Exemplo n.º 1
 public void ClearManagers()
Exemplo n.º 2
    // Custom inspector property drawing
    public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
        // Get a copy of rect to work with. This contains new control insert position & dimensions.
        newPosition        = position;
        newPosition.height = RowManager.thinRowHeight;
        // Get properties from inspector content class
        SerializedProperty numRowsProperty = property.FindPropertyRelative("numberOfRows");
        SerializedProperty rowsProperty    = property.FindPropertyRelative("rows");

        // Total number of rows set in the inspector
        numRows = numRowsProperty.intValue;
        // Create a Row[] array of numRows element(s)
        if (rowsProperty.arraySize != numRows)
            rowsProperty.arraySize = numRows;
        // Create an array for row foldout controls in the inspector
        if (rowFoldoutState == null || rowFoldoutState.Length < numRows)
            rowFoldoutState = new bool[numRows];

        // Start adding controls
        // Init row height
        // "Number of rows" label & slider
        EditorGUI.PropertyField(newPosition, numRowsProperty);
        // Extra empty lines
        AddRow(2, true);
        // If non-zero amount, add other controls
        if (numRows > 0)
            // "Detection Area Properties" label
            EditorGUI.LabelField(newPosition, "Detection Area Properties:");

            // Controls for each parking slot row
            for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i)
                // Get properties from the content class
                SerializedProperty numSlotsProperty =
                SerializedProperty slotsProperty =

                // Restrict foldout width or GUI won't allow
                // clicking anything else in the same row
                newPosition.width = 40f;
                // "Row N" foldout
                rowFoldoutState[i] =
                    EditorGUI.Foldout(newPosition, rowFoldoutState[i], "Row " + (i + 1), true);

                // Total number of slots, for the current row, set in the inspector
                numSlots = numSlotsProperty.intValue;
                // Create a Slot[] array of numSlots element(s)
                if (slotsProperty.arraySize != numSlots)
                    slotsProperty.arraySize = numSlots;
                // Create an array for slot foldout controls in the inspector.
                // NOTE: This needs to be a 2D array, because each row has its own
                // set of slots. Otherwise, folding/unfolding a slot N for a row
                // will repeat the command for every slot N in all rows.
                // This method will reserve extra elements for slots (2nd dimension
                // will mirror the greatest individual slot count to all slots)
                // but meh, it's just RAM.
                if (slotFoldoutState == null ||
                    slotFoldoutState.GetLength(0) < numRows ||
                    slotFoldoutState.GetLength(1) < numSlots)
                    slotFoldoutState = new bool[numRows, numSlots];

                newPosition.x     = 70f;
                newPosition.width = position.width - 56f;
                // "Number of Slots" label & slider
                EditorGUI.PropertyField(newPosition, numSlotsProperty);
                // Only add Slot listing if non-zero slot count and uncovered foldout
                if (numSlots > 0 && rowFoldoutState[i])
                    for (int j = 0; j < numSlots; ++j)
                        // Get properties from the content class
                        SerializedProperty areaCornerpointsProperty =
                        SerializedProperty pxThresholdProperty =
                        // Fixed number of corner points
                        if (areaCornerpointsProperty.arraySize != numAreaCornerpoints)
                            areaCornerpointsProperty.arraySize = numAreaCornerpoints;

                        newPosition.x = 24f;
                        // Restrict foldout width or GUI won't allow
                        // clicking anything else in the same row
                        newPosition.width = 40f;
                        // "Slot N" foldouts for each slot under current row
                        slotFoldoutState[i, j] =
                            EditorGUI.Foldout(newPosition, slotFoldoutState[i, j], "Slot " + (j + 1), true);

                        newPosition.x     = 70f;
                        newPosition.width = position.width - 56f;
                        // "Px Threshold Level" label & slider
                        EditorGUI.PropertyField(newPosition, pxThresholdProperty);
                        // Only add individual slot controls if uncovered foldout
                        if (slotFoldoutState[i, j])
                            // "Area corner points:" label
                            EditorGUI.LabelField(newPosition, "Area corner points:");
                            // Corner point coordinates
                            for (int k = 0; k < areaCornerpointsProperty.arraySize; ++k)
                                // Get a property from the content class
                                SerializedProperty areaCornerpointXProperty =

                                newPosition.x     = 80f;
                                newPosition.width = position.width - 56f;
                                // "Corner N" label
                                EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(newPosition, new GUIContent("Corner " + (char)('A' + k)));
                                // "X   Y" controls
                                newPosition.x    += 78f;
                                newPosition.width = position.width - 144f;
                                GUIContent[] guiContent = new GUIContent[2];
                                // MultiPropertyField will get the X and an array's length - 1
                                // worth of following SerializedProperties. GUIContent[2] will
                                // get both X and Y.
                                EditorGUI.MultiPropertyField(newPosition, guiContent, areaCornerpointXProperty);
                        } // if (slotFoldoutState[i, j])
                    }     // for (int j = 0; j < numSlots; ++j)
                }         // if (numSlots > 0 && rowFoldoutState[i])

                // Reset X back to default left indent
                newPosition.x = position.x;
            } // for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i)
        }     // if (numRows > 0)