Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void CollectLines()
            int lid = 0;

            foreach (SubwayLine sl in subwayMap.Lines)
                LineStations.Add(new List <int>());
                LineId[sl.Name] = lid;
                int lastStationId = -1;
                foreach (string stationName in sl.Path)
                    int sid = StationId[stationName];
                    if (!StationLines[sid].Contains(lid))

                    if (lastStationId != -1)
                        RouteSet.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(lastStationId, sid));
                        RouteSet.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(sid, lastStationId));
                    lastStationId = sid;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public List <Tuple <int, double> > GetDualVariables(string folderPath, RouteSet solution)
            /*Solo permite obtener soluciones extremales del dual que son muy malas para la generacion de columnas*/
            ColumnSelectionGAMS gamsProcedure = new ColumnSelectionGAMS(ProblemData);

            return(gamsProcedure.DualSolve(folderPath, GetExtRouteInfo(solution)));
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void InitCollections()
     _unitGroups = new UnitGroupSet(this);
     _packages   = new PackageSet(this);
     _routes     = new RouteSet <Shape>(this);
     _products   = new ProductSet <Shape>(this);
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected RouteSet HeuristicCGSolve <TProcedure, TParameters>(List <RouteSet> pool, Exploration expCondition, double overloadFactor, Random rdObj,
                                                                      List <Func <RouteSet, Exploration, Random, RouteSet> > neighborhoods,
                                                                      List <Func <RouteSet, Random, RouteSet> > shaking,
                                                                      TProcedure procedure, TParameters parameters,
                                                                      string folderPath, int maxIterations,
                                                                      bool includedDualInfo, bool useCompletePool,
                                                                      bool parallelexe) where TProcedure : LocalSearchProcedure <RouteSet, TParameters>
            RouteSet bestSolution = (RouteSet)pool[0].Clone();
            double   bestCost     = GetCost(bestSolution);

            for (int i = 0; i < pool.Count; i++)
                DirectoryInfo iterationDir = Directory.CreateDirectory(folderPath).CreateSubdirectory(string.Format("mcg{0}", i));
                RouteSet      current      = HeuristicCGSolve(pool[i], expCondition, overloadFactor, rdObj, neighborhoods, shaking, procedure, parameters, iterationDir.FullName, maxIterations, includedDualInfo, useCompletePool, parallelexe);
                double        currentCost  = GetCost(current);
                if (currentCost < bestCost)
                    bestCost     = currentCost;
                    bestSolution = (RouteSet)current.Clone();
                    OnIteration(new IterationEventArgs <RouteSet>(bestSolution));
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected RouteSet ParseWeakSolution(StreamReader weakSolution)
            RouteSet weakRS   = RouteSet.BuildEmptyRouteSet(ProblemData.Vehicles);
            Regex    routeExp = new Regex(@"(?<c>C\d+)\S+(?<v>V\d+)\S+(?<a>\d\.d+)");

