Exemplo n.º 1
        public unsafe void EqualityTest1()
            sbyte *sample   = stackalloc sbyte[4];
            int    checksum = 0;

            int address1 = (int)sample;

            Console.WriteLine("Original Address: {0:X}", address1);
            checksum += address1;

            IntPtr address2 = new IntPtr(sample);

            Console.WriteLine("IntPtr Address: {0:X}", address2.ToInt32());
            checksum += address2.ToInt32();

            SBytePointer address3 = new SBytePointer(address2);

            Console.WriteLine("SBytePointer Address (from IntPtr): {0:X}", address3.ToInt32());
            checksum += address3.ToInt32();

            SBytePointer address4 = new SBytePointer(address1);

            Console.WriteLine("SBytePointer Address (from Int32): {0:X}", address4.ToInt32());
            checksum += address4.ToInt32();

            int checksumDigest = checksum / 4;

            Assert.AreEqual(checksumDigest, address1);
            Assert.AreEqual(checksumDigest, address2.ToInt32());
            Assert.AreEqual(checksumDigest, address3.ToInt32());
            Assert.AreEqual(checksumDigest, address4.ToInt32());
Exemplo n.º 2
        public unsafe void AddressTest1()
            sbyte *      sample = stackalloc sbyte[4];
            SBytePointer a      = new SBytePointer(sample);
            SBytePointer b      = (a + 1);

            Console.WriteLine("Address offset: {0}", b.ToInt32() - a.ToInt32());

            Assert.AreEqual(sizeof(sbyte), b.ToInt32() - a.ToInt32());
            Assert.False(Object.ReferenceEquals(a, b));

            // xPlatform's typed pointers are value type.
            SBytePointer c = new SBytePointer(sample + 1);
            SBytePointer d = (++c);

            Console.WriteLine("Address offset: {0}", d.ToInt32() - c.ToInt32());

            Assert.AreEqual(0, d.ToInt32() - c.ToInt32());
            Assert.False(Object.ReferenceEquals(c, d));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public unsafe void StackallocTest3()
            const int    bufferSize = 4;
            sbyte *      sample     = stackalloc sbyte[bufferSize];
            SBytePointer pointer    = new SBytePointer(sample);

            sbyte[] results = new sbyte[bufferSize];

            for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++)
                results[i] = *(sample + i) = GenerateRandomNumber();

            // Pointer conversion test
            for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++)
                object x = results[i];
                object y = *(sbyte *)(pointer + i);
                Console.WriteLine("[{0}] <Left: {1}> {2} <Right: {3}>", i, x, x.Equals(y) ? "==" : "<>", y);
                Assert.AreEqual(x, y);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public unsafe void StackallocTest4()
            const int    bufferSize = 4;
            sbyte *      sample     = stackalloc sbyte[bufferSize];
            SBytePointer pointer    = new SBytePointer(sample);

            sbyte[] results = new sbyte[bufferSize];

            // SetData method
            for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++)
                pointer.SetData(results[i] = GenerateRandomNumber(), i);

            // GetData method
            for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++)
                object x = results[i];
                object y = pointer.GetData(i);
                Console.WriteLine("[{0}] <Left: {1}> {2} <Right: {3}>", i, x, x.Equals(y) ? "==" : "<>", y);
                Assert.AreEqual(x, y);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public unsafe void StackallocTest5()
            const int    bufferSize = 4;
            sbyte *      sample     = stackalloc sbyte[bufferSize];
            SBytePointer pointer    = new SBytePointer(sample);

            sbyte[] results = new sbyte[bufferSize];

            // Indexer based memory writing
            for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++)
                results[i] = pointer[i] = GenerateRandomNumber();

            // Indexer based memory navigation
            for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++)
                object x = results[i];
                object y = pointer[i];
                Console.WriteLine("[{0}] <Left: {1}> {2} <Right: {3}>", i, x, x.Equals(y) ? "==" : "<>", y);
                Assert.AreEqual(x, y);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void _memccpyTest()
            GlobalHeapAnsiString string1 = new GlobalHeapAnsiString("The quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox");
            GlobalHeapAnsiString buffer  = new GlobalHeapAnsiString(61);
            SBytePointer         pdest   = new SBytePointer();

            Console.Write("Function: _memccpy 60 characters or to character 's'\n");
            Console.Write("Source: {0}\n", string1.ToString());

            pdest = msvcrt._memccpy(buffer, string1, 's', 60u);

            Console.Write("Result: {0}\n", buffer.ToString());
            Console.Write("Length: {0} characters\n", msvcrt.strlen(buffer.Address));

            Assert.AreEqual("The quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox", string1.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual("The quick brown dog jumps", buffer.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(25u, (uint)msvcrt.strlen(buffer.Address));

            pdest = null;