Exemplo n.º 1
        private void cmdOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string    neworold = "0"; DataTable dtpSearch = new DataTable();
                DataTable dtb = this.cntrl.patient_details(txt_p_name.Text);
                if (cmbStartTime.SelectedIndex <= cmbEndTime.SelectedIndex)
                    if (patient_id != "0")
                        string    dr_id     = combodoctor.GetItemText(combodoctor.SelectedValue);
                        string    dr_color  = "0";
                        long      app_id    = 0;
                        DateTime  Dateonly  = DateTime.Now.Date;
                        string    dr_mobile = "0";
                        string    dr_email  = "";
                        DataTable dt_d      = this.cntrl.Get_calenderColor(dr_id);
                        if (dt_d.Rows.Count > 0)
                            dr_color  = dt_d.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                            dr_mobile = dt_d.Rows[0][1].ToString();
                            dr_email  = dt_d.Rows[0][2].ToString();
                        string   diff1      = "0";
                        DateTime StartTime1 = DateTime.Now.Date;
                        // string Stime;
                        if (EditingEvent.RecurrenceState == CalendarEventRecurrenceState.xtpCalendarRecurrenceNotRecurring ||
                            EditingEvent.RecurrenceState == CalendarEventRecurrenceState.xtpCalendarRecurrenceException)
                            DateTime StartTime, EndTime;
                            StartTime = dpStartTimeDate.Value;
                            EndTime   = dpStartTimeDate.Value;
                            StartTime = StartTime.AddHours(cmbStartTime.SelectedIndex / 12);
                            EndTime   = EndTime.AddHours(cmbEndTime.SelectedIndex / 12);
                            int st_ms = 0;
                            st_ms     = cmbStartTime.SelectedIndex % 12;
                            StartTime = StartTime.AddMinutes(st_ms * 5);
                            st_ms     = cmbEndTime.SelectedIndex % 12;
                            EndTime   = EndTime.AddMinutes(st_ms * 5);
                            EditingEvent.StartTime = StartTime;
                            EditingEvent.EndTime   = EndTime;
                            var diff = EndTime.Subtract(StartTime);
                            if (diff.Hours.ToString() != "")
                                int valh = diff.Hours;
                                valh = valh * 60;
                                int valm = diff.Minutes;
                                diff1 = Convert.ToString(valh + valm);
                                diff1 = Convert.ToString(diff.Minutes);
                            StartTime1 = StartTime;

                        DateTime Dateonly1 = DateTime.Now;

                        //if (Dateonly1 > StartTime1)
                        //    MessageBox.Show("Appointment Date should be greater than Current Date...", "Appointment", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                        //    return;
                        if (IsNewEvent)
                            DateTime StartT;
                            StartT = dpStartTimeDate.Value;
                            StartT = StartT.AddHours(cmbStartTime.SelectedIndex / 12);
                            int md = cmbStartTime.SelectedIndex % 12;
                            StartT = StartT.AddMinutes(md * 5);
                            //*********Booking Name***********//
                            string    Name   = "";
                            DataTable doctor = this.cntrl.get_doctor_login(PappyjoeMVC.Model.Connection.MyGlobals.Doctor_id);
                            if (doctor.Rows.Count > 0)
                                if (doctor.Rows[0]["login_type"].ToString() == "doctor")
                                    Name = "Dr ";

                                Name = Name + doctor.Rows[0]["doctor_name"].ToString();
                            dtpSearch = this.cntrl.patient_details_byname(txt_p_name.Text);
                            if (dtpSearch.Rows.Count <= 0)
                                this.cntrl.insappointment(Convert.ToDateTime(Dateonly).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), Convert.ToDateTime(StartT).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"), diff1, txtDescription.Text, patient_id, txt_p_name.Text, dr_id, txt_p_mobile.Text, txt_p_email.Text, compoprocedure.Text, Name);
                                this.cntrl.save_log(doctor_id, "Appointment", "logged user adds new appointment", "Add");
                                this.cntrl.insappointment(Convert.ToDateTime(Dateonly).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), Convert.ToDateTime(StartT).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"), diff1, txtDescription.Text, patient_id, patient_name, dr_id, lab_p_ph.Text, lab_p_email.Text, compoprocedure.Text, Name);
                                this.cntrl.save_log(doctor_id, "Appointment", "logged user adds new appointment", "Add");