            while (!weakSolution.EndOfStream)
                string line = weakSolution.ReadLine();
                if (line == "")
                //Match mline = routeExp.Match(line);
                int c_index   = line.IndexOf('C');
                int c_sep     = line.IndexOf(' ', c_index);
                int c         = int.Parse(line.Substring(c_index + 1, c_sep - c_index - 1));
                int v_index   = line.IndexOf('V');
                int v_sep     = line.IndexOf(' ', v_index);
                int v         = int.Parse(line.Substring(v_index + 1, v_sep - v_index - 1));
                int dot_index = line.IndexOf('.');
                int val       = int.Parse(line.Substring(dot_index - 1, 1));
                if (val != 0)
                    weakRS[v - 1].Add(c);
Exemplo n.º 6
         * private void FindWayToRoute()
         * {
         *  if (temp != null)
         *      RouteSetWP.RemoveRoute(temp);
         *  Road from = ExtractRoadFrom(WorldMap.GetTile(Position));
         *  WayPoint fromWP = from.WPContainer.GetClosestWP(Position);
         *  if (Vector3.Dot(Position + transform.right, transform.InverseTransformPoint(fromWP.Position)) < 0)
         *      fromWP = from.WPContainer.GetClosestWPExcept(Position, fromWP);
         *  temp = new RouteWP(RouteCreator.CreatePathToRouteWP(prev, route, route_forward), true);
         *  if (temp == null) { Abort("Path does not exist"); return; }
         *  if (!route.Contains(temp[temp.Count - 1]))
         *  {
         *      Debug.Log("<color=red>WTF temp route does not lead to main route</color>\nTrying to recalculate...");
         *      temp = new RouteWP(RouteCreator.CreatePathToRouteWP(fromWP, route, route_forward), true);
         *      if (!route.Contains(temp[temp.Count - 1]))
         *          Debug.Log("<color=red>RECALCULATION FAILED</color>");
         *  }
         *  RouteSetWP.AddRoute(temp, false);
         *  on_main_route = false;
         *  current_WP = 0;
         *  if (sphereCurr == null)
         *      throw new System.NullReferenceException("sphereCurr");
         *  sphereCurr.SetPosition(fromWP.Position);
         *  temp.HighLight(true, Color.red);
         * }

        private void FindWayToRoute()
            List <WayPoint> newTemp = RouteCreator.CreatePathWP(current, route_forward ? route.endWP : route.startWP, false);

            if (newTemp == null)
                Abort("Path does not exist"); return;

            if (temp != null)

            temp = new Route(newTemp, true);
            RouteSet.AddRoute(temp, false);

            on_main_route = false;
            current_WP    = 0;


            Road curr = ExtractRoadFrom(WorldMap.GetTile(Position));

            tempRoad = GetBack.GetWayToClosest(curr, mainRoad);

            for (int i = 0; i < tempRoad.Count; i++)

            //enabled = false;
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Exports a RouteSet to an frt file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="routeSet">The RouteSet to export.</param>
        /// <param name="hashManager">Hash manager instance.</param>
        /// <param name="exportPath">File path to export to.</param>
        public static void ExportRouteSet(RouteSet routeSet, StrCode32HashManager hashManager, string exportPath)
            Assert.IsNotNull(routeSet, "RouteSet must not be null.");
            Assert.IsNotNull(hashManager, "hashManager must not be null.");
            Assert.IsNotNull(exportPath, "exportPath must not be null.");
            Assert.IsNotNull(routeSet.Routes, "RouteSet.Routes must not be null.");

            var routeCount = routeSet.Routes.Count;

            Assert.IsTrue(routeCount > 0, "Invalid route count. Cannot write a routeset with no routes.");
            Assert.IsTrue(routeCount <= ushort.MaxValue, "Invalid route count. Only up to " + ushort.MaxValue + " routes can be written to file.");

            EventFactory.GetNodeEventTypeHashDelegate hashNodeEventType = (@event) => GetEventTypeHash(@event, hashManager);
            EventFactory.GetEdgeEventTypeHashDelegate hashEdgeEventType = (@event) => GetEventTypeHash(@event, hashManager);
            RouteFactory.GetRouteNameHashDelegate     hashRouteName     = (route) => GetRouteNameHash(route, hashManager);

            var eventDictionary = new Dictionary <RouteEvent, FoxLib.Tpp.RouteSet.RouteEvent>();

