Exemplo n.º 1
        }                                    // DT_TIME

        public TriggerEvent(MpqFileStream stream)
            I0 = stream.ReadValueS32();
            TriggerConditions = new TriggerConditions(stream);
            I1                  = stream.ReadValueS32();
            SNOHandle           = new SNOHandle(stream);
            I2                  = stream.ReadValueS32();
            I3                  = stream.ReadValueS32();
            RuneType            = stream.ReadValueS32();
            UseRuneType         = stream.ReadValueS32();
            HardPointLinks      = new HardPointLink[2];
            HardPointLinks[0]   = new HardPointLink(stream);
            HardPointLinks[1]   = new HardPointLink(stream);
            this.LookLink       = stream.ReadString(64, true);
            this.ConstraintLink = stream.ReadString(64, true);
            I4                  = stream.ReadValueS32();
            F0                  = stream.ReadValueF32();
            I5                  = stream.ReadValueS32();
            I6                  = stream.ReadValueS32();
            I7                  = stream.ReadValueS32();
            I8                  = stream.ReadValueS32();
            I9                  = stream.ReadValueS32();
            F1                  = stream.ReadValueF32();
            F2                  = stream.ReadValueF32();
            I10                 = stream.ReadValueS32();
            F3                  = stream.ReadValueF32();
            I11                 = stream.ReadValueS32();
            Velocity            = stream.ReadValueF32();
            I12                 = stream.ReadValueS32();
            Ticks1              = stream.ReadValueS32();
            Color1              = new RGBAColor(stream);
            I14                 = stream.ReadValueS32();
            Color2              = new RGBAColor(stream);
            I15                 = stream.ReadValueS32();
Exemplo n.º 2
        private List <int> completedSteps = new List <int>();           // this list has to be saved if quest progress should be saved. It is required to keep track of questranges

        public Quest(Game game, int SNOQuest)
            this.game   = game;
            SNOHandle   = new SNOHandle(SNOGroup.Quest, SNOQuest);
            asset       = SNOHandle.Target as Mooege.Common.MPQ.FileFormats.Quest;
            CurrentStep = new QuestStep(asset.QuestUnassignedStep, this);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public Quest(Game game, int SNOQuest)
            this.game   = game;
            SNOHandle   = new SNOHandle(SNOGroup.Quest, SNOQuest);
            asset       = SNOHandle.Target as Mooege.Common.MPQ.FileFormats.Quest;
            CurrentStep = new QuestStep(asset.QuestUnassignedStep, this);

            foreach (var QCSasset in asset.QuestCompletionSteps)
                if (QCSasset != null)
                    var nQCS = new QuestCompletionStep(QCSasset);
                    Logger.Debug(" (quest ctor)  adding a completion step {0}, {1}, {2} ", nQCS.Name, nQCS.StepId, nQCS.I2);
                    Logger.Debug(" (quest ctor)  asset null problem in QCS ");

            foreach (var aQuestStep in asset.QuestSteps)
                Logger.Debug(" (quest ctor) steps ID contained in quest is : {0} ", aQuestStep.ID);

            Logger.Debug(" (quest ctor)  SNOHandle ID {0} Name {1}  Group {2} isValid ?{3} ", SNOHandle.Id, SNOHandle.Name, SNOHandle.Group, SNOHandle.IsValid);
            Logger.Debug(" (quest ctor)  from assets  numSteps {0}, SNO ID {1} num od completion step  ", asset.NumberOfSteps, asset.Header.SNOId, asset.NumberOfCompletionSteps);
            Logger.Debug(" (quest ctor)  CurrentStep ID ", CurrentStep.QuestStepID);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void Read(MpqFileStream stream)
     ConditionType = (QuestStepFailureConditionType)stream.ReadValueS32();
     I2            = stream.ReadValueS32();
     I3            = stream.ReadValueS32();
     SNOName1      = new SNOHandle(stream);
     SNOName2      = new SNOHandle(stream);
     GBID1         = stream.ReadValueS32();
     GBID2         = stream.ReadValueS32();
     Unknown1      = stream.ReadString(256, true);
     Unknown2      = stream.ReadString(256, true);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public void Read(MpqFileStream stream)
     I0             = stream.ReadValueS32();
     ObjectiveType  = (QuestStepObjectiveType)stream.ReadValueS32();
     I2             = stream.ReadValueS32();
     CounterTarget  = stream.ReadValueS32();
     SNOName1       = new SNOHandle(stream);
     SNOName2       = new SNOHandle(stream);
     GBID1          = stream.ReadValueS32();
     GBID2          = stream.ReadValueS32();
     Group1Name     = stream.ReadString(256, true);
     Unknown2       = stream.ReadString(256, true);
     I4             = stream.ReadValueS32();
     I5             = stream.ReadValueS32();
     GBIDItemToShow = stream.ReadValueS32();
Exemplo n.º 6
        //TODO: Move this out as loading actors can happen even after world was generated
        public static uint loadActor(SNOHandle actorHandle, PRTransform location, World world, TagMap tagMap)
            var actor = Mooege.Core.GS.Actors.ActorFactory.Create(world, actorHandle.Id, tagMap);