                            DataTable dt_a = this.cntrl.appointmentId();
                            if (dt_a.Rows.Count > 0)
                                app_id = Convert.ToInt32(dt_a.Rows[dt_a.Rows.Count - 1][0].ToString());
                            EditingEvent.Subject     = patient_name;
                            EditingEvent.Location    = Convert.ToString(cmbStartTime.GetItemText(cmbStartTime.SelectedItem)) + "-" + Convert.ToString(cmbEndTime.GetItemText(cmbEndTime.SelectedItem));
                            EditingEvent.Body        = Convert.ToString(app_id);
                            EditingEvent.Label       = Convert.ToInt32(dr_color);
                            EditingEvent.AllDayEvent = (chkAllDayEvent.Checked ? true : false);
                            EditingEvent.BusyStatus  = (CalendarEventBusyStatus)cmbShowTimeAs.SelectedIndex;
                            EditingEvent.PrivateFlag = (chkPrivate.Checked ? true : false);
                            EditingEvent.MeetingFlag = (chkMeeting.Checked ? true : false);
                            EditingEvent.Reminder    = chkReminder.Checked;
                            if (EditingEvent.Reminder)
                                CalReminderMinutes pRmd = (CalReminderMinutes)cmbReminder.SelectedItem;
                                if (pRmd != null)
                                    EditingEvent.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = pRmd.m_nMinutes;
                            string clinic = "", locality = "", contact_no = "";

