Exemplo n.º 1
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        IFormatter fmtr = new SoapFormatter();

        // IFormatter fmtr = new BinaryFormatter();        // Alternative
        if (!File.Exists("objects"))
            Console.WriteLine("Creating objects and writing them to file:");
            SC c = new SC();
            SO o1 = new SO(1, c), o2 = new SO(2, c);
            Console.WriteLine("The SC object is shared between o1 and o2:");
            o1.c.ci = 3; o2.c.ci = 4;           // Update the shared c twice
            o1.CPrint(); o2.CPrint();           // Prints i1c4 i2c4
            // Open file and serialize objects to it:
            Stream strm = File.Open("objects", FileMode.Create);
            fmtr.Serialize(strm, o1); fmtr.Serialize(strm, o2);
            Console.WriteLine("\nRun the example again to read objects from file");
            Console.WriteLine("Reading objects from file (unshared c):");
            Stream strm = File.Open("objects", FileMode.Open);
            SO     o1i = (SO)(fmtr.Deserialize(strm)), o2i = (SO)(fmtr.Deserialize(strm));
            o1i.CPrint(); o2i.CPrint();         // Prints i1c4() i2c4()
            Console.WriteLine("The sharing of the SC object is lost:");
            o1i.c.ci = 5; o2i.c.ci = 6;         // Update two different c's
            o1i.CPrint(); o2i.CPrint();         // Prints i1c5() i2c6()