public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) {

            // Redirect From Old Route to New route
            var targetRoute = routes.Map("target", "yo/{id}/{action}", new { controller = "Home" });
            routes.Redirect(r => r.MapRoute("legacy", "foo/{id}/baz/{action}")).To(targetRoute, new { id = "123", action = "index" });
            routes.Redirect(r => r.MapRoute("legacy2", "foo/baz")).To(targetRoute, new { id = "123", action = "index" });

            // Map Delegate
            routes.MapDelegate("map-delegate", "this-is-a-test", rc => rc.HttpContext.Response.Write("Yeah, it's a test"));
            routes.MapDelegate("map-delegate-incoming-only", "this-is-a-test", new { whatever = new IncomingOnlyRouteConstraint() }, rc => rc.HttpContext.Response.Write("Yeah, it's a test"));

            // Map HTTP Handlers
            routes.MapHttpHandler<HelloWorldHttpHandler>("hello-world", "handlers/helloworld");
            routes.MapHttpHandler("hello-world2", "handlers/helloworld2", new HelloWorldHttpHandler());

            RouteCollection someRoutes = new RouteCollection();
            someRoutes.MapHttpHandler<HelloWorldHttpHandler>("hello-world3", "handlers/helloworld3");
            someRoutes.MapHttpHandler("hello-world4", "handlers/helloworld4", new HelloWorldHttpHandler());
            var groupRoute = new GroupRoute("~/section", someRoutes);
            routes.Add("group", groupRoute);

            var mvcRoutes = new RouteCollection();
            mvcRoutes.Map("foo1", "foo/{controller}", new { action = "index" });
            mvcRoutes.Map("foo2", "foo2/{controller}", new { action = "index" });
            routes.Add("group2", new GroupRoute("~/group2sec", mvcRoutes));

            var defaultRoute = routes.Map(
                "Default", // Route name
                "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
                new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Register(RouteCollection routes)

            routes.Map<HomeController.HomeUrl>(u => "");
            routes.Map<PharmaceuticalController.PharmaceuticalAddUrl>(u => "pharma/");
        public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) {
            var route = routes.MapRoute("foo-route", "foo/{id}", new { controller = "Test", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional });
            route.DataTokens = new RouteValueDictionary(new { routeName = "foo-route" });
            routes.Map("bar-route", "bar/{id}", new { controller = "Test", action = "Index", id = (string)null });
            routes.Map("token-route", "tokens/{id}", new { dataToken = "BlahBlahBlah" });
            routes.MapRoute("extension", "ext/{id}.mvc", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = (string)null });
            routes.MapRoute("mvc-default", "{controller}/{action}/{id}"
                , new { controller = "Test", action = "Index", id = (string)null });

            routes.MapRoute("namespaces", "whatever{foo}", null, null, new[] { "MvcApplication1.Areas", "MvcApplication1.Areas.Area1" });
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected override void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
            var imgns = new[] { "MvcSolution.Web.Controllers.*" };
            routes.Map("img/{size}/default-{name}.{format}", "image", "SystemDefault", imgns);
            routes.Map("img/{size}/t{imageType}t{yearMonth}-{id}.{format}", "image", "index", imgns);
            routes.Map("img/{size}/{parameter}", "image", "index", imgns);

            var ns = new[] { "MvcSolution.Web.Public.Controllers.*" };
            var defaults = new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional };

            routes.Map("", defaults, ns);
            routes.Map("{controler}/{action}/{id}", defaults, ns);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

            // Snooze provides some handy features...

            routes.Map<HomeUrl>(h => "");
            routes.Map<BooksUrl>(b => "books");
            routes.Map<BookUrl>(b => "book/" + b.BookId);
            routes.Map<BookCommentsUrl>(c => "comments");
            routes.Map<BookCommentUrl>(c => c.CommentId.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

                       new { controller = "home", action = "index", id = "" });
Exemplo n.º 7
        protected override void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
            var defaults = new { controller = "home", action = "index", id = UrlParameter.Optional };
            var ns = new[] { "MvcSolution.Web.Public.Controllers.*" };

            routes.Map("{controller}/{action}/{id}", defaults, ns);

        public void MapShouldAddAllResourcefulRoutes()
            var routes = new RouteCollection();

