public void MonitorGarbageCollections()
            string[] compactingGcTags = { "compacting_gc:true" };

            var statsd = new Mock <IDogStatsd>();

            var mutex = new ManualResetEventSlim();

            // GcPauseTime is pushed on the GcRestartEnd event, which should be the last event for any GC
            statsd.Setup(s => s.Timer(MetricsNames.GcPauseTime, It.IsAny <double>(), It.IsAny <double>(), null))
            .Callback(() => mutex.Set());

            using var listener = new RuntimeEventListener(statsd.Object);


            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                mutex.Reset(); // In case a GC was triggered when creating the listener

                GC.Collect(2, GCCollectionMode.Forced, blocking: true, compacting: true);

                // GC events are pushed asynchronously, wait for the last one to be processed

            statsd.Verify(s => s.Gauge(MetricsNames.Gen0HeapSize, It.IsAny <ulong>(), It.IsAny <double>(), null), Times.AtLeastOnce);
            statsd.Verify(s => s.Gauge(MetricsNames.Gen1HeapSize, It.IsAny <ulong>(), It.IsAny <double>(), null), Times.AtLeastOnce);
            statsd.Verify(s => s.Gauge(MetricsNames.Gen2HeapSize, It.IsAny <ulong>(), It.IsAny <double>(), null), Times.AtLeastOnce);
            statsd.Verify(s => s.Gauge(MetricsNames.LohSize, It.IsAny <ulong>(), It.IsAny <double>(), null), Times.AtLeastOnce);
            statsd.Verify(s => s.Timer(MetricsNames.GcPauseTime, It.IsAny <double>(), It.IsAny <double>(), null), Times.AtLeastOnce);
            statsd.Verify(s => s.Gauge(MetricsNames.GcMemoryLoad, It.IsAny <uint>(), It.IsAny <double>(), null), Times.AtLeastOnce);
            statsd.Verify(s => s.Increment(MetricsNames.Gen2CollectionsCount, 1, It.IsAny <double>(), compactingGcTags), Times.AtLeastOnce);
        public void PushEvents()
            var statsd = new Mock <IDogStatsd>();

            using var listener = new RuntimeEventListener(statsd.Object);


            statsd.Verify(s => s.Gauge(MetricsNames.ContentionTime, It.IsAny <double>(), 1, null), Times.Once);
            statsd.Verify(s => s.Counter(MetricsNames.ContentionCount, It.IsAny <long>(), 1, null), Times.Once);
            statsd.Verify(s => s.Gauge(MetricsNames.ThreadPoolWorkersCount, It.IsAny <int>(), 1, null), Times.Once);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void PushEventCounters()
            // Pretending we're aspnetcore
            var eventSource = new EventSource("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting");

            var mutex = new ManualResetEventSlim();

            Func <double> callback = () =>

            var counters = new List <DiagnosticCounter>
                new PollingCounter("current-requests", eventSource, () => 1.0),
                new PollingCounter("failed-requests", eventSource, () => 2.0),
                new PollingCounter("total-requests", eventSource, () => 4.0),
                new PollingCounter("request-queue-length", eventSource, () => 8.0),
                new PollingCounter("connection-queue-length", eventSource, () => 16.0),
                new PollingCounter("total-connections", eventSource, () => 32.0),

                // This counter sets the mutex, so it needs to be created last
                new PollingCounter("Dummy", eventSource, callback)

            var statsd = new Mock <IDogStatsd>();

            using var listener = new RuntimeEventListener(statsd.Object, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            // Wait for the counters to be refreshed

            // Reduce the probability of a crash on .NET Core 3.1.9/3.1.10:
            // The crash happens if disposing counters while they're being refreshed.
            // Since the mutex is set when refreshing the counters, there's a high probability for the disposing to occur concurrently.
            // The small pause should help de-syncing the two operations.

            statsd.Verify(s => s.Gauge(MetricsNames.AspNetCoreCurrentRequests, 1.0, 1, null), Times.AtLeastOnce);
            statsd.Verify(s => s.Gauge(MetricsNames.AspNetCoreFailedRequests, 2.0, 1, null), Times.AtLeastOnce);
            statsd.Verify(s => s.Gauge(MetricsNames.AspNetCoreTotalRequests, 4.0, 1, null), Times.AtLeastOnce);
            statsd.Verify(s => s.Gauge(MetricsNames.AspNetCoreRequestQueueLength, 8.0, 1, null), Times.AtLeastOnce);
            statsd.Verify(s => s.Gauge(MetricsNames.AspNetCoreConnectionQueueLength, 16.0, 1, null), Times.AtLeastOnce);
            statsd.Verify(s => s.Gauge(MetricsNames.AspNetCoreTotalConnections, 32.0, 1, null), Times.AtLeastOnce);

            foreach (var counter in counters)
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void PushEventCounters()
            // Pretending we're aspnetcore
            var eventSource = new EventSource("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting");

            var mutex = new ManualResetEventSlim();

            Func <double> callback = () =>

            var counters = new List <DiagnosticCounter>
                new PollingCounter("current-requests", eventSource, () => 1.0),
                new PollingCounter("failed-requests", eventSource, () => 2.0),
                new PollingCounter("total-requests", eventSource, () => 4.0),
                new PollingCounter("request-queue-length", eventSource, () => 8.0),
                new PollingCounter("connection-queue-length", eventSource, () => 16.0),
                new PollingCounter("total-connections", eventSource, () => 32.0),

