Exemplo n.º 1
        public void UploadViaSftp(string zipFileName, string sftpUrl, string userName, string password)
            SFtp sftp = new SFtp();

            //  Any string automatically begins a fully-functional 30-day trial.
            bool success;

            success = sftp.UnlockComponent("HURRIYSSH_XAN0ZUeq9En4");
            if (success != true)
                throw new ApplicationException(sftp.LastErrorText);

            //  Set some timeouts, in milliseconds:
            sftp.ConnectTimeoutMs = 60000;
            sftp.IdleTimeoutMs    = 300000;

            //  Connect to the SSH server.
            //  The standard SSH port = 22
            //  The hostname may be a hostname or IP address.
            int    port;
            string hostname;

            hostname = sftpUrl;
            port     = 22;
            success  = sftp.Connect(hostname, port);
            if (success != true)
                throw new ApplicationException(sftp.LastErrorText);

            //  Authenticate with the SSH server.  Chilkat SFTP supports
            //  both password-based authenication as well as public-key
            //  authentication.  This example uses password authenication.
            success = sftp.AuthenticatePw(userName, password);
            if (success != true)
                throw new ApplicationException(sftp.LastErrorText);

            //  After authenticating, the SFTP subsystem must be initialized:
            success = sftp.InitializeSftp();
            if (success != true)
                throw new ApplicationException(sftp.LastErrorText);

            //  Open a file on the server for writing.
            //  "createTruncate" means that a new file is created; if the file already exists, it is opened and truncated.
            string handle;

            handle = sftp.OpenFile(Path.GetFileName(zipFileName), "writeOnly", "createTruncate");
            if (handle == null)
                throw new ApplicationException(sftp.LastErrorText);

            //  Upload from the local file to the SSH server.
            success = sftp.UploadFile(handle, zipFileName);
            if (success != true)
                throw new ApplicationException(sftp.LastErrorText);

            //  Close the file.
            success = sftp.CloseHandle(handle);
            if (success != true)
                throw new ApplicationException(sftp.LastErrorText);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private async Task FtpBlobStreams(CloudBlobContainer container, BlobResultSegment blobs, ILogger log)
            await StubBlobContainerMetadata(container);

            if (!blobs.Results.Any())
                log.LogInformation("No blobs to ftp.");

            log.LogInformation("Found blobs to ftp.");

            Chilkat.Global obj = new Global();

            // this will come from key vault

            SFtp sftp = new SFtp();

            // resolve to auth token from container identity metadata
            var authToken = await GetAuthToken(
                ExtractMetadataValue(container, "X-Elk-Identity-Account"),
                ExtractMetadataValue(container, "X-Elk-Identity-Branch"),
                ExtractMetadataValue(container, "X-Elk-Identity-User"));

            log.LogInformation($"auth token acquired: {authToken}");

            // these will come from settings via container metadata
            bool success = sftp.Connect("karmakqasftp.westus.cloudapp.azure.com", 22);

            if (success)
                log.LogInformation("Connected to sftp server.");
                success = sftp.AuthenticatePw("karmaksftp", "K@rmakQa2019");

            if (success)
                log.LogInformation("Successfully authenticated.");
                success = sftp.InitializeSftp();

            if (!success)
                log.LogError("Error initializing sftp.");

            foreach (var blob in blobs.Results)
                var blobFile = (CloudBlockBlob)blob;
                log.LogInformation($"Next file to upload: {blobFile.Name}");

                await blobFile.FetchAttributesAsync();

                log.LogInformation("Extracting identity metadata from blob file.");

                var blobStream = GetBlobStream(blobFile);

                log.LogInformation($"Uploading {blobFile.Name}");
                var handle = sftp.OpenFile("/upload/testFile.xml", "readWrite", "createNew");
                sftp.WriteFileBytes(handle, blobStream.Result.ToArray());
                log.LogInformation("File successfully uploaded.");

                await blobFile.DeleteAsync();

                log.LogInformation("Blob removed from container.");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public string WriteTilSFtp(int lobnr)
            string TilPBSFilename = "Unknown";
            int    FilesSize;

            var rec_regnskab = Program.qryAktivRegnskab();

            var qry_selectfiles =
                from h in Program.dbData3060.Tblpbsforsendelse
                join d1 in Program.dbData3060.Tblpbsfiles on h.Id equals d1.Pbsforsendelseid into details1
                from d1 in details1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                where d1.Id != null && d1.Filename == null
                join d2 in Program.dbData3060.Tbltilpbs on h.Id equals d2.Pbsforsendelseid into details2
                from d2 in details2.DefaultIfEmpty()
                where d2.Id == lobnr
                select new
                tilpbsid = (int?)d2.Id,
                Bilagdato        = (DateTime?)d2.Bilagdato,
                Pbsforsendelseid = (int?)d2.Pbsforsendelseid,
                Udtrukket        = (DateTime?)d2.Udtrukket,
                pbsfilesid       = (int?)d1.Id,
                Leveranceid      = (int)h.Leveranceid

            int antal = qry_selectfiles.Count();

            if (antal > 0)
                var rec_selecfiles = qry_selectfiles.First();