            Assert.That("GET /First", Routes.To(new {controller = "First", action = "First"}, routes));
            Assert.That("POST /First", Routes.To(new {controller = "First", action = "MethodNotSupported"}, routes));
            Assert.That("HEAD /First", Routes.To(new {controller = "First", action = "Head"}, routes));
            Assert.That("OPTIONS /First", Routes.To(new {controller = "First", action = "Options"}, routes));
        public void ReturnsMatchingRouteValues()
            var routes = new RouteCollection();
            routes.Map("Patients/{id}", new { controller = "Patients", action = "Show" });

            var tokenizer = new RoutingBasedUrlTokenizer(routes);
            tokenizer.Context = TestFactory.CreateMockContext("~/Patients/123");
            var urlInfo = tokenizer.TokenizeUrl("/Patients/123", new Uri("http://localhost/Patients/123"), true, "/");

            Assert.AreEqual("Patients", urlInfo.Controller);
            Assert.AreEqual("Show", urlInfo.Action);
        public void SimpleRewrite()
            var routes = new RouteCollection();
            routes.Map("Patients", new { controller = "Patients", action = "Index" });

            var tokenizer = new RoutingBasedUrlTokenizer(routes);
            var mockContext = TestFactory.CreateMockContext("~/Patients");
            tokenizer.Context = mockContext;

            tokenizer.TokenizeUrl("/Patients/", new Uri("http://localhost/Patients/"), true, "/");
            mockContext.AssertWasCalled(context => context.RewritePath("Patients/Index"));
Exemplo n.º 11
 public void Register(RouteCollection routes)
     routes.Map<HomeUrl>(h => "");
     routes.Map<BooksUrl>(b => "books");
     routes.Map<BookUrl>(b => "book/" + b.BookId);
     routes.Map<BookCommentsUrl>(c => "comments");
     routes.Map<BookCommentUrl>(c => c.CommentId.ToString());
     routes.Map<PartialItemUrl>(c => "partial/item/" + c.Something);
 public void MapRouteWithHttpVerb()
     var routes = new RouteCollection();
     routes.Map("{controller}/{action}", new { }, new { httpMethod = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET") });
     AssertRoute(routes, "~/Patients/Index", "GET",
         new { controller = "Patients", action = "Index" });
 public void MapRouteWithExtraParameters()
     var routes = new RouteCollection();
     routes.Map("Patients/{mrn}/Labs/{id}", new { controller = "Labs", action = "Show" });
     AssertRoute(routes, "~/Patients/123/Labs/abc", "GET",
         new { controller = "Labs", action = "Show", mrn = "123", id = "abc" });
 public void MapRouteWithImplicitAction()
     var routes = new RouteCollection();
     routes.Map("{controller}", new { action = "Index" });
     AssertRoute(routes, "~/Patients", "GET",
         new { controller = "Patients", action = "Index" });
 public void MapRouteWithExplicitControllerAndAction()
     var routes = new RouteCollection();
     AssertRoute(routes, "~/Patients/Index", "GET",
         new { controller = "Patients", action = "Index" });
Exemplo n.º 16
 public static void Map(this RouteCollection routes, string url)
     routes.Map(url, new { });
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void GetVirtualPathWithApplicationRootReturnsVirtualPath() {
            // Arrange
            var childRoutes = new RouteCollection();
            childRoutes.Map("r1", "no-match", new Mock<IRouteHandler>().Object);
            childRoutes.Map("r2", "uno/{seg}/{seg2}", new Mock<IRouteHandler>().Object);
            var virtualPathResolver = new Mock<IVirtualPathResolver>();
            virtualPathResolver.Setup(r => r.ToAbsolute("~/")).Returns("/");
            var groupRoute = new GroupRoute(childRoutes, virtualPathResolver.Object);
            var httpContext = new Mock<HttpContextBase>();
            httpContext.Setup(c => c.Request.Path).Returns("/qux");
            httpContext.Setup(c => c.Request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath).Returns("~/qux");
            httpContext.Setup(c => c.Request.ApplicationPath).Returns("/Foo/Bar");
            httpContext.Setup(c => c.Response.ApplyAppPathModifier(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns<string>(s => s.Remove(0, "/Foo/Bar".Length));
            var requestContext = new RequestContext(httpContext.Object, new RouteData());

