Exemplo n.º 1
  * Draws lines from elbow to wrist, wrist to palm, and normal to the palm.
  * Also draws the orthogonal basis vectors for the pinch and grab points.
 public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer gizmoDrawer)
     if (DrawHand)
         Hand hand = GetLeapHand();
         gizmoDrawer.color = Color.red;
         gizmoDrawer.DrawLine(hand.Arm.ElbowPosition.ToVector3(), hand.Arm.WristPosition.ToVector3());
         gizmoDrawer.color = Color.white;
         gizmoDrawer.DrawLine(hand.WristPosition.ToVector3(), hand.PalmPosition.ToVector3());                                         //Wrist to palm line
         gizmoDrawer.color = Color.black;
         gizmoDrawer.DrawLine(hand.PalmPosition.ToVector3(), (hand.PalmPosition + hand.PalmNormal * hand.PalmWidth / 2).ToVector3()); //Hand Normal
         if (PinchPoint != null)
             DrawBasis(gizmoDrawer, PinchPoint.position, PinchPoint.GetLeapMatrix(), .01f); //Pinch basis
         if (GrabPoint != null)
             DrawBasis(gizmoDrawer, GrabPoint.position, GrabPoint.GetLeapMatrix(), .01f); //Grab basis
         for (int f = 0; f < 5; f++)                                                      //Fingers
             Finger finger = hand.Fingers[f];
             for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                 Bone bone = finger.Bone((Bone.BoneType)i);
                 gizmoDrawer.color = colors[i];
                 gizmoDrawer.DrawLine(bone.PrevJoint.ToVector3(), bone.PrevJoint.ToVector3() + bone.Direction.ToVector3() * bone.Length);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
            if (_drawGizmos)
                drawer.color = Color.blue;
                for (int i = 0; i < _ribbon.Points.Count - 1; i++)
                    drawer.DrawLine(_ribbon.Points[i].Position, _ribbon.Points[i + 1].Position);

                drawer.color = Color.green;
                for (int i = 0; i < _ribbon.Points.Count; i++)
                    drawer.DrawLine(_ribbon.Points[i].Position, _ribbon.Points[i].Position + _ribbon.Points[i].Normal * 0.02F);

                drawer.color = Color.red;
                for (int i = 0; i < _ribbon.Points.Count - 1; i++)
                    Vector3 binormal = Vector3.Cross(_ribbon.Points[i + 1].Position - _ribbon.Points[i].Position, _ribbon.Points[i + 1].Normal).normalized * 0.04F;
                    drawer.DrawLine(_ribbon.Points[i + 1].Position - binormal, _ribbon.Points[i + 1].Position + binormal);
                    drawer.DrawCube(_ribbon.Points[i + 1].Position + binormal, Vector3.one * 0.005F);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void DrawBasis(RuntimeGizmoDrawer gizmoDrawer, Vector3 origin, LeapTransform basis, float scale) {
   gizmoDrawer.color = Color.red;
   gizmoDrawer.DrawLine(origin, origin + basis.xBasis.ToVector3() * scale);
   gizmoDrawer.color = Color.green;
   gizmoDrawer.DrawLine(origin, origin + basis.yBasis.ToVector3() * scale);
   gizmoDrawer.color = Color.blue;
   gizmoDrawer.DrawLine(origin, origin + basis.zBasis.ToVector3() * scale);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public Vector2 RenderUVToDisplayUV(Vector2 UV, bool drawLine = false, RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer = null)
            Ray eyeRay = eyePerspective.ViewportPointToRay(new Vector3(UV.x, UV.y, 1f));

            eyeRay.origin = eyePerspective.transform.position;
            Vector3 sphereSpaceRayOrigin    = ellipse.worldToSphereSpace.MultiplyPoint(eyeRay.origin);
            Vector3 sphereSpaceRayDirection = (ellipse.worldToSphereSpace.MultiplyPoint(eyeRay.origin + eyeRay.direction) - sphereSpaceRayOrigin).normalized;
            float   intersectionTime        = intersectLineSphere(sphereSpaceRayOrigin, sphereSpaceRayDirection, Vector3.zero, 0.5f * 0.5f, false);

            if (intersectionTime < 0f)
            Vector3 sphereSpaceIntersection = sphereSpaceRayOrigin + (intersectionTime * sphereSpaceRayDirection);

