Exemplo n.º 1
        public Pyramid()
            SFChart chart = new SFChart();

            chart.Title.Text     = new NSString("Food Comparison Chart");
            chart.Legend.Visible = true;
            ChartViewModel dataModel = new ChartViewModel();

            SFPyramidSeries series = new SFPyramidSeries();

            series.ItemsSource        = dataModel.PyramidData;
            series.XBindingPath       = "XValue";
            series.YBindingPath       = "YValue";
            series.LegendIcon         = SFChartLegendIcon.Circle;
            chart.Legend.IconWidth    = 14;
            chart.Legend.IconHeight   = 14;
            series.ColorModel.Palette = SFChartColorPalette.Natural;
            series.EnableTooltip      = true;

            chart.Legend.ToggleSeriesVisibility = true;

            var tooltip = new SFChartTooltipBehavior();
            NSNumberFormatter formatter = new NSNumberFormatter();

            formatter.PositiveSuffix = " cal";
            tooltip.LabelFormatter   = formatter;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public Tooltip()
            SFChart chart = new SFChart();

            chart.Title.Text = new NSString("Efficiency of oil power Production");

            //Primary Axis

            SFCategoryAxis primaryAxis = new SFCategoryAxis();

            primaryAxis.PlotOffset              = 10;
            primaryAxis.ShowMajorGridLines      = false;
            primaryAxis.AxisLineStyle.LineWidth = new NSNumber(0.5);
            primaryAxis.Interval = new NSNumber(2);
            chart.PrimaryAxis    = primaryAxis;

            // Secondary Axis

            SFNumericalAxis secondaryAxis = new SFNumericalAxis();

            secondaryAxis.EdgeLabelsDrawingMode = SFChartAxisEdgeLabelsDrawingMode.Shift;
            secondaryAxis.Maximum  = new NSNumber(2.701);
            secondaryAxis.Minimum  = new NSNumber(1.5);
            secondaryAxis.Interval = new NSNumber(0.2);
            secondaryAxis.AxisLineStyle.LineWidth = new NSNumber(0);
            secondaryAxis.LabelStyle.Font         = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 12f);
            secondaryAxis.Title.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 15f);
            secondaryAxis.MajorTickStyle.LineSize      = 0;
            secondaryAxis.MajorGridLineStyle.LineWidth = new NSNumber(0.25);
            chart.SecondaryAxis = secondaryAxis;

            ChartViewModel dataModel = new ChartViewModel();

            SFSplineSeries series = new SFSplineSeries();

            series.ItemsSource   = dataModel.TooltipData;
            series.XBindingPath  = "XValue";
            series.YBindingPath  = "YValue";
            series.EnableTooltip = true;
            //series.Color = UIColor.Orange;
            series.LineWidth                    = 2.5f;
            series.DataMarker.ShowMarker        = true;
            series.DataMarker.MarkerType        = SFChartDataMarkerType.Ellipse;
            series.DataMarker.MarkerHeight      = 5;
            series.DataMarker.MarkerWidth       = 5;
            series.DataMarker.MarkerBorderColor = UIColor.Black;
            series.DataMarker.MarkerColor       = UIColor.FromRGBA(193.0f / 255.0f, 39.0f / 255.0f, 45.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f);
            series.EnableAnimation              = true;
            chart.Delegate = new ChartTooltipDelegate();
            SFChartTooltipBehavior behavior = new SFChartTooltipBehavior();

            behavior.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGBA(193.0f / 255.0f, 39.0f / 255.0f, 45.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public Histogram()
            SFChart chart = new SFChart();

            chart.Title.Text         = new NSString("Examination Result");
            chart.ColorModel.Palette = SFChartColorPalette.Natural;

            SFNumericalAxis primary = new SFNumericalAxis();

            primary.Title.Text            = new NSString("Score of Final Examination");
            primary.EdgeLabelsDrawingMode = SFChartAxisEdgeLabelsDrawingMode.Shift;
            primary.ShowMajorGridLines    = false;
            chart.PrimaryAxis             = primary;

            chart.SecondaryAxis                          = new SFNumericalAxis();
            chart.SecondaryAxis.Title.Text               = new NSString("Number of Students");
            chart.SecondaryAxis.ShowMajorGridLines       = true;
            chart.SecondaryAxis.Visible                  = true;
            chart.SecondaryAxis.AxisLineStyle.LineWidth  = 0;
            chart.SecondaryAxis.MajorTickStyle.LineWidth = new NSNumber(0);
            ChartViewModel dataModel = new ChartViewModel();

