Exemplo n.º 1
        public void TestDynamicCallFromFile()
            Stopwatch watch;
            // Make a product at runtime
            var runtimeProduct = RuntimeProduct.CreateFromScript(@"ScriptEuropeanOption.txt");

            // Setup an appropriate simulation
            var shares = new[]
                new Share("AAA", TestHelpers.ZAR)
            }; // One needs to know the index that will be required by the product to simulate it.
            var valueDate = new Date(2016, 08, 28);

            var divYield     = new[] { 0.02 };
            var vol          = new[] { 0.22 };
            var spotPrice    = new[] { 100.0 };
            var correlations = new[, ] {
                { 1.0 }
            IDiscountingSource discountCurve = new DatesAndRates(TestHelpers.ZAR, valueDate,
                                                                 new[] { valueDate, valueDate.AddMonths(120) },
                                                                 new[] { 0.07, 0.07 });
            var rateForecastCurves = new IFloatingRateSource[0];

            var sim = new EquitySimulator(shares, spotPrice, vol, divYield,
                                          correlations, discountCurve, rateForecastCurves);

            // Value the runtime product
            Coordinator coordinator;

            coordinator = new Coordinator(sim, new List <Simulator>(), 100000);
            watch       = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var valueRuntime = coordinator.Value(new[] { runtimeProduct }, valueDate);

            var timeRuntime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            // Setup the same product statically
            var     exerciseDate  = new Date(2017, 08, 28);
            var     strike        = 100.0;
            Product staticProduct = new EuropeanOption(new Share("AAA", TestHelpers.ZAR), strike, exerciseDate);

            // Value the static product
            coordinator = new Coordinator(sim, new List <Simulator>(), 100000);
            watch       = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var valueStatic = coordinator.Value(new[] { staticProduct }, valueDate);

            var timeStatic = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            var refValue = BlackEtc.BlackScholes(PutOrCall.Call, strike, (exerciseDate - valueDate) / 365, spotPrice[0],
                                                 vol[0], 0.07, divYield[0]);

            Assert.AreEqual(refValue, valueRuntime, refValue * 0.03);
            Assert.AreEqual(refValue, valueStatic, refValue * 0.03);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static object CreateProductFromFile([ExcelArgument(Description = "Name of product")] string name,
                                            [ExcelArgument(Description = "Full path to the file.")] string filename)
         Product runtimeProduct = RuntimeProduct.CreateFromScript(filename);
         return(XU.AddObject(name, runtimeProduct));
     catch (Exception e)
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void TestDynamicCallFromString()
            var source =
                @"Date exerciseDate = new Date(2017, 08, 28);
Share share = new Share(""AAA"", new Currency(""ZAR""));
double strike = 100.0;

public override List<Cashflow> GetCFs()
    double amount = Math.Max(0, Get(share, exerciseDate) - strike);
    return new List<Cashflow> { new Cashflow(exerciseDate, amount, share.Currency) };
            // Make a product at runtime
            var runtimeProduct = RuntimeProduct.CreateFromString("MyEuropeanOption", source);

            // Setup an approriate simulation
            var shares = new[]
                new Share("AAA", TestHelpers.ZAR)
            }; // One needs to know the index that will be required by the product to simulate it.
            var valueDate = new Date(2016, 08, 28);

            var divYield     = new[] { 0.02 };
            var vol          = new[] { 0.22 };
            var spotPrice    = new[] { 100.0 };
            var correlations = new[, ] {
                { 1.0 }
            IDiscountingSource discountCurve = new DatesAndRates(TestHelpers.ZAR, valueDate,
                                                                 new[] { valueDate, valueDate.AddMonths(120) },
                                                                 new[] { 0.07, 0.07 });
            var rateForecastCurves = new IFloatingRateSource[0];

            var sim = new EquitySimulator(shares, spotPrice, vol, divYield,
                                          correlations, discountCurve, rateForecastCurves);

            // Value the runtime product
            Coordinator coordinator;

            coordinator = new Coordinator(sim, new List <Simulator>(), 100000);
            var valueRuntime = coordinator.Value(new[] { runtimeProduct }, valueDate);

            var exerciseDate = new Date(2017, 08, 28);
            var strike       = 100.0;
            var refValue     = BlackEtc.BlackScholes(PutOrCall.Call, strike, (exerciseDate - valueDate) / 365, spotPrice[0],
                                                     vol[0], 0.07, divYield[0]);