            //Ellipsoid  Normals
            Vector3 sphereSpaceNormal = -sphereSpaceIntersection.normalized;

            sphereSpaceNormal = new Vector3(sphereSpaceNormal.x / Mathf.Pow(ellipse.MinorAxis / 2f, 2f), sphereSpaceNormal.y / Mathf.Pow(ellipse.MinorAxis / 2f, 2f), sphereSpaceNormal.z / Mathf.Pow(ellipse.MajorAxis / 2f, 2f)).normalized;

            Vector3 worldSpaceIntersection = ellipse.sphereToWorldSpace.MultiplyPoint(sphereSpaceIntersection);
            Vector3 worldSpaceNormal       = ellipse.sphereToWorldSpace.MultiplyVector(sphereSpaceNormal).normalized;

            Ray firstBounce = new Ray(worldSpaceIntersection, Vector3.Reflect(eyeRay.direction, worldSpaceNormal));

            intersectionTime = intersectPlane(Screen.forward, Screen.position, firstBounce.origin, firstBounce.direction);
            if (intersectionTime < 0f)
            Vector3 planeIntersection = firstBounce.GetPoint(intersectionTime);

            Vector2 ScreenUV = Screen.InverseTransformPoint(planeIntersection);

            if (drawer != null)
                if (drawLine)
                    drawer.DrawLine(eyeRay.origin, worldSpaceIntersection);
                    drawer.DrawLine(firstBounce.origin, planeIntersection);
                //drawer.DrawSphere(firstBounce.origin, 0.0005f);
                //drawer.DrawSphere(((firstBounce.origin - eyeRay.origin) * 1f) + eyeRay.origin, 0.0005f);
                //drawer.DrawSphere(planeIntersection, 0.0005f);

            //ScreenUV = new Vector2(Mathf.Clamp01(ScreenUV.x + 0.5f), Mathf.Clamp01(ScreenUV.y + 0.5f));
            ScreenUV = new Vector2((ScreenUV.x + 0.5f), /*Mathf.Clamp01*/ (ScreenUV.y + 0.5f));

        public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
            drawer.color = color;

            if (!_spline.HasValue || (fullPoseSpline && !_qSpline.HasValue))

            int     resolution = 16;
            float   incr       = 1f / resolution;
            Vector3?lastPos    = null;

            for (float t = 0; t <= 1f; t += incr)
                var pos = _spline.Value.PositionAt(t);
                if (fullPoseSpline)
                    var rot = _qSpline.Value.RotationAt(t);

                    drawer.DrawPose(new Pose(pos, rot), 0.01f);

                if (lastPos.HasValue)
                    drawer.DrawLine(lastPos.Value, pos);

                lastPos = pos;
        public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
            if (!this.enabled || !gameObject.activeInHierarchy)

            drawer.color = gizmoColor;

            foreach (var prevPair in strokePoses.Query().WithPrevious())
                var pose     = prevPair.value;
                var prevPose = prevPair.prev;

                drawer.DrawLine(prevPose.position, pose.position);

            if (drawPoseGizmos)
                foreach (var pose in strokePoses.GetEnumerator())
                    drawer.DrawPose(pose, 0.006f);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
            if (!_drawStrokeGizmos)
                return;             // TODO REMOVE, also this function is expecting two registered pinch detectors
            if (_liveStrokeMeshGenerators == null || _liveStrokeMeshGenerators[1] == null)
            List <MeshPoint> meshPoints         = _liveStrokeMeshGenerators[1].GetSmoothMeshPoints();
            List <bool>      flipRegisterStates = _liveStrokeMeshGenerators[1].GetFlipRegisters();

            if (_drawStrokeGizmos)
                for (int i = 0; i < meshPoints.Count - 1; i++)
                    if (_drawStrokeLine)
                        drawer.color = Color.blue;
                        drawer.DrawLine(meshPoints[i].Position, meshPoints[i + 1].Position);
                        if (flipRegisterStates[i])
                            drawer.color = Color.yellow;
                        drawer.DrawSphere(meshPoints[i].Position, 0.002F);

                    if (_drawRibbonNormals)
                        Vector3 normalDirection = meshPoints[i].Normal;