            SFHistogramSeries series1 = new SFHistogramSeries();

            series1.ItemsSource          = dataModel.HistogramData;
            series1.XBindingPath         = "YValue";
            series1.YBindingPath         = "XValue";
            series1.EnableTooltip        = true;
            series1.Interval             = 20;
            series1.StrokeColor          = UIColor.White;
            series1.StrokeWidth          = 1;
            series1.EnableAnimation      = true;
            series1.LegendIcon           = SFChartLegendIcon.SeriesType;
            series1.DataMarker.ShowLabel = true;
            series1.DataMarker.LabelStyle.LabelPosition   = SFChartDataMarkerLabelPosition.Inner;
            series1.DataMarker.LabelStyle.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
            series1.DataMarker.LabelStyle.Color           = UIColor.White;

            chart.Delegate = new HistogramTooltipFormatter();
            var tooltip = new SFChartTooltipBehavior();

            tooltip.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGBA(64.0f / 255.0f, 64.0f / 255.0f, 65.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f);


            this.OptionView = new UIView();
Exemplo n.º 4
        public Bubble()
            SFChart chart = new SFChart();

            chart.Title.Text = new NSString("World Countries Details");
            SFNumericalAxis primaryAxis = new SFNumericalAxis();

            chart.PrimaryAxis              = primaryAxis;
            primaryAxis.Minimum            = new NSNumber(60);
            primaryAxis.Maximum            = new NSNumber(100);
            primaryAxis.Interval           = new NSNumber(5);
            primaryAxis.ShowMinorGridLines = false;
            primaryAxis.ShowMajorGridLines = false;
            chart.PrimaryAxis.Title.Text   = new NSString("Literacy Rate");

            chart.SecondaryAxis                    = new SFNumericalAxis();
            chart.SecondaryAxis.Title.Text         = new NSString("GDP Growth Rate");
            chart.SecondaryAxis.Minimum            = new NSNumber(0);
            chart.SecondaryAxis.Maximum            = new NSNumber(10);
            chart.SecondaryAxis.Interval           = new NSNumber(2.5);
            chart.SecondaryAxis.ShowMinorGridLines = false;
            chart.SecondaryAxis.ShowMajorGridLines = false;
            chart.Delegate = new TooltipFormatter();
            ChartViewModel dataModel = new ChartViewModel();

            SFBubbleSeries series = new SFBubbleSeries();

            series.EnableTooltip      = true;
            series.Alpha              = 0.6f;
            series.ItemsSource        = dataModel.BubbleData;
            series.XBindingPath       = "XValue";
            series.YBindingPath       = "YValue";
            series.Size               = "Size";
            series.MaximumRadius      = 40;
            series.MinimumRadius      = 5;
            series.ColorModel.Palette = SFChartColorPalette.Natural;
            series.EnableAnimation    = true;

            var tooltip = new SFChartTooltipBehavior();

            tooltip.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGBA(64.0f / 255.0f, 64.0f / 255.0f, 65.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f);

        public ZoomingandPanning()
            chart = new SFChart();
            chart.ColorModel.Palette = SFChartColorPalette.Natural;
            chart.Title.Text         = new NSString("Height vs Weight");
            chart.Delegate           = new TooltipGenerator();

            SFNumericalAxis primary = new SFNumericalAxis();

            primary.ShowMajorGridLines    = false;
            primary.EdgeLabelsDrawingMode = SFChartAxisEdgeLabelsDrawingMode.Shift;
            primary.Minimum    = new NSNumber(100);
            primary.Maximum    = new NSNumber(220);
            primary.Interval   = new NSNumber(20);
            primary.Title.Text = new NSString("Height in Inches");
            chart.PrimaryAxis  = primary;

            SFNumericalAxis secondary = new SFNumericalAxis();

            secondary.Title.Text         = new NSString("Weight in Pounds");
            secondary.ShowMajorGridLines = false;
            secondary.Minimum            = new NSNumber(50);
            secondary.Maximum            = new NSNumber(80);
            secondary.Interval           = new NSNumber(5);
            chart.SecondaryAxis          = secondary;
            ChartViewModel dataModel = new ChartViewModel();

            SFScatterSeries series = new SFScatterSeries();

            series.ItemsSource     = dataModel.ScatterMaleData;
            series.XBindingPath    = "XValue";
            series.YBindingPath    = "YValue";
            series.EnableTooltip   = true;
            series.ScatterHeight   = 10;
            series.ScatterWidth    = 10;
            series.Alpha           = 0.7f;
            series.EnableAnimation = true;
            series.Label           = "Male";
            series.LegendIcon      = SFChartLegendIcon.SeriesType;

