Exemplo n.º 1
         * Check where the line from the departure point to the destination point intersects the map boundaries
         * These new coordinates will be used to find the closest PT stop. This stop will be the new starting point of the ride.
        public bool checkIntersection(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double minX, double minY, double maxX, double maxY, out Point newStartingPoint)
            newStartingPoint = null;

            // Completely outside.
            if ((x1 <= minX && x2 <= minX) || (y1 <= minY && y2 <= minY) || (x1 >= maxX && x2 >= maxX) || (y1 >= maxY && y2 >= maxY))

            double m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
            double q = y1 - (m * x1);

            double x = (minY - q) / m;

            if ((x > minX && x < maxX) && (minY > y1 && minY < y2))
                //From South
                newStartingPoint = new Routing.Nodes.Point(minY, x);

            x = (maxY - q) / m;
            if ((x > minX && x < maxX) && (maxY > y2 && maxY < y1))
                //From North
                newStartingPoint = new Routing.Nodes.Point(maxY, x);

            double y = (m * minX) + q;

            if ((y > minY && y < maxY) && (minX > x1 && minX < x2))
                //From East
                newStartingPoint = new Routing.Nodes.Point(y, minX);

            y = (m * maxX) + q;
            if ((y > minY && y < maxY) && (maxX > x2 && maxX < x1))
                //From West
                newStartingPoint = new Routing.Nodes.Point(y, maxX);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static List <TrafficReport> getTrafficDataFromBackend(Routing.Nodes.Point MinPoint, Point MaxPoint, double TrafficPropagationMaxDistance)
            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls
                                                   | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11
                                                   | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12
                                                   | SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3;
            List <TrafficReport> TrafficReport = new List <TrafficReport> {
            TrafficJson TrafficJson            = new TrafficJson {

            string url = reports_boundary + "?" +
                         "min_lat=" + MinPoint.Latitude + "&" +
                         "min_lon=" + MinPoint.Longitude + "&" +
                         "max_lat=" + MaxPoint.Latitude + "&" +
                         "max_lon=" + MaxPoint.Longitude;

                HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                httpWebRequest.Method      = WebRequestMethods.Http.Get;
                httpWebRequest.Accept      = "application/json";
                httpWebRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(user, pw);
                httpWebRequest.UserAgent   = "RP client";

                HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
                if (response != null && response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    Stream       stream         = response.GetResponseStream();
                    StreamReader reader         = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8);
                    String       responseString = reader.ReadToEnd();

                    TrafficJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TrafficJson>(responseString);

                    ///* ONLY FOR TESTING: add one fake traffic report in "Massagno, Praccio" */
                    //// Accident in "Massagno Praccio"
                    //TrafficJson.Report testReport = new TrafficJson.Report();
                    //TrafficJson.reports = new List<TrafficJson.Report>();
                    //testReport.category = "ACCIDENT";
                    //testReport.severity = "HIGH";
                    //testReport._id = "000000000000000000000001";
                    //testReport.loc = new TrafficJson.Loc();
                    //testReport.loc.coordinates = new List<double> { 8.943813, 46.01345 };
                    //testReport.loc.type = "Point";
                    ///* END TESTING */

                    ///* ONLY FOR TESTING: add one fake traffic report in "Chiasso" */
                    //// Accident in "Chiasso"
                    //TrafficJson.Report testReport = new TrafficJson.Report();
                    //TrafficJson.reports = new List<TrafficJson.Report>();
                    //testReport.category = "ACCIDENT";
                    //testReport.severity = "MEDIUM";
                    //testReport._id = "000000000000000000000001";
                    //testReport.loc = new TrafficJson.Loc();
                    //testReport.loc.coordinates = new List<double> { 9.022495, 45.839520 };
                    //testReport.loc.type = "Point";
                    ///* END TESTING */

                    if ((TrafficJson == null) || (TrafficJson.reports.Count == 0))
                        log.Warn("Traffic: no data available from backend");
                        foreach (TrafficJson.Report el in TrafficJson.reports)
                            TrafficReport Traffic = new TrafficReport(el._id, new Point(el.location.geometry.coordinates.Last(), el.location.geometry.coordinates.First()), el.category, el.severity, el.location.address, TrafficPropagationMaxDistance);
                    log.Error("An error occured while calling the traffic data service: StatusCode=" + response.StatusCode);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("An error occured during the traffic data get: " + ex.ToString());

            if (TrafficReport != null)
                if (TrafficReport.Count == 0)
                    log.Warn(TrafficReport.Count + " traffic reports received");
                    log.Info(TrafficReport.Count + " traffic reports received");

Exemplo n.º 3
        private static readonly string pw   = ""; /* PW */

        public static List <Carpooler> getCarpoolingDataFromBackend(Routing.Nodes.Point MinPoint, Point MaxPoint, bool updateExternalRides)
            /* Set this to true if you want to use real waypoints instead of intermediate ptstops, remember to also change the use_waypoints value in the CarpoolParser.cs file */
            bool use_waypoints = false;

