Exemplo n.º 1
        public void TestSEECaptureBad2()
            string fen = @"1k1q4/8/2p5/3b3R/8/5Q2/8/2R3K1 w - - 0 1";
            var    bb  = Chess.Base.Notation.ReadFEN(fen);
            var    b   = Helpers.ManagedBoardToNative(bb);

            var result = SEE.Capture(b, 21, 35);

            Assert.AreEqual(330 - 900, result);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void TestSEESquarePinned()
            string fen = @"2kq4/8/2p5/3b3R/8/4N3/8/2R3K1 w KQkq - 0 1";
            var    bb  = Chess.Base.Notation.ReadFEN(fen);
            var    b   = Helpers.ManagedBoardToNative(bb);

            var result = SEE.Square(b, 35);

            Assert.AreEqual(330, result);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override bool Deactivate()
            if (in_click)
                return base.Deactivate();

            SEEUserInterfaceUtils.removeSEELayer(featureClass, ext);
            this.featureClass = null;
            this.see = null;

            //app.CurrentTool = null;

            return base.Deactivate();
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void updateData()

            LLA = position.getPosition();

            spectrum.calFlux(LLA[2], LLA[0], LLA[1]);

            totalDose.calRadiation(spectrum.getProtonEnergy(), spectrum.getProtonFlux(), shield);

            SEE.shield(shield, getProtonEnergy(), getProtonFlux(), SEE.ProtonLET);
            SEE.shield(shield, getElectronEnergy(), getElectronFlux(), SEE.ElectronLET);

Exemplo n.º 5
        public void update(Transaction current, SEE see)
            IFeatureClass fc = null;
                fc = osdb.OpenFeatureClass(OSDB_SEE_NAME);
            catch(Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("OSDB Feature Class " + OSDB_SEE_NAME + " Not Found in SUITT",
                    "EXCEPTION", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
                throw new HandledException(e);
            IFeatureCursor fcrs = null;
            IQueryFilter filter = null;

                filter = new QueryFilterClass();
                filter.WhereClause = SEE_ID_COL + " = " + current.TxId;

                fcrs = fc.Update(filter,false);
                IFeature buffer = fcrs.NextFeature();

                if(buffer == null)
                    Logger.Write("Transaction not found");

                // load it up

                IPolygon p = see.Shape;
                    p = (IPolygon)((IClone)p).Clone();
                buffer.Shape = p;

                if (filter != null)
                if(fcrs != null)
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void insert(Transaction current, SEE see, ISpatialReference utmSR)
            // Create table on datastore PGDB first?
            current.TxId = see.RestID;
            IPolygon sourcePolygon = see.Shape;

            IFields fields = new FieldsClass();
            IFieldsEdit fieldsEdit = (IFieldsEdit)fields;
            fieldsEdit.FieldCount_2 = 3;
            //Create the Object ID field.
            IField fieldUserDefined = new Field();
            IFieldEdit fieldEdit = (IFieldEdit)fieldUserDefined;
            fieldEdit.Name_2 = "OBJECTID";
            fieldEdit.AliasName_2 = "OBJECT ID";
            fieldEdit.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeOID;
            fieldsEdit.set_Field(0, fieldUserDefined);
            // Create the Shape field.
            fieldUserDefined = new Field();
            fieldEdit = (IFieldEdit)fieldUserDefined;
            // Set up the geometry definition for the Shape field.
            IGeometryDef geometryDef = new GeometryDefClass();
            IGeometryDefEdit geometryDefEdit = (IGeometryDefEdit)geometryDef;
            geometryDefEdit.GeometryType_2 = ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon;
            // By setting the grid size to 0, you're allowing ArcGIS to determine the appropriate grid sizes for the feature class.
            // If in a personal geodatabase, the grid size will be 1000. If in a file or ArcSDE geodatabase, the grid size
            // will be based on the initial loading or inserting of features.
            geometryDefEdit.GridCount_2 = 1;
            geometryDefEdit.set_GridSize(0, 0);
            geometryDefEdit.HasM_2 = false;
            geometryDefEdit.HasZ_2 = false;
            //Assign the spatial reference that was passed in, possibly from
            //IGeodatabase.SpatialReference for the containing feature dataset.
            if (see.Shape.SpatialReference != null)
                geometryDefEdit.SpatialReference_2 = see.Shape.SpatialReference;
            //if (utmSR == null)
            //    ISpatialReferenceFactory2 sre = (ISpatialReferenceFactory2)new SpatialReferenceEnvironment();
            //    utmSR = sre.CreateSpatialReference((int)esriSRProjCSType.esriSRProjCS_NAD1983UTM_10N);

