Exemplo n.º 1
        private static async Task AttachReportToBuildTestRunAsync(string collectionUri, string teamProjectName, string releaseUri, string releaseEnvironmentUri, string reportFile, string personalAccessToken)
            var connection = GetConnection(collectionUri, personalAccessToken);

            var testManagementClient = connection.GetClient <TestManagementHttpClient>();
            var projectClient        = connection.GetClient <ProjectHttpClient>();

            Console.WriteLine("Attaching Report");

            var queryModel    = new QueryModel(query: "SELECT * FROM TestRun WHERE ReleaseUri = '" + releaseUri + "' and ReleaseEnvironmentUri in ('" + releaseEnvironmentUri + "')");
            var testRunResult = await testManagementClient.GetTestRunsByQueryAsync(queryModel, teamProjectName);

            TestRun testRun;

            if (testRunResult == null || testRunResult.Count == 0)
                var runCreateModel = new RunCreateModel("OWASP ZAP Security Tests", isAutomated: true, releaseUri: releaseUri, releaseEnvironmentUri: releaseEnvironmentUri);

                var project = await projectClient.GetProject(teamProjectName);

                string projectId = project.Id.ToString();

                testRun = await testManagementClient.CreateTestRunAsync(projectId, runCreateModel);
                testRun = testRunResult.FirstOrDefault();

            string stream = File.ReadAllText(reportFile);

            var attachmentModel      = new TestAttachmentRequestModel(stream: Base64Encode(stream), fileName: "OwaspZapTestResultsReport.html");
            var testAttachmentResult = await testManagementClient.CreateTestRunAttachmentAsync(attachmentModel, teamProjectName, testRun.Id);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create failed test results
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TeamProjectName"></param>
        private static void CreateTestResultFailed(string TeamProjectName)
            RunCreateModel runCreate = new RunCreateModel(
                name: "Test run from console - failed",
                startedDate: DateTime.Now.ToString("o"),
                isAutomated: true

            TestRun testRun = TestManagementClient.CreateTestRunAsync(runCreate, TeamProjectName).Result;

            TestCaseResult testCaseResult = new TestCaseResult();

            testCaseResult.AutomatedTestName = "MyTestSuite.TestName";
            testCaseResult.TestCaseTitle     = "Check my function";
            testCaseResult.StackTrace        = "Add StackTrace here";
            testCaseResult.ErrorMessage      = "Test 'MyTestSuite.TestName' failed";
            testCaseResult.Outcome           = Enum.GetName(typeof(TestOutcome), TestOutcome.Failed);
            testCaseResult.CompletedDate     = DateTime.Now;
            testCaseResult.State             = Enum.GetName(typeof(TestRunState), TestRunState.Completed);

            TestManagementClient.AddTestResultsToTestRunAsync(new TestCaseResult[] { testCaseResult }, TeamProjectName, testRun.Id).Wait();

            RunUpdateModel runUpdateModel = new RunUpdateModel(
                completedDate: DateTime.Now.ToString("o"),
                state: Enum.GetName(typeof(TestRunState), TestRunState.NeedsInvestigation)

            testRun = TestManagementClient.UpdateTestRunAsync(runUpdateModel, TeamProjectName, testRun.Id).Result;

Exemplo n.º 3
 public async Task <TestRun> CreateTestRunAsync(
     string projectName,
     RunCreateModel testRunData,
     CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
     return(await TestHttpClient.CreateTestRunAsync(testRunData, projectName, cancellationToken));
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Create successed test run
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TeamProjectName"></param>
        /// <param name="TestPlanId"></param>
        /// <param name="StaticSuitePath"></param>
        /// <param name="TestCaseIds"></param>
        private static void CreateTestResultCompleted(string TeamProjectName, int TestPlanId, string StaticSuitePath, int[] TestCaseIds)
            TestPlan testPlan = TestManagementClient.GetPlanByIdAsync(TeamProjectName, TestPlanId).Result;

            var testPlanRef = new Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.WebApi.ShallowReference(testPlan.Id.ToString(), testPlan.Name, testPlan.Url);

            RunCreateModel runCreate = new RunCreateModel(
                name: "Test run from console - completed",
                plan: testPlanRef,
                startedDate: DateTime.Now.ToString("o"),
                isAutomated: true

            TestRun testRun = TestManagementClient.CreateTestRunAsync(runCreate, TeamProjectName).Result;

            List <TestCaseResult> testResults = new List <TestCaseResult>();

            foreach (int testCaseId in TestCaseIds)
                testResults.Add(PassedTest(TeamProjectName, TestPlanId, StaticSuitePath, testCaseId));

            testResults = TestManagementClient.AddTestResultsToTestRunAsync(testResults.ToArray(), TeamProjectName, testRun.Id).Result;

            RunUpdateModel runUpdateModel = new RunUpdateModel(
                completedDate: DateTime.Now.ToString("o"),
                state: Enum.GetName(typeof(TestRunState), TestRunState.Completed)

            testRun = TestManagementClient.UpdateTestRunAsync(runUpdateModel, TeamProjectName, testRun.Id).Result;