                        drawer.color = new Color(1.0F, 0.4F, 0.2F);
                        drawer.DrawLine(meshPoints[i].Position, meshPoints[i].Position + normalDirection * 0.01F);

                    if (_drawRibbonBinormals)
                        Vector3 binormalDirection = Vector3.Cross(meshPoints[i].Normal, (meshPoints[i + 1].Position - meshPoints[i].Position)).normalized;

                        drawer.color = Color.red;
                        drawer.DrawLine(meshPoints[i].Position - binormalDirection * 0.02F, meshPoints[i].Position + binormalDirection * 0.02F);
                        drawer.DrawSphere(meshPoints[i].Position + binormalDirection * 0.02F, 0.001F);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void DrawCone(this RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer,
                                    Vector3 pos0, Vector3 pos1,
                                    float radius,
                                    int resolution = 24)
            var        dir = pos1 - pos0;
            var        R   = dir.Perpendicular().normalized *radius;
            Quaternion rot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(360f / 24, dir);

            for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++)
                drawer.DrawLine(pos0 + R, pos1);
                var nextR = rot * R;
                drawer.DrawLine(pos0 + R, pos0 + nextR);
                R = nextR;
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void DrawPinchDetectorAlignmentGizmo(PinchDetector pinchDetector, RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
            if (_alignmentGizmoEnabled)

                drawer.matrix = pinchDetector.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

                drawer.color = Color.red;
                drawer.DrawLine(Vector3.zero, Vector3.right * 0.01F);
                drawer.color = Color.green;
                drawer.DrawLine(Vector3.zero, Vector3.up * 0.01F);
                drawer.color = Color.blue;
                drawer.DrawLine(Vector3.zero, Vector3.forward * 0.01F);

Exemplo n.º 10
            public static float Plane(List <Vector3> points, out Vector3 position,
                                      out Vector3 normal, int iters = 200, RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer = null)
                //Find the primary principal axis
                Vector3 primaryDirection = Vector3.right;

                Line(points, out position, ref primaryDirection, iters / 2);

                //Flatten the points along that axis
                List <Vector3> flattenedPoints = new List <Vector3>(points);

                for (int i = 0; i < flattenedPoints.Count; i++)
                    flattenedPoints[i] = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(points[i] - position, primaryDirection) + position;

                //Find the secondary principal axis
                Vector3 secondaryDirection = Vector3.right;

                Line(flattenedPoints, out position, ref secondaryDirection, iters / 2);

                normal = Vector3.Cross(primaryDirection, secondaryDirection).normalized;

                float residualSum = 0f;

                foreach (Vector3 point in points)
                    residualSum += Vector3.Distance(point, Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(point - position, normal) + position);

                if (drawer != null)
                    drawer.color = Color.red;
                    //foreach (Vector3 point in points) drawer.DrawLine(point, Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(point - position, normal) + position);
                    drawer.color = Color.blue;
                    drawer.DrawLine(position, position + (normal * 0.02f));
                    drawer.DrawLine(position, position - (normal * 0.02f));
                    drawer.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(position, Quaternion.LookRotation(normal, primaryDirection), new Vector3(0.025f, 0.025f, 0.001f));
                    drawer.DrawWireSphere(Vector3.zero, 1f);
                    drawer.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;

Exemplo n.º 11
        public static Ray traceRay(Vector3 rayDirection, ARRaytracer.OpticalSystem optics, RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer = null)
            Vector3 sphereSpaceRayOrigin    = optics.worldToSphereSpace.MultiplyPoint(optics.eyePosition);
            Vector3 sphereSpaceRayDirection = (optics.worldToSphereSpace.MultiplyPoint(optics.eyePosition + rayDirection) - sphereSpaceRayOrigin);

            sphereSpaceRayDirection = sphereSpaceRayDirection / sphereSpaceRayDirection.magnitude;
            float intersectionTime = ARRaytracer.intersectLineSphere(sphereSpaceRayOrigin, sphereSpaceRayDirection, Vector3.zero, 0.5f * 0.5f, false);

            if (intersectionTime < 0f)
                Debug.Log("bad ray....");
                return(new Ray());
            Vector3 sphereSpaceIntersection = sphereSpaceRayOrigin + (intersectionTime * sphereSpaceRayDirection);