            //geometryDefEdit.SpatialReference_2 = utmSR;// see.Shape.SpatialReference;
            // Set standard field properties.
            fieldEdit.Name_2 = "SHAPE";
            fieldEdit.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGeometry;
            fieldEdit.GeometryDef_2 = geometryDef;
            fieldEdit.IsNullable_2 = true;
            fieldEdit.Required_2 = true;
            fieldsEdit.set_Field(1, fieldUserDefined);
            // Create a field of type double to hold some information for the features.
            fieldUserDefined = new Field();
            fieldEdit = (IFieldEdit)fieldUserDefined;
            fieldEdit.Name_2 = "SPATIAL_EDIT_EXTENT_SP_ID";
            fieldEdit.AliasName_2 = "SPATIAL_EDIT_EXTENT_SP_ID";
            fieldEdit.Editable_2 = true;
            fieldEdit.IsNullable_2 = false;
            fieldEdit.Length_2 = 125;
            fieldEdit.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString;
            fieldsEdit.set_Field(2, fieldUserDefined);
            // Create a feature class description object to use for specifying the CLSID and EXTCLSID.
            IFeatureClassDescription fcDesc = new FeatureClassDescriptionClass();
            IObjectClassDescription ocDesc = (IObjectClassDescription)fcDesc;
            ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.UID CLSID = new ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.UIDClass();

            // The enumFieldError enumerator can be inspected at this point to determine
            // which fields were modified during validation.
            IFeatureClass fc = osdb.CreateFeatureClass(OSDB_SEE_NAME, fields, ocDesc.InstanceCLSID, ocDesc.ClassExtensionCLSID, esriFeatureType.esriFTSimple, fcDesc.ShapeFieldName, "");

            //IGeoDatasetSchemaEdit fd_ed = (IGeoDatasetSchemaEdit)fc;
            //ISpatialReference oldSR = ((IGeoDataset)fc).SpatialReference;
            //if (fd_ed.CanAlterSpatialReference && !oldSR.Equals(utmSR))
            //    // does not reproject the data
            //    // doees alter all child feature classes
            //    fd_ed.AlterSpatialReference(utmSR);

            IWorkspaceEdit wse = (IWorkspaceEdit)osdb;

                fc = osdb.OpenFeatureClass(OSDB_SEE_NAME);
            catch(Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("OSDB Feature Class " + OSDB_SEE_NAME + " Not Found in SUITT",
                    "EXCEPTION", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
                throw new HandledException(e);

            IFeatureCursor fcrs = null;

                fcrs = fc.Insert(false);
                IFeatureBuffer buffer = fc.CreateFeatureBuffer();

                buffer.set_Value(fcrs.FindField(SEE_ID_COL), RestTransactionManager.Instance.NewTransactionSeeID);

                //string t = current.Description;
                //if (t != null && t.Length > EDIT_INTENT_COL_LNG)
                //    t = t.Substring(0, EDIT_INTENT_COL_LNG);
                //buffer.set_Value(fcrs.FindField(EDIT_INTENT_COL), t);

                //t = current.PGDB.FullName;
                //buffer.set_Value(fcrs.FindField(PGDB_PATH_COL), t);

                IPolygon p = sourcePolygon;
                buffer.Shape = p;



                // Explicitly release the cursor.

