Exemplo n.º 1
        public Sprite(Texture texture)
            var r = new SDL.Rect {
                h = texture.Height, w = texture.Width

            this.Texture = texture;
            this.Rect    = r;
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal Sprite CreateSprite()
            var r = new SDL.Rect {
                h = this.Height, w = this.Width

            return(new Sprite()
                Texture = this, Rect = r
Exemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var gl = new GameLogic())
                new Player {
                    Name = "Alex", Color = System.Drawing.Color.Blue
                new Player {
                    Name = "Randy", Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red

                Player Alex = Instances.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == nameof(Alex));
                Alex.Board.Printer.SetBid(Alex.Tokens.OfType <Gold>().Take(2));
                Alex.Board.Apothecary.SetBid(Alex.Tokens.OfType <Blackmail>().Take(1));

                Player Randy = Instances.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == nameof(Randy));
                Randy.Board.Printer.SetBid(Randy.Tokens.OfType <Gold>().Take(3));
                Randy.Board.General.SetBid(Randy.Tokens.OfType <Force>().Take(1));

                var actionsWithBids = Instances.Select(x => x.Board).SelectMany(x => x.Actions.Where(y => y.Bid.Any()));

                var winners = actionsWithBids
                              .Select(x => x.GetType().Name)
                              .Select(x =>
                    var z = actionsWithBids.Where(y => y.GetType().Name == x).OrderByDescending(y => y.Bid.ToInt()).FirstOrDefault();
                        ActionName = x,

                winners.ForEach(x =>
                    var pi = typeof(PlayerBoard).GetProperty(x.ActionName);
                    var pa = pi?.GetValue(x.Player.Board) as GameLogic.Action;
            var rv = SDL.Init(SDL2.SDL.INIT_EVERYTHING);
            var sdlIntitialized = !Convert.ToBoolean(rv);

            if (sdlIntitialized)
                var mode         = new SDL.SDL_DisplayMode();
                var displayRect  = new SDL.Rect();
                var displayCount = SDL.GetNumVideoDisplays();
                SDL.GetDisplayBounds(0, out displayRect);
                SDL.GetCurrentDisplayMode(0, out mode);
                int width = 1280, height = 720;//720p

                var left = (int)((mode.w - width) * .5);
                var top  = (int)((mode.h - height) * .5);

                using (var window = new Window(nameof(Revolution), left, top, width, height, SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN, true))
                    if (window.IsValid())
                    SetupTimerCallback(60, null);
                    var  @event = new SDL.SDL_Event();
                    bool run    = true;

                    //RecipeCardDeck recipeDeck = new RecipeCardDeck();
                    //var recipeTextures = gameLogic.Recipes.ToList().ToDictionary(x => x.GetHashCode(), x => window.Renderer.LoadTexture(x.Source));

                    var tokenTextures = new Dictionary <char, Texture>
                        { 'b', window.Renderer.LoadTexture("images/blackmail.png") },
                        { 'g', window.Renderer.LoadTexture("images/money.png") },
                        { 'p', window.Renderer.LoadTexture("images/force.png") }

                    window.Scene = new List <Sprite>();

                    var boardTexture = window.Renderer.LoadTexture("images/board.png");

                    var boardSprite = boardTexture.CreateSprite();
                    boardSprite.X     = 0;
                    boardSprite.Y     = 0;
                    boardSprite.Z     = 0;
                    boardSprite.Scale = 1f;


                    int xc = boardSprite.Width;
                    tokenTextures.ToList().ForEach(x =>
                        var s = new Sprite(x.Value)
                            Y = 500, X = xc += x.Value.Width, Z = 0, Scale = 1.0f
                        xc += s.Width;

                    //var s2 = test.CreateSprite();
                    //s2.X = 100;
                    //s2.Y = 100;
                    //s2.Z = 1;
                    //s2.Scale = 1f;

                    //var s3 = new Sprite(test)
                    //    X = 150,
                    //    Y = 150,
                    //    Z = 2,
                    //    Scale = 1f,
                    SDL.SetHint(SDL.SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "1");

                    while (run)
                        SDL.SDL_PollEvent(out @event);
                        //while ( != 0)
                        switch (@event.type)
                        case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                            var button = @event.button;
                            var point  = new SDL.Point()
                                x = button.x, y = button.y
                            var timestamp = new DateTime(button.timestamp);
                            var matches   = window.Scene.Where(sprite => sprite.Contains(point)).ToList();
                            var brown     = window.Scene.First();
                            matches.ForEach(sprite => sprite.MouseDown(@event));
                            //button.button  1   byte
                            //button.clicks  1   byte
                            //button.padding1    0   byte
                            //button.state   1   byte
                            //button.timestamp   140630  uint
                            //button.@type   SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN SDL2.SDL.SDL_EventType
                            //button.which   0   uint
                            //button.windowID    1   uint
                            //button.x   182 int
                            //button.y   169 int