            NodeFactory.TryGetEventInstanceDelegate   getEventInstance      = eventDictionary.TryGetValue;
            NodeFactory.RegisterEventInstanceDelegate registerEventInstance = eventDictionary.Add;

            var eventBuilder    = EventFactory.CreateFactory(hashNodeEventType, hashEdgeEventType);
            var nodeBuilder     = NodeFactory.CreateFactory(getEventInstance, registerEventInstance, eventBuilder);
            var routeBuilder    = RouteFactory.CreateFactory(nodeBuilder, hashRouteName);
            var routeSetBuilder = RouteSetFactory.CreateFactory(routeBuilder);

            var outgoingRouteSet = routeSetBuilder(routeSet);

            using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(exportPath, FileMode.Create), FoxLib.Tpp.RouteSet.getEncoding()))
                Action <int> writeEmptyBytes = numberOfBytes => WriteEmptyBytes(writer, numberOfBytes);
                var          writeFunctions  = new FoxLib.Tpp.RouteSet.WriteFunctions(writer.Write, writer.Write, writer.Write, writer.Write, writer.Write, writeEmptyBytes);
                FoxLib.Tpp.RouteSet.Write(writeFunctions, outgoingRouteSet);
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void DrawToolShelf(RouteSet routeset)
            var iconAddRoute = Resources.Load("UI/Route Builder/Buttons/routebuilder_button_route") as Texture;
            var iconExport   = Resources.Load("UI/Route Builder/Buttons/routebuilder_button_export") as Texture;


            // Add route button
            if (FoxKitUiUtils.ToolButton(iconAddRoute, "Add a new route."))

            // Export button
            if (FoxKitUiUtils.ToolButton(iconExport, "Export to .frt file."))
                var exportPath = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel(
                    "Export frt",
                    routeset.name + ".frt",

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(exportPath))
                var hashManager = new StrCode32HashManager();
                RouteSetExporter.ExportRouteSet(routeset, hashManager, exportPath);

Exemplo n.º 9
        void Start()
            GameObjects = this;

        public RouteSet RdVNDBasicPenalization(RouteSet initial, Exploration expCondition, Random rdObj, double overloadFactor,
                                               List <Func <RouteSet, Exploration, Random, RouteSet> > neighborhoods)
            OverloadFactor = overloadFactor;
            RandomVariableNeighborhoodDescentProcedure <RouteSet> vndProcedure = new RandomVariableNeighborhoodDescentProcedure <RouteSet>();

            return(vndProcedure.Solve(initial, neighborhoods, expCondition, GetCost, rdObj));
Exemplo n.º 11
 public ApplicationRouteSetMap CreateInstance(Service service, RouteSet routeSet)
     if (!this.HasData)
     return(new ApplicationRouteSetMap(this.ApplicationRouteSetMapID, new Application(this.ApplicationID), service ?? (this.ServiceID.HasValue ? new Service(this.ServiceID.Value) : null), routeSet ?? new RouteSet(this.RouteSetID), this.Updated, this.Created));
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 ///     Deletes the RouteSet
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="route"> The RouteSet to be deleted</param>
 /// <returns>true, if deletion was sucessfull, false otherwise</returns>
 public static bool DeleteRouteSet(RouteSet routeSet)
     if (routeSet != null)
         return(dataAccess.DeleteItem <RouteSet> (routeSet.Id));
        public RouteSet BasicPenalization(RouteSet initial, Exploration expCondition, Random rdObj, double overloadFactor,
                                          List <Func <RouteSet, Exploration, Random, RouteSet> > neighborhoods,
                                          double saProbability, double saWorst, int saRepetitions, double saFactor, double saCoolingRate, int saCoolerAmount)
            SimulatedAnnealingParameters saParameters = new SimulatedAnnealingParameters(GetCost(initial), saProbability, saWorst, saRepetitions, saFactor, saCoolingRate, saCoolerAmount);

            return(BasicPenalization(initial, expCondition, rdObj, overloadFactor, neighborhoods, saParameters));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public List <Route> Load(ISqlConnectionInfo connection, RouteSet routeSet)
            SqlQueryParameters parameters = new SqlQueryParameters();

