Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ShouldReturnFalseForSequenceDiagramIsEmpty()
            var sdType = new SDType("SharpDox.UML.Tests.DiagramExtensionsTests", "DiagramExtensionTests", new SDNamespace("SharpDox.UML.Tests"));

            sdType.IsProjectStranger = false;
            var sdMethod = new SDMethod("SharpDox.UML.Tests.DiagramExtensionsTests.Method1", "Method1");

            var sdNode = new SDTargetNode();

            sdNode.CalledMethod = new SDMethod("SharpDox.UML.Tests.DiagramExtensionsTests.Method2", "Method2");
            sdNode.CallerMethod = sdMethod;
            sdNode.CallerType   = sdType;
            sdNode.CalledType   = sdType;

            //Add this node twice, because the check will skipp call number one
            //because this one is usually the first call to the method itself

            var isEmpty = sdMethod.IsSequenceDiagramEmpty();

            Assert.AreEqual(false, isEmpty);
Exemplo n.º 2
 private void CreateReturn(SDMethod method)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(method.ReturnType.Type.Name) && method.ReturnType.Type.Name.ToUpper() != "VOID")
         _sequenceDiagram.AddConnection(_sequenceDiagram.StartNodeID, Guid.Empty, method.ReturnType.Type.Name, string.Empty, true);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void AddMethod(SDMethod sdMethod)
     if (!Methods.ContainsKey(sdMethod.Identifier))
         Methods.Add(sdMethod.Identifier, sdMethod);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private SDMethod GetParsedMethod(IMethod method, bool isCtor)
            var sdMethod = _repository.GetMethodByIdentifier(method.GetIdentifier());

            if (sdMethod != null)

            var returnType = _typeParser.GetParsedType(method.ReturnType);

            sdMethod = new SDMethod(method.GetIdentifier(), isCtor ? method.DeclaringType.Name : method.Name)
                Namespace      = method.Namespace,
                DeclaringType  = _typeParser.GetParsedType(method.DeclaringType),
                ReturnType     = returnType,
                IsCtor         = isCtor,
                Accessibility  = method.Accessibility.ToString().ToLower(),
                IsAbstract     = method.IsAbstract,
                IsShadowing    = method.IsShadowing,
                IsOverride     = method.IsOverride,
                IsPrivate      = method.IsPrivate,
                IsProtected    = method.IsProtected,
                IsPublic       = method.IsPublic,
                IsSealed       = method.IsSealed,
                IsVirtual      = method.IsVirtual,
                IsStatic       = method.IsStatic,
                Documentations = _documentationParser.ParseDocumentation(method),
                Region         = new SDRegion
                    BeginColumn = method.Region.BeginColumn,
                    BeginLine   = method.Region.BeginLine,
                    EndColumn   = method.Region.EndColumn,
                    EndLine     = method.Region.EndLine,
                    Filename    = method.Region.FileName

            foreach (ITypeParameter typeParameter in method.TypeParameters)

            foreach (IParameter parameter in method.Parameters)
                sdMethod.Parameters.Add(new SDParameter
                    Name          = parameter.Name,
                    ParamType     = _typeParser.GetParsedType(parameter.Type),
                    IsOptional    = parameter.IsOptional,
                    IsConst       = parameter.IsConst,
                    ConstantValue = parameter.ConstantValue,
                    IsRef         = parameter.IsRef,
                    IsOut         = parameter.IsOut

Exemplo n.º 5
 public MethodViewModel(SDMethod method, TypeViewModel parent, ICoreConfigSection sharpDoxConfig)
     : base(method.Identifier, parent, sharpDoxConfig)
     Text          = method.Name;
     Accessibility = method.Accessibility;
     Image         = string.Format("pack://application:,,,/SharpDox.GUI;component/Resources/Icons/Method_{0}.png", Accessibility);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public MethodViewModel(SDMethod method, TypeViewModel parent, ObservableCollection <string> excludedIdentifiers)
     : base(method.Identifier, parent, excludedIdentifiers)
     Text          = method.Name;
     Accessibility = method.Accessibility;
     Image         = string.Format("pack://application:,,,/SharpDox.Resources;component/Icons/Method_{0}.png", Accessibility);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void AddMethod(SDMethod sdMethod)
     if (!Methods.ContainsKey(sdMethod.Identifier))
         sdMethod.ShortIdentifier = GetUniqueShortMethodIdentifier(sdMethod);
         Methods.Add(sdMethod.Identifier, sdMethod);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <default>
        ///     <summary>
        ///     Returns a method, referenced by its identifier.
        ///     </summary>
        ///     <param name="identifier">The identifier of the method.</param>
        ///     <returns>The method, if it is available.</returns>
        /// </default>
        /// <de>
        ///     <summary>
        ///     Liefert die Methode mit dem angegebenen Identifikator.
        ///     </summary>
        ///     <param name="identifier">Der Identifikator der Methode.</param>
        ///     <returns>Die Methode, falls diese vorhanden ist.</returns>
        /// </de>
        public SDMethod GetMethodByIdentifier(string identifier)
            SDMethod sdMethod = null;