            Assert.AreEqual(refValue, valueRuntime, refValue * 0.03);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void TestDynamicCallFromStringFRA()
            var source =
                @"Date date = new Date(2017, 08, 28);
FloatRateIndex jibar = new FloatRateIndex(""ZAR.JIBAR.3M"", new Currency(""ZAR""), ""JIBAR"", Tenor.FromMonths(3));
double dt = 91.0/365.0;
double fixedRate = 0.071;
double notional = 1000000.0;
Currency currency = new Currency(""ZAR"");

public override List<Cashflow> GetCFs()
    double reset = Get(jibar, date);
    double cfAmount = notional * (reset - fixedRate)*dt/(1+dt*reset);
    return new List<Cashflow>() { new Cashflow(date, cfAmount, currency) };
            // Make a product at runtime
            var runtimeProduct = RuntimeProduct.CreateFromString("MyEuropeanOption", source);

            // Set up the model
            var valueDate = new Date(2016, 9, 17);

            Date[]              dates         = { new Date(2016, 9, 17), new Date(2026, 9, 17) };
            double[]            rates         = { 0.07, 0.07 };
            IDiscountingSource  discountCurve = new DatesAndRates(TestHelpers.ZAR, valueDate, dates, rates);
            IFloatingRateSource forecastCurve = new ForecastCurve(valueDate, TestHelpers.Jibar3M, dates, rates);
            var curveSim = new DeterministicCurves(discountCurve);


            // Run the valuation
            var coordinator = new Coordinator(curveSim, new List <Simulator>(), 1);
            var fraValue    = coordinator.Value(new[] { runtimeProduct }, valueDate);

            var date      = new Date(2017, 08, 28);
            var t         = (date - valueDate) / 365.0;
            var dt        = 91.0 / 365.0;
            var fixedRate = 0.071;
            var notional  = 1000000.0;
            var fwdRate   = 0.07;
            var refValue  = notional * (fwdRate - fixedRate) * dt / (1 + fwdRate * dt) * Math.Exp(-t * 0.07);

            Assert.AreEqual(refValue, fraValue, 0.01);
        public void TestDynamicCallFromStringFRA()
            string source =
                @"Date date = new Date(2017, 08, 28);
FloatingIndex jibar = FloatingIndex.JIBAR3M;
double dt = 91.0/365.0;
double fixedRate = 0.071;
double notional = 1000000.0;
Currency currency = Currency.ZAR;

public override List<Cashflow> GetCFs()
    double reset = Get(jibar, date);
    double cfAmount = notional * (reset - fixedRate)*dt/(1+dt*reset);
    return new List<Cashflow>() { new Cashflow(date, cfAmount, currency) };
            // Make a product at runtime
            Product runtimeProduct = RuntimeProduct.CreateFromString("MyEuropeanOption", source);

            // Set up the model
            Date valueDate = new Date(2016, 9, 17);

            Date[]              dates         = { new Date(2016, 9, 17), new Date(2026, 9, 17) };
            double[]            rates         = { 0.07, 0.07 };
            IDiscountingSource  discountCurve = new DatesAndRates(Currency.ZAR, valueDate, dates, rates);
            IFloatingRateSource forecastCurve = new ForecastCurve(valueDate, FloatingIndex.JIBAR3M, dates, rates);
            DeterminsiticCurves curveSim      = new DeterminsiticCurves(discountCurve);


            // Run the valuation
            Coordinator coordinator = new Coordinator(curveSim, new List <Simulator>(), 1);
            double      fraValue    = coordinator.Value(new Product[] { runtimeProduct }, valueDate);

            Date   date      = new Date(2017, 08, 28);
            double t         = (date - valueDate) / 365.0;
            double dt        = 91.0 / 365.0;
            double fixedRate = 0.071;
            double notional  = 1000000.0;
            double fwdRate   = 0.07;
            double refValue  = notional * (fwdRate - fixedRate) * dt / (1 + fwdRate * dt) * Math.Exp(-t * 0.07);

            Assert.AreEqual(refValue, fraValue, 0.01);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static Product CreateProductFromFile([ExcelArgument(Description = "Full path to the file.")]
                                             string filename)