            // Act
            var routeValues = new RouteValueDictionary { { "seg", "dos" }, { "seg2", "three" } }.SetRouteName("r2");
            var virtualPath = groupRoute.GetVirtualPath(requestContext, routeValues);

            // Assert
            PAssert.IsTrue(() => virtualPath != null);
            PAssert.IsTrue(() => virtualPath.VirtualPath == "uno/dos/three");
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void Register(RouteCollection routes)
            routes.Map<HomeUrl>(u => "");
            routes.Map<ContactUrl>(u => "Contact");
            routes.Map<DiaryUrl>(u => "diary");
            routes.Map<TodayUrl>(u => "today");
            routes.Map<ThanksUrl>(u => "thanks");
            routes.Map<AboutUrl>(u => "about");
            routes.Map<BandLookingForAGigUrl>(u => "bandlookingforagig");
            routes.Map<StolenGearListUrl>(u => "stolengear");
            routes.Map<StolenGearUrl>(u => "stolengear/" + u.Id);

            routes.Map<VenuesUrl>(u => "Venues/");
            routes.Map<VenuesMapUrl>(u => "Venues/Map");
            routes.Map<VenueUrl>(u => "Venues/" + u.Venue);
            routes.Map<VenueMapUrl>(u => "Venues/" + u.Venue + "/Map");
            routes.Map<GigUrl>(u => "Venues/" +  u.Venue + "/" +u.Date + "/" + u.Month + "/" + u.Year);
            routes.Map<VenueUrl>(u => "Venues/" + u.Venue.CatchAll());

            routes.Map<BandsUrl>(u => "bands");
            routes.Map<BandUrl>(u => "bands/" + u.BandName);
            routes.Map<ClaimBandUrl>(u => "bands/" + u.BandName + "/claim");
            routes.Map<ClaimThanksUrl>(u => "bands/" + u.BandName + "/thanks");

            routes.Map<YearUrl>(u => u.Year.ToString());
            routes.Map<MonthUrl>(u => u.Month + "/" + u.Year);
            routes.Map<DayUrl>(u => u.Date + "/" + u.Month + "/" + u.Year);
            routes.Map<DayMapUrl>(u => u.Date + "/" + u.Month + "/" + u.Year + "/map");

            // catchalls
            routes.Map<ErrorUrl>(u => u.ContentPath.CatchAll());
Exemplo n.º 19
 public static void Map(this RouteCollection routes, string url, object defaults)
     routes.Map(url, defaults, new { });
Exemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Maps all routes on TController annotated with a ResourceActionAttribute.
 /// OPTIONS and HEAD methods for each URI will be routed to a method on
 /// RestfulController that knows how to respond appropriately.
 /// For each URI provided, unsupported methods will be routed to a RestfulController
 /// method that returns a 405 status code.
 /// </summary>
 public static void Map <TController>(this RouteCollection routes) where TController : Controller
     routes.Map <TController>(new MvcRouteHandler());
 public void MapRouteWithHttpVerbAsString_DoesntMatchWrongVerb()
     var routes = new RouteCollection();
     routes.Map("{controller}/{action}", new { }, "GET");
     Assert.IsNull(GetRoute(routes, "~/Patients/Index", "POST"));
Exemplo n.º 22
 // The Map methods map to the MvcRouteHandler
 public static Route Map(this RouteCollection routes, string name, string url)
     return(routes.Map(name, url, null, null, null));
Exemplo n.º 23
 public static void Map(this RouteCollection routes, string url, object defaults, string httpVerb)
     routes.Map(url, defaults, new { httpMethod = new HttpMethodConstraint(httpVerb) });
Exemplo n.º 24
 public void Register(RouteCollection routes)
     routes.Map<HomeUrl>(u => "");
 public void MapRouteWithExplicitHttpVerb_DoesntMatchWrongVerb()
     var routes = new RouteCollection();
     routes.Map("{controller}/{action}", new { }, new { httpMethod = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET") });
     Assert.IsNull(GetRoute(routes, "~/Patients/Index", "POST"));
 public void MapRouteWithHttpVerbAsString()
     var routes = new RouteCollection();
     routes.Map("{controller}/{action}", new { }, "GET");
     AssertRoute(routes, "~/Patients/Index", "GET",
         new { controller = "Patients", action = "Index" });
Exemplo n.º 27
 public static void Map(this RouteCollection routes, string url, object defaults, object constraints)
     routes.Map(null, url, defaults, constraints);
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void Register(RouteCollection routes)
            routes.Map<HomeUrl>(u => "");
            routes.Map<AddUrl>(u => "Add");