            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls
                                                   | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11
                                                   | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12
                                                   | SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3;
            List <Carpooler> CarpoolRides = new List <Carpooler> {
            CarpoolerJson Carpooler       = new CarpoolerJson {

            string url = rides_boundary + "?" +
                         "min_lat=" + MinPoint.Latitude + "&" +
                         "min_lon=" + MinPoint.Longitude + "&" +
                         "max_lat=" + MaxPoint.Latitude + "&" +
                         "max_lon=" + MaxPoint.Longitude + "&" +
                         "site=" + Program.site;

                HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                httpWebRequest.Method      = WebRequestMethods.Http.Get;
                httpWebRequest.Accept      = "application/json";
                httpWebRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(user, pw);
                httpWebRequest.UserAgent   = "RP client";

                HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
                if (response != null && response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    Stream       stream         = response.GetResponseStream();
                    StreamReader reader         = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8);
                    String       responseString = reader.ReadToEnd();

                    Carpooler = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CarpoolerJson>(responseString);

                    if ((Carpooler == null) || (Carpooler.rides.Count == 0))
                        log.Warn("Carpooling: no data available from backend");
                        int numExtRidesIgnored = 0;

                        foreach (CarpoolerJson.Ride el in Carpooler.rides)
                            // Just for testing if the carpooling rides are expired
                            if (el.date < Program.DynamicData.sites.First().carpooling_info.nightly_updated)
                                log.Error("Ride should be expired but it is present el.date:" + el.date + " nightly_timestampVersion:" + Program.DynamicData.sites.First().carpooling_info.nightly_updated);

                            //!!!DEBUG EDIMBURGO!!!
                            //if ((String.Compare(el._id, "5976e793e04bd56a9a84ffa8") == 0) ||
                            //    (String.Compare(el._id, "1dfd2cd0faebcf1b768a77bd") == 0) )

                            //!!!DEBUG TICINO!!!
                            //if ((String.Compare(el.name, "Test Milano Lugano 01") == 0) ||
                            //    (String.Compare(el.name, "Test Biella Lugano 01") == 0) ||
                            //    (String.Compare(el.name, "Test Cavaglietto Lugano 01") == 0) ||
                            //    (String.Compare(el.name, "Test Biasca Lugano 01") == 0) ||
                            //    (String.Compare(el.name, "Test Airolo Lugano 01") == 0) ||
                            //    (String.Compare(el.name, "Test Bergamo Lugano 01") == 0) ||
                            //     (String.Compare(el._id, "5d85a82ea07e1160a5669e29") == 0))

                            IEnumerable <Routing.Nodes.Point> Points = GooglePoints.Decode(el.polyline.Replace(@"\\", @"\"));
                            //List<Routing.Nodes.Point> Points = GooglePoints.DecodePolylinePoints(el.polyline.Replace(@"\\", @"\"));
                            //List<Routing.Nodes.Point> Points = GooglePoints.decodePoly(el.polyline);

                            //string test = GooglePoints.DecodeLocations(el.polyline.Replace(@"\\", @"\"));
                            //foreach (Point p in Points)
                            //log.Info(p.Latitude + ", " + p.Longitude);

                            string startDate = Globals.GetDateFromTimestamp(el.date);

                            SourceCPRide provider = SourceCPRide.Unknown;
                            if (el.extras != null)
                                provider = SourceCPRide.External;
                                provider = SourceCPRide.SocialCar;

                            if ((provider == SourceCPRide.SocialCar) ||
                                ((provider == SourceCPRide.External) && (updateExternalRides == true)))
                                Carpooler Pooler = new Carpooler(el._id, el.name, Globals.GetLocalTimeSinceMidnight(el.date), int.MaxValue, el.activated, startDate, provider);

                                /* Add start point to the ride */
                                Pooler.WayPointsOrig.Add(new Point(el.start_point.lat, el.start_point.lon));
                                Pooler.WayPointsUsed.Add(new Point(el.start_point.lat, el.start_point.lon));

                                /* Add all waypoints to the ride (THIS DOES NOT WORK SINCE THE WAYPOINTS DON'T MATCH WITH OUR NETWORK )*/
                                if (use_waypoints == true)
                                    //Pooler.WayPointsTmpList.Add(new Point(el.start_point.lat, el.start_point.lon));
                                    //foreach (Point p in Points)
                                    //    Pooler.WayPointsOrig.Add(p);
                                    //    Pooler.WayPointsUsed.Add(p);

                                /* Add end point to the ride */
                                Pooler.WayPointsUsed.Add(new Point(el.end_point.lat, el.end_point.lon));
                                Pooler.WayPointsOrig.Add(new Point(el.end_point.lat, el.end_point.lon));

                                if (updateExternalRides == false)
                        if (updateExternalRides == false)
                            log.Info("updateExternalRides:" + updateExternalRides + " Ignored:" + numExtRidesIgnored + " external rides");
                    log.Error("An error occured while calling the carpooling data service: StatusCode=" + response.StatusCode);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("An error occured during the carpooling data get: " + ex.ToString());

            if (CarpoolRides != null)
                if (CarpoolRides.Count == 0)
                    log.Warn(CarpoolRides.Count + " carpooling rides received");
                    log.Info(CarpoolRides.Count + " carpooling rides received");
