private void gridViewPanel2_CalcRowHeight(object sender, RowHeightEventArgs e)
     if (listOfRowsHeights.Count != gridViewPanel2.RowCount)
Exemplo n.º 2
 private void frtGridView_CalcRowHeight(object sender, RowHeightEventArgs e)
     if (e.RowHandle < 0)
         e.RowHeight = 0;
        void gridView1_CalcRowHeight(object sender, RowHeightEventArgs e)
            GridViewInfo viewInfo     = gridView1.GetViewInfo() as GridViewInfo;
            int          totalHeight  = viewInfo.ViewRects.Rows.Height - minRowHeigth;
            int          targetHeight = totalHeight / gridView1.DataRowCount;

            e.RowHeight = Math.Max(minRowHeigth, targetHeight);
Exemplo n.º 4
 private void logView_MeasurePreviewHeight(object sender, RowHeightEventArgs e)
     using (RichTextEditViewInfo vi = new RichTextEditViewInfo(emailLogRenderer.Value)) {
         var view  = ((GridView)sender);
         var email = (AdReminderEmail)view.GetRow(e.RowHandle);
         e.RowHeight = vi.CalcHeight(((GridViewInfo)view.GetViewInfo()).CalcRowPreviewWidth(e.RowHandle) - 1) + 2;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void onMeasurePreviewHeight(RowHeightEventArgs e)
            if (gridView.PreviewRowEdit == null)

            var journalPageDTO = _gridViewBinder.ElementAt(e.RowHandle);

            if (journalPageDTO == null)

            //empiric value (might be a way to retrieve it dynamically but could not find it)
            e.RowHeight = journalPageDTO.LineCount * 15;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void gridView1_CalcRowHeight(object sender, RowHeightEventArgs e)
            GridView gv = sender as GridView;

            if (gv != null)
                GridViewInfo vi = gv.GetViewInfo() as GridViewInfo;
                if (vi != null)
                    int h = vi.ViewRects.Rows.Height - 1;
                    if (e.RowHeight > h)
                        e.RowHeight = h;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void gridView1_CalcRowHeight(object sender, RowHeightEventArgs e)
            var dataRow = this.gridView1.GetRow(e.RowHandle);