            //Ellipsoid  Normals
            Vector3 sphereSpaceNormal = -sphereSpaceIntersection / sphereSpaceIntersection.magnitude;

            sphereSpaceNormal = new Vector3(
                sphereSpaceNormal.x / Mathf.Pow(optics.ellipseMinorAxis / 2f, 2f),
                sphereSpaceNormal.y / Mathf.Pow(optics.ellipseMinorAxis / 2f, 2f),
                sphereSpaceNormal.z / Mathf.Pow(optics.ellipseMajorAxis / 2f, 2f));
            sphereSpaceNormal /= sphereSpaceNormal.magnitude;

            Vector3 worldSpaceIntersection = optics.sphereToWorldSpace.MultiplyPoint(sphereSpaceIntersection);
            Vector3 worldSpaceNormal       = optics.sphereToWorldSpace.MultiplyVector(sphereSpaceNormal);

            worldSpaceNormal /= worldSpaceNormal.magnitude;

            Ray firstBounce = new Ray(worldSpaceIntersection, Vector3.Reflect(rayDirection, worldSpaceNormal));

            if (drawer != null)
                //float halfDistance = constantDistance - Vector3.Distance(optics.eyePosition, firstBounce.origin);
                drawer.DrawLine(optics.eyePosition, firstBounce.origin);
                drawer.DrawLine(firstBounce.origin, firstBounce.origin + (firstBounce.direction * 0.5f));
                //drawer.DrawSphere(firstBounce.origin + (firstBounce.direction * halfDistance), 0.001f);

            // we just need the first bounce
Exemplo n.º 12
 public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
     if (drawDebugIKArm)
         drawer.color = Color.red;
         for (int i = 0; i + 1 < armPointsIK.Length; i++)
             drawer.DrawLine(armPointsIK[i], armPointsIK[i + 1]);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
            if (Application.isPlaying)

            drawer.color = LeapColor.turquoise;

            drawer.DrawLine(beginPosition, endPosition);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
            if (_isSimulating && _drawRuntimeGizmos)
                drawer.color = Color.red;

                drawer.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(_position, _rotation, Vector3.one);

                drawer.DrawWireCube(Vector3.zero, Vector3.one * 0.05f);

                drawer.color = Color.red;
                drawer.DrawLine(Vector3.zero, Vector3.right * 0.10f);
                drawer.color = Color.green;
                drawer.DrawLine(Vector3.zero, Vector3.up * 0.10f);
                drawer.color = Color.blue;
                drawer.DrawLine(Vector3.zero, Vector3.forward * 0.10f);

Exemplo n.º 15
        void drawRayDisparity(Vector2 canonicalUV, Vector2 measuredRay, RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
            Vector3 refPoint1  = screenToWorld(canonicalUV);
            Vector3 testPoint1 = screenToWorld(raytracer.RenderUVToDisplayUV(measuredRay));

            drawer.color = Color.blue;
            drawer.DrawLine(refPoint1, testPoint1);
            drawer.color = Color.green;
            drawer.DrawSphere(refPoint1, 0.0009f);
            drawer.color = Color.red;
            drawer.DrawSphere(testPoint1, 0.0009f);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
            if (!_drawGizmos)
            Vector3 basePos = this.transform.position + Vector3.up * 0.1F;

            drawer.color = Color.red;
            drawer.DrawSphere(basePos, 0.001F);

            drawer.color = Color.red;
            drawer.DrawLine(basePos, basePos + Vector3.right * _objSpacePullVectors[0].x * 0.01F);
            drawer.DrawLine(basePos, basePos + Vector3.right * _objSpacePullVectors[1].x * 0.01F);
            drawer.color = Color.green;
            drawer.DrawLine(basePos, basePos + Vector3.up * _objSpacePullVectors[0].y * 0.01F);
            drawer.DrawLine(basePos, basePos + Vector3.up * _objSpacePullVectors[1].y * 0.01F);
            drawer.color = Color.blue;
            drawer.DrawLine(basePos, basePos + Vector3.forward * _objSpacePullVectors[0].z * 0.01F);
            drawer.DrawLine(basePos, basePos + Vector3.forward * _objSpacePullVectors[1].z * 0.01F);