Exemplo n.º 5
        static void Main(string[] args)
                string collectionUrl = args[0]; // $(System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri)
                var    connection    = new VssConnection(new Uri(collectionUrl), new Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.OAuth.VssOAuthAccessTokenCredential(args[4]));

                var testClient = new TestManagementHttpClient(new Uri(collectionUrl), new Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.OAuth.VssOAuthAccessTokenCredential(args[4]));

                string buildurl    = args[1];            // $(BUILD.BUILDURI)
                string projectName = args[2];            // $(SYSTEM.TEAMPROJECT)
                string folder      = args[3];
                int    buildId     = int.Parse(args[5]); //$(Build.BuildId)
                bool   useNewStore = false;
                string projectId   = string.Empty;

                    bool.TryParse(args[6], out useNewStore);
                    projectId = args[7]; //$(System.TeamProjectId)
                catch (Exception e)

                // Create test run
                RunCreateModel runCreationModel = new RunCreateModel("somename", buildId: buildId,
                                                                     startedDate: DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(), completedDate: DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(),
                                                                     state: TestRunState.InProgress.ToString(), isAutomated: true);
                var testRun = testClient.CreateTestRunAsync(runCreationModel, projectName).Result;

                TestCaseResult result = new TestCaseResult
                    AutomatedTestName    = "TestOne",
                    AutomatedTestStorage = "foo.dll",
                    Build = new ShallowReference {
                        Url = buildurl
                    TestCaseTitle = "TestOne"
                testClient.AddTestResultsToTestRunAsync(new TestCaseResult[] { result }, projectName, testRun.Id).Wait();
                testClient.UpdateTestRunAsync(new RunUpdateModel("somename", state: TestRunState.Completed.ToString()), projectName, testRun.Id).Wait();

                if (useNewStore)
                    UploadCodeCoverageAttachmentsToNewStore(folder, connection, buildId, projectId);
                    UploadCodeCoverageAttachmentsToOldStore(testClient, buildurl, projectName, folder);
            catch (AggregateException e)
        private bool ValidatePipelineReference(RunCreateModel run)
            bool pipelineId     = run.PipelineReference.PipelineId.Equals(1);
            bool stageReference = run.PipelineReference.StageReference.Attempt.Equals(1) && run.PipelineReference.StageReference.StageName.Equals("Stage1");
            bool phaseReference = run.PipelineReference.PhaseReference.Attempt.Equals(1) && run.PipelineReference.PhaseReference.PhaseName.Equals("Phase1");
            bool jobReference   = run.PipelineReference.JobReference.Attempt.Equals(1) && run.PipelineReference.JobReference.JobName.Equals("Job1");

            return(pipelineId && stageReference && phaseReference && jobReference);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public async Task <List <string> > LogResults(List <VstsTestCaseResult> results)
            var orgUri = new Uri(OrganizationUrl);

            VssCredentials credentials = new VssCredentials(new Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common.VssBasicCredential(string.Empty, Personalaccesstoken));
            var            connection  = new VssConnection(orgUri, credentials);

            using (var testClient = connection.GetClient <TestManagementHttpClient>())
                var resultPointIds = results.Where(p => _testCaseToPointMap.Keys.Contains(p.Id)).Select(p => GetPointIdByCaseId(p.Id)).ToArray();

                List <TestCaseResult> testcaseResults = new List <TestCaseResult>();
                foreach (var pointId in resultPointIds)
                    TestCaseResult temp = new TestCaseResult()
                        State = "Completed"
                    temp.Id        = GenerateTestResultID();
                    temp.TestPoint = new ShallowReference(pointId.ToString());
                    var current = results.Where(p => p.Id == GetCaseIdByPointId(pointId)).First();
                    temp.Outcome = current.Outcome;
                    if (current.AssociatedBugs != null)
                        var tempDefects = new List <ShallowReference>();
                        foreach (var defect in current.AssociatedBugs)
                            tempDefects.Add(new ShallowReference(defect));
                        temp.AssociatedBugs = tempDefects;
                    temp.Comment = current.Comment;

                RunCreateModel run     = new RunCreateModel(name: "Mvt", plan: new ShallowReference(PlanId.ToString()), pointIds: resultPointIds);
                TestRun        testrun = await testClient.CreateTestRunAsync(run, ProjectName);

                var testResults = await testClient.UpdateTestResultsAsync(testcaseResults.ToArray(), ProjectName, testrun.Id);

                RunUpdateModel runmodel      = new RunUpdateModel(state: "Completed", deleteUnexecutedResults: true);  //, deleteUnexecutedResults: true);
                TestRun        testRunResult = await testClient.UpdateTestRunAsync(runmodel, ProjectName, testrun.Id); //, runmodel);

                var loggedCases = await testClient.GetTestResultsAsync(ProjectName, testRunResult.Id);

                return(loggedCases.Select(p => p.TestCase.Id).ToList());
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Create failed test results for all tests in test suite
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TeamProjectName"></param>
        /// <param name="TestPlanId"></param>
        /// <param name="StaticSuitePath"></param>
        private static void CreateTestResultFailed(string TeamProjectName, int TestPlanId, string StaticSuitePath)
            TestPlan testPlan    = TestManagementClient.GetPlanByIdAsync(TeamProjectName, TestPlanId).Result;
            int      testSuiteId = GetSuiteId(TeamProjectName, TestPlanId, StaticSuitePath);

            var testPlanRef = new Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.WebApi.ShallowReference(testPlan.Id.ToString(), testPlan.Name, testPlan.Url);