                            System.Data.DataTable clinicname = this.cntrl.clinicdetails();
                            clinic     = clinicname.Rows[0]["name"].ToString();
                            contact_no = clinicname.Rows[0]["contact_no"].ToString();
                            if (checkBox1.Checked)
                                string    text = "";
                                string    smsName = "", smsPass = "";
                                DataTable sms = this.cntrl.smsdetails();
                                if (sms.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    smsName = sms.Rows[0]["smsName"].ToString();
                                    smsPass = sms.Rows[0]["smsPass"].ToString();
                                SMS_model a           = new SMS_model();
                                DataTable pat         = this.cntrl.Get_Patient_Details(patient_id);
                                DataTable smsreminder = this.cntrl.Get_reminderSmS();
                                DataTable smslanguage = this.cntrl.sms_lang();
                                if (smsreminder.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    send_on_day     = smsreminder.Rows[0]["send_on_day"].ToString();
                                    send_before_day = smsreminder.Rows[0]["send_before_day"].ToString();
                                    day_time        = smsreminder.Rows[0]["day_time"].ToString();
                                    before_time     = smsreminder.Rows[0]["day_time"].ToString();
                                if (pat.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    string number = "91" + pat.Rows[0]["primary_mobile_number"].ToString();
                                    string type   = "LNG";
                                    if (neworold == "1")
                                        a.SendSMS(smsName, smsPass, number, "Dear " + pat.Rows[0]["pt_name"].ToString() + " welcome to " + clinic + "," + contact_no, type);
                                    if (smslanguage.Rows.Count > 0)
                                        string    smslang     = smslanguage.Rows[0]["Prescription_lang"].ToString();
                                        DataTable smstemplate = this.cntrl.smstemplate(smslang, pat.Rows[0]["pt_name"].ToString(), compoprocedure.Text, StartT.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), cmbStartTime.Text, combodoctor.Text, clinic, contact_no);
                                        if (smstemplate.Rows.Count > 0)
                                            text = smstemplate.Rows[0]["Template"].ToString();
                                            a.SendSMS(smsName, smsPass, number, text, type);
                                            this.cntrl.save_Pt_SMS(patient_id, pat.Rows[0]["pt_name"].ToString(), compoprocedure.Text, StartT.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), cmbStartTime.Text, combodoctor.Text);
                                    string sddsds = "";
                                    //text = "Dear " + pat.Rows[0]["pt_name"].ToString() + " " + "Your appointment for " + compoprocedure.Text + " has been confirmed at " + StartT.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + " " + cmbStartTime.Text + " with " + "Dr " + combodoctor.Text + " Regards " + clinic + "," + contact_no;
                                    //a.SendSMS(smsName, smsPass, number, text);
                                    //this.cntrl.save_Pt_SMS(patient_id, pat.Rows[0]["pt_name"].ToString(), compoprocedure.Text, StartT.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), cmbStartTime.Text, combodoctor.Text);
                                    ////For Reminder SMS-----
                                    if (day_time != null)
                                        if (dpStartTimeDate.Value > DateTime.Now.Date)
                                            text = "Dear " + pat.Rows[0]["pt_name"].ToString() + ", " + "Today you have an appointment at " + clinic + " on " + StartT.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + " " + cmbStartTime.Text + " for " + compoprocedure.Text + " .Regards  " + clinic + "," + contact_no;
                                            a.SendSMS(smsName, smsPass, number, text, "DRTOMS", patient_id.ToString(), StartT.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + " 09:10:00 am", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"));
                                    if (before_time != null)
                                        if (dpStartTimeDate.Value > DateTime.Now.Date)
                                            text = "Dear " + pat.Rows[0]["pt_name"].ToString() + ", " + "Today you have an appointment at " + clinic + " on " + StartT.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + " " + cmbStartTime.Text + " for " + compoprocedure.Text + " .Regards  " + clinic + "," + contact_no;
                                            a.SendSMS(smsName, smsPass, number, text, "DRTOMS", patient_id.ToString(), StartT.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + before_time, DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"));

                            if (checkBox3.Checked)
                                if (dr_mobile != "0")
                                    string    text = "";
                                    string    smsName = "", smsPass = "";
                                    SMS_model a      = new SMS_model();
                                    string    number = "91" + dr_mobile;
                                    string    type   = "LNG";
                                    text = "You have an appointment on " + dpStartTimeDate.Value.ToShortDateString() + " " + cmbStartTime.Text + " With " + txt_p_name.Text + " for " + compoprocedure.Text + " at " + clinic + "," + contact_no;
                                    a.SendSMS(smsName, smsPass, number, text, type);
                                    //For Remainder SMS
                                    if (day_time != null)
                                        if (dpStartTimeDate.Value > DateTime.Now.Date)
                                            text = "You have an appointment on " + dpStartTimeDate.Value.ToShortDateString() + " " + cmbStartTime.Text + " With " + txt_p_name.Text + " for " + compoprocedure.Text + " at " + clinic + "," + contact_no;
                                            // a.SendSMS(smsName, smsPass, number, text);
                                            a.SendSMS(smsName, smsPass, number, text, "DRTOMS", patient_id.ToString(), StartT.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + " 09:10:00 am", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"));
                                    if (before_time != null)
                                        if (dpStartTimeDate.Value > DateTime.Now.Date)
                                            text = "You have an appointment on " + dpStartTimeDate.Value.ToShortDateString() + " " + cmbStartTime.Text + " With " + txt_p_name.Text + " for " + compoprocedure.Text + " at " + clinic + "," + contact_no;
                                            a.SendSMS(smsName, smsPass, number, text, "DRTOMS", patient_id.ToString(), StartT.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + before_time, DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"));

                            if (checkBox2.Checked)
                                string email = "", emailName = "", emailPass = "";

                                string query = "select email_address,pt_name from tbl_patient where id='" + patient_id + "'";