                // Stop editing.
            catch(Exception e)
                // Failed while writing the SEE area poygon to the PGDB?
                // We should carry on with the transaction, but the SEE area will be lost

                MessageBox.Show("Error occured storing SEE geometry. " + e.Message);
                if(fcrs != null)
Exemplo n.º 7
    // returns a List of all pseudo-legal ChessMoves for a given player
    public static List <ChessMove> GenerateMoves(int player, bool unquietOnly)
        // initialize moves List
        List <ChessMove> moves = new List <ChessMove>(0);
        UInt64           currentPiece = 0, targetBitBoard = 0, tempMove = 0;
        GameState        state = AI.states[AI.states.Count - 1];
        uint             piece = ChessBoard.EMPTY;

        // iterate through piece BitBoards and generate moves
        if (player == ChessBoard.WHITE) // white to move
            // set targetBitBoard to squares white can move to
            if (!unquietOnly)
                targetBitBoard = AI.board.empty_squares | AI.board.black_pieces;
            else if (unquietOnly)
                targetBitBoard = AI.board.black_pieces;

            //  WHITE PAWNS       //

            // set piece and currentPiece BitBoard
            currentPiece = AI.board.white_pawn;
            piece        = ChessBoard.W_PAWN;

            // loop until all pieces have been checked
            while (currentPiece != 0)
                // get origin square
                uint fromSq = GetNextSquare(currentPiece);

                // create standard moves BitBoard
                tempMove = ChessBoard.PAWN_ADVANCES[fromSq] & AI.board.empty_squares;

                // if generating only unquiet moves, set target bit board to only promoting squares
                if (unquietOnly)
                    tempMove &= 0xFF00000000000000;
                    // check for double push
                    if (GetRank(fromSq) == 1 && tempMove != 0)
                        tempMove |= ((ChessBoard.PAWN_ADVANCES[fromSq] << 8) & AI.board.empty_squares);

                // add capture moves
                tempMove |= ChessBoard.PAWN_CAPTURES[fromSq] & AI.board.black_pieces;

                // loop until all destinations for currentPiece have been checked
                while (tempMove != 0)
                    // get destination square
                    uint toSq = GetNextSquare(tempMove);

                    // get capture piece type
                    uint capt = AI.board.theBoard[toSq];

                    // if promotion is possible, add all possible promotion moves; else add default move
                    if (GetRank(toSq) == 7)
                        moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, toSq, piece, capt, ChessBoard.W_QUEEN));
                        moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, toSq, piece, capt, ChessBoard.W_ROOK));
                        moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, toSq, piece, capt, ChessBoard.W_BISHOP));
                        moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, toSq, piece, capt, ChessBoard.W_KNIGHT));
                        moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, toSq, piece, capt, ChessBoard.EMPTY));

                        // if move is a capturing move, run standing pat evaluation
                        if (capt != 0)
                            SEE.EvaluateCapture(ref moves, player);

                    // remove toSq from tempMove BitBoard
                    tempMove ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[toSq];

                // check for en passant capture
                if (state.enPassant != -1)
                    if ((ChessBoard.PAWN_CAPTURES[fromSq] & ChessBoard.SQUARES[state.enPassant]) != 0)
                        moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, (uint)state.enPassant, piece, ChessBoard.B_PAWN, ChessBoard.W_PAWN));

                // remove fromSq from currentPiece BitBoard
                currentPiece ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[fromSq];

            //  WHITE KNIGHTS     //

            // set piece and currentPiece BitBoard
            piece        = ChessBoard.W_KNIGHT;
            currentPiece = AI.board.white_knight;

            // loop until all pieces have been checked
            while (currentPiece != 0)
                // get origin square
                uint fromSq = GetNextSquare(currentPiece);

                // create standard moves BitBoard
                tempMove = GetKnightMoves(fromSq, targetBitBoard);

                // loop until all destinations for currentPiece have been checked
                while (tempMove != 0)
                    // get destination square
                    uint toSq = GetNextSquare(tempMove);

                    // get capture piece type
                    uint capt = AI.board.theBoard[toSq];

                    // add move
                    moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, toSq, piece, capt, ChessBoard.EMPTY));

                    // if move is a capturing move, run standing pat evaluation
                    if (capt != 0)
                        SEE.EvaluateCapture(ref moves, player);

                    // remove toSq from tempMove BitBoard
                    tempMove ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[toSq];

                // remove fromSq from currentPiece BitBoard
                currentPiece ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[fromSq];

            //  WHITE BISHOPS     //

            // set piece and currentPiece BitBoard
            piece        = ChessBoard.W_BISHOP;
            currentPiece = AI.board.white_bishop;