            RunCreateModel runCreate = new RunCreateModel(
                name: "Test run from console - failed",
                plan: testPlanRef,
                startedDate: DateTime.Now.ToString("o"),
                isAutomated: true

            TestRun testRun = TestManagementClient.CreateTestRunAsync(runCreate, TeamProjectName).Result;

            List <TestCaseResult> testResults = new List <TestCaseResult>();

            List <SuiteTestCase> testCases = TestManagementClient.GetTestCasesAsync(TeamProjectName, TestPlanId, testSuiteId).Result; //Get all test cases from suite

            foreach (var testCase in testCases)
                testResults.Add(FailedTest(TeamProjectName, TestPlanId, testSuiteId, testCase.Workitem.Id, testRun.Id));

            testResults = TestManagementClient.AddTestResultsToTestRunAsync(testResults.ToArray(), TeamProjectName, testRun.Id).Result;

            var definedTestResults = TestManagementClient.GetTestResultsAsync(TeamProjectName, testRun.Id).Result; // Get test result

            TestManagementClient.CreateTestResultAttachmentAsync(GetAttachmentModel(@"img\iconfinder_Insect-robot_131435.png"), TeamProjectName, testRun.Id, definedTestResults.ElementAt(0).Id).Wait();

            RunUpdateModel runUpdateModel = new RunUpdateModel(
                errorMessage: "Test failed",
                completedDate: DateTime.Now.ToString("o"),
                state: Enum.GetName(typeof(TestRunState), TestRunState.NeedsInvestigation)

            testRun = TestManagementClient.UpdateTestRunAsync(runUpdateModel, TeamProjectName, testRun.Id).Result;

            TestManagementClient.CreateTestRunAttachmentAsync(GetAttachmentModel(@"img\Screen_Shot_2018-01-16.jpg"), TeamProjectName, testRun.Id).Wait();

Exemplo n.º 9
        // Adds Target Branch Name info to run create model
        private void AddTargetBranchInfoToRunCreateModel(RunCreateModel runCreateModel, string pullRequestTargetBranchName)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pullRequestTargetBranchName) ||

            if (runCreateModel.BuildReference == null)
                runCreateModel.BuildReference = new BuildConfiguration()
                    TargetBranchName = pullRequestTargetBranchName
                runCreateModel.BuildReference.TargetBranchName = pullRequestTargetBranchName;
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static void updateTestResultsInAzure(string testPlanId, List <Tuple <int, string> > resultList)
                VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(TFUrl), new VssBasicCredential(string.Empty, UserPAT));

                DateTime utcDate    = DateTime.UtcNow; //getting time for the run report name
                var      culture    = new CultureInfo("en-US");
                string   reportName = "Katalon Automated Tests: " + utcDate.ToString(culture) + " " + utcDate.Kind;

                int[]            excPointIds  = new int[resultList.Count];
                TestCaseResult[] excTestCases = new TestCaseResult[resultList.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < resultList.Count; i++)
                    excPointIds[i] = resultList[i].Item1;
                    string         extrapolatedOutcome = resultList[i].Item2 == "PASSED" ? "Passed" : "Failed"; //we only care if the test passed or not
                    TestCaseResult caseResult          = new TestCaseResult()
                        State = "Completed", Outcome = extrapolatedOutcome, Id = 100000 + i
                    excTestCases[i] = caseResult;

                TestManagementClient = connection.GetClient <TestManagementHttpClient>();
                RunCreateModel run = new RunCreateModel(
                    name: reportName,
                    plan:  new Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.WebApi.ShallowReference(testPlanId),
                    pointIds: excPointIds

                TestRun        testrun       = TestManagementClient.CreateTestRunAsync(run, teamProjectName).Result;
                var            testResults   = TestManagementClient.UpdateTestResultsAsync(excTestCases, teamProjectName, testrun.Id).Result;
                RunUpdateModel runmodel      = new RunUpdateModel(state: "Completed");
                TestRun        testRunResult = TestManagementClient.UpdateTestRunAsync(runmodel, teamProjectName, testrun.Id, runmodel).Result;
            catch (Exception e) { //catch exception with writing test case results, don't make this kill the whole process
Exemplo n.º 11
        private static async Task CreateBugFromPenTestAsync(string collectionUri, string teamProjectName, string team, string releaseUri, string releaseEnvironmentUri, string filePath, bool failOnHigh, string personalAccessToken)
            var connection = GetConnection(collectionUri, personalAccessToken);

            var testManagementClient = connection.GetClient <TestManagementHttpClient>();
            var projectClient        = connection.GetClient <ProjectHttpClient>();
            var witClient            = connection.GetClient <WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();
            var workClient           = connection.GetClient <WorkHttpClient>();

            var queryModel    = new QueryModel(query: "SELECT * FROM TestRun WHERE ReleaseUri = '" + releaseUri + "' and ReleaseEnvironmentUri in ('" + releaseEnvironmentUri + "')");
            var testRunResult = await testManagementClient.GetTestRunsByQueryAsync(queryModel, teamProjectName);

            var project = await projectClient.GetProject(teamProjectName);

            string projectId = project.Id.ToString();

            var teamContext  = new TeamContext(teamProjectName, team);
            var teamSettings = await workClient.GetTeamSettingsAsync(teamContext);

            var teamFieldValues = await workClient.GetTeamFieldValuesAsync(teamContext);

            var teamIteration = await workClient.GetTeamIterationAsync(teamContext, teamSettings.BacklogIteration.Id);

            var teamIterations = await workClient.GetTeamIterationsAsync(teamContext, "current");

            string areaPath      = teamFieldValues.DefaultValue;
            string iterationPath = "";

            if (teamIterations.Count > 0)
                iterationPath = teamIterations[0].Path;
                iterationPath = teamIteration.Path;