                                DataTable sr = this.cntrl.getpatemail(patient_id);
                                if (sr.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    email = sr.Rows[0]["email_address"].ToString();
                                    DataTable sms = this.cntrl.send_email();
                                    if (sms.Rows.Count > 0)
                                        emailName = sms.Rows[0]["emailName"].ToString();
                                        emailPass = sms.Rows[0]["emailPass"].ToString();

                                            string      sr1     = "<table align='center' style='width:700px;border: 1px solid ;border-collapse: collapse; background: #EAEAEA; height:500px'><tr><td  align='left' height='27'><FONT  color='#666666'  face='Arial' SIZE=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Appointment Reminder:" + dpStartTimeDate.Value.ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy") + ' ' + cmbStartTime.Text + " @ " + clinic + "</font></td></tr><tr><td  align='left' height='400px'><table  height='423' align='center' style='width:600px; background: #FFFFFF; height:400px'><tr><td  align='left' height='6px'><FONT  color='#000000'  face='Arial' SIZE=6>" + clinic + "</font></td></tr><tr><td  align='left' height='1px' bgcolor='#666666'></td></tr><tr><td  align='left' height='62' valign='bottom'><FONT  color='#000000'  face='Arial' SIZE=3>Good morning <b>" + sr.Rows[0]["pt_name"].ToString() + "</b></font></td></tr> <tr><td align='left' height='197' valign='top'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Just to remind you about your appointment at " + clinic + ".<table><tbody><tr><td width='188' height='31' valign='bottom' align='right'>WHEN :</td><td width='30' height='31' valign='bottom' align='right'></td><td width='358' valign='bottom'> <strong>" + dpStartTimeDate.Value.ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy") + ' ' + cmbStartTime.Text + "</strong></td>  </tr><tr><td height='76' valign='top'  align='right'>WHERE :</td><td width='30' height='31' valign='bottom' align='right'></td><td  valign='top'>" + locality + "</td></tr></tbody></table> For any queries, contact us at : " + contact_no + "</td>  </tr><tr><td  align='left' height='1px' bgcolor='#666666'></td></tr> <tr><td height='25'  align='right' valign='bottom'>Powered by&nbsp;&nbsp; </td></tr> <tr><td height='81'  align='right' valign='top'><img src='http://pappyjoe.com/assets/images/pappyjoe-logo.PNG' alt='pappyjoe official logo'>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>";
                                            MailMessage message = new MailMessage();
                                            message.From = new MailAddress(email);
                                            message.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(1252); //bijeesh
                                            message.IsBodyHtml   = true;                                   //bijeesh
                                            SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com");
                                            message.Subject            = "Appointment Reminder: " + dpStartTimeDate.Value.ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy") + ' ' + cmbStartTime.Text + " @ " + clinic;
                                            message.Body               = sr1.ToString();
                                            smtp.Port                  = 587;
                                            smtp.Host                  = "smtp.gmail.com";
                                            smtp.EnableSsl             = true;
                                            smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
                                            smtp.Credentials           = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(emailName, emailPass);
                                            smtp.DeliveryMethod        = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                            if (checkBox4.Checked) // Doctor Email
                                string emailName = "", emailPass = "";
                                if (dr_email != "")
                                    DataTable sms = this.cntrl.send_email();
                                    if (sms.Rows.Count > 0)
                                        emailName = sms.Rows[0]["emailName"].ToString();
                                        emailPass = sms.Rows[0]["emailPass"].ToString();