            // loop until all pieces have been checked
            while (currentPiece != 0)
                // get origin square
                uint fromSq = GetNextSquare(currentPiece);

                // create standard moves BitBoard
                tempMove = GetBishopMoves(fromSq, targetBitBoard, AI.board.occupied_squares);

                // loop until all destinations for currentPiece have been checked
                while (tempMove != 0)
                    // get destination square
                    uint toSq = GetNextSquare(tempMove);

                    // get capture piece type
                    uint capt = AI.board.theBoard[toSq];

                    // add move
                    moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, toSq, piece, capt, ChessBoard.EMPTY));

                    // if move is a capturing move, run standing pat evaluation
                    if (capt != 0)
                        SEE.EvaluateCapture(ref moves, player);

                    // remove toSq from tempMove BitBoard
                    tempMove ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[toSq];

                // remove fromSq from currentPiece BitBoard
                currentPiece ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[fromSq];

            //  WHITE ROOKS       //

            // set piece and currentPiece BitBoard
            piece        = ChessBoard.W_ROOK;
            currentPiece = AI.board.white_rook;

            // loop until all pieces have been checked
            while (currentPiece != 0)
                // get origin square
                uint fromSq = GetNextSquare(currentPiece);

                // create standard moves BitBoard
                tempMove = GetRookMoves(fromSq, targetBitBoard, AI.board.occupied_squares);

                // loop until all destinations for currentPiece have been checked
                while (tempMove != 0)
                    // get destination square
                    uint toSq = GetNextSquare(tempMove);

                    // get capture piece type
                    uint capt = AI.board.theBoard[toSq];

                    // add move
                    moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, toSq, piece, capt, ChessBoard.EMPTY));

                    // if move is a capturing move, run standing pat evaluation
                    if (capt != 0)
                        SEE.EvaluateCapture(ref moves, player);

                    // remove toSq from tempMove BitBoard
                    tempMove ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[toSq];

                // remove fromSq from currentPiece BitBoard
                currentPiece ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[fromSq];

            //  WHITE QUEENS      //

            // set piece and currentPiece BitBoard
            piece        = ChessBoard.W_QUEEN;
            currentPiece = AI.board.white_queen;

            // loop until all pieces have been checked
            while (currentPiece != 0)
                // get origin square
                uint fromSq = GetNextSquare(currentPiece);

                // create standard moves BitBoard
                tempMove = GetQueenMoves(fromSq, targetBitBoard, AI.board.occupied_squares);

                // loop until all destinations for currentPiece have been checked
                while (tempMove != 0)
                    // get destination square
                    uint toSq = GetNextSquare(tempMove);

                    // get capture piece type
                    uint capt = AI.board.theBoard[toSq];

                    // add move
                    moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, toSq, piece, capt, ChessBoard.EMPTY));

                    // if move is a capturing move, run standing pat evaluation
                    if (capt != 0)
                        SEE.EvaluateCapture(ref moves, player);

                    // remove toSq from tempMove BitBoard
                    tempMove ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[toSq];

                // remove fromSq from currentPiece BitBoard
                currentPiece ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[fromSq];

            //  WHITE KING        //

            // set piece and currentPiece BitBoard
            piece        = ChessBoard.W_KING;
            currentPiece = AI.board.white_king;

            // loop until all pieces have been checked
            while (currentPiece != 0)
                // get origin square
                uint fromSq = GetNextSquare(currentPiece);

                // create standard moves BitBoard
                tempMove = GetKingMoves(fromSq, targetBitBoard);

                // loop until all destinations for currentPiece have been checked
                while (tempMove != 0)
                    // get destination square
                    uint toSq = GetNextSquare(tempMove);

                    // get capture piece type
                    uint capt = AI.board.theBoard[toSq];

                    // add move
                    moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, toSq, piece, capt, ChessBoard.EMPTY));

                    // if move is a capturing move, run standing pat evaluation
                    if (capt != 0)
                        SEE.EvaluateCapture(ref moves, player);

                    // remove toSq from tempMove BitBoard
                    tempMove ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[toSq];

