Exemplo n.º 1
    /* Takes in a tic tac's path route and instance ID, and updates the correct path. Will move tic tacs forward from queues
     * depending on where the removed tic tac was previously on the path. */
    public void TicTacRemoved(SE.PathRoute removedPathRoute, SE.PathDistance removedPathDistance, int removedInstanceID)
        Path   removedPath   = (removedPathRoute == SE.PathRoute.Melee) ? meleePath : rangedPath;
        TicTac removedScript = removedPath.scriptDict[removedInstanceID];

        if (removedPathDistance == SE.PathDistance.Close && removedPath.scriptDict.Count > pathLimits[0])
            TicTac firstMidScript = removedPath.GetFirstScript(SE.PathDistance.Mid);    // Move first mid script up to close distance
            firstMidScript.CurrPathDistance = SE.PathDistance.Close;
            firstMidScript.StartAdvanceCoroutine((Random.insideUnitSphere * removedPath.radii[0]) + removedPath.centers[0], 0.0f);

            if (removedPath.scriptDict.Count > pathLimits[1])
                TicTac firstFarScript = removedPath.GetFirstScript(SE.PathDistance.Far);    // Move first far script up to mid distance
                firstFarScript.CurrPathDistance = SE.PathDistance.Mid;
                firstFarScript.StartAdvanceCoroutine((Random.insideUnitSphere * removedPath.radii[1]) + removedPath.centers[1], 0.0f);
        else if (removedPathDistance == SE.PathDistance.Mid && removedPath.scriptDict.Count > pathLimits[1]) // Removed tic tac was far
            TicTac firstFarScript = removedPath.GetFirstScript(SE.PathDistance.Far);                         // Move first far script up to mid distance
            firstFarScript.CurrPathDistance = SE.PathDistance.Mid;
            firstFarScript.StartAdvanceCoroutine((Random.insideUnitSphere * removedPath.radii[1]) + removedPath.centers[1], 0.0f);

Exemplo n.º 2
 public Dictionary <int, TicTac> scriptDict = new Dictionary <int, TicTac>(); // A dictionary whose values consist of the scripts of
                                                                              // the tic tacs on this path, with keys of the tic tacs'
                                                                              // instance IDs
 public TicTac GetFirstScript(SE.PathDistance pathDistance)
     foreach (TicTac ticTacScript in scriptDict.Values)
         if (ticTacScript.CurrPathDistance == pathDistance)