            drawer.color = Color.red;
            drawer.DrawSphere(this.transform.TransformPoint(_objSpaceHandOffsets[0]), 0.011F);
            drawer.DrawSphere(this.transform.TransformPoint(_objSpaceHandOffsets[1]), 0.011F);
            drawer.color = Color.black;
            drawer.DrawSphere(this.transform.TransformPoint(_objSpacePullVectors[0]), 0.013F);
            drawer.DrawSphere(this.transform.TransformPoint(_objSpacePullVectors[1]), 0.013F);
        public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
            if (!this.enabled || !this.gameObject.activeInHierarchy || !drawDebug)

            drawer.color = LeapColor.white;

            for (int i = 0; i < thumbPoints.Count; i++)
                drawer.DrawLine(thumbPoints[i], indexPoints[i]);
Exemplo n.º 18
 public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
     if (!this._drawGizmos)
     drawer.color = Color.blue;
     for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
         float   f = (float)i / 16f * 3.14159274f * 2f;
         Vector3 a = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(f) * this._tableRadius, this._tableHeight, Mathf.Sin(f) * this._tableRadius);
         Vector3 b = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(f) * this._lowerLevelRadius, this._lowerLevelHeight, Mathf.Sin(f) * this._lowerLevelRadius);
         drawer.DrawLine(a, b);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public static void DrawCircle(this RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer, Vector3 position, float radius, Vector3 planeDirection)
            Vector3 perpDirection = Vector3.Cross(planeDirection, Vector3.up).normalized;

            if (perpDirection.magnitude < 0.99F)
                perpDirection = Vector3.Cross(planeDirection, Vector3.right).normalized;
            int numSegments = 64;

            for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++)
                drawer.DrawLine(position + Quaternion.AngleAxis(360F * (i / (float)numSegments), planeDirection) * perpDirection * radius,
                                position + Quaternion.AngleAxis(360F * ((i + 1) / (float)numSegments), planeDirection) * perpDirection * radius);
Exemplo n.º 20
    public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
        drawer.color = Color.green;
        Vector3 aRay = a.position - transform.position;
        Vector3 bRay = b.position - transform.position;

        Debug.Log(gameObject.name + ": " + Vector3.Angle(aRay, bRay) + "°");

        float distance = aRay.magnitude;

        b.position = ((b.position - transform.position).normalized * distance) + transform.position;
        for (float i = 0f; i < 1f; i += 0.01f)
            drawer.DrawLine(((Vector3.Lerp(a.position, b.position, i) - transform.position).normalized * distance) + transform.position,
                            ((Vector3.Lerp(a.position, b.position, i + 0.01f) - transform.position).normalized * distance) + transform.position);
Exemplo n.º 21
        public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
            if (maybePoseSpline.HasValue)
                var spline = maybePoseSpline.Value;

                drawer.color = LeapColor.brown.WithAlpha(0.4f);

                Vector3?prevPos = null;
                int     numSteps = 32;
                int     drawPosePer = 8, counter = 0;
                float   tStep = 1f / numSteps;
                for (float t = 0f; t <= 1f; t += tStep)
                    var pose = spline.PoseAt(t);

                    if (counter % drawPosePer == 0)
                        drawer.DrawPose(pose, 0.02f);

                    if (prevPos.HasValue)
                        drawer.DrawLine(prevPos.Value, pose.position);

                    prevPos = pose.position;

                var renderPose = spline.PoseAt(renderPoseAtT);
                var len        = 0.06f;
                var thick      = 0.01f;
                drawer.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(renderPose.position, renderPose.rotation, Vector3.one);
                drawer.color  = Color.red;
                drawer.DrawCube(Vector3.right * ((len / 2f) + (thick / 2f)), new Vector3(len, thick, thick));
                drawer.color = Color.green;
                drawer.DrawCube(Vector3.up * ((len / 2f) + (thick / 2f)), new Vector3(thick, len, thick));
                drawer.color = Color.blue;
                drawer.DrawCube(Vector3.forward * ((len / 2f) + (thick / 2f)), new Vector3(thick, thick, len));
Exemplo n.º 22
        public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
            if (_drawControllerRuntimeGizmos)
                foreach (var controller in _interactionControllers)
                    if (controller != null)