                // if not generating only unquiet moves, check for castling moves
                if (!unquietOnly)
                    // check for 0-0 (king's side castling)
                    if (state.wCanCastle00 && (ChessBoard.FG_MASK & AI.board.occupied_squares) == 0)
                        if (!IsAttacked(ChessBoard.EG_MASK, ChessBoard.BLACK))
                            moves.Add(new ChessMove(4, 6, piece, ChessBoard.EMPTY, ChessBoard.W_KING));

                    // check for 0-0-0 (queen's side castling)
                    if (state.wCanCastle000 && (ChessBoard.BD_MASK & AI.board.occupied_squares) == 0)
                        if (!IsAttacked(ChessBoard.CE_MASK, ChessBoard.BLACK))
                            moves.Add(new ChessMove(4, 2, piece, ChessBoard.EMPTY, ChessBoard.W_KING));

                // remove fromSq from currentPiece BitBoard
                currentPiece ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[fromSq];
        else if (player == ChessBoard.BLACK) // black to move
            // set targetBitBoard to squares black can move to
            if (unquietOnly)
                targetBitBoard = AI.board.white_pieces;
            else if (!unquietOnly)
                targetBitBoard = AI.board.empty_squares | AI.board.white_pieces;

            //  BLACK PAWNS       //

            // set currentPiece BitBoard
            currentPiece = AI.board.black_pawn;
            piece        = ChessBoard.B_PAWN;

            // loop until all pieces have been checked
            while (currentPiece != 0)
                // get origin square
                uint fromSq = GetNextSquare(currentPiece);

                // add standard moves
                tempMove = (ChessBoard.PAWN_ADVANCES[fromSq] >> 16) & AI.board.empty_squares;

                // if generating only unquiet moves, set target bit board to only promoting squares
                if (unquietOnly)
                    tempMove &= 0x00000000000000FF;
                    // check for double push
                    if (GetRank(fromSq) == 6 && tempMove != 0)
                        tempMove |= ((ChessBoard.PAWN_ADVANCES[fromSq] >> 24) & AI.board.empty_squares);

                // add capture moves
                tempMove |= (ChessBoard.PAWN_CAPTURES[fromSq] >> 16) & AI.board.white_pieces;

                // loop until all destinations for currentPiece have been checked
                while (tempMove != 0)
                    // get destination square
                    uint toSq = GetNextSquare(tempMove);

                    // get capture piece type
                    uint capt = AI.board.theBoard[toSq];

                    // if promotion is possible, generate all possible promotion moves
                    if (GetRank(toSq) == 0)
                        moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, toSq, piece, capt, ChessBoard.B_QUEEN));
                        moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, toSq, piece, capt, ChessBoard.B_ROOK));
                        moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, toSq, piece, capt, ChessBoard.B_BISHOP));
                        moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, toSq, piece, capt, ChessBoard.B_KNIGHT));
                        moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, toSq, piece, capt, ChessBoard.EMPTY));

                        // if move is a capturing move, run standing pat evaluation
                        if (capt != 0)
                            SEE.EvaluateCapture(ref moves, player);

                    // remove toSq from tempMove BitBoard
                    tempMove ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[toSq];

                // check for en passant capture
                if (state.enPassant != -1)
                    if (((ChessBoard.PAWN_CAPTURES[fromSq] >> 16) & ChessBoard.SQUARES[state.enPassant]) != 0)
                        moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, (uint)state.enPassant, piece, ChessBoard.W_PAWN, ChessBoard.B_PAWN));

                // remove fromSq from currentPiece BitBoard
                currentPiece ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[fromSq];

            //  BLACK KNIGHTS     //

            // set piece and currentPiece BitBoard
            piece        = ChessBoard.B_KNIGHT;
            currentPiece = AI.board.black_knight;

            // loop until all pieces have been checked
            while (currentPiece != 0)
                // get origin square
                uint fromSq = GetNextSquare(currentPiece);

                // create standard moves BitBoard
                tempMove = GetKnightMoves(fromSq, targetBitBoard);

                // loop until all destinations for currentPiece have been checked
                while (tempMove != 0)
                    // get destination square
                    uint toSq = GetNextSquare(tempMove);

                    // get capture piece type
                    uint capt = AI.board.theBoard[toSq];

                    // add move
                    moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, toSq, piece, capt, ChessBoard.EMPTY));