            TestRun testRun;

            if (testRunResult == null || testRunResult.Count == 0)
                var runCreateModel = new RunCreateModel("OWASP ZAP Security Tests", isAutomated: true, releaseUri: releaseUri, releaseEnvironmentUri: releaseEnvironmentUri);
                testRun = await testManagementClient.CreateTestRunAsync(projectId, runCreateModel);
                testRun = testRunResult.FirstOrDefault();

            var    targetUrl = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("targeturl");
            var    report    = GetReport(filePath, targetUrl);
            string title     = String.Empty;

            bool testsPassed = true;
            bool highFailure = false;
            var  results     = new List <TestResultCreateModel>();

            if (report != null && report.Issues != null && report.Issues.Count() > 0)
                foreach (Issue issue in report.Issues)
                    if (issue.RiskDescription.Contains("Information"))
                    testsPassed = false;
                    //create bug
                    if (issue.RiskDescription.Contains("High"))
                        highFailure = true;
                    title = issue.IssueDescription;

                    await CreateBugAsync(collectionUri, teamProjectName, team, title, areaPath, iterationPath, personalAccessToken);

                    results.Add(new TestResultCreateModel
                        AutomatedTestName = title,
                        Outcome           = testsPassed ? "Passed" : "Failed",
                        TestCaseTitle     = title,
                        State             = "Completed"
                var testResults = await testManagementClient.AddTestResultsToTestRunAsync(results.ToArray(), teamProjectName, testRun.Id);

            // TODO CloseFixedBugs()

            var updateProperties = new RunUpdateModel(state: "Completed", completedDate: DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString());
            var updateResults    = await testManagementClient.UpdateTestRunAsync(projectId, testRun.Id, updateProperties);

            if (highFailure && failOnHigh)
                Console.WriteLine("High Issue Found. Deployment Failed.");
                throw new Exception("High Issue Found.  Deployment Failed.");
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task <TestRun> PublishAsync(TestRun testRun)
            using (var timer = new SimpleTimer("PublishTestRun", _logger,
                                               new TelemetryDataWrapper(_telemetry, TelemetryConstants.PipelineTestRunPublisherEventArea, TelemetryConstants.PublishTestRun),
                var runCreateModel = new RunCreateModel(name: testRun.TestRunName, buildId: _pipelineConfig.BuildId,
                                                        state: TestRunState.InProgress.ToString(), isAutomated: true, type: RunType.NoConfigRun.ToString());

                runCreateModel.PipelineReference = new PipelineReference()
                    PipelineId     = _pipelineConfig.BuildId,
                    StageReference = new StageReference()
                        StageName = _pipelineConfig.StageName, Attempt = _pipelineConfig.StageAttempt
                    PhaseReference = new PhaseReference()
                        PhaseName = _pipelineConfig.PhaseName, Attempt = _pipelineConfig.PhaseAttempt
                    JobReference = new JobReference()
                        JobName = _pipelineConfig.JobName, Attempt = _pipelineConfig.JobAttempt

                // Create the test run on the server
                var run = await _httpClient.CreateTestRunAsync(runCreateModel, _pipelineConfig.Project);

                _logger.Info($"PipelineTestRunPublisher : PublishAsync : Created test run with id {run.Id}.");
                _telemetry.AddAndAggregate(TelemetryConstants.TestRunIds, new List <int> {
                _telemetry.AddAndAggregate($"{testRun.ParserUri.Split('/')[0]}RunsCount", 1,

                // Populate test reulsts
                var testResults = new List <TestCaseResult>();

                foreach (var passedTest in testRun.PassedTests)
                    testResults.Add(new TestCaseResult
                        TestCaseTitle     = passedTest.Name,
                        AutomatedTestName = passedTest.Name,
                        DurationInMs      = passedTest.ExecutionTime.TotalMilliseconds,
                        State             = "Completed",
                        AutomatedTestType = "NoConfig",
                        Outcome           = TestOutcome.Passed.ToString()

                foreach (var failedTest in testRun.FailedTests)
                    testResults.Add(new TestCaseResult
                        TestCaseTitle     = failedTest.Name,
                        AutomatedTestName = failedTest.Name,
                        DurationInMs      = failedTest.ExecutionTime.TotalMilliseconds,
                        State             = "Completed",
                        AutomatedTestType = "NoConfig",
                        Outcome           = TestOutcome.Failed.ToString(),
                        StackTrace        = failedTest.StackTrace

                foreach (var skippedTest in testRun.SkippedTests)
                    testResults.Add(new TestCaseResult
                        TestCaseTitle     = skippedTest.Name,
                        AutomatedTestName = skippedTest.Name,
                        DurationInMs      = skippedTest.ExecutionTime.TotalMilliseconds,
                        State             = "Completed",
                        AutomatedTestType = "NoConfig",
                        Outcome           = TestOutcome.NotExecuted.ToString()

