Exemplo n.º 1
        public static T Pair <T>(T left, T right)
            where T : IMerkleTreeNode <T>
            if (left.Depth != right.Depth)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            if (!left.Pruned)
                throw new ArgumentException("left");
            if (!right.Pruned)
                throw new ArgumentException("right");

            var expectedIndex = left.Index + (1 << left.Depth);

            if (right.Index != expectedIndex)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            var pairHashBytes = new byte[64];

            left.Hash.ToByteArray(pairHashBytes, 0);
            right.Hash.ToByteArray(pairHashBytes, 32);

            var pairHash = new UInt256(SHA256Static.ComputeDoubleHash(pairHashBytes));

            return(left.AsPruned(left.Index, left.Depth + 1, pairHash));
Exemplo n.º 2
        // IBlockTxesStorage.TryGetTransaction
        private void TestTryGetTransaction(ITestStorageProvider provider)
            using (var storageManager = provider.OpenStorageManager())
                var blockTxesStorage = storageManager.BlockTxesStorage;

                // create a block
                var block = CreateFakeBlock();

                // add block transactions
                blockTxesStorage.TryAddBlockTransactions(block.Hash, block.BlockTxes);

                // verify missing transactions
                BlockTx transaction;
                Assert.IsFalse(blockTxesStorage.TryGetTransaction(UInt256.Zero, 0, out transaction));
                Assert.IsFalse(blockTxesStorage.TryGetTransaction(block.Hash, -1, out transaction));
                Assert.IsFalse(blockTxesStorage.TryGetTransaction(block.Hash, block.Transactions.Length, out transaction));

                // verify transactions
                for (var txIndex = 0; txIndex < block.Transactions.Length; txIndex++)
                    Assert.IsTrue(blockTxesStorage.TryGetTransaction(block.Hash, txIndex, out transaction));
                    Assert.AreEqual(block.Transactions[txIndex].Hash, transaction.Hash);
                    Assert.AreEqual(transaction.Hash, new UInt256(SHA256Static.ComputeDoubleHash(transaction.TxBytes.ToArray())));
Exemplo n.º 3
        // IBlockTxesStorage.ReadBlockTransactions
        private void TestReadBlockTransactions(ITestStorageProvider provider)
            using (var storageManager = provider.OpenStorageManager())
                var blockTxesStorage = storageManager.BlockTxesStorage;

                // create a block
                var expectedBlock         = CreateFakeBlock();
                var expectedBlockTxHashes = expectedBlock.Transactions.Select(x => x.Hash).ToList();

                // add block transactions
                blockTxesStorage.TryAddBlockTransactions(expectedBlock.Hash, expectedBlock.BlockTxes);

                // retrieve block transactions
                IEnumerator <BlockTx> rawActualBlockTxes;
                Assert.IsTrue(blockTxesStorage.TryReadBlockTransactions(expectedBlock.Hash, out rawActualBlockTxes));
                var actualBlockTxes     = rawActualBlockTxes.UsingAsEnumerable().ToList();
                var actualBlockTxHashes = actualBlockTxes.Select(x => x.Hash).ToList();

                // verify all retrieved transactions match their hashes
                Assert.IsTrue(actualBlockTxes.All(x => x.Hash == new UInt256(SHA256Static.ComputeDoubleHash(x.TxBytes.ToArray()))));

                // verify retrieved block transactions match stored block transactions
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectedBlockTxHashes, actualBlockTxHashes);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void TestUInt256Sha256()
            var expected = SHA256Static.ComputeDoubleHash(UInt256.ParseHex(TestData.HEX_STRING_64).ToByteArray());
            var actual   = new UInt256(expected).ToByteArray();

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public bool VerifySignature(byte[] scriptPubKey, Transaction tx, byte[] sig, byte[] pubKey, int inputIndex, out byte hashType, out byte[] txSignature, out byte[] txSignatureHash)
            // get the 1-byte hashType off the end of sig
            hashType = sig[sig.Length - 1];

            // get the DER encoded portion of sig, which is everything except the last byte (the last byte being hashType)
            var sigDER = sig.Take(sig.Length - 1).ToArray();

            // get the simplified/signing version of the transaction
            txSignature = TxSignature(scriptPubKey, tx, inputIndex, hashType);

            // get the hash of the simplified/signing version of the transaction
            txSignatureHash = SHA256Static.ComputeDoubleHash(txSignature);

            if (this.ignoreSignatures)
#if SECP256K1_DLL
                // verify that signature is valid for pubKey and the simplified/signing transaction's hash
                return(Signatures.Verify(txSignatureHash, sigDER, pubKey) == Signatures.VerifyResult.Verified);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static UInt256 PairHashes(UInt256 left, UInt256 right)
            var bytes = new byte[64];

            left.ToByteArray(bytes, 0);
            right.ToByteArray(bytes, 32);
            return(new UInt256(SHA256Static.ComputeDoubleHash(bytes)));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public BlockHeader MineBlockHeader(BlockHeader blockHeader, UInt256 hashTarget)
            var blockHeaderBytes = DataEncoder.EncodeBlockHeader(blockHeader);

            var hashTargetBytes = hashTarget.ToByteArray();

            var start      = 0;
            var finish     = UInt32.MaxValue;
            var total      = 0L;
            var nonceIndex = 76;
            var minedNonce = (UInt32?)null;

            var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                start, finish,
                () => new LocalMinerState(blockHeaderBytes),
                (nonceLong, loopState, localState) =>