                    // if move is a capturing move, run standing pat evaluation
                    if (capt != 0)
                        SEE.EvaluateCapture(ref moves, player);

                    // remove toSq from tempMove BitBoard
                    tempMove ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[toSq];

                // remove fromSq from currentPiece BitBoard
                currentPiece ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[fromSq];

            //  BLACK BISHOPS     //

            // set piece and currentPiece BitBoard
            piece        = ChessBoard.B_BISHOP;
            currentPiece = AI.board.black_bishop;

            // loop until all pieces have been checked
            while (currentPiece != 0)
                // get origin square
                uint fromSq = GetNextSquare(currentPiece);

                // create standard moves BitBoard
                tempMove = GetBishopMoves(fromSq, targetBitBoard, AI.board.occupied_squares);

                // loop until all destinations for currentPiece have been checked
                while (tempMove != 0)
                    // get destination square
                    uint toSq = GetNextSquare(tempMove);

                    // get capture piece type
                    uint capt = AI.board.theBoard[toSq];

                    // add move
                    moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, toSq, piece, capt, ChessBoard.EMPTY));

                    // if move is a capturing move, run standing pat evaluation
                    if (capt != 0)
                        SEE.EvaluateCapture(ref moves, player);

                    // remove toSq from tempMove BitBoard
                    tempMove ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[toSq];

                // remove fromSq from currentPiece BitBoard
                currentPiece ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[fromSq];

            //  BLACK ROOKS       //

            // set piece and currentPiece BitBoard
            piece        = ChessBoard.B_ROOK;
            currentPiece = AI.board.black_rook;

            // loop until all pieces have been checked
            while (currentPiece != 0)
                // get origin square
                uint fromSq = GetNextSquare(currentPiece);

                // create standard moves BitBoard
                tempMove = GetRookMoves(fromSq, targetBitBoard, AI.board.occupied_squares);

                // loop until all destinations for currentPiece have been checked
                while (tempMove != 0)
                    // get destination square
                    uint toSq = GetNextSquare(tempMove);

                    // get capture piece type
                    uint capt = AI.board.theBoard[toSq];

                    // add move
                    moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, toSq, piece, capt, ChessBoard.EMPTY));

                    // if move is a capturing move, run standing pat evaluation
                    if (capt != 0)
                        SEE.EvaluateCapture(ref moves, player);

                    // remove toSq from tempMove BitBoard
                    tempMove ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[toSq];

                // remove fromSq from currentPiece BitBoard
                currentPiece ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[fromSq];

            //  BLACK QUEENS      //

            // set piece and currentPiece BitBoard
            piece        = ChessBoard.B_QUEEN;
            currentPiece = AI.board.black_queen;

            // loop until all pieces have been checked
            while (currentPiece != 0)
                // get origin square
                uint fromSq = GetNextSquare(currentPiece);

                // create standard moves BitBoard
                tempMove = GetQueenMoves(fromSq, targetBitBoard, AI.board.occupied_squares);

                // loop until all destinations for currentPiece have been checked
                while (tempMove != 0)
                    // get destination square
                    uint toSq = GetNextSquare(tempMove);

                    // get capture piece type
                    uint capt = AI.board.theBoard[toSq];

                    // add move
                    moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, toSq, piece, capt, ChessBoard.EMPTY));

                    // if move is a capturing move, run standing pat evaluation
                    if (capt != 0)
                        SEE.EvaluateCapture(ref moves, player);

                    // remove toSq from tempMove BitBoard
                    tempMove ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[toSq];

                // remove fromSq from currentPiece BitBoard
                currentPiece ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[fromSq];

            //  BLACK KING        //

            // set piece and currentPiece BitBoard
            piece        = ChessBoard.B_KING;
            currentPiece = AI.board.black_king;

            // loop until all pieces have been checked
            while (currentPiece != 0)
                // get origin square
                uint fromSq = GetNextSquare(currentPiece);

                // create standard moves BitBoard
                tempMove = GetKingMoves(fromSq, targetBitBoard);

                // loop until all destinations for currentPiece have been checked
                while (tempMove != 0)
                    // get destination square
                    uint toSq = GetNextSquare(tempMove);

                    // get capture piece type
                    uint capt = AI.board.theBoard[toSq];

