Exemplo n.º 1
        public int Next(int desiredCount, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // If this is the first call, walk all rows once to find best rows
            if (!_isDictionaryBuilt)
                _isDictionaryBuilt = true;

            int outerCount;

            while ((outerCount = _source.Next(desiredCount, cancellationToken)) > 0)
                // Ask for the indices of rows which were chosen in this page
                XArray chosenRows = _dictionary.GetChosenRows(_totalRowsRead, _totalRowsRead + outerCount, _totalRowsRead);

                // Track the total row count (so we know which rows to ask for chosens each time)
                _totalRowsRead += outerCount;

                // Tell the remapper to filter to chosen rows
                _chosenRowsFilter.SetMatches((int[])chosenRows.Array, chosenRows.Count);

                if (chosenRows.Count > 0)
                    CurrentRowCount = chosenRows.Count;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public int Next(int desiredCount, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // If this is the first call, fully cache the JoinToSource and build a lookup Dictionary
            if (_joinDictionary == null)

            BitVector matchedRows = null;

            while (true)
                // Get the next rows from the source
                int count = _source.Next(desiredCount, cancellationToken);
                if (count == 0)
                    CurrentRowCount = 0;

                // Get values to join from
                XArray joinFromValues = _joinFromColumnGetter();

                // Find which rows matched and to what right-side row indices
                matchedRows = _joinDictionary.TryGetValues(joinFromValues, out _currentRightSideSelector);

                if (_currentRightSideSelector.Count > 0)

            // Filter left-side rows to the matches (inner join)

            // Seek right-side rows to the matches
            for (int i = 0; i < _rightSideColumns.Length; ++i)

            CurrentRowCount = _currentRightSideSelector.Count;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override int Next(int desiredCount, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            _currentMatchesReturned += _nextCountToReturn;

            // If we previously retrieved extra rows, return more of those
            if (_currentMatchesTotal > _currentMatchesReturned)
                _nextCountToReturn = Math.Min(desiredCount, _currentMatchesTotal - _currentMatchesReturned);

            // Otherwise, retrieve more rows
            int countToRequest = CountToRequest(desiredCount);

            _currentMatchesReturned = 0;

            int outerCount;

            while ((outerCount = _source.Next(countToRequest, cancellationToken)) > 0)
                // Track the total retrieved from the source
                _totalRowsRetrieved += outerCount;

                Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _vector, outerCount);

                // Match the query expression and count all matches

                _currentMatchesTotal = _vector.Count;
                _totalRowsMatched   += _currentMatchesTotal;

                // If we got matches, return the first set requested, otherwise ask for more
                if (_currentMatchesTotal > 0)
                    _nextCountToReturn = Math.Min(desiredCount, _currentMatchesTotal - _currentMatchesReturned);
                    _mapper.SetMatches(_vector, _nextCountToReturn);

                // Reconsider how many rows to request if no matches
                countToRequest = CountToRequest(desiredCount);

            // Tell the mapper there are no more matches
            Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _vector, desiredCount);
            _mapper.SetMatches(_vector, 0);


            // Where.Next implementation which doesn't request excess results and page through them.
            // Use instead to diagnose "wrong row count" problems which might be due to paging problems.
            //int outerCount;
            //while ((outerCount = _source.Next(desiredCount)) > 0)
            //    // Track the total retrieved from the source
            //    _totalRowsRetrieved += outerCount;

            //    Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _vector, outerCount);
            //    _vector.None();

            //    // Match the query expression and count all matches
            //    _expression.Evaluate(_vector);
            //    _currentMatchesTotal = _vector.Count;
            //    _totalRowsMatched += _currentMatchesTotal;

            //    _mapper.SetMatches(_vector);
            //    if (_currentMatchesTotal > 0) return _currentMatchesTotal;

            //return 0;