            SFScatterSeries series1 = new SFScatterSeries();

            series1.ItemsSource     = dataModel.ScatterFemaleData;
            series1.XBindingPath    = "XValue";
            series1.YBindingPath    = "YValue";
            series1.EnableTooltip   = true;
            series1.ScatterHeight   = 10;
            series1.ScatterWidth    = 10;
            series1.ShapeType       = ChartScatterShapeType.Diamond;
            series1.Alpha           = 0.7f;
            series1.EnableAnimation = true;
            series1.Label           = "Female";
            series1.LegendIcon      = SFChartLegendIcon.SeriesType;

            chart.Legend.Visible = true;
            chart.Legend.ToggleSeriesVisibility = true;
            chart.Legend.IconWidth    = 14;
            chart.Legend.IconHeight   = 14;
            chart.Legend.DockPosition = SFChartLegendPosition.Bottom;

            var tooltip = new SFChartTooltipBehavior();

            tooltip.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGBA(64.0f / 255.0f, 64.0f / 255.0f, 65.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f);

            label                 = new UILabel();
            label.Text            = "Pinch to zoom or double tap and drag to select a region to zoom in";
            label.Font            = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 12f);
            label.TextAlignment   = UITextAlignment.Center;
            label.LineBreakMode   = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap;
            label.Lines           = 2;
            label.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(249, 249, 249);
            label.TextColor       = UIColor.FromRGB(79, 86, 91);
            chart.AddChartBehavior(new SFChartZoomPanBehavior()
                EnableSelectionZooming = true

            CALayer topLine = new CALayer();

            topLine.Frame           = new CGRect(0, 0, UIScreen.MainScreen.ApplicationFrame.Width, 0.5);
            topLine.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(178, 178, 178).CGColor;

Exemplo n.º 6
        public Scatter()
            SFChart chart = new SFChart();

            chart.ColorModel.Palette = SFChartColorPalette.Natural;
            chart.Title.Text         = new NSString("Height vs Weight");
            chart.Delegate           = new TooltipGenerator();

            SFNumericalAxis primary = new SFNumericalAxis();

            primary.ShowMajorGridLines    = false;
            primary.EdgeLabelsDrawingMode = SFChartAxisEdgeLabelsDrawingMode.Shift;
            primary.Minimum    = new NSNumber(100);
            primary.Maximum    = new NSNumber(220);
            primary.Interval   = new NSNumber(20);
            primary.Title.Text = new NSString("Height in Inches");
            chart.PrimaryAxis  = primary;

            SFNumericalAxis secondary = new SFNumericalAxis();

            secondary.Title.Text         = new NSString("Weight in Pounds");
            secondary.ShowMajorGridLines = false;
            secondary.Minimum            = new NSNumber(50);
            secondary.Maximum            = new NSNumber(80);
            secondary.Interval           = new NSNumber(5);
            chart.SecondaryAxis          = secondary;
            ChartViewModel dataModel = new ChartViewModel();

            SFScatterSeries series = new SFScatterSeries();

            series.ItemsSource     = dataModel.ScatterMaleData;
            series.XBindingPath    = "XValue";
            series.YBindingPath    = "YValue";
            series.EnableTooltip   = true;
            series.ScatterHeight   = 10;
            series.ScatterWidth    = 10;
            series.Alpha           = 0.7f;
            series.EnableAnimation = true;
            series.Label           = "Male";
            series.LegendIcon      = SFChartLegendIcon.SeriesType;

            SFScatterSeries series1 = new SFScatterSeries();

            series1.ItemsSource     = dataModel.ScatterFemaleData;
            series1.XBindingPath    = "XValue";
            series1.YBindingPath    = "YValue";
            series1.EnableTooltip   = true;
            series1.ScatterHeight   = 10;
            series1.ScatterWidth    = 10;
            series1.ShapeType       = ChartScatterShapeType.Diamond;
            series1.Alpha           = 0.7f;
            series1.EnableAnimation = true;
            series1.Label           = "Female";
            series1.LegendIcon      = SFChartLegendIcon.SeriesType;

            chart.Legend.Visible = true;
            chart.Legend.ToggleSeriesVisibility = true;
            chart.Legend.IconWidth    = 14;
            chart.Legend.IconHeight   = 14;
            chart.Legend.DockPosition = SFChartLegendPosition.Bottom;

            var tooltip = new SFChartTooltipBehavior();

            tooltip.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGBA(64.0f / 255.0f, 64.0f / 255.0f, 65.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f);