            if (dataRow != null)
                var item = (DataItemModel)this.gridView1.GetRow(e.RowHandle);
                if (item.Show)
                    e.RowHeight = 15 * item.Height;
                    e.RowHeight = 15;
                e.RowHeight = 15;
Exemplo n.º 8
 private void gvChat_CalcRowHeight(object sender, RowHeightEventArgs e)
         if (this.ChatRowHeights.ContainsKey(e.RowHandle))
             e.RowHeight = this.ChatRowHeights[e.RowHandle];
             ChatLine row = this.gvPrivateChat.GetRow(e.RowHandle) as ChatLine;
             if (row != null)
                 IText text = row.TextSegments[0];
                 if (text != null)
                     int index;
                     Font textFont = text.TextFont;
                     string str = text.Text;
                     string str2 = null;
                     Dictionary<int, ChatLink> dictionary = null;
                     List<string> list = null;
                     List<MultiVal<int, int>> list2 = null;
                     SortedList<int, Emote> list3 = null;
                     if (!(!Program.Settings.Chat.Links.ShowChatLinks || (!row.ContainsLinks.HasValue ? false : !row.ContainsLinks.Value)))
                         dictionary = ChatLink.CreateCharacterIndex(ChatLink.FindLinks(str));
                         row.ContainsLinks = new bool?((dictionary != null) && (dictionary.Count > 0));
                     if (!(!Program.Settings.Chat.Emotes.ShowEmotes || (!row.ContainsEmotes.HasValue ? false : !row.ContainsEmotes.Value)))
                         list = new List<string>();
                         list2 = new List<MultiVal<int, int>>();
                         list3 = new SortedList<int, Emote>();
                         foreach (Emote emote in Emote.AllEmotes.Values)
                             index = str.IndexOf(emote.CharSequence);
                             while (index >= 0)
                                 list2.Add(new MultiVal<int, int>(index, emote.CharSequence.Length));
                                 list3.Add(index, emote);
                                 index = str.IndexOf(emote.CharSequence, (int) (index + emote.CharSequence.Length));
                                 if (!(!Program.Settings.Chat.Links.ShowChatLinks || (!row.ContainsLinks.HasValue ? false : !row.ContainsLinks.Value)))
                                     if (str2 == null)
                                         str2 = str;
                                     str2 = str2.Replace(emote.CharSequence, "");
                         row.ContainsEmotes = new bool?((list3 != null) && (list3.Count > 0));
                     using (Graphics graphics = this.gpgChatGrid.CreateGraphics())
                         float num6;
                         float num7;
                         float num8;
                         int num9;
                         int num10;
                         ChatLink link;
                         SolidBrush brush;
                         string[] strArray;
                         int num11;
                         SizeF ef;
                         Brush brush2;
                         Font font2;
                         if ((list3 != null) && (list3.Count > 0))
                             int num2;
                             list2.Add(new MultiVal<int, int>(str.Length, 0));
                             list3.Add(str.Length, null);
                             SortedList<int, MultiVal<int, int>> list4 = new SortedList<int, MultiVal<int, int>>(list2.Count);
                             list4[-1] = new MultiVal<int, int>(0, 0);
                             foreach (MultiVal<int, int> val in list2)
                                 list4[val.Value1] = val;
                             for (num2 = 1; num2 < list4.Count; num2++)
                                 int num3 = list4.Values[num2 - 1].Value1;
                                 index = list4.Values[num2].Value1;
                                 int num4 = list4.Values[num2 - 1].Value2;
                                 int num5 = list4.Values[num2].Value2;
                                 list.Add(str.Substring(num3 + num4, index - (num3 + num4)));
                             dictionary = ChatLink.CreateCharacterIndex(ChatLink.FindLinks(str2));
                             num6 = textFont.Height + 3;
                             num7 = 0f;
                             num8 = num6;
                             num9 = this.colText.VisibleWidth - 10;
                             num10 = 0;
                             link = null;
                             using (brush = new SolidBrush(text.TextColor))
                                 for (num2 = 0; num2 < list.Count; num2++)
                                     if (list[num2].Length > 0)
                                         strArray = DrawUtil.SplitString(list[num2], " ");
                                         for (num11 = 0; num11 < strArray.Length; num11++)
                                             if ((dictionary.Count > 0) && dictionary.ContainsKey(num10))
                                                 link = dictionary[num10];
                                             if (link != null)
                                                 using (brush2 = new SolidBrush(link.LinkColor))
                                                     using (font2 = new Font(textFont, FontStyle.Underline))
                                                         ef = DrawUtil.MeasureString(graphics, strArray[num11], font2);
                                                         if (((ef.Width <= num9) || (num7 != 0f)) && ((num7 + ef.Width) > num9))
                                                             num7 = 0f;
                                                             num8 += num6;
                                                         goto Label_05BC;
                                             ef = DrawUtil.MeasureString(graphics, strArray[num11], textFont);
                                             if (((ef.Width <= num9) || (num7 != 0f)) && ((num7 + ef.Width) > num9))
                                                 num7 = 0f;
                                                 num8 += num6;