            if (actor == null)
                if (actorHandle.Id != -1)
                    Logger.Warn("ActorFactory did not load actor {0}", actorHandle);
                return 0;

            actor.RotationW = location.Quaternion.W;
            actor.RotationAxis = location.Quaternion.Vector3D;
            return actor.DynamicID;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private static void loadActor(SNOHandle actorHandle, PRTransform location, World world, TagMap tagMap)
            var actor = Mooege.Core.GS.Actors.ActorFactory.Create(world, actorHandle.Id, tagMap);

            if (actor == null)
                if (actorHandle.Id != -1)
                    Logger.Warn("ActorFactory did not load actor {0}", actorHandle);

            actor.FacingAngle  = location.Quaternion.W;
            actor.RotationAxis = location.Quaternion.Vector3D;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public Spawner(World world, int snoId, TagMap tags)
            : base(world, snoId, tags)
            this.Field2 = 8;
            this.Field7 = 0x00000000;

            //Actor.Data.TagMap contains: {66368 = 291072}
            //public static TagKeyInt Spawn2 = new TagKeyInt(291072);
            //TODO: Find why Tags is not the same as Actor.Data.TagMap
            if (Tags.ContainsKey(MarkerKeys.SpawnActor))
                this.ActorToSpawnSNO = Tags[MarkerKeys.SpawnActor];

            if (Tags.ContainsKey(MarkerKeys.OnActorSpawnedScript))
                this.OnActorSpawnedScript = Tags[MarkerKeys.OnActorSpawnedScript];
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads content for level areas. Call this after scenes have been generated and after scenes have their GizmoLocations
        /// set (this is done in Scene.LoadActors right now)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="levelAreas">Dictionary that for every level area has the scenes it consists of</param>
        /// <param name="world">The world to which to add loaded actors</param>
        private static void loadLevelAreas(Dictionary <int, List <Scene> > levelAreas, World world)
            /// Each Scene has one to four level areas assigned to it. I dont know if that means
            /// the scene belongs to both level areas or if the scene is split
            /// Scenes marker tags have generic GizmoLocationA to Z that are used
            /// to provide random spawning possibilities.
            /// For each of these 26 LocationGroups, the LevelArea has a entry in its SpawnType array that defines
            /// what type of actor/encounter/adventure could spawn there
            /// It could for example define, that for a level area X, out of the four spawning options
            /// two are randomly picked and have barrels placed there

            // Create an array of mobs, used with the loadActor in the load monster area loop
            // Each monster are created in Mooege.Core.GS.Actors.Implementations.Monsters
            // By Poluxxx
            //int[] aSNO = new int[] {
            //       // 6652      // Zombie
            //         6443      // Ravenous
            //        //, 136943    // Ghost
            Dictionary <PRTransform, Mooege.Common.MPQ.FileFormats.Actor> dict = new Dictionary <PRTransform, Mooege.Common.MPQ.FileFormats.Actor>();

            foreach (int la in levelAreas.Keys)
                SNOHandle levelAreaHandle = new SNOHandle(SNOGroup.LevelArea, la);
                if (!levelAreaHandle.IsValid)
                    Logger.Warn("Level area {0} does not exist", la);
                var levelArea = levelAreaHandle.Target as LevelArea;

                for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
                    // Merge the gizmo starting locations from all scenes and
                    // their subscenes into a single list for the whole level area
                    List <PRTransform> gizmoLocations = new List <PRTransform>();
                    foreach (var scene in levelAreas[la])
                        if (scene.GizmoSpawningLocations[i] != null)
                        foreach (Scene subScene in scene.Subscenes)
                            if (subScene.GizmoSpawningLocations[i] != null)

                    // Load all spawns that are defined for that location group
                    foreach (GizmoLocSpawnEntry spawnEntry in levelArea.LocSet.SpawnType[i].SpawnEntry)
                        // Get a random amount of spawns ...
                        int amount = RandomHelper.Next(spawnEntry.Max, spawnEntry.Max);
                        if (amount > gizmoLocations.Count)
                            Logger.Trace("Breaking after spawnEntry {0} for LevelArea {1} because there are less locations ({2}) than spawn amount ({3}, {4} min)", spawnEntry.SNOHandle, levelAreaHandle, gizmoLocations.Count, amount, spawnEntry.Min);