                var qry_pbsfiles = from h in Program.dbData3060.Tblpbsfiles
                                   where h.Id == rec_selecfiles.pbsfilesid
                                   select h;
                if (qry_pbsfiles.Count() > 0)
                    Tblpbsfiles m_rec_pbsfiles = qry_pbsfiles.First();
                    TilPBSFilename = AddPbcnetRecords(rec_selecfiles.Delsystem, rec_selecfiles.Leveranceid, m_rec_pbsfiles.Id);
                    bool success;

                    var qry_pbsfile =
                        from h in m_rec_pbsfiles.Tblpbsfile
                        orderby h.Seqnr
                        select h;

                    string TilPBSFile = "";
                    int    i          = 0;
                    foreach (var rec_pbsfile in qry_pbsfile)
                        if (i++ > 0)
                            TilPBSFile += "\r\n";
                        TilPBSFile += rec_pbsfile.Data;
                    char[] c_TilPBSFile = TilPBSFile.ToCharArray();
                    byte[] b_TilPBSFile = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("windows-1252").GetBytes(c_TilPBSFile);
                    FilesSize = b_TilPBSFile.Length;

                    sendAttachedFile(TilPBSFilename, b_TilPBSFile, true);

                    string fullpath = m_rec_sftp.Inbound + "/" + TilPBSFilename;
                    string handle   = m_sftp.OpenFile(fullpath, "writeOnly", "createTruncate");
                    if (handle == null)
                        throw new Exception(m_sftp.LastErrorText);

                    success = m_sftp.WriteFileBytes(handle, b_TilPBSFile);
                    if (!success)
                        throw new Exception(m_sftp.LastErrorText);

                    success = m_sftp.CloseHandle(handle);
                    if (success != true)
                        throw new Exception(m_sftp.LastErrorText);

                    m_rec_pbsfiles.Type         = 8;
                    m_rec_pbsfiles.Path         = m_rec_sftp.Inbound;
                    m_rec_pbsfiles.Filename     = TilPBSFilename;
                    m_rec_pbsfiles.Size         = FilesSize;
                    m_rec_pbsfiles.Atime        = DateTime.Now;
                    m_rec_pbsfiles.Mtime        = DateTime.Now;
                    m_rec_pbsfiles.Transmittime = DateTime.Now;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public bool WriteTilSFtp(XDocument xdoc)
            Guid id1 = clsSQLite.insertStoreXML(Program.sftpName, false, Program.AppEngName, xdoc.ToString(), "");

            m_SendqueueId      = xdoc.Descendants("Sendqueue").Descendants("Id").First().Value;
            m_PbsfileId        = xdoc.Descendants("Pbsfile").Descendants("Id").First().Value;
            m_TilPBSFilename   = xdoc.Descendants("Pbsfile").Descendants("TilPBSFilename").First().Value;
            m_Transmisionsdato = DateTime.Parse(xdoc.Descendants("Pbsfile").Descendants("Transmisionsdato").First().Value);
            m_SendData         = xdoc.Descendants("Pbsfile").Descendants("SendData").First().Value;

            bool   success;
            string TilPBSFilename = m_TilPBSFilename;
            string TilPBSFile     = m_SendData;

            char[] c_TilPBSFile = TilPBSFile.ToCharArray();
            byte[] b_TilPBSFile = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("windows-1252").GetBytes(c_TilPBSFile);
            int    FilesSize    = b_TilPBSFile.Length;

            sendAttachedFile(TilPBSFilename, b_TilPBSFile, true);

            string fullpath = m_Inbound + "/" + TilPBSFilename;
            string handle   = m_sftp.OpenFile(fullpath, "writeOnly", "createTruncate");

            if (handle == null)
                throw new Exception(m_sftp.LastErrorText);

            success = m_sftp.WriteFileBytes(handle, b_TilPBSFile);
            if (!success)
                throw new Exception(m_sftp.LastErrorText);

            success = m_sftp.CloseHandle(handle);
            if (success != true)
                throw new Exception(m_sftp.LastErrorText);

            clsSQLite.updateStoreXML(id1, true);

            XElement xmlPbsfilesUpdate = new XElement("Pbsfiles");

            xmlPbsfilesUpdate.Add(new XElement("SendqueueId", m_SendqueueId));
            xmlPbsfilesUpdate.Add(new XElement("Id", m_PbsfileId));
            xmlPbsfilesUpdate.Add(new XElement("Type", 8));
            xmlPbsfilesUpdate.Add(new XElement("Path", m_Inbound));
            xmlPbsfilesUpdate.Add(new XElement("Filename", TilPBSFilename));
            xmlPbsfilesUpdate.Add(new XElement("Size", FilesSize));
            xmlPbsfilesUpdate.Add(new XElement("Atime", DateTime.Now));
            xmlPbsfilesUpdate.Add(new XElement("Mtime", DateTime.Now));
            xmlPbsfilesUpdate.Add(new XElement("Transmittime", m_Transmisionsdato));
            string strxmlPbsfilesUpdate = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8"" ?> " + xmlPbsfilesUpdate.ToString();;

            Guid id2 = clsSQLite.insertStoreXML(Program.AppEngName, false, Program.sftpName, strxmlPbsfilesUpdate, "");

            clsRest   objRest    = new clsRest();
            string    strxmldata = objRest.HttpPost2(clsRest.urlBaseType.data, "tilpbs", strxmlPbsfilesUpdate);
            XDocument xmldata    = XDocument.Parse(strxmldata);
            string    Status     = xmldata.Descendants("Status").First().Value;

            if (Status == "True")
                clsSQLite.updateStoreXML(id2, true);