                var nonce      = (UInt32)nonceLong;
                var nonceBytes = Bits.GetBytes(nonce);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(nonceBytes, 0, localState.headerBytes, nonceIndex, 4);

                var headerBytes = localState.headerBytes;
                var hashBytes   = SHA256Static.ComputeDoubleHash(headerBytes);

                if (BytesCompareLE(hashBytes, hashTargetBytes) < 0)
                    minedNonce = nonce;

                localState => { Interlocked.Add(ref total, localState.total); });


            var hashRate = total / stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;

            if (minedNonce == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            var minedHeader = blockHeader.With(Nonce: minedNonce);

            logger.Debug($"Found block in {stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds:N3}ms at Nonce {minedNonce}, Hash Rate: {hashRate / 1.MILLION()} mHash/s, Total Hash Attempts: {total:N0}, Found Hash: {minedHeader.Hash}");
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static BlockHeader DecodeBlockHeader(UInt256 blockHash, byte[] buffer, ref int offset)
            var initialOffset = offset;

            var version       = DecodeUInt32(buffer, ref offset);
            var previousBlock = DecodeUInt256(buffer, ref offset);
            var merkleRoot    = DecodeUInt256(buffer, ref offset);
            var time          = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(DecodeUInt32(buffer, ref offset));
            var bits          = DecodeUInt32(buffer, ref offset);
            var nonce         = DecodeUInt32(buffer, ref offset);

            blockHash = blockHash ?? new UInt256(SHA256Static.ComputeDoubleHash(buffer, initialOffset, 80));

            return(new BlockHeader(version, previousBlock, merkleRoot, time, bits, nonce, blockHash));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static DecodedTx EncodeTransaction(UInt32 Version, ImmutableArray <TxInput> Inputs, ImmutableArray <TxOutput> Outputs, UInt32 LockTime)
            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream))
                    writer.WriteList(Inputs, input => EncodeTxInput(writer, input));
                    writer.WriteList(Outputs, output => EncodeTxOutput(writer, output));

                    var txBytes = stream.ToArray();
                    var txHash  = new UInt256(SHA256Static.ComputeDoubleHash(txBytes));
                    var tx      = new Transaction(Version, Inputs, Outputs, LockTime, txHash);

                    return(new DecodedTx(txBytes.ToImmutableArray(), tx));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public byte[] CreatePrivateKeyScript(Transaction tx, int inputIndex, byte hashType, ECPrivateKeyParameters privateKey, ECPublicKeyParameters publicKey)
            var scriptEngine = new ScriptEngine();

            var publicAddress   = CreatePublicAddress(publicKey);
            var publicKeyScript = CreatePublicKeyScript(publicAddress);
            var txSignature     = scriptEngine.TxSignature(publicKeyScript, tx, inputIndex, hashType);
            var txSignatureHash = SHA256Static.ComputeDoubleHash(txSignature);

            //Debug.WriteLine("Signing Tx:       {0}".Format2(txSignature.ToHexDataString()));
            //Debug.WriteLine("Signing Tx  Hash: {0}".Format2(txSignatureHash.ToHexDataString()));

            var signer = new ECDsaSigner();

            signer.Init(forSigning: true, parameters: privateKey);
            var signature = signer.GenerateSignature(txSignatureHash);
            var r         = signature[0];
            var s         = signature[1];

            byte[] sigEncoded;
            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                using (var asn1Stream = new Asn1OutputStream(stream))
                    asn1Stream.WriteObject(new DerSequence(new DerInteger(r), new DerInteger(s)));

                sigEncoded = stream.ToArray().Concat(hashType);

            //Debug.WriteLine("Sig R:       {0}".Format2(r.ToHexNumberStringUnsigned()));
            //Debug.WriteLine("Sig S:       {0}".Format2(s.ToHexNumberStringUnsigned()));
            //Debug.WriteLine("Sig Encoded: {0}".Format2(sigEncoded.ToHexDataString()));

            using (var privateKeyScript = new ScriptBuilder())
                //Debug.WriteLine("Private Script: {0}".Format2(privateKeyScript.GetScript().ToHexDataString()));

Exemplo n.º 11
        public static Transaction DecodeTransaction(UInt256 txHash, byte[] buffer, ref int offset)
            var initialOffset = offset;

            // read version
            var version = DecodeUInt32(buffer, ref offset);

            // read inputs
            var inputs = DecodeTxInputList(buffer, ref offset);

            // read outputs
            var outputs = DecodeTxOutputList(buffer, ref offset);

            // read lockTime
            var lockTime = DecodeUInt32(buffer, ref offset);

            txHash = txHash ?? new UInt256(SHA256Static.ComputeDoubleHash(buffer, initialOffset, offset - initialOffset));

            return(new Transaction(version, inputs, outputs, lockTime, txHash));
Exemplo n.º 12
 public static UInt256 CalculateBlockHash(UInt32 Version, UInt256 PreviousBlock, UInt256 MerkleRoot, DateTimeOffset Time, UInt32 Bits, UInt32 Nonce)
     return(new UInt256(SHA256Static.ComputeDoubleHash(DataEncoder.EncodeBlockHeader(Version, PreviousBlock, MerkleRoot, Time, Bits, Nonce))));
Exemplo n.º 13
 public static UInt256 CalculateBlockHash(BlockHeader blockHeader)
     return(new UInt256(SHA256Static.ComputeDoubleHash(DataEncoder.EncodeBlockHeader(blockHeader))));
Exemplo n.º 14
 public static UInt32 CalculatePayloadChecksum(byte[] payload)