            Methods.TryGetValue(identifier, out sdMethod);

Exemplo n.º 9
 public MethodVisitor(SDRepository repository, SDMethod method, SDType type, CSharpFile file)
     _repository = repository;
     _method     = method;
     _type       = type;
     _file       = file;
     _tokenList  = method.Calls;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public CSharpMethodVisitor(SDRepository repository, SDMethod method, SDType type, Document file) : base(SyntaxWalkerDepth.StructuredTrivia)
     _repository = repository;
     _method     = method;
     _type       = type;
     _file       = file;
     _tokenList  = method.Calls;
Exemplo n.º 11
        private SDMethod GetParsedMethod(IMethodSymbol method, bool isCtor)
            var sdMethod = ParserOptions.SDRepository.GetMethodByIdentifier(method.GetIdentifier());

            if (sdMethod != null)

            var returnType      = _typeRefParser.GetParsedTypeReference(method.ReturnType);
            var syntaxReference = method.DeclaringSyntaxReferences.Any() ? method.DeclaringSyntaxReferences.Single() : null;

            sdMethod = new SDMethod(method.GetIdentifier(), isCtor ? method.ContainingType.Name : method.Name)
                Namespace      = method.ContainingNamespace.GetIdentifier(),
                DeclaringType  = _typeRefParser.GetParsedTypeReference(method.ContainingType),
                ReturnType     = returnType,
                IsCtor         = isCtor,
                Accessibility  = method.DeclaredAccessibility.ToString().ToLower(),
                IsAbstract     = method.IsAbstract,
                IsOverride     = method.IsOverride,
                IsPrivate      = method.DeclaredAccessibility == Accessibility.Private,
                IsProtected    = method.DeclaredAccessibility == Accessibility.Protected,
                IsPublic       = method.DeclaredAccessibility == Accessibility.Public,
                IsSealed       = method.IsSealed,
                IsVirtual      = method.IsVirtual,
                IsStatic       = method.IsStatic,
                Documentations = DocumentationParser.ParseDocumentation(method),
                Region         = syntaxReference != null ? new SDRegion
                    Start     = syntaxReference.Span.Start,
                    End       = syntaxReference.Span.End,
                    StartLine = syntaxReference.SyntaxTree.GetLineSpan(syntaxReference.Span).StartLinePosition.Line + 1,
                    EndLine   = syntaxReference.SyntaxTree.GetLineSpan(syntaxReference.Span).EndLinePosition.Line + 1,
                    FilePath  = syntaxReference.SyntaxTree.FilePath,
                    Filename  = Path.GetFileName(syntaxReference.SyntaxTree.FilePath)
                } : null

            sdMethod.TypeParameters = _typeParameterParser.ParseTypeParameters(method.TypeParameters);

            foreach (var parameter in method.Parameters)
                sdMethod.Parameters.Add(new SDParameter
                    Name          = parameter.Name,
                    ParamType     = _typeRefParser.GetParsedTypeReference(parameter.Type),
                    IsOptional    = parameter.IsOptional,
                    IsConst       = parameter.HasExplicitDefaultValue,
                    ConstantValue = parameter.HasExplicitDefaultValue ? parameter.ExplicitDefaultValue?.ToString() ?? "null" : null,
                    IsRef         = parameter.RefKind == RefKind.Ref,
                    IsOut         = parameter.RefKind == RefKind.Out

Exemplo n.º 12
        public void ShouldReturnTrueForSequenceDiagramIsEmpty()
            var sdMethod = new SDMethod("SharpDox.UML.Tests.DiagramExtensionsTests.Method1", "Method1");

            var isEmpty = sdMethod.IsSequenceDiagramEmpty();