                var batchedResults = testResults.Batch(BatchSize);

                foreach (var batch in batchedResults)
                    // Update the run with test results
                    await _httpClient.AddTestResultsToTestRunAsync(batch.ToArray(), _pipelineConfig.Project, run.Id);

                var runUpdateModel = new RunUpdateModel(state: TestRunState.Completed.ToString())
                    RunSummary = new List <RunSummaryModel>()

                runUpdateModel.RunSummary.Add(new RunSummaryModel(resultCount: testRun.TestRunSummary.TotalFailed, testOutcome: TestOutcome.Failed));
                runUpdateModel.RunSummary.Add(new RunSummaryModel(resultCount: testRun.TestRunSummary.TotalPassed, testOutcome: TestOutcome.Passed));
                runUpdateModel.RunSummary.Add(new RunSummaryModel(resultCount: testRun.TestRunSummary.TotalSkipped, testOutcome: TestOutcome.NotExecuted));

                // Complete the run
                await _httpClient.UpdateTestRunAsync(runUpdateModel, _pipelineConfig.Project, run.Id);

                return(new PipelineTestRun(testRun.ParserUri, testRun.RunNamePrefix, testRun.TestRunId, run.Id));
Exemplo n.º 13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string collectionUri;

            //set to Uri of the TFS collection
            //if this scipt is running in Build/Release workflow, we will fetch collection Uri from environment variable
            //See https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/build/define/variables for full list of agent environment variables
            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TF_BUILD") == "True")
                collectionUri = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI");
                Console.WriteLine("Fetched Collection (or VSTS account) from environment variable SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI: {0}", collectionUri);
            else   // set it to TFS instance of your choice
                //collectionUri = "http://buildmachine1:8080/tfs/TestDefault";
                collectionUri = "https://manojbableshwar.visualstudio.com";
                Console.WriteLine("Using Collection (or VSTS account): {0}", collectionUri);

            VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(collectionUri), new VssCredentials());

            //set the team project name in which the test results must be published...
            // get team project name from the agent environment variables if the script is running in Build workflow..
            string teamProject;

            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TF_BUILD") == "True")
                teamProject = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT");
                Console.WriteLine("Fetched team project from environment variable SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT: {0}", teamProject);
            else //else set it the team project of your choice...
                teamProject = "PartsUnlimited";
                Console.WriteLine("Using team project: {0}", teamProject);

            //Client to use test run and test result APIs...
            TestManagementHttpClient client = connection.GetClient <TestManagementHttpClient>();

            //Test run model to initialize test run parameters..
            //For automated test runs, isAutomated must be set.. Else manual test run will be created..

            //<<Q: do we want to mark run in progress here?>>
            RunCreateModel TestRunModel = new RunCreateModel(name: "Sample test run from CSV file", isAutomated: true,
                                                             startedDate: DateTime.Now.ToString(), comment: "create run comment");

            //Since we are doing a Asycn call, .Result will wait for the call to complete...
            TestRun testRun = client.CreateTestRunAsync(teamProject, TestRunModel).Result;

            Console.WriteLine("Step 1: test run created -> {0}: {1}; Run url: {2} ", testRun.Id, testRun.Name, testRun.WebAccessUrl);

            string resultsFilePath;

            if (args.Length == 0)
                resultsFilePath = "Results.csv";
                resultsFilePath = args[0];

            //List to hold results from parsed from CSV file...
            List <TestResultCreateModel> testResultsFromCsv = new List <TestResultCreateModel>();

            var reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(resultsFilePath));

            while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                var line   = reader.ReadLine();
                var values = line.Split(',');
                Console.WriteLine("Publishing test {0}", values[0]);

                //Assign values from each line in CSV to result model...
                TestResultCreateModel testResultModel = new TestResultCreateModel();
                testResultModel.TestCaseTitle = testResultModel.AutomatedTestName = values[0];
                testResultModel.Outcome       = values[1];
                //Setting state to completed since we are only publishing results.
                //In advanced scenarios, you can choose to create a test result,
                // move it into in progress state while test test acutally runs and finally update the outcome with state as completed
                testResultModel.State         = "Completed";
                testResultModel.ErrorMessage  = values[2];
                testResultModel.StackTrace    = values[3];
                testResultModel.StartedDate   = values[4];
                testResultModel.CompletedDate = values[5];

                //Add the result ot the results list...

            //Publish the results...
            List <TestCaseResult> resultObj = client.AddTestResultsToTestRunAsync(testResultsFromCsv.ToArray(), teamProject, testRun.Id).Result;

            Console.WriteLine("Step 2: test results published...");

            //Mark the run complete...
            RunUpdateModel testRunUpdate   = new RunUpdateModel(completedDate: DateTime.Now.ToString(), state: "Completed");
            TestRun        RunUpdateResult = client.UpdateTestRunAsync(teamProject, testRun.Id, testRunUpdate).Result;

