Exemplo n.º 1
    // Spawn function used to spawn rooms if there are open doors available for the room to spawn in
    void Spawn()
        //Checks if the room hasn't been spawned on the spawnpoint already and if the level generation hasn't stopped yet
        if (!spawned && !templates.generationStopped())
            //Opening direction is an int that denotes the position in which the door is in relative to the room (1 = Top, 2 = Bottom, 3 = Right, 4 = Left)
            switch (openingDirection)
            //Generates a random index used to select a random room from the bottom room pool. If a room is not allowed, the random number generator picks another index
            //The bottomRooms array is an array of rooms that have doors on the bottom of the room. Bottom rooms are necessary here because they are spawning on top of the current room
            //Get allowed is a function that determines whether a specific room is allowed to spawn or not
            case 1:
                    rand = Random.Range(0, templates.bottomRooms.Length);
                } while (!templates.bottomRooms[rand].GetComponent <AddRoom>().getAllowed());

                //If statement that checks if an item room has spawned and if the room selected is considered a deadend (Room with only one door. In this case a room with only a bottom door)
                //if (!templates.getItemSpawned() && templates.bottomRooms[rand].GetComponent<AddRoom>().isDeadend)
                //    //Spawns an item room if the above conditions are met
                //    Instantiate(templates.itemRooms[0], transform.position, templates.itemRooms[0].transform.rotation);
                //    templates.setItemSpawned(true);
                //    Debug.Log("Item room spawned new");
                //    //Uses that index generated above to retrieve and spawn in the selected room in the current spawnpoint
                //    Instantiate(templates.bottomRooms[rand], transform.position, templates.bottomRooms[rand].transform.rotation);
                //    //GameObject selectedRoom = templates.bottomRooms[rand];
                //    //Instantiate(pickBottomRoom(selectedRoom), transform.position, pickBottomRoom(selectedRoom).transform.rotation);

                Instantiate(templates.bottomRooms[rand], transform.position, templates.bottomRooms[rand].transform.rotation);


            //Same concept as case one but this time with a bottom door. This means top rooms are being used
            case 2:
                    rand = Random.Range(0, templates.topRooms.Length);
                } while (!templates.topRooms[rand].GetComponent <AddRoom>().getAllowed());

                //if (!templates.getItemSpawned() && templates.topRooms[rand].GetComponent<AddRoom>().isDeadend)
                //    Instantiate(templates.itemRooms[1], transform.position, templates.itemRooms[1].transform.rotation);
                //    templates.setItemSpawned(true);
                //    Debug.Log("Item room spawned new");
                //    Instantiate(templates.topRooms[rand], transform.position, templates.topRooms[rand].transform.rotation);
                //    //GameObject selectedRoom = templates.topRooms[rand];
                //    //Instantiate(pickBottomRoom(selectedRoom), transform.position, pickBottomRoom(selectedRoom).transform.rotation);

                Instantiate(templates.topRooms[rand], transform.position, templates.topRooms[rand].transform.rotation);


            case 3:
                    rand = Random.Range(0, templates.leftRooms.Length);
                } while (!templates.leftRooms[rand].GetComponent <AddRoom>().getAllowed());

                //if (!templates.getItemSpawned() && templates.leftRooms[rand].GetComponent<AddRoom>().isDeadend)
                //    Instantiate(templates.itemRooms[2], transform.position, templates.itemRooms[2].transform.rotation);
                //    templates.setItemSpawned(true);
                //    Debug.Log("Item room spawned new");
                //    Instantiate(templates.leftRooms[rand], transform.position, templates.leftRooms[rand].transform.rotation);
                //    //GameObject selectedRoom = templates.leftRooms[rand];
                //    //Instantiate(pickBottomRoom(selectedRoom), transform.position, pickBottomRoom(selectedRoom).transform.rotation);

                Instantiate(templates.leftRooms[rand], transform.position, templates.leftRooms[rand].transform.rotation);


            case 4:
                    rand = Random.Range(0, templates.rightRooms.Length);
                } while (!templates.rightRooms[rand].GetComponent <AddRoom>().getAllowed());

                //if (!templates.getItemSpawned() && templates.rightRooms[rand].GetComponent<AddRoom>().isDeadend)
                //    Instantiate(templates.itemRooms[3], transform.position, templates.itemRooms[3].transform.rotation);
                //    templates.setItemSpawned(true);
                //    Debug.Log("Item room spawned new");
                //    Instantiate(templates.rightRooms[rand], transform.position, templates.rightRooms[rand].transform.rotation);
                //    //GameObject selectedRoom = templates.rightRooms[rand];
                //    //Instantiate(pickBottomRoom(selectedRoom), transform.position, pickBottomRoom(selectedRoom).transform.rotation);

                Instantiate(templates.rightRooms[rand], transform.position, templates.rightRooms[rand].transform.rotation);

            spawned = true;
        //Starts to plug up openings in the dungeon once generation has stopped
        if (!spawned && templates.getMin())
            switch (openingDirection)
            //This determines where the boss room room is spawned and also spawns an item room if none has spawned yet
            //Boss rooms are special deadends like item rooms and are set to spawn after level generation has stopped so they spawn away from the player
            //Other cases do the same but for different directions
            case 1:
                rand = Random.Range(0, templates.B.Length);
                Instantiate(templates.B[rand], transform.position, templates.B[rand].transform.rotation);
                Debug.Log("Deadend spawned");

            case 2:
                rand = Random.Range(0, templates.T.Length);
                Instantiate(templates.T[rand], transform.position, templates.T[rand].transform.rotation);
                Debug.Log("Deadend spawned");

            case 3:
                rand = Random.Range(0, templates.L.Length);
                Instantiate(templates.L[rand], transform.position, templates.L[rand].transform.rotation);
                Debug.Log("Deadend spawned");

            case 4:
                rand = Random.Range(0, templates.R.Length);
                Instantiate(templates.R[rand], transform.position, templates.R[rand].transform.rotation);
                Debug.Log("Deadend spawned");
        else if (!spawned && templates.generationStopped())
            Instantiate(templates.closedWall, transform.position, templates.closedWall.transform.rotation);