            Assert.AreEqual(true, isEmpty);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void ShouldReturnTrueForSequenceDiagramIsEmptyBecauseOnlyCallsToStrangers()
            var sdType   = new SDType("SharpDox.UML.Tests.DiagramExtensionsTests", "DiagramExtensionTests", new SDNamespace("SharpDox.UML.Tests"));
            var sdMethod = new SDMethod("SharpDox.UML.Tests.DiagramExtensionsTests.Method1", "Method1");

            var sdTypeStranger   = new SDType("System.String", "String", new SDNamespace("System"));
            var sdMethodStranger = new SDMethod("System.String.Method1", "Method1");

            var sdNode = new SDTargetNode();

            sdNode.CalledType   = sdTypeStranger;
            sdNode.CalledMethod = sdMethodStranger;
            sdNode.CallerMethod = sdMethod;
            sdNode.CallerType   = sdType;


            var isEmpty = sdMethod.IsSequenceDiagramEmpty();

            Assert.AreEqual(true, isEmpty);
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <default>
 ///     <summary>
 ///     With this method you are able to check, if the sequence diagram, for the
 ///     given <c>SDMethod</c>, is empty.
 ///     </summary>
 ///     <param name="method">Check for this <c>SDMethod</c>.</param>
 ///     <returns>True, if it is empty. False, otherwise.</returns>
 /// </default>
 /// <de>
 ///     <summary>
 ///     Mit dieser Method kann überprüft werden, ob das Sequenzdiagramm , für den
 ///     gegebenen <c>SDMethod</c>, leer ist.
 ///     </summary>
 ///     <param name="method">Überprüfe diesen <c>SDMethod</c>.</param>
 ///     <returns>True, falls leer. False, ansonsten.</returns>
 /// </de>
 public static bool IsSequenceDiagramEmpty(this SDMethod method)
     return(new SequenceDiagramParser(method).IsSequenceDiagramEmpty());
Exemplo n.º 15
        private void ParseTargetExpression(InvocationExpressionSyntax expression)
            var compilation = _file.Project.GetCompilationAsync().Result;
            var symbolInfo  = compilation.GetSemanticModel(_file.GetSyntaxTreeAsync().Result).GetSymbolInfo(expression);

            if (symbolInfo.Symbol != null)
                var member = symbolInfo.Symbol;
                var method = member as IMethodSymbol;

                if (method != null)
                    var callerType   = _type;
                    var callerMethod = _method;

                    SDType calledType = null;
                    var    sdType     = _repository.GetTypeByIdentifier(member.ContainingType.GetIdentifier());
                    if (sdType == null)
                        var sdNamespace = _repository.GetNamespaceByIdentifier(member.ContainingNamespace.ToDisplayString());
                        sdNamespace = sdNamespace ?? new SDNamespace(member.ContainingNamespace.ToDisplayString())
                            IsProjectStranger = true
                        calledType = new SDType(member.ContainingType.GetIdentifier(), member.ContainingType.Name, sdNamespace)
                            IsProjectStranger = true
                        calledType = sdType;

                    SDMethod calledMethod = null;
                    if (calledType.IsProjectStranger)
                        calledMethod = new SDMethod(method.GetIdentifier(), method.Name);
                        SDMethod sdMethod = sdType.Methods.Concat(sdType.Constructors).SingleOrDefault(m => m.Identifier == method.GetIdentifier());
                        if (sdMethod != null)
                            calledMethod = sdMethod;

                    // Only add method, if it is project stranger, public or private (if not only public members option on)
                    if (calledMethod != null)
                        var token = new SDTargetNode
                            CalledType   = calledType,
                            CallerType   = callerType,
                            CalledMethod = calledMethod,
                            CallerMethod = callerMethod