                    // add move
                    moves.Add(new ChessMove(fromSq, toSq, piece, capt, ChessBoard.EMPTY));

                    // if move is a capturing move, run standing pat evaluation
                    if (capt != 0)
                        SEE.EvaluateCapture(ref moves, player);

                    // remove toSq from tempMove BitBoard
                    tempMove ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[toSq];

                // if not generating only unquiet moves, check for castling moves
                if (!unquietOnly)
                    // check for 0-0 (king's side castling)
                    if (state.bCanCastle00 && (ChessBoard.FG_MASK & AI.board.occupied_squares) == 0)
                        if (!IsAttacked(ChessBoard.EG_MASK, ChessBoard.WHITE))
                            moves.Add(new ChessMove(60, 62, piece, ChessBoard.EMPTY, ChessBoard.B_KING));

                    // check for 0-0-0 (queen's side castling)
                    if (state.bCanCastle000 && (ChessBoard.BD_MASK & AI.board.occupied_squares) == 0)
                        if (!IsAttacked(ChessBoard.CE_MASK, ChessBoard.WHITE))
                            moves.Add(new ChessMove(60, 58, piece, ChessBoard.EMPTY, ChessBoard.B_KING));

                // remove fromSq from currentPiece BitBoard
                currentPiece ^= ChessBoard.SQUARES[fromSq];

        // return moves List
Exemplo n.º 8
        public override void OnMouseDown(
			int button,
			int shift,
			int x,
			int y

                IPolygon pPoly;
                IGraphicsContainer pGraCont;
                IRubberBand pRubberPoly;

                // QI for the IGraphicsContainerSelect interface on the document's activeview
                pGraCont = (IGraphicsContainer)ext.FocusMap;

                // Create a new RubberPolygon
                pRubberPoly = new RubberPolygon();

                // Check which mouse button was pressed...
                if (1 == button)
                { // If button 1 (left) then create a new polygon (TrackNew)

                    // Return a new Polygon from the tracker object using TrackNew
                    pPoly = (IPolygon)pRubberPoly.TrackNew(((IActiveView)pGraCont).ScreenDisplay, null);
                    if (pPoly != null)
                        pPoly.SpatialReference = this.ext.FocusMap.SpatialReference;

                        if (see == null)
                            see = new SEE();
                        see.Expand(pPoly, this.ext);

                        SEEUserInterfaceUtils.updateAcetate(see, featureClass, ext);

                        if (SEEUserInterfaceUtils.isUserDone())
                            var geometryCollection = see.Shape as IGeometryCollection;
                            bool isMulti = geometryCollection != null && geometryCollection.GeometryCount > 1;

                            if (isMulti)
                                MessageBox.Show("Multipolygons cannot be processed with SUITT at this time. Please ensure your SEE Area of Interest is a single polygon feature.");
                            else finishTransaction();

                // Refresh the activeview

            catch (CancelException ex)
                Logger.Write("User Canceled SEE Operation: " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace);
                // cancelled

                in_click = false;

                app.CurrentTool = null;
            catch (HandledException he)
                in_click = false;

                app.CurrentTool = null;
            catch (Exception e)

                MessageBox.Show(e.Message + " : " + e.StackTrace,
                    "EXCEPTION", MessageBoxButtons.OK,

                in_click = false;

                if (this.ext.TransactionManager.Current() != null)
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // ignored
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); //ajw: added

                app.CurrentTool = null;
Exemplo n.º 9
        private SEE initSEELayer()
            // add / clear SEE acetate layer
            if (featureClass != null)

            featureClass = SEEUserInterfaceUtils.setupSEELayer(ext);

            // load SEE from selected set
            IPolygon p = this.ext.TransactionManager.Current().get_SEE();
            SEE see = null;

            // create SEE from selected set
            see = SEEUserInterfaceUtils.generateFromSelected(ext,featureClass);

            if(p!=null && !p.IsEmpty)
                if(see == null)
                    see = new SEE();

