/// <summary>
    /// Called by Unity every frame.  This method uses the sensor CanSee to change the color of the robot.
    /// It moves the robot linearly along the path defined by the waypoints
    /// Date		Author	Description
    /// 2017-11-02	BRB		Initial Testing
    /// </summary>

    void Update()
        myRenderer.material.color = sensor.CanSee(target)?Color.red:Color.green;          // Use of sensor

        int back  = Mathf.FloorToInt(u);
        int ahead = (back + 1) % wayPoint.Length;

        Vector3 delta = wayPoint[ahead] - transform.position;


        Quaternion facing = Quaternion.LookRotation(delta);

        if (Vector3.Dot(delta, transform.forward) > CLOSE_ENOUGH_COSINE)
            transform.rotation = facing;
            transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(wayPoint[back], wayPoint[ahead], u - back);
            u += SPEED * Time.deltaTime;
            if (u >= wayPoint.Length)
                u -= wayPoint.Length;
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(transform.rotation, facing, ANGLE + Time.deltaTime);
 void Update()
     //myRenderer.material.color = sensor.CanSee(target)?Color.red:Color.green; // Use of sensor
     foreach (Transform x in targets)
         target = x;
         if (sensor.CanSee(target))
             Debug.Log("Found Target!");