            routes.Map<AddRepeatingGigUrl>(u => "RepeatingGig/Add");
            routes.Map<RepeatingGigUrl>(u => "RepeatingGig/" + u.Id);
            routes.Map<RepeatingGigsUrl>(u => "RepeatingGigs");

            routes.Map<AdminPanelUrl>(u => "adminpanel");
            routes.Map<AddCreatedDatesUrl>(u => "adminpanel/addcreateddates");
            routes.Map<DataCleanseSpacesUrl>(u => "adminpanel/datacleanse/spaces");

            routes.Map<LookupUrl>(u => "Lookup/" + u.Which);
            routes.Map<ExportUrl>(u => "export");
            routes.Map<ListUrl>(u => "list");
            routes.Map<EditUrl>(u => "gig/" + u.RecordId);
            routes.Map<CheckDateUrl>(u => "checkdate");
            routes.Map<VenuesUrl>(u => "venues");
            routes.Map<EditVenueUrl>(u => "venues/" + u.VenueName);
            routes.Map<VenueMainImageUrl>(u => "venues/" + u.VenueName + "/mainimage");
            routes.Map<MetadataUrl>(u => "metadata/" + u.Id);

            routes.Map<BandsUrl>(u => "bands");
            routes.Map<BandUrl>(u => "bands/" + u.BandName);

            routes.Map<StolenGearListUrl>(u => "stolengearlist");
            routes.Map<AddStolenGearUrl>(u => "stolengear");
            routes.Map<StolenGearUrl>(u => "stolengear/" + u.Id);
        public void RewriteWithRoutingParameters()
            var routes = new RouteCollection();
            routes.Map("Patients/{id}", new { controller = "Patients", action = "Show" });

            var tokenizer = new RoutingBasedUrlTokenizer(routes);
            var mockContext = TestFactory.CreateMockContext("~/Patients/123");
            tokenizer.Context = mockContext;

            tokenizer.TokenizeUrl("/Patients/123", new Uri("http://localhost/Patients/123"), true, "/");
            mockContext.AssertWasCalled(context => context.RewritePath("Patients/Show?id=123"));
Exemplo n.º 30
 public static Route Map(this RouteCollection routes, string name, string url, object defaults, object constraints)
     return(routes.Map(name, url, defaults, constraints, null));
        public void RewriteWithRoutingParametersAndQuerystring()
            var routes = new RouteCollection();
            routes.Map("Patients/{id}", new { controller = "Patients", action = "Show" });

            var tokenizer = new RoutingBasedUrlTokenizer(routes);
            var mockContext = TestFactory.CreateMockContext("~/Patients/123");
            tokenizer.Context = mockContext;

            tokenizer.TokenizeUrl("/Patients/123", new Uri("http://localhost/Patients/123?debug=true"), true, "/");
                mockContext.GetArgumentsForCallsMadeOn(context => context.RewritePath(null))[0][0]);