Exemplo n.º 1
 internal static byte[] FinsCmd(RorW rw, PlcMemory mr, MemoryType mt, short ch, short offset, short cnt)
     byte[] buffer = new byte[0x22];
     buffer[0] = 70;
     buffer[1] = 0x49;
     buffer[2] = 0x4e;
     buffer[3] = 0x53;
     buffer[4] = 0;
     buffer[5] = 0;
     if (rw == RorW.Read)
         buffer[6] = 0;
         buffer[7] = 0x1a;
     else if (mt == MemoryType.Word)
         buffer[6] = (byte)(((cnt * 2) + 0x1a) / 0x100);
         buffer[7] = (byte)(((cnt * 2) + 0x1a) % 0x100);
         buffer[6] = 0;
         buffer[7] = 0x1b;
     buffer[8]    = 0;
     buffer[9]    = 0;
     buffer[10]   = 0;
     buffer[11]   = 2;
     buffer[12]   = 0;
     buffer[13]   = 0;
     buffer[14]   = 0;
     buffer[15]   = 0;
     buffer[0x10] = 0x80;
     buffer[0x11] = 0;
     buffer[0x12] = 2;
     buffer[0x13] = 0;
     buffer[20]   = BasicClass.plcNode;
     buffer[0x15] = 0;
     buffer[0x16] = 0;
     buffer[0x17] = BasicClass.pcNode;
     buffer[0x18] = 0;
     buffer[0x19] = 0xff;
     if (rw == RorW.Read)
         buffer[0x1a] = 1;
         buffer[0x1b] = 1;
         buffer[0x1a] = 1;
         buffer[0x1b] = 2;
     buffer[0x1c] = GetMemoryCode(mr, mt);
     buffer[0x1d] = (byte)(ch / 0x100);
     buffer[30]   = (byte)(ch % 0x100);
     buffer[0x1f] = (byte)offset;
     buffer[0x20] = (byte)(cnt / 0x100);
     buffer[0x21] = (byte)(cnt % 0x100);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Fins读写指令生成
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rw">读写类型</param>
        /// <param name="mr">寄存器类型</param>
        /// <param name="mt">地址类型</param>
        /// <param name="ch">起始地址</param>
        /// <param name="offset">位地址:00-15,字地址则为00</param>
        /// <param name="cnt">地址个数,按位读写只能是1</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal byte[] FinsCmdUDP(RorW rw, PlcMemory mr, MemoryType mt, short ch, short offset, short cnt, ref int iLength)
            int index = 0;

            byte[] array = new byte[256];

            //UDP FINS header
            array[index++] = 0x80;          //ICF     - Display frame information
            array[index++] = 0x00;          //RSV    - Reserved by system
            array[index++] = 0x02;          //GCT    - Permissible number of gateways
            array[index++] = 0x00;          //DNA   - Destination network address
            array[index++] = plcNode;       //DA1    - Destination node address (PLC node)
            array[index++] = 0x00;          //DA2    - Destination unit address
            array[index++] = 0x00;          //SNA    - Source network address
            array[index++] = pcNode;        //SA1     - Source node address (PC node)
            array[index++] = 0x00;          //SA2     - Source unit address
            array[index++] = 0x00;          //SID      - Service ID

            //FINS Command (read: 0101 / write: 0102)
            array[index++] = 0x01;                                        //MRC - Main request code
            array[index++] = (rw == RorW.Read) ? (byte)0x01: (byte)0x02;  //SRC  - Sub-request code

            //FINS Parameter/data   Command parameters and send data.The data length depends on the MRC and SRC
            array[index++] = GetMemoryCode(mr, mt);     //I/O Memory area code (DM - 0x82 )
            array[index++] = (byte)(ch / 256);          //Beginning address (High byte)
            array[index++] = (byte)(ch % 256);          //Beginning address (Low byte)
            array[index++] = (byte)offset;              //Bit address (00 - 15 / 00)

            array[index++] = (byte)(cnt / 256);         //NO. of items (High byte)
            array[index++] = (byte)(cnt % 256);         //NO. of items (low byte)

            iLength = index;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Fins读写指令生成
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rw">读写类型</param>
        /// <param name="mr">寄存器类型</param>
        /// <param name="mt">地址类型</param>
        /// <param name="ch">起始地址</param>
        /// <param name="offset">位地址:00-15,字地址则为00</param>
        /// <param name="cnt">地址个数,按位读写只能是1</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static byte[] FinsCmd(RorW rw, PlcMemory mr, MemoryType mt, short ch, short offset, short cnt)
            //byte[] array;
            //if (rw == RorW.Read)
            //    array = new byte[34];
            //    array = new byte[(int)(cnt * 2 + 33 + 1)];//长度是如何确定的在fins协议174页
            byte[] array = new byte[34]; //写指令还有后面的写入数组需要拼接在一起!
            //TCP FINS header
            array[0] = 0x46;             //F
            array[1] = 0x49;             //I
            array[2] = 0x4E;             //N
            array[3] = 0x53;             //S

            array[4] = 0;                //cmd length
            array[5] = 0;
            if (rw == RorW.Read)
                array[6] = 0;
                array[7] = 0x1A;//26
                if (mt == MemoryType.Word)
                    array[6] = (byte)((cnt * 2 + 26) / 256);
                    array[7] = (byte)((cnt * 2 + 26) % 256);
                    array[6] = 0;
                    array[7] = 0x1B;

            array[8]  = 0;//frame command
            array[9]  = 0;
            array[10] = 0;
            array[11] = 0x02;

            array[12] = 0;//err
            array[13] = 0;
            array[14] = 0;
            array[15] = 0;
            //command frame header
            array[16] = 0x80;               //ICF
            array[17] = 0x00;               //RSV
            array[18] = 0x02;               //GCT, less than 8 network layers
            array[19] = 0x00;               //DNA, local network

            array[20] = BasicClass.plcNode; //DA1
            array[21] = 0x00;               //DA2, CPU unit
            array[22] = 0x00;               //SNA, local network
            array[23] = BasicClass.pcNode;  //SA1

            array[24] = 0x00;               //SA2, CPU unit
            array[25] = 0xFF;
            //TODO:array[25] = Convert.ToByte(21);//SID//?????----------------------------------00-FF任意值

            if (rw == RorW.Read)
                array[26] = 0x01;//cmdCode--0101
                array[27] = 0x01;
                array[26] = 0x01;//write---0102
                array[27] = 0x02;
            //array[28] = (byte)mr;
            array[28] = GetMemoryCode(mr, mt);
            array[29] = (byte)(ch / 256);
            array[30] = (byte)(ch % 256);
            array[31] = (byte)offset;

            array[32] = (byte)(cnt / 256);
            array[33] = (byte)(cnt % 256);