                        case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_QUIT:
                            run = false;

                        case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_FIRSTEVENT:
                            Debug.WriteLine("First Event");

                        case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_LASTEVENT:
                            Debug.WriteLine("Last Event");
                    //SDL.SDL_WaitEvent(out @event);
                    //var quit = @event.quit;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static void Draw()
            //collect drawjobs
            foreach (LogicalObject obj in Resources.Objects)
                if (!obj.Destroyed)

            DrawX.DrawJobs.OrderBy((job) => job.Depth);

            SDL.SetRenderDrawColor(RendererHandle, DrawX.BackgroundColor.R, DrawX.BackgroundColor.G, DrawX.BackgroundColor.B, DrawX.BackgroundColor.A);

            foreach (View view in Resources.Views.Values)
                if (!view.Active)

                Rectangle absoluteGameArea = view.GetAbsoluteGameArea();
                Rectangle absoluteViewport = view.GetAbsoluteViewport();

                Point scale = view.GetScale();

                SDL.RenderSetScale(RendererHandle, scale.X, scale.Y);

                //viewport is affected by scale for whatever reason, correct it
                Rectangle scaledViewport = new Rectangle(absoluteViewport);
                scaledViewport.Position /= scale;
                scaledViewport.Size     /= scale;
                SDL.Rect sdlViewport = (SDL.Rect)scaledViewport;
                SDL.RenderSetViewport(RendererHandle, ref sdlViewport);

                //get all jobs that will draw inside this view
                foreach (IDrawJob job in DrawX.GetDrawJobsByArea(absoluteGameArea))
                    Type jobType = job.GetType();

                    if (jobType == typeof(TextureDrawJob))                     //draw a texture
                        TextureDrawJob textureDrawJob = (TextureDrawJob)job;
                        SDL.Rect       sourceRect     = (SDL.Rect)textureDrawJob.SourceRect;
                        SDL.Rect       destRect       = (SDL.Rect) new Rectangle(textureDrawJob.DestRect.Position - absoluteGameArea.Position - textureDrawJob.DestRect.Origin, textureDrawJob.DestRect.Size);

                        if (textureDrawJob.DestRect.Rotation == 0f)
                            SDL.RenderCopy(RendererHandle, textureDrawJob.Texture, ref sourceRect, ref destRect);
                            SDL.Point origin = (SDL.Point)textureDrawJob.DestRect.Origin;
                            SDL.RenderCopyEx(RendererHandle, textureDrawJob.Texture, ref sourceRect, ref destRect, textureDrawJob.DestRect.Rotation, ref origin, SDL.RendererFlip.FLIP_NONE);
                    else if (jobType == typeof(LineDrawJob))                     //draw line(s)
                        LineDrawJob lineDrawJob = (LineDrawJob)job;

                        //transform all points according to view and cast em
                        SDL.Point[] sdlPoints = Array.ConvertAll <Point, SDL.Point>(lineDrawJob.Points, point => (SDL.Point)(point - absoluteGameArea.Position));

                        SDL.SetRenderDrawColor(RendererHandle, lineDrawJob.Color.R, lineDrawJob.Color.G, lineDrawJob.Color.B, lineDrawJob.Color.A);
                        SDL.RenderDrawLines(RendererHandle, sdlPoints, lineDrawJob.PointCount);
                    else                     //draw filledrect
                        FilledRectDrawJob rectDrawJob = (FilledRectDrawJob)job;

                        SDL.Rect rect = (SDL.Rect)(rectDrawJob.Area - absoluteGameArea.Position);

                        SDL.SetRenderDrawColor(RendererHandle, rectDrawJob.Color.R, rectDrawJob.Color.G, rectDrawJob.Color.B, rectDrawJob.Color.A);
                        SDL.RenderFillRect(RendererHandle, ref rect);


            //threadpool should take care of actually swapping the frames (RenderPresent may wait for things like Fraps or VSync)
            RenderframeReady = true;
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(PresentRender));
Exemplo n.º 5
 internal int Copy(Texture texture, SDL.Rect sourceRect, SDL.Rect destRect)
     //return SDL.SetRenderDrawBlendMode(this.IntPtr, SDL.SDL_BlendMode.SDL_BLENDMODE_ADD);
     return(SDL.RenderCopy(this.IntPtr, texture.IntPtr, ref sourceRect, ref destRect));
Exemplo n.º 6
 internal void Copy(Texture texture, SDL.Rect sourceRect, SDL.Rect destRect)
     this.Renderer.Copy(texture, sourceRect, destRect);