public BrowserMediaNetwork(NetworkConfig lNetConfig) { if (lNetConfig.AllowRenegotiation) { SLog.LW("NetworkConfig.AllowRenegotiation is set to true. This is not supported in the browser version yet! Flag ignored.", this.GetType().Name); } string signalingUrl = lNetConfig.SignalingUrl; IceServer[] iceServers = null; if (lNetConfig.IceServers != null) { iceServers = lNetConfig.IceServers.ToArray(); } //TODO: change this to avoid the use of json StringBuilder iceServersJson = new StringBuilder(); BrowserWebRtcNetwork.IceServersToJson(iceServers, iceServersJson); /* * Example: * {"{IceServers":[{"urls":[""],"username":"******","credential":"testpassword"},{"urls":[""],"username":"","credential":""}], "SignalingUrl":"ws://", "IsConference":"False"} */ string conf = "{\"IceServers\":" + iceServersJson.ToString() + ", \"SignalingUrl\":\"" + signalingUrl + "\", \"IsConference\":\"" + false + "\"}"; SLog.L("Creating BrowserMediaNetwork config: " + conf, this.GetType().Name); mReference = UnityMediaNetwork_Create(conf); }