                foreach (PhysicsUtility.SoftContact contact in _softContactsToDraw)
                    drawer.DrawSphere(contact.position, 0.01f);
                    drawer.DrawLine(contact.position, contact.position + (contact.normal * 0.02f));
Exemplo n.º 23
    public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
        if (!_drawGizmos)

        drawer.color = Color.blue;
        // drawer.DrawWireCircle(new Vector3(0, _tableHeight, 0), Vector3.up, _tableRadius);
        // drawer.DrawWireCircle(new Vector3(0, _lowerLevelHeight, 0), Vector3.up, _lowerLevelRadius);

        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
            float   angle      = i / 16.0f * Mathf.PI * 2;
            Vector3 tablePoint = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(angle) * _tableRadius, _tableHeight, Mathf.Sin(angle) * _tableRadius);
            Vector3 lowerPoint = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(angle) * _lowerLevelRadius, _lowerLevelHeight, Mathf.Sin(angle) * _lowerLevelRadius);
            drawer.DrawLine(tablePoint, lowerPoint);
Exemplo n.º 24
        private void drawSweepGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
            for (int i = 0; i < _interactorMotionsBuffer.Count; i++)
                var sweep = _interactorMotionsBuffer[i];
                var wasSweepIntersecting = _wasMotionIntersectingBuffer[i];

                if (sweep.HasValue)
                    if (wasSweepIntersecting)
                        drawer.color = LeapColor.red;
                        drawer.color = LeapColor.amber;
                    drawer.DrawLine(sweep.Value.a, sweep.Value.b);
        public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
            if (!enabled || !gameObject.activeInHierarchy)

            drawer.color = Rect.DEFAULT_GIZMO_COLOR;

            if (_maybeSegment.HasValue)
                drawer.color = Color.white;

            drawer.color = LeapColor.red;

            if (_maybePointOnRect.HasValue && _maybePointOnSegment.HasValue)
                drawer.DrawLine(_maybePointOnRect.Value, _maybePointOnSegment.Value);
Exemplo n.º 26
 public void OnDrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
     for (int j = 0; j < calibrationDevices.Length; j++)
         if (!calibrationDevices[j].isConnected)
         for (int i = 0; i < _realDots.Count; i++)
             drawer.color = Color.red;
             _realDots[i] = calibrationDotsParent.GetChild(i).position;
             drawer.DrawSphere(_realDots[i], 0.01f);
             if (calibrationDevices[j].triangulatedDots[i] != Vector3.zero)
                 drawer.color = j == 1 ? Color.green : Color.blue;
                 drawer.DrawSphere(calibrationDevices[j].triangulatedDots[i], 0.01f);
                 drawer.color = Color.white;
                 drawer.DrawLine(_realDots[i], calibrationDevices[j].triangulatedDots[i]);
Exemplo n.º 27
        public void DrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
            drawer.matrix = this.matrix;

            Vector3 b = localCorner01, c = localCorner11,
                    a = localCorner00, d = localCorner10;

            Vector2 shrink;
            var     invRadii = Vector3.one.CompDiv(radii.Abs()).NaNOrInfTo(0f);

            if (radii == Vector2.zero)
                shrink = Vector2.zero;
                shrink = Vector2.one * (radii * 0.02f).Abs().CompMin();
            int numRectLines = 8;

            for (int i = 0; i < numRectLines; i++)
                var shrinkMul = (Vector2.one - shrink.CompMul(invRadii) * i);
                drawer.DrawLine(a * shrinkMul, b * shrinkMul);
                drawer.DrawLine(b * shrinkMul, c * shrinkMul);
                drawer.DrawLine(c * shrinkMul, d * shrinkMul);
                drawer.DrawLine(d * shrinkMul, a * shrinkMul);

            drawer.DrawLine(a, c);
            drawer.DrawLine(b, d);

            //drawer.matrix = Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(1f, 1f, 0f)) * this.matrix;
            //drawer.DrawCube(Vector3.zero, new Vector3(radii.x, radii.y, 1f));