            Console.WriteLine("Step 3: Test run completed: {0} ", RunUpdateResult.WebAccessUrl);
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task PublishAsync(TestRun testRun)
            var runUri = testRun.ParserUri.Split("/");
            var r      = new RunCreateModel(name: $"{runUri[0]} test run {testRun.TestRunId} - automatically inferred results", buildId: _pipelineConfig.BuildId,
                                            state: TestRunState.InProgress.ToString(), isAutomated: true, type: RunType.NoConfigRun.ToString());
            var run = await _httpClient.CreateTestRunAsync(r, _pipelineConfig.Project);

            var testResults = new List <TestCaseResult>();

            foreach (var passedTest in testRun.PassedTests)
                testResults.Add(new TestCaseResult
                    TestCaseTitle     = passedTest.Name,
                    AutomatedTestName = passedTest.Name,
                    DurationInMs      = passedTest.ExecutionTime.TotalMilliseconds,
                    State             = "Completed",
                    AutomatedTestType = "NoConfig",
                    Outcome           = TestOutcome.Passed.ToString()

            foreach (var failedTest in testRun.FailedTests)
                testResults.Add(new TestCaseResult
                    TestCaseTitle     = failedTest.Name,
                    AutomatedTestName = failedTest.Name,
                    DurationInMs      = failedTest.ExecutionTime.TotalMilliseconds,
                    State             = "Completed",
                    AutomatedTestType = "NoConfig",
                    Outcome           = TestOutcome.Failed.ToString(),
                    StackTrace        = failedTest.StackTrace

            foreach (var skippedTest in testRun.SkippedTests)
                testResults.Add(new TestCaseResult
                    TestCaseTitle     = skippedTest.Name,
                    AutomatedTestName = skippedTest.Name,
                    DurationInMs      = skippedTest.ExecutionTime.TotalMilliseconds,
                    State             = "Completed",
                    AutomatedTestType = "NoConfig",
                    Outcome           = TestOutcome.NotExecuted.ToString()

            await _httpClient.AddTestResultsToTestRunAsync(testResults.ToArray(), _pipelineConfig.Project, run.Id);

            //  var runUpdateModel = new RunUpdateModel(state: TestRunState.Completed.ToString());

            var runUpdateModel = new RunUpdateModel(state: TestRunState.Completed.ToString())
                RunSummary = new List <RunSummaryModel>()

            runUpdateModel.RunSummary.Add(new RunSummaryModel(resultCount: testRun.TestRunSummary.TotalFailed, testOutcome: TestOutcome.Failed));
            runUpdateModel.RunSummary.Add(new RunSummaryModel(resultCount: testRun.TestRunSummary.TotalPassed, testOutcome: TestOutcome.Passed));
            runUpdateModel.RunSummary.Add(new RunSummaryModel(resultCount: testRun.TestRunSummary.TotalSkipped, testOutcome: TestOutcome.NotExecuted));

            await _httpClient.UpdateTestRunAsync(runUpdateModel, _pipelineConfig.Project, run.Id);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string collectionUri;

            //set to Uri of the TFS collection
            //if this code is running in Build/Release workflow, we will fetch collection Uri from environment variable
            //See https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/build/define/variables for full list of agent environment variables
            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TF_BUILD") == "True")
                collectionUri = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI");
                Console.WriteLine("Fetched Collection (or VSTS account) from environment variable SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI: {0}", collectionUri);
            else   // set it to TFS instance of your choice
                collectionUri = "http://buildmachine1:8080/tfs/TestDefault";
                Console.WriteLine("Using Collection (or VSTS account): {0}", collectionUri);

            VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(collectionUri), new VssCredentials());

            //set the team project name in which the test results must be published...
            // get team project name from the agent environment variables if the script is running in Build workflow..
            string teamProject;

            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TF_BUILD") == "True")
                teamProject = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT");
                Console.WriteLine("Fetched team project from environment variable SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT: {0}", teamProject);
            else //else set it the team project of your choice...
                teamProject = "DefaultAgileGitProject";
                Console.WriteLine("Using team project: {0}", teamProject);

            // get the build number to publish results against...

            string buildNumber, buildUri; int buildId;

            // if this code is running in build workflow, BUILD_BUILDNUMBER and BUILD_BUILDID environment variables have the build info...
            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TF_BUILD") == "True")
                //build number is human readable format of the build name, you can confiure it's format in build options..
                buildNumber = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BUILD_BUILDNUMBER");
                Console.WriteLine("Fetched build number from environment variable BUILD_BUILDNUMBER: {0}", buildNumber);

                //build id is the id associated with the build number, which we will use to associate the test run with...
                buildId = Convert.ToInt32(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BUILD_BUILDID"));
                Console.WriteLine("Fetched build id from environment variable BUILD_BUILDID: {0}", buildId);

                //build uri is a more elaborate form of build id, in the vstfs:///Build/Build/<id> format...
                //We will use this for querying test runs against this build...
                buildUri = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BUILD_BUILDURI");
                Console.WriteLine("Fetched build uri from environment variable BUILD_BUILDURI: {0}", buildUri);
            else //if the code is running in standalone mode, you'll have to use Build APIs to fetch the build number...
            //see https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/integrate/api/build/overview for build APIs...
                buildNumber = "20161124.2";
                buildId     = 40;
                buildUri    = "vstfs:///Build/Build/40";
                Console.WriteLine("Using build number: {0}; build id: {1}; build uri: {2}", buildNumber, buildId, buildUri);

            //Client to use test run and test result APIs...
            TestManagementHttpClient client = connection.GetClient <TestManagementHttpClient>();

            //Test run model to initialize test run parameters..
            //For automated test runs, isAutomated must be set.. Else manual test run will be created..