            parameters.Where = "[r].RouteSetID=@RouteSetID";
            parameters.Arguments.Add("RouteSetID", routeSet.ID);
            return(this.LoadMany(connection, parameters));
Exemplo n.º 15
 public Route CreateInstance(RouteSet routeSet)
     if (!this.HasData)
     return(new Route(this.RouteID, routeSet ?? new RouteSet(this.RouteSetID), this.Name, this.Action, this.Controller, this.Pattern, this.IsIgnore, this.IsEnabled, this.Index, this.IsSessionRoute, this.Updated, this.Created));
        public RouteSet ParallelExeRdVNDParallelShakingPenalization(RouteSet initial, int reStarts, Exploration expCondition, Random rdObj, double overloadFactor,
                                                                    List <Func <RouteSet, Exploration, Random, RouteSet> > neighborhoods,
                                                                    List <Func <RouteSet, Random, RouteSet> > shaking)
            RandomVariableNeighborhoodDescentProcedure <RouteSet> vndProcedure = new RandomVariableNeighborhoodDescentProcedure <RouteSet>();

            return(ParallelShakingPenalization(initial, reStarts, expCondition, rdObj, overloadFactor,
                                               neighborhoods, shaking, vndProcedure, new NullParameters(), true));
        public RouteSet BasicPenalization(RouteSet initial, Exploration expCondition, Random rdObj, double overloadFactor,
                                          List <Func <RouteSet, Exploration, Random, RouteSet> > neighborhoods,
                                          SimulatedAnnealingParameters saParameters)
            OverloadFactor = overloadFactor;
            SimulatedAnnealingProcedure <RouteSet> saProcedure = new SimulatedAnnealingProcedure <RouteSet>();

            return(saProcedure.Solve(saParameters, initial, neighborhoods, expCondition, GetCost, rdObj));
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a RouteSet.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Parameters of the RouteSet to construct.</param>
        /// <param name="createRoute">Function to create a Route.</param>
        /// <returns>The constructed RouteSet.</returns>
        private static FoxLib.Tpp.RouteSet.RouteSet Create(RouteSet data, CreateRouteDelegate createRoute)
            var routes = from route in data.Routes
                         select createRoute(route);

            var routeset = new FoxLib.Tpp.RouteSet.RouteSet(routes.ToArray());

Exemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes a RouteSet to a .frt file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="routeset">RouteSet to write.</param>
 /// <param name="outputPath">Path of the file to write.</param>
 public static void WriteRouteSet(RouteSet routeset, string outputPath)
     using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(outputPath, FileMode.Create), getEncoding()))
         Action <int> writeEmptyBytes = numberOfBytes => WriteEmptyBytes(writer, numberOfBytes);
         var          writeFunctions  = new WriteFunctions(writer.Write, writer.Write, writer.Write, writer.Write, writer.Write, writeEmptyBytes);
         Write(writeFunctions, routeset);
        public RouteSet ParallelShakingPenalization(RouteSet initial, int reStarts, Exploration expCondition, Random rdObj, double overloadFactor,
                                                    List <Func <RouteSet, Exploration, Random, RouteSet> > neighborhoods,
                                                    List <Func <RouteSet, Random, RouteSet> > shaking,
                                                    SimulatedAnnealingParameters saParameters)
            SimulatedAnnealingProcedure <RouteSet> saProcedure = new SimulatedAnnealingProcedure <RouteSet>();

            return(ParallelShakingPenalization(initial, reStarts, expCondition, rdObj, overloadFactor,
                                               neighborhoods, shaking, saProcedure, saParameters, false));
Exemplo n.º 21
        public RouteSet ParallelExeRdVNDHeuristicCGSolve(RouteSet initial, Exploration expCondition, double overloadFactor, Random rdObj,
                                                         List <Func <RouteSet, Exploration, Random, RouteSet> > neighborhoods,
                                                         List <Func <RouteSet, Random, RouteSet> > shaking,
                                                         string folderPath, int maxIterations,
                                                         bool completePool, bool dualInfo)
            RandomVariableNeighborhoodDescentProcedure <RouteSet> procedure = new RandomVariableNeighborhoodDescentProcedure <RouteSet>();