                        Logger.Trace("Spawning {0} ({3} - {4} {1} in {2}", amount, spawnEntry.SNOHandle, levelAreaHandle, spawnEntry.Min, spawnEntry.Max);

                        // ...and place each one on a random position within the location group
                        for (; amount > 0; amount--)
                            int location = RandomHelper.Next(gizmoLocations.Count - 1);

                            switch (spawnEntry.SNOHandle.Group)
                            case SNOGroup.Actor:
                                //TODO: Why to pass tagmap here and not load it inside Actor
                                loadActor(spawnEntry.SNOHandle, gizmoLocations[location], world, ((Mooege.Common.MPQ.FileFormats.Actor)spawnEntry.SNOHandle.Target).TagMap);

                            case SNOGroup.Encounter:
                                var encounter   = spawnEntry.SNOHandle.Target as Encounter;
                                var actor       = RandomHelper.RandomItem(encounter.Spawnoptions, x => x.Probability);
                                var actorHandle = new SNOHandle(actor.SNOSpawn);
                                loadActor(actorHandle, gizmoLocations[location], world, ((Mooege.Common.MPQ.FileFormats.Actor)actorHandle.Target).TagMap);

                            case SNOGroup.Adventure:
                                // Adventure are basically made up of a markerSet that has relative PRTransforms
                                // it has some other fields that are always 0 and a reference to a symbol actor
                                // no idea what they are used for - farmy

                                var adventure = spawnEntry.SNOHandle.Target as Adventure;
                                var markerSet = new SNOHandle(adventure.SNOMarkerSet).Target as MarkerSet;

                                foreach (var marker in markerSet.Markers)
                                    // relative marker set coordinates to absolute world coordinates
                                    var absolutePRTransform = new PRTransform
                                        Vector3D   = marker.PRTransform.Vector3D + gizmoLocations[location].Vector3D,
                                        Quaternion = new Quaternion
                                            Vector3D = new Vector3D(marker.PRTransform.Quaternion.Vector3D.X, marker.PRTransform.Quaternion.Vector3D.Y, marker.PRTransform.Quaternion.Vector3D.Z),
                                            W        = marker.PRTransform.Quaternion.W
                                    switch (marker.Type)
                                    case MarkerType.Actor:
                                        loadActor(marker.SNOHandle, absolutePRTransform, world, marker.TagMap);

                                    case MarkerType.Encounter:
                                        var encounter2 = marker.SNOHandle.Target as Encounter;
                                        var actor2     = RandomHelper.RandomItem(encounter2.Spawnoptions, x => x.Probability);
                                        loadActor(new SNOHandle(actor2.SNOSpawn), absolutePRTransform, world, marker.TagMap);

                                        Logger.Warn("Unhandled marker type {0} in actor loading", marker.Type);

                                if (spawnEntry.SNOHandle.Id != -1)
                                    Logger.Warn("Unknown sno handle in LevelArea spawn entries: {0}", spawnEntry.SNOHandle);

                            // dont use that location again

                // Load monsters for level area
                foreach (var scene in levelAreas[la])
                    // HACK: don't spawn monsters in tristram town scenes /mdz
                    if (MPQStorage.Data.Assets[SNOGroup.Scene][scene.SceneSNO.Id].Name.StartsWith("trOut_Tristram_"))

                    // a little variety in monsters spawned
                    int[] monsterActors = { 6652, 219725, 5346, 6356, 5393, 434, 4982 };

                    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                        if (RandomHelper.NextDouble() > 0.8)
                            // TODO Load correct spawn population
                            // 2.5 is units per square, TODO: Find out how to calculate units per square. Is it F1 * V0.I1 / SquareCount?
                            int x = RandomHelper.Next(scene.NavMesh.SquaresCountX);
                            int y = RandomHelper.Next(scene.NavMesh.SquaresCountY);

                            if ((scene.NavMesh.Squares[y * scene.NavMesh.SquaresCountX + x].Flags & Mooege.Common.MPQ.FileFormats.Scene.NavCellFlags.NoSpawn) == 0)
                                    new SNOHandle(monsterActors[RandomHelper.Next(monsterActors.Length)]),
                                    new PRTransform
                                    Vector3D = new Vector3D
                                        X = (float)(x * 2.5 + scene.Position.X),
                                        Y = (float)(y * 2.5 + scene.Position.Y),
                                        Z = scene.NavMesh.Squares[y * scene.NavMesh.SquaresCountX + x].Z + scene.Position.Z
                                    Quaternion = Quaternion.FacingRotation((float)(RandomHelper.NextDouble() * System.Math.PI * 2))
                                    new TagMap()
Exemplo n.º 10
 public override void Parse(GameBitBuffer buffer)
     Name = new SNOHandle();