            SEEUserInterfaceUtils.updateAcetate(see, featureClass, ext);

            return see;
Exemplo n.º 10
 private void checkUTM(SEE see)
     int newutm = see.calculate_UTM_Zone();
     if(this.ext.TransactionManager.Current().UTM != newutm){
         DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Previously calculated UTM Zone is no longer accurate.\n Do you wish to continue?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
         if (dr == DialogResult.No)
             throw new CancelException("UTM Rejected");
Exemplo n.º 11
        protected override void handleClick()
            if (in_click) return;

            this.featureClass = null;
            this.see = null;

            Logger.Write("Handle New Click Event");
            in_click = true;

            // create SEE
            startHourGlass("Generating initial shape");
                see = initSEELayer();

            // expand see
                bool see_in_progress = false;
                if (see.isEmpty())
                    MessageBox.Show("The Spatial Editing Extent is empty.\n Please draw the initial bounds for this transaction",
                        "SEE Definition", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    see_in_progress = true;
                    // prompt user
                    see_in_progress = !SEEUserInterfaceUtils.isUserDone();

                    var geometryCollection = see.Shape as IGeometryCollection;
                    bool isMulti = geometryCollection != null && geometryCollection.GeometryCount > 1;

                    if (isMulti)
                        MessageBox.Show("Multipolygons cannot be processed with SUITT at this time. Please ensure your SEE Area of Interest is a single polygon feature.");
                        see_in_progress = true;

                if (see_in_progress)
                    // activate this object as the current tool
                    // this will activate the event handlers below
                    Logger.Write("Activating 'new' tool");
                    UID uid = new UIDClass();
                    uid.Value = "{" + CmdExpand.GUID + "}";

                    IDocument doc = app.Document;
                    app.CurrentTool = doc.CommandBars.Find(uid, false, false);
                    // do the main work here

                in_click = false;
            catch (CancelException ex)
                Logger.Write("User Canceled SEE Operation: " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace);
                // cancelled

                in_click = false;

                app.CurrentTool = null;
            catch (HandledException he)
                in_click = false;

                app.CurrentTool = null;
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("An Unexpected Error Occured: " + e.Message + "\n\tPlease Review the Log.",
                    "EXCEPTION", MessageBoxButtons.OK,

                in_click = false;

                if (this.ext.TransactionManager.Current() != null)
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); //ajw: added
                        // ignore


                app.CurrentTool = null;

            Logger.Write("End New Click Event");
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static void updateAcetate(SEE see, IFeatureClass featureClass, ISDUTExtension ext)
            if(see == null)

            Logger.Write("Update acetate");
            IFeature feat = null;
            if(featureClass.FeatureCount(null) < 1)
                feat = featureClass.CreateFeature();
                feat.Shape = see.Shape;
                feat = featureClass.Update(null,false).NextFeature();
                feat.Shape = see.Shape;
            Logger.Write("Update acetate -- Refresh");

Exemplo n.º 13
        public static SEE generateFromSelected(ISDUTExtension ext, IFeatureClass target)
            Logger.Write("Create See based on selection");
            IMap map = ext.FocusMap;
            IEnumFeature selection = (IEnumFeature)map.FeatureSelection;
            ((IEnumFeatureSetup)selection).AllFields = true;
            ((IEnumFeatureSetup)selection).Recycling = false;

            int i=0;
            ArrayList t = new ArrayList();
            IGeometry shape = null;
            for(IFeature feat = selection.Next();feat!=null;feat = selection.Next())
                if(i > UNION_SET_OPT && shape != null)
                    shape = null;
                    i = 0;
                if(feat.Shape!= null && esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon.Equals(feat.Shape.GeometryType))

                    IGeometry g = feat.ShapeCopy;

                    if (g != null && (g.SpatialReference == null || g.SpatialReference is IUnknownCoordinateSystem))
                        g.SpatialReference = ext.FocusMap.SpatialReference;

                    if (!g.SpatialReference.Equals(((IGeoDataset)target).SpatialReference))

                    if(shape == null)

                        if (g != null)
                            IEnvelope env = new EnvelopeClass();
                            double buf = (Math.Max(env.Width,env.Height)) * (ext.TransactionManager.getShapeAlterPercentage()/100.0);

                        shape = g;
                        shape = merge(shape, g,ext);

            while(t.Count > 1)
                t = merge(t,ext);

            SEE see = new SEE();

            Logger.Write("See from selection is "+see);
            return see;