                                            string      sr1     = "<table align='center' style='width:700px;border: 1px solid ;border-collapse: collapse; background: #EAEAEA; height:500px'><tr><td  align='left' height='27'><FONT  color='#666666'  face='Arial' SIZE=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Appointment Reminder:" + dpStartTimeDate.Value.ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy") + ' ' + cmbStartTime.Text + " @ " + clinic + "</font></td></tr><tr><td  align='left' height='400px'><table  height='423' align='center' style='width:600px; background: #FFFFFF; height:400px'><tr><td  align='left' height='6px'><FONT  color='#000000'  face='Arial' SIZE=6>" + clinic + "</font></td></tr><tr><td  align='left' height='1px' bgcolor='#666666'></td></tr><tr><td  align='left' height='62' valign='bottom'><FONT  color='#000000'  face='Arial' SIZE=3>Dear <b>" + combodoctor.Text + "</b></font></td></tr> <tr><td align='left' height='197' valign='top'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Just to remind you about your appointment at " + clinic + ".<table><tbody><tr><td width='188' height='31' valign='bottom' align='right'>WHEN :</td><td width='30' height='31' valign='bottom' align='right'></td><td width='358' valign='bottom'> <strong>" + dpStartTimeDate.Value.ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy") + ' ' + cmbStartTime.Text + "</strong></td>  </tr><tr><td height='31' valign='top'  align='right'>PATIENT :</td><td width='30' height='31' valign='bottom' align='right'></td><td  valign='top'>" + txt_p_name.Text + "</td></tr><tr><td height='76' valign='top'  align='right'>FOR :</td><td width='30' height='31' valign='bottom' align='right'></td><td  valign='top'>" + compoprocedure.Text + "</td></tr></tbody></table> For any queries, contact us at : " + contact_no + "</td>  </tr><tr><td  align='left' height='1px' bgcolor='#666666'></td></tr> <tr><td height='25'  align='right' valign='bottom'>Powered by&nbsp;&nbsp; </td></tr> <tr><td height='81'  align='right' valign='top'><img src='http://pappyjoe.com/assets/images/pappyjoe-logo.PNG' alt='pappyjoe official logo'>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>";
                                            MailMessage message = new MailMessage();
                                            message.From = new MailAddress(dr_email);
                                            message.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(1252); //bijeesh
                                            message.IsBodyHtml   = true;                                   //bijeesh
                                            SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com");
                                            message.Subject            = "Appointment(s) scheduled for Today: " + dpStartTimeDate.Value.ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy") + ' ' + cmbStartTime.Text + " @ " + clinic;
                                            message.Body               = sr1.ToString();
                                            smtp.Port                  = 587;
                                            smtp.Host                  = "smtp.gmail.com";
                                            smtp.EnableSsl             = true;
                                            smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
                                            smtp.Credentials           = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(emailName, emailPass);
                                            smtp.DeliveryMethod        = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                            }// Doctor Email end
                            DateTime StartT;
                            StartT = dpStartTimeDate.Value;
                            StartT = StartT.AddHours(cmbStartTime.SelectedIndex / 12);
                            int md = cmbStartTime.SelectedIndex % 12;
                            StartT = StartT.AddMinutes(md * 5);
                            EditingEvent.Subject  = patient_name;
                            EditingEvent.Location = Convert.ToString(cmbStartTime.GetItemText(cmbStartTime.SelectedItem)) + "-" + Convert.ToString(cmbEndTime.GetItemText(cmbEndTime.SelectedItem));
                            EditingEvent.Body     = Convert.ToString(gpl_app_id);
                            EditingEvent.Label    = Convert.ToInt32(dr_color);
                            if (cmbStartTime.SelectedIndex % 2 > 0)
                                StartT = StartT.AddMinutes(30);
                            this.cntrl.update_appointment(Convert.ToDateTime(StartT), diff1, txtDescription.Text, compoprocedure.Text, patient_id, patient_name, dr_id, lab_p_ph.Text, lab_p_email.Text, gpl_app_id);
                        EditingEvent = null;
                        Main_Calendar.Instance.ContextEvent = null;
                        if (Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Today.ToString("d")) == dpStartTimeDate.Value)
                    MessageBox.Show("Appointment Date should be greater than Current Date...", "Appointment", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                if (dtpSearch.Rows.Count <= 0)
                    status1 = 1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);