreateDocumentSet(
            [JSDoc("The folder to create the document set in.")]
            SPFolderInstance folder,
            [JSDoc("The name of the new document set.")]
            string name,
            [JSDoc("The content type id of the new documentset. Use new ContentTypeId('<CTID>')")]
            SPContentTypeIdInstance ctid,
            [JSDoc("Optional. Specifies a hashtable of fields that will be set on the document set where the key is the static field name.")]
            object properties,
            [JSDoc("Optional. Specifies a value that indicates if the default document set content will be provisioned. Default is true.")]
            object provisionDefaultContent,
            [JSDoc("Optional. Specifies the SPUser that created the document set.")]
            object user)
            if (folder == null)
                throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "Error", "An instance of an SPFolder must be specified as the first argument.");

            if (name.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "Error", "The name of the new document set must be specified.");

            if (ctid == null)
                throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "Error", "The Content Type Id of the new document set must be specified.");

            var htProperties = new Hashtable();

            if (properties != null && properties != Null.Value && properties != Undefined.Value)
                htProperties = SPHelper.GetFieldValuesHashtableFromPropertyObject(properties);

            var bProvisionDefaultContent = true;

            if (provisionDefaultContent != null && provisionDefaultContent != Null.Value &&
                provisionDefaultContent != Undefined.Value)
                bProvisionDefaultContent = TypeConverter.ToBoolean(provisionDefaultContent);

            DocumentSet result;
            var         spUser = user as SPUserInstance;

            if (user == null || user == Null.Value || user == Undefined.Value || spUser == null)
                result = DocumentSet.Create(folder.Folder, name, ctid.ContentTypeId, htProperties, bProvisionDefaultContent);
                result = DocumentSet.Create(folder.Folder, name, ctid.ContentTypeId, htProperties, bProvisionDefaultContent, spUser.User);

            if (result == null)

            return(new SPDocumentSetInstance(this.Engine.Object.InstancePrototype, folder.Folder.ParentWeb.Site,
                                             folder.Folder.ParentWeb, result));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public SPDocumentSetInstance Import(Base64EncodedByteArrayInstance bytes, string name, SPFolderInstance parentFolder, object ctid, object properties, object user)
            if (bytes == null)
                throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "Error", "A base64 encoded byte array must be supplied as the first argument.");

            if (name.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "Error", "The name of the new document set must be specified.");

            if (parentFolder == null)
                throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "Error", "The parent folder must be specified.");

            if (ctid == Undefined.Value && properties == Undefined.Value && user == Undefined.Value)
                var r = DocumentSet.Import(bytes.Data, name, parentFolder.Folder);
                if (r == null)

                return(new SPDocumentSetInstance(this.Engine.Object.InstancePrototype, parentFolder.Folder.ParentWeb.Site,
                                                 parentFolder.Folder.ParentWeb, r));

            var spCtId = ctid as SPContentTypeIdInstance;

            if (ctid == null || ctid == Null.Value || ctid == Undefined.Value || spCtId == null)
                throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "Error", "The Content Type Id of the imported document set must be specified.");

            var spUser = user as SPUserInstance;

            if (user == null || user == Null.Value || user == Undefined.Value || spUser == null)
                throw new JavaScriptException(this.Engine, "Error", "The user of the imported document set must be specified.");

            var htProperties = new Hashtable();

            if (properties != null && properties != Null.Value && properties != Undefined.Value)
                htProperties = SPHelper.GetFieldValuesHashtableFromPropertyObject(properties);

            var result = DocumentSet.Import(bytes.Data, name, parentFolder.Folder, spCtId.ContentTypeId, htProperties, spUser.User);

            if (result == null)

            return(new SPDocumentSetInstance(this.Engine.Object.InstancePrototype, parentFolder.Folder.ParentWeb.Site,
                                             parentFolder.Folder.ParentWeb, result));