                // This counter sets the mutex, so it needs to be created last
                new PollingCounter("Dummy", eventSource, callback)

            var statsd = new Mock <IDogStatsd>();

            using var listener = new RuntimeEventListener(statsd.Object, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            // Wait for the counters to be refreshed

            statsd.Verify(s => s.Gauge(MetricsNames.AspNetCoreCurrentRequests, 1.0, 1, null), Times.AtLeastOnce);
            statsd.Verify(s => s.Gauge(MetricsNames.AspNetCoreFailedRequests, 2.0, 1, null), Times.AtLeastOnce);
            statsd.Verify(s => s.Gauge(MetricsNames.AspNetCoreTotalRequests, 4.0, 1, null), Times.AtLeastOnce);
            statsd.Verify(s => s.Gauge(MetricsNames.AspNetCoreRequestQueueLength, 8.0, 1, null), Times.AtLeastOnce);
            statsd.Verify(s => s.Gauge(MetricsNames.AspNetCoreConnectionQueueLength, 16.0, 1, null), Times.AtLeastOnce);
            statsd.Verify(s => s.Gauge(MetricsNames.AspNetCoreTotalConnections, 32.0, 1, null), Times.AtLeastOnce);

            foreach (var counter in counters)
Exemplo n.º 5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Options options = null;
            RuntimeEventListener eventListener = null;

            Parser.Default.ParseArguments <Options>(args)
            .WithParsed(_options =>
                options = _options;

            if (options == null)
            if (options.Verbose)
                eventListener = new RuntimeEventListener();

            IPAddress  address  = IPAddress.Parse(options.Address);
            IPEndPoint endpoint = new IPEndPoint(address, options.Port);

            switch (options.testType)
            case TestType.Pipeline:
                PipeEchoServer server = new PipeEchoServer();
                server.Listen(endpoint, listenBacklog: 5000);

            case TestType.TcpSocket:
                TcpEchoServer server = new TcpEchoServer();
                server.Listen(endpoint, 5000);

            Console.WriteLine("enter return to exit");
Exemplo n.º 6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Options options = null;

            RuntimeEventListener listener = null;

            Parser.Default.ParseArguments <Options>(args)
            .WithParsed(_options =>
                options = _options;

            if (options == null)

            if (options.Verbose)
                listener = new RuntimeEventListener();

            EchoClient[] clients   = new EchoClient[options.Clients];
            Task[]       echoTasks = new Task[options.Clients];

            Random r = new Random();

            byte[] payload = new byte[options.Payload];

            IPAddress address  = IPAddress.Parse(options.Address);
            EndPoint  endpoint = new IPEndPoint(address, options.Port);

            if (options.WarnupRound > 0)
                Task[] warnupTask = new Task[options.WarnupRound];
                for (int i = 0; i < options.WarnupRound; i++)
                    EchoClient client = new EchoClient(endpoint, options.Rounds, payload);
                    warnupTask[i] = client.Start(options.TransportType);

            for (int i = 0; i < options.Clients; i++)
                clients[i] = new EchoClient(endpoint, options.Rounds, payload);

            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            if (listener != null)
                listener.ThreadPoolWorkerThreadWait += () =>
                    Console.WriteLine("==============> eq:{0} dq:{1} cnnBegin:{2} cnnFinish:{3} writeBegin:{4} writeFinish:{5} readFinish{6} {7}ms",
                                      Interlocked.Read(ref RuntimeEventListener.s_enqueueCnt),
                                      Interlocked.Read(ref RuntimeEventListener.s_dequeueCnt),
                                      Interlocked.Read(ref EchoClient.s_connectBeginCnt),
                                      Interlocked.Read(ref EchoClient.s_connectFinishCnt),
                                      Interlocked.Read(ref EchoClient.s_writeBeginCnt),
                                      Interlocked.Read(ref EchoClient.s_writeBeginCnt),
                                      Interlocked.Read(ref EchoClient.s_readFinishCnt),

            for (int i = 0; i < options.Clients; i++)
                echoTasks[i] = clients[i].Start(options.TransportType);

            int errorNum = 0;

            foreach (EchoClient cli in clients)
                if (cli.Error != null)

            Console.WriteLine($"{options.Clients} clients, payload {options.Payload} bytes, {options.Rounds} rounds");
            Console.WriteLine("Total Time Elapsed: {0} Milliseconds", stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} error of {1}", errorNum, options.Clients);

            double[] connect = clients.Where(cli => cli.Error == null).Select(cli => cli.ConnectDuration.TotalMilliseconds).ToArray();
            double[] echo    = clients.Where(cli => cli.Error == null).Select(cli => cli.EchoDuration.TotalMilliseconds).ToArray();
            double[] total   = clients.Where(cli => cli.Error == null).Select(cli => cli.ConnectDuration.TotalMilliseconds + cli.EchoDuration.TotalMilliseconds).ToArray();

                              Percentile(connect, 0.9),
                              Percentile(connect, 0.95),
                              Percentile(connect, 0.99),
                              Percentile(connect, 0.999));

                              Percentile(echo, 0.9),
                              Percentile(echo, 0.95),
                              Percentile(echo, 0.99),
                              Percentile(echo, 0.999));

                              Percentile(total, 0.9),
                              Percentile(total, 0.95),
                              Percentile(total, 0.99),
                              Percentile(total, 0.999));

            Console.WriteLine("==============> eq:{0} dq:{1} cnnBegin:{2} cnnFinish:{3} writeBegin:{4} writeFinish:{5} readFinish{6} {7}ms",
                              Interlocked.Read(ref RuntimeEventListener.s_enqueueCnt),
                              Interlocked.Read(ref RuntimeEventListener.s_dequeueCnt),
                              Interlocked.Read(ref EchoClient.s_connectBeginCnt),
                              Interlocked.Read(ref EchoClient.s_connectFinishCnt),
                              Interlocked.Read(ref EchoClient.s_writeBeginCnt),
                              Interlocked.Read(ref EchoClient.s_writeBeginCnt),
                              Interlocked.Read(ref EchoClient.s_readFinishCnt),