            //<<Q: do we want to mark run in progress here?>>
            RunCreateModel TestRunModel = new RunCreateModel(name: "Sample test run from CSV file against buildNumber: " + buildNumber, isAutomated: true,
                                                             startedDate: DateTime.Now.ToString(), buildId: buildId);

            //Since we are doing a Asycn call, .Result will wait for the call to complete...
            TestRun testRun = client.CreateTestRunAsync(teamProject, TestRunModel).Result;

            Console.WriteLine("Step 1: test run created -> {0}: {1}; Run url: {2} ", testRun.Id, testRun.Name, testRun.WebAccessUrl);

            string resultsFilePath;

            if (args.Length == 0)
                resultsFilePath = "Results.csv";
                resultsFilePath = args[0];

            //List to hold results from parsed from CSV file...
            List <TestResultCreateModel> testResultsFromCsv = new List <TestResultCreateModel>();

            var reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(resultsFilePath));

            while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                var line   = reader.ReadLine();
                var values = line.Split(',');
                Console.WriteLine("Publishing test {0}", values[0]);

                //Assign values from each line in CSV to result model...
                TestResultCreateModel testResultModel = new TestResultCreateModel();
                testResultModel.TestCaseTitle = testResultModel.AutomatedTestName = values[0];
                testResultModel.Outcome       = values[1];
                //Setting state to completed since we are only publishing results.
                //In advanced scenarios, you can choose to create a test result,
                // move it into in progress state while test test acutally runs and finally update the outcome with state as completed
                testResultModel.State         = "Completed";
                testResultModel.ErrorMessage  = values[2];
                testResultModel.StackTrace    = values[3];
                testResultModel.StartedDate   = values[4];
                testResultModel.CompletedDate = values[5];

                //Add the result ot the results list...

            //Publish the results...
            List <TestCaseResult> publishedResults = client.AddTestResultsToTestRunAsync(testResultsFromCsv.ToArray(), teamProject, testRun.Id).Result;

            Console.WriteLine("Step 2: test results published...");

            //Mark the run complete...
            RunUpdateModel testRunUpdate   = new RunUpdateModel(completedDate: DateTime.Now.ToString(), state: "Completed");
            TestRun        RunUpdateResult = client.UpdateTestRunAsync(teamProject, testRun.Id, testRunUpdate).Result;

            Console.WriteLine("Step 3: Test run completed: {0}", RunUpdateResult.WebAccessUrl);
Exemplo n.º 16
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string collectionUri;

            //set to Uri of the TFS collection
            //if this code is running in Build/Release workflow, we will fetch collection Uri from environment variable
            //See https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/build/define/variables for full list of agent environment variables
            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TF_BUILD") == "True")
                collectionUri = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI");
                Console.WriteLine("Fetched Collection (or VSTS account) from environment variable SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI: {0}", collectionUri);
            else // set it to TFS instance of your choice
                collectionUri = "http://buildmachine1:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection";
                Console.WriteLine("Using Collection (or VSTS account): {0}", collectionUri);

            VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(collectionUri), new VssCredentials());

            //set the team project name in which the test results must be published...
            // get team project name from the agent environment variables if the script is running in Build/Release workflow..
            string teamProject;

            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TF_BUILD") == "True")
                teamProject = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT");
                Console.WriteLine("Fetched team project from environment variable SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT: {0}", teamProject);
            else //else set it the team project of your choice...
                teamProject = "FabrikamFiber";
                Console.WriteLine("Using team project: {0}", teamProject);

            // get the build number to publish results against...

            string buildNumber = null, buildUri = null, releaseUri = null, releaseEnvironmentUri = null; int buildId;

            // if this code is running in build/release workflow, we will use agent environment variables for fetch build/release Uris to associate information
            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TF_BUILD") == "True")
                //If RELEASE_RELEASEURI variable is set, then this code is running in the Release workflow, so we fetch release details
                if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RELEASE_RELEASEURI") != "")
                    releaseUri = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RELEASE_RELEASEURI");
                    Console.WriteLine("Fetched release uri from environment variable RELEASE_RELEASEURI: {0}", releaseUri);

                    releaseEnvironmentUri = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RELEASE_ENVIRONMENTURI");
                    Console.WriteLine("Fetched release environemnt uri from environment variable RELEASE_ENVIRONMENTURI: {0}", releaseEnvironmentUri);
                //note that the build used to deploy and test a Release is an Aritfact.
                //If you have multiple builds or are using external artifacts like Jenkins, make sure you use Aritfact variables to find the build information
                //See https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/release/author-release-definition/understanding-tasks#predefvariables for pre-defined variables available in release
                //See https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/release/author-release-definition/understanding-artifacts#variables for artifact variables documentation
                //For example, you'll have to use RELEASE_ARTIFACTS_<aftifactname>_BUILDID to find the build number.
                //Here we are assuming a simple setup, where we are working with Team Build and using Build variables instead...