Exemplo n.º 16
 public SequenceDiagramParser(SDMethod method, List <SDType> repositoryTypes = null)
     _method          = method;
     _repositoryTypes = repositoryTypes;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public SequenceDiagramParser(SDMethod method, SDRepository sdRepository = null)
     _method       = method;
     _sdRepository = sdRepository;
Exemplo n.º 18
 private string GetUniqueShortMethodIdentifier(SDMethod sdMethod)
     return(GetUniquieShortIdentifier(sdMethod.Identifier, sdMethod.Name, _methodNameCount, _uniqueShortMethodIdentifier));
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <default>
        ///     <summary>
        ///     Creates the sequence diagram for the given <c>SDMethod</c>.
        ///     </summary>
        ///     <param name="method">Create the sequence diagram for this <c>SDMethod</c>.</param>
        ///     <param name="repositoryTypes">The method needs all known types of the current solution.
        ///     You are able to get it with the <c>GetAllTypes</c> method of the <c>SDRepository</c>.</param>
        ///     <returns>The sequence diagram for the given <c>SDMethod</c>.</returns>
        /// </default>
        /// <de>
        ///     <summary>
        ///     Erstellt das Sequenzdiagramm für die gegebene <c>SDMethod</c>.
        ///     </summary>
        ///     <param name="method">Erstellt das Sequenzdiagramm für dies <c>SDMethod</c>.</param>
        ///     <param name="repositoryTypes">Die Methode benötigt alle bekannten Typen der aktuellen Lösung.
        ///     Es ist möglich diese mit der <c>GetAllTypes</c> Methode des <c>SDRepository</c> zubekommen.</param>
        ///     <returns>Das Sequenzdiagramm für die <c>SDMethod</c>.</returns>
        /// </de>
        public static ISDDiagram GetSequenceDiagram(this SDMethod method, List <SDType> repositoryTypes)
            var sequenceDiagramParser = new SequenceDiagramParser(method, repositoryTypes);

Exemplo n.º 20
        private void ParseTargetExpression(Expression expression)
            if (_file != null)
                var resolver      = new CSharpAstResolver(_file.Project.Compilation, _file.SyntaxTree, _file.UnresolvedTypeSystemForFile);
                var resolveResult = resolver.Resolve(expression);

                if (resolveResult is CSharpInvocationResolveResult)
                    var member = ((CSharpInvocationResolveResult)resolveResult).Member;
                    var method = member as IMethod;

                    if (method != null)
                        var callerType   = _type;
                        var callerMethod = _method;

                        SDType calledType = null;
                        var    sdType     = _repository.GetTypeByIdentifier(member.DeclaringType.GetIdentifier());
                        if (sdType == null)
                            var sdNamespace = _repository.GetNamespaceByIdentifier(member.DeclaringType.Namespace);
                            sdNamespace = sdNamespace == null ? new SDNamespace(member.DeclaringType.Namespace)
                                IsProjectStranger = true
                            } : sdNamespace;
                            calledType = new SDType(member.DeclaringType.GetIdentifier(), member.DeclaringType.Name, sdNamespace)
                                IsProjectStranger = true
                            calledType = sdType;

                        SDMethod calledMethod = null;
                        if (calledType.IsProjectStranger)
                            calledMethod = new SDMethod(method.GetIdentifier(), method.Name);
                            SDMethod sdMethod = sdType.Methods.Concat(sdType.Constructors).SingleOrDefault(m => m.Identifier == method.GetIdentifier());
                            if (sdMethod != null)
                                calledMethod = sdMethod;

                        // Only add method, if it is project stranger, public or private (if not only public members option on)
                        if (calledMethod != null)
                            var token = new SDTargetNode
                                CalledType   = calledType,
                                CallerType   = callerType,
                                CalledMethod = calledMethod,
                                CallerMethod = callerMethod

Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <default>
        ///     <summary>
        ///     Creates the sequence diagram for the given <c>SDMethod</c>.
        ///     </summary>
        ///     <param name="method">Create the sequence diagram for this <c>SDMethod</c>.</param>
        ///     <param name="sdProject">The method needs the complete parsed sharpDox project.</param>
        ///     <returns>The sequence diagram for the given <c>SDMethod</c>.</returns>
        /// </default>
        /// <de>
        ///     <summary>
        ///     Erstellt das Sequenzdiagramm für die gegebene <c>SDMethod</c>.
        ///     </summary>
        ///     <param name="method">Erstellt das Sequenzdiagramm für dies <c>SDMethod</c>.</param>
        ///     <param name="sdRepository">Die Methode benötigt das eingelesene Repository.</param>
        ///     <returns>Das Sequenzdiagramm für die <c>SDMethod</c>.</returns>
        /// </de>
        public static ISDDiagram GetSequenceDiagram(this SDMethod method, SDRepository sdRepository)
            var sequenceDiagramParser = new SequenceDiagramParser(method, sdRepository);