                                             num10 += strArray[num11].Length;
                                             num7 += ef.Width;
                                             if ((link != null) && (num10 >= link.EndIndex))
                                                 link = null;
                                     if (list3.Values[num2] != null)
                                         float num12 = ((float) textFont.Height) / ((float) list3.Values[num2].Image.Height);
                                         float num13 = list3.Values[num2].Image.Width * num12;
                                         if ((num7 + num13) > num9)
                                             num7 = 0f;
                                             num8 += num6;
                                         num7 += num13;
                             e.RowHeight = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round((double) num8, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));
                         else if ((dictionary != null) && (dictionary.Count > 0))
                             num6 = textFont.Height + 3;
                             num7 = 0f;
                             num8 = num6;
                             num9 = this.colText.VisibleWidth - 10;
                             num10 = 0;
                             link = null;
                             using (brush = new SolidBrush(text.TextColor))
                                 strArray = DrawUtil.SplitString(str, " ");
                                 num11 = 0;
                                 while (num11 < strArray.Length)
                                     if ((dictionary.Count > 0) && dictionary.ContainsKey(num10))
                                         link = dictionary[num10];
                                     if (link != null)
                                         using (brush2 = new SolidBrush(link.LinkColor))
                                             using (font2 = new Font(textFont, FontStyle.Underline))
                                                 ef = DrawUtil.MeasureString(graphics, strArray[num11], font2);
                                                 if (((ef.Width <= num9) || (num7 != 0f)) && ((num7 + ef.Width) > num9))
                                                     num7 = 0f;
                                                     num8 += num6;
                                                 goto Label_0890;
                                     ef = DrawUtil.MeasureString(graphics, strArray[num11], textFont);
                                     if (((ef.Width <= num9) || (num7 != 0f)) && ((num7 + ef.Width) > num9))
                                         num7 = 0f;
                                         num8 += num6;
                                     num10 += strArray[num11].Length;
                                     num7 += ef.Width;
                                     if ((link != null) && (num10 >= link.EndIndex))
                                         link = null;
                             e.RowHeight = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round((double) num8, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));
                             num6 = textFont.Height + 3;
                             num7 = 0f;
                             num8 = num6;
                             num9 = this.colText.VisibleWidth - 10;
                             num10 = 0;
                             strArray = DrawUtil.SplitString(str, " ");
                             for (num11 = 0; num11 < strArray.Length; num11++)
                                 ef = DrawUtil.MeasureString(graphics, strArray[num11], textFont);
                                 if (((ef.Width <= num9) || (num7 != 0f)) && ((num7 + ef.Width) > num9))
                                     num7 = 0f;
                                     num8 += num6;
                                 num10 += strArray[num11].Length;
                                 num7 += ef.Width;
                             e.RowHeight = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round((double) num8, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));
             this.ChatRowHeights[e.RowHandle] = e.RowHeight;
     catch (Exception exception)
Exemplo n.º 9
 void Form1_CalcRowHeight(object sender, RowHeightEventArgs e)
     e.RowHeight = (int)(e.RowHeight * 1.5);
Exemplo n.º 10
 private void gridView1_CalcRowHeight(object sender, RowHeightEventArgs e)
     var dataRow = this.gridView1.GetRow(e.RowHandle);
     if (dataRow != null){
         var item = (DataItemModel)this.gridView1.GetRow(e.RowHandle);
         if (item.Show)
             e.RowHeight = 15 * item.Height;
         else e.RowHeight = 15;
     else e.RowHeight = 15;
Exemplo n.º 11
 private void gridView1_CalcRowHeight(object sender, RowHeightEventArgs e)
     var dr = gridView1.GetDataRow(e.RowHandle);
        e.RowHeight = 10;
Exemplo n.º 12
 private void gvResults_CalcRowHeight(object sender, RowHeightEventArgs e)
     int height;
     int num = 4;
     string text = "0kb";
     using (Graphics graphics = base.CreateGraphics())
         height = (int) DrawUtil.MeasureString(graphics, text, this.DownloadSizeFont).Height;
     int num3 = (VaultImages.download_up.Height + height) + (num * 3);
     if (e.RowHeight < num3)
         e.RowHeight = num3;
Exemplo n.º 13
 private void logView_MeasurePreviewHeight(object sender, RowHeightEventArgs e)
     using (RichTextEditViewInfo vi = new RichTextEditViewInfo(emailLogRenderer.Value)) {
         var view = ((GridView)sender);
         var email = (AdReminderEmail)view.GetRow(e.RowHandle);
         e.RowHeight = vi.CalcHeight(((GridViewInfo)view.GetViewInfo()).CalcRowPreviewWidth(e.RowHandle) - 1) + 2;
Exemplo n.º 14
 private static void GridView_CalcRowHeight(object sender, RowHeightEventArgs e)
     e.RowHeight = 5;
Exemplo n.º 15
 private void gridView1_CalcRowHeight(object sender, RowHeightEventArgs e)
     e.RowHeight = GetRowBestHeight(_gridView, e.RowHandle);
Exemplo n.º 16
 void linkedView_MeasurePreviewHeight(object sender, RowHeightEventArgs e)
     e.RowHeight = GetPanelHeight(e.RowHandle);