Exemplo n.º 28
            public override void Draw(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
                var p0 = getP0(); var p1 = getP1();

                drawer.DrawLine(p0, p1);
Exemplo n.º 29
        private void renderGizmoHand(Hand hand, PinchGesture pinchGesture,
                                     ref Color currentGizmoColor, ref float pinchOrbRadius, RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
            drawer.color = handColor;

            // Wrist.
            var wristPos               = hand.WristPosition.ToVector3();
            var wristRadius            = hand.GetPinky().Length * 0.5f;
            var wristNormal            = hand.Arm.Basis.yBasis.ToVector3();
            var wristOffsetAlongNormal = hand.GetIndex().bones[3].Length;

            wristPos += wristNormal * wristOffsetAlongNormal;
            drawCircle(wristPos, wristRadius, wristNormal, drawer);

            // Palm.
            var palmPos               = hand.PalmPosition.ToVector3();
            var palmRadius            = hand.GetMiddle().Length * 0.5f;
            var palmNormal            = hand.PalmarAxis() * -1f;
            var palmOffsetAlongNormal = hand.GetIndex().bones[3].Length * 2f;

            palmPos += palmNormal * palmOffsetAlongNormal;
            drawCircle(palmPos, palmRadius, palmNormal, drawer);

            // Fingers.
            for (int fIdx = 0; fIdx < hand.Fingers.Count; fIdx++)
                var finger = hand.Fingers[fIdx];
                var radius = finger.bones[3].Length * 0.5f;

                for (int bId = 1; bId < finger.bones.Length; bId++)
                    var bone = finger.bones[bId];

                    var boneNormal        = bone.Basis.yBasis.ToVector3();
                    var offsetAlongNormal = radius;

                    var bonePos = bone.NextJoint.ToVector3() + boneNormal * offsetAlongNormal;

                    drawCircle(bonePos, radius, boneNormal, drawer, 16);

            // TRS gizmos.
            if (leapTRS2 != null && leapTRS2.isEnabledAndConfigured)
                // Wrist gizmo color.
                Color targetGizmoColor;
                if (!pinchGesture.isEligible)
                    targetGizmoColor = ineligibleGizmoColor;
                else if (pinchGesture.isActive)
                    targetGizmoColor = activeGizmoColor;
                    targetGizmoColor = eligibleGizmoColor;
                currentGizmoColor = currentGizmoColor.Lerp(targetGizmoColor,
                                                           gizmoColorLerpSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
                drawer.color = currentGizmoColor;

                // Wrist gizmo.
                var wristRot   = hand.Arm.Basis.rotation.ToQuaternion();
                var stemLength = wristRadius * 0.55f;
                var stemVector = stemLength * Vector3.forward;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    var stemEnd = wristPos + wristRot * stemVector;
                    drawer.DrawLine(wristPos, stemEnd);

                    var arrowLength = stemLength * 0.33f;
                    var arrowPoint  = stemEnd + wristRot * Vector3.right * arrowLength
                                      + wristRot * Vector3.back * arrowLength;
                    drawer.DrawLine(arrowPoint, stemEnd);
                    arrowPoint = stemEnd + wristRot * Vector3.left * arrowLength
                                 + wristRot * Vector3.back * arrowLength;
                    drawer.DrawLine(arrowPoint, stemEnd);

                    wristRot = wristRot * _trsGizmoRotator;

                float targetPinchOrbRadius = 0f;
                if (pinchGesture != null && pinchGesture.isActive)
                    targetPinchOrbRadius = maxPinchOrbRadius;
                pinchOrbRadius = Mathf.Lerp(pinchOrbRadius, targetPinchOrbRadius,
                                            pinchOrbLerpSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
                var pinchOrbColor = Color.Lerp(inactivePinchOrbColor, activePinchOrbcolor,
                                               pinchOrbRadius.Map(0f, maxPinchOrbRadius, 0f, 1f));
                if (pinchOrbRadius > 0.0001f)
                    drawer.color = pinchOrbColor;
                    drawer.DrawSphere(hand.GetPinchPosition(), pinchOrbRadius);
Exemplo n.º 30
 public void DrawRuntimeGizmos(RuntimeGizmoDrawer drawer)
     drawer.DrawLine(a, b);