            return(HeuristicCGSolve(initial, expCondition, overloadFactor, rdObj, neighborhoods, shaking, procedure, new NullParameters(), folderPath, maxIterations, dualInfo, completePool, true));
Exemplo n.º 22
        private List <ExtRouteInfo> GetExtRouteInfo(RouteSet solution)
            List <ExtRouteInfo> info = new List <ExtRouteInfo>();

            foreach (var r in solution)
                info.Add(new ExtRouteInfo(r, GetTravelCost(r)));
Exemplo n.º 23
        private List <Tuple <Route, double> > GetInitialCoveringSelection(RouteSet initial)
            List <Tuple <Route, double> > masterProblem = new List <Tuple <Route, double> >();

            foreach (var r in initial)
                masterProblem.Add(new Tuple <Route, double>(r, 1));
Exemplo n.º 24
        public List <ExtRouteInfo> GetInitialPool(RouteSet initial)
            List <ExtRouteInfo> pool = new List <ExtRouteInfo>();

            foreach (var item in initial)
                pool.Add(new ExtRouteInfo(item, GetCost(item)));
        public RouteSet OrderByLoadDifference(RouteSet solution)
            RouteSet newSolution = (RouteSet)solution.Clone();

            for (int i = 0; i < newSolution.Count; i++)
                newSolution[i] = OrderByLoadDifference(newSolution[i]);
Exemplo n.º 26
        private List <ExtRouteInfo> BuildRestrictedPool <TProcedure, TParameters>(RouteSet initial, Exploration expCondition, Random rdObj,
                                                                                  List <Func <RouteSet, Exploration, Random, RouteSet> > neighborhoods,
                                                                                  List <Func <RouteSet, Random, RouteSet> > shaking,
                                                                                  int iteration, Stopwatch timer,
                                                                                  TProcedure procedure, TParameters parameters,
                                                                                  bool parallelexe) where TProcedure : LocalSearchProcedure <RouteSet, TParameters>
            List <Tuple <RouteSet, double> > shkPool = (parallelexe)?ParallelExeParallelShaking(expCondition, rdObj, neighborhoods, shaking, procedure, parameters, initial, initial, iteration, timer): ParallelShaking(expCondition, rdObj, neighborhoods, shaking, procedure, parameters, initial, initial, iteration, timer);

Exemplo n.º 27
        private IEnumerator ReDrawRoutes()
            while (true)

                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2));
Exemplo n.º 28
        private void btnRouteSet_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            RouteSetModeSelectDialog routeSetModeSelect = new RouteSetModeSelectDialog();
            bool dialogResult = routeSetModeSelect.ShowDialog().GetValueOrDefault(false);

            if (dialogResult)
                RouteSet routeSetPage = new RouteSet(routeSetModeSelect.ClimbModeSelected);
Exemplo n.º 29
        public List <Route> Load(IConnectionInfo connection, RouteSet routeSet)
            ISqlConnectionInfo sqlConnection = connection as ISqlConnectionInfo;

            if (sqlConnection != null)
                return(this.Load(sqlConnection, routeSet));
            using (sqlConnection = new SqlConnectionInfo(connection, this.Type))
                return(this.Load(sqlConnection, routeSet));
Exemplo n.º 30
        public double LowerBound(string folderPath, RouteSet solution, double capacity, int maxESPPRCTime)
            double[] dualVars = GetDualVariables(solution);
            double[,] reducedEdges = GetReducedCostEdges(dualVars);
            List <Route>                  negativeCostRoutes = ElementaryShortestPathResourceConstraints(reducedEdges, capacity, maxESPPRCTime);
            List <Route>                  newFounded         = NewRouteFounded(solution, negativeCostRoutes);
            List <ExtRouteInfo>           currentPool        = BuildCoveringPool(solution, newFounded);
            List <Tuple <Route, double> > coveringSelection  = SolveRestrictedMasterProblem(folderPath, "coveringPool", currentPool);

            return(coveringSelection.Sum(r => GetCost(r.Item1) * r.Item2));