                //build number is human readable format of the build name, you can confiure it's format in build options..
                buildNumber = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BUILD_BUILDNUMBER");
                Console.WriteLine("Fetched build number from environment variable BUILD_BUILDNUMBER: {0}", buildNumber);

                //build id is the id associated with the build number, which we will use to associate the test run with...
                buildId = Convert.ToInt32(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BUILD_BUILDID"));
                Console.WriteLine("Fetched build id from environment variable BUILD_BUILDID: {0}", buildId);

                //build uri is a more elaborate form of build id, in the vstfs:///Build/Build/<id> format...
                //We will use this for querying test runs against this build...
                buildUri = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BUILD_BUILDURI");
                Console.WriteLine("Fetched build uri from environment variable BUILD_BUILDURI: {0}", buildUri);
            else //if the code is running in standalone mode, you'll have to use Build and Release APIs to fetch the build and release information...
            //see https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/integrate/api/build/overview for build APIs...
            //and https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/release/overview for release APIs...
                buildNumber           = "20161124.2";
                buildId               = 3;
                buildUri              = "vstfs:///Build/Build/40";
                releaseUri            = "vstfs:///ReleaseManagement/Release/2";
                releaseEnvironmentUri = "vstfs:///ReleaseManagement/Environment/2";
                Console.WriteLine("Using build number: {0}; build id: {1}; build uri: {2}; release uri: {3}; release environment uri: {4}", buildNumber, buildId, buildUri, releaseUri, releaseEnvironmentUri);

            //Client to use test run and test result APIs...
            TestManagementHttpClient client = connection.GetClient <TestManagementHttpClient>();

            //Test run model to initialize test run parameters..
            //For automated test runs, isAutomated must be set.. Else manual test run will be created..

            //<<Q: do we want to mark run in progress here?>>
            RunCreateModel TestRunModel     = new RunCreateModel(name: "Sample test run from CSV file against buildNumber: " + buildNumber, isAutomated: true,
                                                                 startedDate: DateTime.Now.ToString(), buildId: buildId, releaseUri: releaseUri, releaseEnvironmentUri: releaseEnvironmentUri);

            //Since we are doing a Asycn call, .Result will wait for the call to complete...
            TestRun testRun = client.CreateTestRunAsync(teamProject, TestRunModel).Result;

            Console.WriteLine("Step 1: test run created -> {0}: {1}; Run url: {2} ", testRun.Id, testRun.Name, testRun.WebAccessUrl);

            string resultsFilePath;

            if (args.Length == 0)
                resultsFilePath = "Results.csv";
                resultsFilePath = args[0];

            TestAttachmentRequestModel fileAttachment = GetAttachmentRequestModel(resultsFilePath);
            TestAttachmentReference    testAttachment = client.CreateTestRunAttachmentAsync(fileAttachment, teamProject, testRun.Id).Result;

            Console.WriteLine("Created test run attachment -> Id: {0}, Url: {2}", testAttachment.Id, testAttachment.Url);

            //List to hold results from parsed from CSV file...
            List <TestResultCreateModel> testResultsFromCsv = new List <TestResultCreateModel>();

            //TestMethodName, Outcome, ErrorMessage, StackTrace, StartedDate, CompletedDate
            string        traceFilePath;
            List <string> resultLogFiles = new List <string>();

            var reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(resultsFilePath));

            while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                var line   = reader.ReadLine();
                var values = line.Split(',');
                Console.WriteLine("Publishing test {0}", values[0]);

                //Assign values from each line in CSV to result model...
                TestResultCreateModel testResultModel = new TestResultCreateModel();
                testResultModel.TestCaseTitle = testResultModel.AutomatedTestName = values[0];
                testResultModel.Outcome       = values[1];
                //Setting state to completed since we are only publishing results.
                //In advanced scenarios, you can choose to create a test result,
                // move it into in progress state while test test acutally runs and finally update the outcome with state as completed
                testResultModel.State         = "Completed";
                testResultModel.ErrorMessage  = values[2];
                testResultModel.StackTrace    = values[3];
                testResultModel.StartedDate   = values[4];
                testResultModel.CompletedDate = values[5];

                //store the path of the attachment in a list. We will publish attachments to results after we publish results and obtain result ids.
                traceFilePath = values[6]; resultLogFiles.Add(traceFilePath);

                //Add the result ot the results list...

            //Publish the results...
            List <TestCaseResult> publishedResults = client.AddTestResultsToTestRunAsync(testResultsFromCsv.ToArray(), teamProject, testRun.Id).Result;

            Console.WriteLine("Step 2: test results published...");

            //results are published in the order they were submitted. H
            //We will now loop through the results file and publish the attachments for each test result.
            //Path of the attachment for each result (sample trace log) is in last column of the result csv file...
            int i = 0;

            foreach (TestCaseResult r in publishedResults)
                Console.WriteLine("Adding attachment for Test Result -> Id: {0}", r.Id);
                fileAttachment = GetAttachmentRequestModel(resultLogFiles.ElementAt(i++));
                testAttachment = client.CreateTestResultAttachmentAsync(fileAttachment, teamProject, testRun.Id, r.Id).Result;
                Console.WriteLine("Created test result attachment -> Id: {0}, Url: {1}", testAttachment.Id, testAttachment.Url);

            //Mark the run complete...
            RunUpdateModel testRunUpdate   = new RunUpdateModel(completedDate: DateTime.Now.ToString(), state: "Completed");
            TestRun        RunUpdateResult = client.UpdateTestRunAsync(teamProject, testRun.Id, testRunUpdate).Result;

            Console.WriteLine("Step 3: Test run completed: {0}", RunUpdateResult.WebAccessUrl);